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Show LOCAL ef yam W '" the just re Salt Lack Items. ITEMS. 110 Hah!!!-- A fine Ladies' and Children, and m at M.8CIIRAM'S. Fifth as-nt- br JatsII led d223 v 2s45-- 2 Street. glW.-Wh- we were being favored ile telegram at the Sewing Machines, Pianos and OrW. U. Telegraph for F. D. Rich- gans. And now Mr, H. W. E. Cheales ards. calls attention to the Howe Sewing It has been discovered that our new the Silver Tongued Organ, and Governor is the son of old man Emory. the Emerson Piano, all of which he proA fight occurred yesterday between poses to sell on easy terms and take pay two soldiers and two civilians, on Wash- for in installments. He gives a written ington Square. Result, a head on Mars. guarantee with every piano and organ Rabbit Valley, in Southern Utah, is sold, for five years from date of purchase. going to be settled by white people. Be- The Howe Sewing Machine is too well fore going to (the) Dirty Devil, would known to need more than a passing noit not be well for the Payson Colony to tice, the number of sales in this neighfind out whether the Indians are wilborhood alone being evidence enough of its merits. The Silver Tongued Organ ling? A "Gentile" nominates Mrs. Mary A. is rapidly increasing in favor among our Livermore, of Illinois, for Governor of cititens, and from the character of the Utah, and solicits the support of the firm we are satisfied that the Emerson Herald for the ticket. (Wait till a va- Piano is all that it is claimed to be. A office the other evening, glorious rain Lston had the same article congealed ex- -' distributed in flakes to such an for unsafe as to make sidewalks piestrians. Ma-chin- are indebted to the Cbickets. cancy occurs.) of yesterday, We are indebted to the Salt Lake ening News, Salt Lake, that the crickets have ald for the above items. 'or information We their appearance in Rush Valley, in that locality. tad are destroying crops e acres Ih informant had lost twenty-firthem. was destroyed by of grain which and instruct parties who have purchased the "Howe" before he took the agency, as well as ih6se who may favor him with Frank Lloyd, a boy engaged herding stock near this city, picked up, U. C. track, about two yesterday, en the miles from Ogden, a shackle which bore Found. of haying been sawed off some unfortunate victims leg, and lost. Any euch an ornament person hating lost nd desiring to recover it, can probably does by calling on Sheriff Brown, or h Marshal Fife, but he will have to as Frank and ball own his chain, didn't find them. evidences Saturday! Daily of June 12. Professor Plummer has had to postpone his entertainment twice; first, on account of the Jubilee, and then because of the storm. This evening he intends to try again at the City Hall. He gives a very interesting and pleasing parlor entertainment, and we hope the folks will turn out and fill up the house. Admission fifty cents. . Seteek Accident. John M. Haws, of James E. Haws of this city, a young lad about 12 or 13 years of age, while out herding yesterday in the mountains east of town met with a very severe accident. lie was going after with We learn cows had strayed from who one of the Health. regret Ill will take (Bat Mr. J. F. Brown passage the herd and in hurrying to overtake her he slipped and fell upon a rock ctt the west bound train this evening, San Francisco. hi! destination being breaking his arm. Utah County Times. We have no objection to Mr. Brown tak Larceny. John Davis, who was held iigatrip and enjoying himself, but the in jail in this city on a charge of larregret arises from the fear that ill health aud bound over in $500 bonds beh the cause of his taking his leave, we ceny also indicted heretofore on a differhope only temporarily, of Ogden, where ing ent he has been in the employ of the U. P. charge, has been taken to Salt A Lake City, and there his bonds were R. R. Co., for the past three years. raised to $1,000. Not finding sureties pleasant trip and speedy return. he is now quietly reposing in the penison fur-aig- Fishing. Mr. J. T. Little, and a party of friends came up from Salt Lake City this morning, on a fishing excursion, whether they proceeded up Ogden or Weber river, we are not advised, but wherever they went and whatever they nay "cateh," we hope they may achieve more than the luck usually attending the operations of the average fisherman, so beautifully and graphically expressed bjthe poet (a quotation of which for obrious reasons we refrain from making) hut this party may "know how it is themselvss" before they et back. their patronage. For further particulars see his in the columns of this paper. ad?er-tiseme- nt This Evening. - Salt Lake Items. Two men have been tried lately before Justice Pyper of "jumping" a mining claim, being found guilty. Mr. Flood was fined $75; the other party being Green, was discharged. The convicts in the Penitentiary had a fight the other day. Wm. W. Chadwick