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Show of an inierven ion of foreign powers is camps through which they double- at Athena. quicked in pursuit bore unmistaRafie At the Ascot meeting to day, the evidences of having been precipitate plate was won ty "Donciwier;" AMERICAN. breakfjsts, third. ly abandoned. Nw York, 11. "rcamp" second, "Fru Damoitr," Rome. II. wjiokio" and unUiuched, ou spacious Tbt txeoutive officers of the Pennsjl A royal decree has be?n issued pro linen spreads, were hurriedly aban. Ion between vthia aaJ ttaliitnore and O iio rtilro't'l niu'gitiog a con ml Italy doned, and foiue i.fiicers' eots were and Swiiscrlaa I vvliiou s'ablislies ibe Mill New in been in hare version warm where the game had lately oompaniet of boundry between the two coumries in l iin. There can be uo sort ot Yoik to dij disO'JSuiriif lb point ques I r difference lueir companies. rccordtuctfMr.with the Hwnr-- of the methe of author the tiou but the of that minister bitra'or. Marih, ' Tie meeting his been moot kartuuiii-tus- , United S'tii'S. moirs was eauaht napnine, and if he au a baais tor rmuni of there In the chamhpr Jrputie iid nut kiuwelf, nut a few ot his offi tlie between compare wilt over the be fcuhmiitC'l to tlteir respective bo.ir.J luvt' been violent cers lost their breakfasts on that me government pub io unfiy bil , which f director wiihin the l leu aja morable Sunday Horning of April, t The $;O.OUO,000 or&l"Jbonl died amend ih linw for ni other iliir d r in .Si'iy IStflJ. Nashville Ji inner. in for the finking In ml I. II due o dy, elKHwlit re. The bill in a proved iil nd Jtjrrentj ttt ((old on IfiM aeMiUt o ni it wi The be left. by s.t'ing w LUa -200 re 000 $2 during tne iiiutmiig, DUenvvrj nco on ii of ibe dieordi-cUed for to worri) 8peote piigneineii! Kr;ipliy. It i tuouglii ship which MCcomptHifd lite $2 -- 00.OU0 12. Heilin. menu muj r.acii $3,OOK,OOJ A writer says : "After the first tri- The Nm tli 0 rmnn G izctit oi to day. 11. Chicago. Siuiu-flelorinance of M 'Ztrt'i iiuiphaiit The Tribune! TaabiititH epetriul no ievs 'he urriv ot'iht L'nitei VVoidt-ti-. and Admiral 'Don of Ke.r Juan' at Munich, the ay opera of thai kt'ier the iMuhoii of tfioui ' l to i lie t reach a tlif lniial xpicie theatre was deferred by all except Indiana left Wasiting'uii. it wnh Ititiud i i n It, extends on it vitit Hie man. tunl n uneipendeU balance for ludi in ciiy to ii gin oenneioiuer nau Alois h him. and t m welcome to nlfiira was anil at ihf coiimntrnl ut tu( Marin d Alter hmking till much to dn. high y serving the honor f an inii (!oiiniiWioner, aa 1 be yeatenlif tho arniicd lo fee I hat no parks iiiiiiuii. The (Jltiimii limit stage WE HAVE ADDED A fiiudy Agrtil Denude, at Omaha, to 0? I he re lit the war of met ubuut Aiiiencati had ignitrd mill theatre, l.veiy e miiI id bones, i puroha i ilii- - m iuUi or ti e H be. and a at tired to his room lostaup the theatre amounting to four th nil exc'i)ie of tiiltii nit, accomp'inifd it tiikets for the eo that the entire loluwing day. As he tuijr t is exprcied at The return to thrir people wiib nt least n u to (Wiickcln.il he had three thing entered the rom evidence of the intention of the Uureru-mea- t Kiel eoou and lle udiniralny ihrt nre in his hands a poii.hed whctkne prep ling lor a fi'ling reception and fen to ileal fairlj with I hem. ot honor he had purchased, the which livine in Ameiic.tns. fur razors, Norfolk, Va , ll. Las left Carl for Scburi southern Ur a ticket stamp mi listened with printCaptain Bron arnvrd here to Uy in er's ink,nnd a cheek on th theatre charge of the iron eaf of the Uniel ninny St. Johns. N. F. 12. rJia'es man of ar CuuiberUtnJ, which lie The fol'oingNre th iinmo of the treasury, for a . weeks sa ary. . was run into and a ma in IUmpt n Knl wnen the on check who arrived here to d iy be placud the table, by tin Cotedri4i4 ram Virginia in letiJ. ppiuun to the wricked wind it I'aik a of Yikabutg: longing ni;h up in gust Divers had been at work on iht wreck sirept ! Win. Grecnwo.id, Jo. er, Calbigiian, his room M a moment, and (hen deton ) ears, having in view the rccuv ry of JoiifM s. and Jmms I'oraH, J. tn. Ky the sale. The luckjr until had only been it in a basin tilled with water. u rim. John posited Waller. Seiuneo Jnbn at the wreck l hours, when he tot.k the wet paper, dtled found the a ile. The water m that place Retiiiood and Martin L'p. tirtuifn) well as he CoUid, and thvii, to Sohu Vergelly, Urun McShaues and it as is 78 feet Cnrbt-ltRichard make sure of it, weighed it dotrn passengers Sun Frnnoicco, 11. A war s'enmer bus lift here in fetich with this The Republican Suie Convention :u?t whetstone, on which he haal at Sacrainuuio jretMrr.Ujr aitrnooii, oflhu nnS'iiig Vtckiiliitri; boaiM. The carelessly before put the printing The converrion mute's boat wa uj art utd lost an hour Sirgeni presided. stamp." lletuming the following after leaving the chip auii railroad adopted strong resolution, he wus surprised to see the letters ot Panama, 4 in a which were vupportt-- hj Ouru-ni- i For which wc have the Tin of the rc the following particulars fctiinp printed accurately on tSe vigorous apeecn, deiiouncing the LVn- Cent terrible have r etr hquuke ben iVorth of Salt Lake (Jitv. d long at the daiiiu paper, ile tral l'acifto. i'ucheco was iviiliJr4M a need by Iet'er from Satmer, (Uted Ma v a candidate for Governor, and T U flislied xudden thought I'll i Yertterday it neveie arihtuake cheek; 9 Phelpi was nominated by aoclamitiioii. his wondered if by he bruin; Hi is fitt and through ill s ci'y region In Jos ph M. Dais was nomnmied for vi,trj he could uot save such means some a of the church Ic.l. eeveral imr Lieu enant Governor, and ). II llalleit, were dectroyed and some people killed. himself the weary trouble he e 'titin- f ir Secretary of Slate; Controller, J. .1. The city i f t'ircui'a is entirely destroyed, ually had copying tho songs of the fc K. Tren tfranl. Surveyor, Gardner; a few Umilies being eaved. The surer, Won That very morning he went chorus Attorney General, on'y AUmenia. a Geiman drugstore, bonca E. D 8wjfer; Clerk of the Supreme was set on fire by a ball of fire which and purchased a Urge stone aud cotu- lend-eCo irt, (Jranl J. Suprn. Tggr'; of I'ublio instruction, Eira C. Chit was thrown out of a volcano, which is meueed to make experiments, aud The convention is considered as a stupid constantly belching ui lava. Thi vol- anally succeeded iu discovering the cano baa opened itself in front of Snuii irt ot printing front stcne litho jieoe of trick r which Jecvives no one. ago. Iledgo. Cat edel Al'o do Lu GiM Tbt Republican panj of California and graphy. Our Customers are fiadinpj oat that we sell as Cheap and erea mm It 8tat Convention aatemb'.ed, makt-- cha. Leu Rorhgcna. were destroyed, In Griimila'e SatHiiigoin larger part. '.hati Salt Lake, because freight to the Citv is saved ia th cott follow the ing addnionul declaration of here was Sunday was a delicious day. It Cheaper desti net ton. Ailsohd t. r ... .. great principles: was nature's grand oveiture. The State platform of Cueutilla aud Sin Criiobul are ne-- lv sunshiuo was Reaffirming th The populmion of these balmy and brilliant, 1971. and the National platform of 187.'