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Show 4 IB. B.w me Got Bld P office-holder- of Rings. have heard Oar readers doubtless of the Japanese custom or l. J wiled aad wfcicli Jarprd, Bat perhaps ri kari. they do no. f how often it is performed by poverunieut who JSceri of others or faults to the 'f f il owm' own" the perfuimance i oi their when thgir allotted duty. visited Japan wilfr CununodTC IVrry that beuigi.tec. the design of opening influences of our the benign to rri,.n lW tiviliiition and trade, certain envoy march ca.n on from Hie Japanese ui with instrttcu.wa that j, urd his ship the vesse', o approaching the im- bcyoud a The Comuiodoc did much regard not incline to piy ihi'fe instructions, and as the point stiii came in View the three iu not p sh.-ut- perial city ertain plnnt. s perceived envoys lii i "of was no speed iu I ct their swords, and walked baek again to the circle of American t facers. Tbe origin cf this custom of hari-kar- i supposed to be as follows: Thtre was a time, 'nany years agi, iu the history iifJdp.ni, when the government otScers of all kinds were about as corrupt and neglectful of their duty as the tffieers of this is country are now. Cheating, bribery nJ corruption were the order of thoj ro tJfLeer did his duty, aud day hen found fault with he invariably laid the blame upon somebody else. The Emperor was in At uespiir last lie fiiugled out a man universally respected for his hiU sense of honor md chosa him for the chief, ruler of jrine'iptl provii.ee. wis lluri Kari. name This man's He was an tile as well r.s a good man, and he did the best he could, but he found his effurls vain ta stem the tide of and He was corruption peculation. evco charged himself with peculation b; thuso whose thievery he was trying to put an end to. At length he ought an interview with the nion-rch- , and yielded up liU office in de jpair, aud, stung to the quick by the accusations uiaae agaiuat his probity, pierced himself to the heart tu his own sword! The corrupt Japanese rug was ns much delighted ho the failure of Hari Kari as the monarch was depressed. But their Jy wag of hort duration. A sudden idea struck the Emperor. He selected .e 101,81 prominent members of the and put each of theui at the head of an 0 important province, inIO'amK them that if the least thing wrong in any department he "tould not trouble himself as to which the under officers was to blame, f Wiu'd expect the chief man to i te the example of Hari Kari. It uoi three weeks before one chief was compelled to commit Jjwria this maumr; and in the course 5?6 ye,ar ni,1 0,hers iiowod uit KmPrer smiled L fchghtcd I Three yctis had - Passed before S"'. twenty-fiv- e of the rmg rascals in all Japan U ond the rage for ,.f lhe . '"holding was curiously lessened. yppHBtn,ent to office began to be til tu; J'J U i Ie Mr. Coolcy's oy last? n.f'Pcs -- niiike-believ- e mean' Boy I trust. 'hy there isu'ta beat : What on earth do you Why. ma, she held on for sbout ten years, and Emma, pa's second, she sto d it for three years. L reckon you re good lor as much as her. I hope so, anyhow. I'm kinder sick of funerals They w ide au aw ful fuss when they stowed away ma, and a bigger howl when they planti d Lmma. bold jes as leave youd keep around awhile. Hut pa, he has his doubts ahuut it." Mrs. 0. Djubts! Tell me what you mean, this instant. 15oy Oh, notuin ! Only the day Emma got away pa came home from the funeral, un'd when he ripped the crape oil his hat he chucked it into the bur.eau drawer and 6aid: "Lay there till I waut you agin;" so I s'pose the old man must be cxpectiu' you to step put come time or other. iu lac I seen uim conversiu with the undertaker yesterday; makin' some kinder permanent contract with him, I reckon. The old man is always jewiu' people down. Mrs. C You ought to be ashamed to talk of your father ia that manner. Boy Oh, he don't mind it. 1 ofteu hear fellers jokiu' him about d his wives. He likes it He s a man. Anybody can git him with if along they understand him. All you've got to do is to be sweet ou him, and he'll be like a Iamb. Now, Emma, she used to git mad or and heave a plate or a 'most anything at him, and it used to in hate uiui. And ma, the'd blow him up about 15,000 times a day; aud both cf them would bang me till I was disgusted. And pa didn't like it. Treat me well, give me candy and money, and you've got pa certain sure. Emma used to smack me; and when pa said he was opposed te it she'd go at him with an umbreller, or a flat iron, and maul him. I guess you and me'll jog along all riuht together, and by the time pa gets angood-nature- coal-scuttl- e, other wife I'll be big enough to uon't care how many airs she puts on. What I want's time. You stick for three or four years and then the old man consolidate as much as he's a mind to, aud I won't scrre worth cent. It's only the fair thing, any Enough of the property of way. this family's been wasted ou coffins and tombstones, and we ought to knock off for awhile. Good mornin I b'lieve I'll ko to school. Mrs. Cooley did not enjoy her ex- honeymoon as much as she had XT . f .uax Aaeier, iu and "I want it snujr-Hke.