has been committed to answer at the bar of the Third District Court on a charge of forgery. Mr. Hans Chlarson alleges that he has been robbed of $900 by two men who called on him a night or two ago to "stand aud deliver." The sum named is so large that we fear the story is rather fishy. The idea of a man these hard times having in his possession nine hundred dollars, and wandeiing around the country loose, of nights, without being heeled," is a little too thin for this lat itude. Won't the victim drop two numer als and call it nine dollars ? The above items are from the News. on a charge needier Trial. The tentiary. committed who also was Robert Davis, for laroeny, has not been able to proNew York. 11. The Brooklvn court room was crowded cure satisfactory vouchers for his apalmost half of those pre-sepearance when wanted, is still confined againbeinV women. Beach said a laree in jail in Ogden. had been expeuded amount of indignation it tor on Moulton Returned. The 3. L. Herald in- conduct in not alleged theaisnonoraoie documents burning forms us that Col. Wickiier, special in this ease after the arbitration, wnicn mail agent has returned from a trip to was alleged to contemplate this action. The defence had cone into side issues to British Columbia. detract attention from the material The same paper furnishes us with crocosition the that the trouble neinta. . r r news that this morning a fire occureed between Beecher and 111 ton formed part opposite Union Square in Salt Lake, by of the Biibiect matter of the Bowen arbi which the barn, corral and fences on the tration was one of the most extraordin ary which had been put forth in the premises of Joseph F. Smith Esq. were case. . There was a business difficulty consumed, the loss sustained by that between Tilton and Bowen; there was a nitgentleman will probably reach $1,500. written submission of the difficulty, the before Bowen and on appeared A correspondent of the Herald gives arbitrators and , a deoision was given an interesting account of the baptism at and the money was paid- Where was Thistle Valley of 52 members of Joe's Beecher if be was involved in tne aroi men and tration? Why did he not appear and b md of Indians twenty-nin- e submit his case? All the testimony was women. twenty-thre- e to the effect that nothin2 was discussed before the arbitrators except a business nt to-da- y, .... -- Dbpaktum. E.' W. Tullidge, Esq., who is about to publish a book entitled, "Sketches of the Life of Brigham Young, Or Utah and Her Founders," has gone to New York for the purpose of bringing out his book. The reading public will look anxiously for the appearance of the work which Mr. T. has prepared, as, from the facilities he possesses to obtain information upon the subjects treated of, and his accomplishments as a writer, they will expect a rare treat by its perusal. Mr. T., we presume, left Ogden this morning; wish him a pleasant trip and a prosperous. we - Travelers in Ogden. Yesterday, N. Y., R. B. Watkins, Va., J Gibson, of New Mexico, and others, registered at Beardsley's. At the Union, (Erb's) Hotel, we notice on the list of arrivals Judge E. H. Allen, of the Sandwich Islands, Mr. A. D. Smith and family, N. Y.; Capt. Reeves and wife, H. B. Claflin, difficulty with Uowen. These arbitra- tors were members of Plymouth Church, friends of Beecher, and it was a likely suirireRtion as to the burning of the Doners that it mav have been made by them,. after the award The whole plea had been rotten ud to slander and throw discredit upon a roan who was of Beecher's letters repository and a friend whom Beecher regarded a raised up for mm by tne special provi Australia; G. W.- Tyler and wife, Ober-liOhio, and Eugene A. Weiler, of denr.e ot God. Not Extinct After readinr the testimony of Tilton We acknowledge with Queen's Circus. in pleasure a call at the Junction sanctum regard to his wife's confession, Beach At the Utah Hotel E, P. Johnson, Esq., said it was easy to see how her secret thJl corning, by Mr. John P. Smith, Corinne; A. W. Shaw,Limerick, Ireland; rankled in her breast and how all the Sen., of Salt Lake City, who is making a A. D, Lt. John Mildmay, Eng ; Robert power of her aroused conscience forced hort Bty in Ogden visiting his ion, Mr. Johnson, Cardiff; J. C. Davis, N. Y.; Sig. her to make a confession of her guilt. said the laDgnage used by Tilton . A. Smith, the efficient foreman of the J. Hazazer, Montreal, and others are Beach the in repeated substance of his wife's Jcsction printing establishment, and his confession was his own lansuase. and taking comfort. 