. destroyed. follow-- : Sun towns a enlimaiel n angel's was as air the Carp gentle as The resolutions sxprees uudimmiehed tano. 4,000; Gram'ate. 2.0;K: Santiigo. eonfi lence in Q ant; eu dorse bis xdinia touch, and the birds melody thrilled O istr tion, oonsider the third lei in set- a.tMM); Artsohda, 5 K). Cucu ilia. COO earth aud' Heaven. Man walked Sun CrtetobHl. Iti.OOU Suctions nf tled; declare that the erst of the SlUe in referred embraces Ihe re forth into the country, breathiug to, and couuty governments cm and ought conotry bis delicious tho I around about where Columbia t fra:raiicv, bathing to be rcduoed one half; commit the party giona Venexeula join the Columbia portion soul in tho blessed sunshine, and a State of U system irrigation, etc. iu the yladmusic of the iirds. Ae have not space for tbt resolu- emliraotiig Santauder. It it in some re epe Is the iosi piodoclie at t of tbi tions The next morning he was" yelling tit fimed all the Kepiiblio, and its collee here iu thunworld over. San Jose de Neiacuta, at the top ol his voice, is der thick that ar ihe lime of the iliHter, bad a populit undershirt, FOREIGN. lion eitima-eat 18,000 It has a laree Marb? Cltarkstou (Lis.) I'lain-deulecomiHOicttt buiiiH'ss. and wis a grrnt Montreal, 11. The steamship Vickatarir wan an iron depot lor coBee ami cocoa for ehiuient iferouiih the Yruetuelaa pons or v?tel, and considered the beel hhip of eiiher down the Magdaletia lo Panama The the Dominion lino. She was about A. W. BROWN & Cc. ehock wai felt strongly in lt.n;ota, and 2.500 Tons. Her value is stated at $423 A gentleman who W)0. fullr injured In Torranna ailjotniug sei ttoMS. was ike time m at F..catati, Bays li e k Co , agents of the Dominion line, eay STREET, OGDEN. the Viokshurg bad only fifteen steerage movement ruled lor ihiee fourths of a Leal.ra la minute. passengers on beard. kcc Ottawa. Ont . 11. A passenger on the Dominion steamer BY TELEGRAPH. biwu In addition to our Immense Stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Crockeryware, Ladies' Fancy Dross Goods, Notions, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Etc., Etc., m-i- eMppr-'M-io- ri fbii-aiid'c- e of The I diM-ut-io- 1 y-- et ... sii FIXE ASSOTMEXT iMi-ment- s !r fl.-e- Jul-lar- a, E. H. DAVIS & CO'G Qi-e- ALUMINOUS AND ORNAMENATL w w fortr-eigb- uilding. Paper eutu-felde- r di-e- , 01 CLOTH AND CARPETING, dy Agency iii tliis rritory gz part of the Te- The Successive have met with already hi sellhiy this Paper, is a Guarantee of us oeuuj aypreciatca. Uoiir-e.- nt s . ... WALKER BROTHERS. ng Spring Conference, 1875. TAlflaOR CUTLER, SALT LAKE CIT1T, r. Have received the most complete assortment of bprlng Goods ever brouglit into the Territoty, and will open them for inspection aud sale during April Conference. Country Trailers Should them without Fall. FIFTH yueoee, woo arrived at I Ms ci'y yester r. reports that ike vessel enoko to Hi V eksburg just as the 'alter was about the ieo, and the captain or encountering . ... a t warne ja.. tne yoeoeo ins oaptain of the ill. fated vessel not to risk the nawape. it was enly with ditficulty that the Qoebee was enact eu to get through. rfv . Havana. 