0ther ,0" Mr. John made to give P. Smith, Jun., also General P. E. Conner caoie up from that no . attempt bad been a J mi n worus. s exact Tilton Mrs. employee of the Junction. muuisposea Salt Lake this morning. so which ef ihe verbal criticisms upon, Mr. Smith, though somewhat advanced Sidney Darke, of tne Herald counting much stress has been laid by Evarts. life, seems to be in the Just before- recess, while Beach was enjoyment of room, shed the light of hi3 cuunlenance pod health, indeed, we have heard the on the denizens of Ogden this moraing, speaking, he saw an expression of inintimation that upon the foreman, strangers were some-tle- s at eight. We hope friend Dunbar will credulity resting him steadily in the Looking iu doubt as to which was father be able to "rake in" all the greenbacks Carpenter. face, Beach said, "I am entitled to your M which was son (the elder John P. or offering at the counter during Sidney's reanectful consideration, sir: I am pre ' A) ctainly if Biz8 be the criterion, absence. senting to you sworn evidence, in this evidence mat nas not Deen contraflatter would take the belt. We learn from our healthy looking case, dicted. You may smile, but you are here Our friend Smith has recently return, friend E. P. Johns jn, Esq., who. is on a under oath to solemnly weigh the sworn W from before you, and I Southern Utah, having spent business trip in Ogden, that the question evidence presented la8t to a have expect your courteous winter Johnson?" right in St. is J Bishop George. He speaks of the hour, "Who thirteen days of speech-makin- g after attention, of worably the southern country and remains unanswered. As, however, the on the other side." Thia alprospects of the people there. vacant Bi&hoprio that we know ef lusion of Beach's created a decided senonly We welcome Mr. Smith to Ogden and at present is at the enterprising "Lurg sation in the court room. After recess Beach continued his arP. wiu enJy the visit, and con- - on the Hear," we presume the oonteBt , said Evarts criticized the relagument; Mm n tU fot that H th Haa tiPtwMit oar vount friend "88" of tion given by Tilton of his wife' a confesshouH becMn of its particularity fanil xtiac. the the MaiL, and Judjra E. P. We think sion, on the ground too wUl not be it km Ma, precise aud for lecauae and the. latter will win - n, At Slaterville, June 5th, 1875, Thomas ames, son ef Peter and Eliza Bowcut, ged 9 months and S days, late of Bir ' mingham Conference, England. Salt Lake papers and Mill. Star please? copy. .,;.. tice! Counsel then went on to remark upon of Beecher, Evarts' making a demi-Go- d whereas not a word was said by counse in denial of the charge of improper ad vances, and Tracy, in his opening, ad mitted the Question Jto be whether the charire and offence was improper ad vances. Porter here interrupted and Baid he could not permit the counsel to state what they Baid falsehood and lions?" Beach replied lhat his learned friend out their friendship to a tension when he accused him of falsehood. Porter stated that he was astounded that Beach should say they admitted the guilt of improper solicitations. Judge Neilson stated that he understood Beach to "say that the charge of improper advances had not been denied. Beaoh angrily repelled the' accusation that he had stated a falsehood, and said he would not take such an insult from any man.,, :, Counsel continued and dilated on the habits of Beecher, and said that be stated that his Saturdays were holidays with him, and now they, were the days lie when the troubles came to hia. found time on Saturday to pay visits to Mrs. Tilton and put her baby to sleep, and engage himself for future duties in that connection. , As he said once, "if the baby was uneasy and would not sleep, send fer uie." He also found time to take Mrs. Tilton fer a drive. Counsel referred to Tilton' s alleged cruelty to his wife, and said there was only one witness, Bessie . Turner, who testified to this brntal conduct on his part. Joseph Richards, Kate Carey, Mrs. McDonald and others, aye, even Beecher, maintained that this was a happy household; yet Bessie Turner's testi mony was taken against these witnesses and the jury were asked to believe it Counsel knew they all bad prejudices against Tilton, who would crawl at so demanded justice at person's feet,-batwould get it someand he their hands, where or somehow. He will get justice, If not here, in the futue, and Beecher would meet with a fitting reward. ' Court adjourned till Monday moraing. . , ? VALUABLE MEDICINE. A FROM NEW AND RARE MEDICINAL PLANT31 ; RKtJKNTLY DISCOVERED IN TUB ROCKY MOUNTAINS. Furely Vegetable ! Fifteen Tsarm of nftrixxit boUtilcal restart V among thoo mountaini and valloyi ' hv rtU."wl' Id tU discovery, Dot only of nianr nw Ysrietiea of plants, but of new gpnclet; aunt f which !) woudsrfully medicinal aud eurti properti,. By continual experiment their virtue have bend tltui from extiacls of tbeM come known newiy discovered pUuU are these pill compounded. Ii properly used, they" will cure very manv diseases, pains and aches, and are mora especially; valuable ia DYSPEPSIA, LI V ICR COMPLAINT, all cam of 1NDIOKSTIOM, J ATX DICK, au FEVERS, COLDS, URINARY and KIDNEY COKTIVENKSS.' DISEASES, RHEUMATISM, HEARTBURN, DIARRIKE, MUMPS, MEASLES, tor Partfying the blood, and for many other diseases, and all cases of ISlLLlOUSNESd aad ; Disordered stomach, On orders accompanied by the cath or postal box order, I will aeud safuty by mail postpaid, Pills fur 2i cents. 1 box boxes Ji&t, 1 vross boxes . . JOHXKON. J. $24.00. Ht. tieorga, day, at borne. Address Q. Stixson $5sMe,$20 per VWh, Terms Fro Port A Co., land, PRODUCE ' IMy STORK O. W. TUUflEK. i his old stand on FIFTH STREET. for tae purchase aad sale or Uas ...... , ALL KINDS OP PRODUCE, Garden and Grass Seeds, Al'this BOOS STORE adjoining be keeps an the Periodioals and Newxpapers of, the day, also a full stock of Stationery, Wall Paper, Piotuies, Frames, etc. 1 0. -- 28-Ci TURNER. W. G. CHILD & CO.,', Ogdeiii Utah. ' to1 AoruTt 1 mis-stat- e "When." said Judge Porter, "have w admitted the guilt of improper solicita . Rocky Mountain Pills. , Mr. Cheales proposes to put in order Her- Bade From e, mal.. It was said te be unnatural that Mrs. Tiltcn, speaking of Beecher, should specify he was her pastor. Well, Jacob speaking of Laban to Rachel, specified not only she was his daughter, but his youngest daughter. There was a significance in the allusion to Beecher as her pastor; it was this relation which he bore to Mrs. Tilton that gave influence to his It was said the confession persuasion. f Mrs Tilton was no evidence against this defendant; that was granted, as the court had ruled it out; but when the confession was detailed to the accused, who cowered before it and exclaimed it would kill him, it became signficant evu deuce of his guilt. Defence claimed this was a forced confession; there was the weakness of their position; they mistook the paper obtained from Mrs. Tilton on the 29th of Deoember for her confession, but the confession whose repetition staggered Beecher on the night of the 80th was the revelation which was made by Mrs. Tilton to her husband in July, 1870. Speaking of the failure of his faculty of memory, Beach said he believed there was more .involuntary perjury committed in courts of justice than the human mind could conceive. If he (Beach) had confessed to one of the jury that be had committed murder, the fact or tne confession weuld never fade from his mind; so Beecher's confession of guilt, his expression of remorse and despair, fixed their character indelibly in the minds of Tilton, Moulton and Mrs. Moulton, although the minute de- tails might not be accurately retained in their memories. Evarts had alluded to Beecher's noble efforts in England during our civil war, and had asked the jury, "But after this, are you, gentlemen, going to convict Beecher, who had done this great work for his country ?" And this was an ar gument, said Beach, an advocate ad. vanced to an American jury, sitting in a court of justice, to convince them of Beecher's innocence. "You must not convict him; England will laugh at you; you must not tell England he seduced a woman, or her aristocraoy would meet you with contumely." My learned friend has had too much to do with England and her aristocracy. If this was the war a iurv were to be controlled, then God help American institutions and jus '"' - Ames Portable and Stationary Engines,! Empire. Saw Mills, single or double, with Parkhurst's Patent Head Block; Erarts' and Lowe's Shingle Machines, with either Power or. Hand Feed; Shingle Jointers Edgers, Circu lar Saws, and all Saur Mill supplied, , , ' , ( ' ! Drag-Saw- s, i . CORN AND COli CRUSHERS, ; Sugar Cane Mills, - Cc.' Also, the St. Louis Invincible Vibrator 1 Threshing Machines,"' wth Carey Power, either mounted or down, which is fast superseding the old style. Grain lieU Machines. ..! . We tespMtfnlly solicit orders for the above, named Machines, eadJwIU guarantee U sell oa BETTER TERMS THAW EVER BEFORE Of- -' IKRSD to. the People of Vtah. Descriptive teut on application. All Inquiries for ther Information will be promptly answered; ' "Ogden, May let, 1875." Cir--cul-ars fur- dl93e35tfr Tho Utaji Northern LUMBER - Logan, Ofllc . Go. Cueh c" v County ; i' " : 7 I Bavin three Steam Saw Mills bsUea lever Water iewec wUls, we are prepared to fui uUa. i . . . - - K Only female epiders can spia webs. They own all the real estate, and the males have to live a vagabond life, under stones and in other obscure places, and if they aro troublesome about the house, there mercilessly killed and eaten. The skia of the spider is tough and unyielding, and is shed like the shells of lobsters and crabs, to accommodate the animal's growth. If you poke over the rubbish in a female spiders's back yard, among her cast off' corsets you will find the jackets of the males who have paid for their sociality with their lives trophies of her barbarismas truly as scalps show the 6v-0g- 6 nature of the w an. ' : ' f C i i. . la any quantity at rates mUcK.' SEFY COMPETITION. - . will receive Immediate attention., LVMBEH Bbippwl to J .....!' ' ., ' BY JIA1X ORDER ; ,i ' tJ point on tne Itaiirotdi,' v 'nit I! u-S- - ' u,;t ;VJ tO..HAWM0HD t "4 |