11. News hat been received here bv way of 8t. Thomas, ef a terrible ear.haueke in New Grenada. The destrue ion was the greatest iu the Valley of Cucuta, in the Veniuclan frontier. It is reported nat 16.000 lives were destroyed by the saiaojity. Taris 11. Sherman BOOK & SHEET Surprise at i iil "J S Shiloii. C The ij:nificant silence of fieneral AND Sheruiatt'jt memoirs om tlie subject of . . tttfir authors surprise nt the hattl Musical Merchandise, ol'Shil )h, or rittsbunr Lmdiu?. i attracting the attention ot't!:e critics Keep coastantl on hand a full assortof Lis work. ; Tne MeiupSi Ava ment of lattcSe, whoftd editor Was an rvn wit D. JSasscs. v ec.s to the occurrence, reminds the Pianoi, Violoncellos. Southern survivors ef that famous Qryau, Accvr aeons, Violas, battle hew port ion of Gen. Albert VioHns, Johnsuu's aJvanco hlent nn Fljes, SiJncy their arms Sttturiiiy niJit almost, l'Ucolos, JSaujos, Uuitars witurn earaliot ut the ieHeral lmcx, Flutes, a a o Workinjrmen's societies of the ciiv kave opeued a national subcriitian lo and early ou Sunday morning were provide for sending a delegation to the charging n their teuta, rousiug from ruiia4e:pDi& exntoition. their alumbera tho officers and mcs, nerlin. 11. In the federal council yesterday the uoue of whom aeemed to bo awar president or the imperial chancellery that an enemy was within half a dog submitted several votes of supnl to rare! en utiles. No pickets were out; no the etpenss of a proper representation seemed to have been preparation or Merman at the Untied States centen made for meeting an onset, tt'il exhibition. though An order has been issued from the ira thert; is oflicial evideuee that as late perial chancellor prohibiting Ihorircu as Friday Gen. Sherman was aware lationof the Catholio Caietta. of Rlm of the presence of a large Confederate two years, within the boundaries of force between .s Corinth and Tcnnessie e empire. river." To which statements there 11. London, The Dally News reports a crisis as im- are no lack of carrsborativo witnesses minent at Athens which ntnv result in in Middle Tennessee. The the abdication of ihe king Fivw Tur urmors of the battle from klsh men Lave been ordered to the regiments (rom this division of cruise in Greek waters. The Russian m.riiit-- r basadviicd the king not to the State well remember that in the abdioate without securing the rights of charge which swept tlu Federal U heir to thothionc Ths dowu to the wator'a pasiifcility tho fr AND REPAIRS ef all KINDS BLANK PAPER, itl.AXIi HOOKS. JUAAD HOOKS, de, Wtthoa txption th. tet STOCK , OF STRINGS PRICES VTH, and ar In continual rcc.ipt of th. (rr Utfnt pulil!.atlniM9 Shrot lt'kN.wandYork Mn-i- c. fries. Slaihd pott paid on receipt t ( aA. Agent for th Celebrated ef-w- tsol-dic- cdg!, t VSCTOR" TO CO-OPEKATI- STOKES. VE ALLEN'S. JASSESS AIsIaEM ARK IX BAILT RECEIW ! 0? -- S Co., A Full Line of Fall. Dry Goods OLD WALKER all Kradm, at th LOWEST SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS ! BUILDING Main Street, Ocrrton. Jttstrwc.lfed.aSPLK.SBID STOCK Of . . Eastern and Western Boots and Shoes They iatite inspection of their stock of Goods, Gioc2?ies, dSCi ALL NEW, AND AT LOW FIGURES. Wheat, 0at4, Barky and Potatoes taken in exchange. ra JAMES ALLEN & Co. |