- " i V nice and strong, said the widow, cxhum and that inj; a fresh holdm controlling her sobs with difficulty. han.kan a only six pro- - Oh I that's all right, ma'am, that's OldaPau! Oliver Weidell Holmes writes : Our landlady' daughter is a young lady of some jrctensions to gentility. Kite wears her lounet well back on her head, which is known to all to be a umrk of high breeding. She wws her trains very Icig. as the la grittheir dies d i in Europe To be sure dresses are co na only to sweep the tapistried Hoots o.chateaus and palace; as thosr; diois aristocrats of the other side do nit g dragging through the mud iu siks aid satins, but, forsooth, must idu in coaches when they are in fu! dnss. It is true that, consid ring tin v.rious habits of the American peole,'tlso the little accidents which te lest kept sidewalks are liable to, ilady who has swept a mile of tin m s not exactly iu such a condition tliaioue would care to be her neijihb u But confound the 'omen we have turned ose in our s eets! Where do they come fr m '! Sot out of Boston par-lirs, How long d'you expect to .Mrs, C. te Pushed bv Third. My neighbor CViley married his th rd wife a short time ago; aud the day alter fche tame Imuo with him his oldest boy, son of his first wile, came into the room where she was sitting alone wewing. Placing his elbows n the table he began to be sociable. The following conversation-ensued- c1uefi of departments pecceu.t ,Voa the Emperor to Weekly. heads of'th various branch nt Under then to fame accountability, and the histori- - w,'A I . koffJV Speak III Profs!r Mind. The s. - tint there it'iy diminution of thJs Whcreupou. ship's progress. without further words, they walked fa. ward to the bow of the vessel, hi tr littl i swords, and stood there wi h a serious but cmpl-iceofficers c uld upect. The Atnericin all it what meant; tut not imagine hastened the Com to tbe iu'tTprct: r Endure and told him that the eu the ship passed toys, the rnumciit tbiddeu point, wuuld Commit thj f tari kni. They had received ions from their monarch that thship wai not to piss that point, and i it did, nothing "vatilelt to them but to die in the hiy;h Japanese Or couru, immediately fashion. this, the ship was upuii hearing to anchor, whereupon the tonight smiled pleasantly, sheathed envoys Vu hnnesty and integrity of Japanese And there las been a reflex action upon the community, so that while the Chinese and Japan eearea kindred people as to ruce, the latter far excel the former in the purity and honesty nlike of their jolitics aud their business affair. There is a high pense of the importance of integrity among the Japanese, in which Xha Chiuescare lacking. Ot cour.xe, with our most enlightened idea? o'flr.e s icredoess of human life, it wu!d hardly do to iutroduce the practice of hari kari into our politic, although it wou'd fp ediiy rid ns of name thousands of unprincipled office holders, and thus promote the purity of our government and the general Welfare of s- cie'y. But if some kind of pol:tieal hari kari could be iufued into our government hystetu, no t it would be attended with the uiot-- t beucfici il reuUs in future. Philadelphia Times. pecket-handkerchie- s f, or a bird th; would drag it tail in the dirt in be. way these creatures do their drcs.s. R'eaasa queci or a duchess we; long robes on great occasions, a nid of all work or a factory pirl links she must make herself a nuisice by truilinvr about with her pal that's what I call getting vulgari; into your bones aud marrow. Maki oeheve what vou ure uot is the ss. nce of vulgarity. Show over di-- ti the one attribute af vulgar people, f any man can walk behind one of women, and fee what she rakes p as she goes, and not feci squealing he lias pot a very tough stomach, wouldu't let one of them iuto my root without serving them us David sved Gaul at the cave in the wildeness cut off his Don't fekirts, sir, cut off is skirts. tell me that a true Uy ever sacrifices the duty of keeping about sweet and clem to the w,of making a vulgar show. I won; relieve it of a lady. '1 here are !om Musts that no fashion has a right totrueh, and cleanliness is one of tW things. If a woman wishes to shy that her husband or father has nney hich she wants aud means tcnnd, but doesn't know how. let heuy a yard or two of silk aud pin it her dress when she goes out to wk, but let her unpin it before she gs into the e house. t .The Slijslci Josu ButiKos DerixiTiox .TUBE 07 r tub Na- - TUB BlO The shyster is a looscross be tween the Jeremy Didh and the dead beat, and iz more rtikularly known ti a cheap lawyer ho hangs around the arenas ofjusg, a peat tew all who know him, a a downright misfortin tew helpe unfor-tuu- e out ov one disaster k a wuss don't hesitate ti take the and one, last shilling ennybody ha;ot to pay for services that he knethe kaut . Crriatjr Doctor, SOMETHING ; Kllen Case, a young woman em ployed as a domestic servant in a family at Oakland, Cal., was attacked by a trivial malady, and Dr. Pentack was called in This Dr. Pen aek had long been known as an odd man, full of freaks in professional and social conduct, yet lu had a reputation for skill iu the practice f medicine, and enjoyed a large practice, ltealiy ho was a maniac, and iusanely in love with th girl whom he was summoned to treat He had mudo some ad which she had repulwd. The vanccs, sight ol her ill put the idea intc his crazy bead that if he could only get two quirts of her blood he could construct from it an txact counterpart of her. This counterfeit creat ion lie supposed, would be endowed with life, and be iu all respects like the He announced that it original. would bo necessary to bleed the girl, aud he actually let out from lur aim the two quarts that he wanted, taking it away iu a pail. Theoperatiou was injurious to the patient, and nearly killed her. Auother physician was ut for, and, upon heariug what Dr. Pentack had d( ne, he communicated to the police his belief of that practitioner's insanity. A visit to residence was made at once, lie was found boiling the blood in a kettle, ood mixing various chemicals with it. H begged to be let alone in his experiment, declariag that h;s process was certain to evolve a living womai wiihin a few minutes if he TOO OUGIIT to KNOW S rEED The officers arrested him, and he is now in the asylum, where he talks about uothing but his process of making fac similes of human beings from their blood. iu-sa- ne thl IiIm ii. Own Chil-ur- e Schreniner. of Savannah, Uenry in this city yesterarrested Ga., wai ou a telegram received by the day, Marshal of Police, of Baltimore, from the Chief ot Police of Savannah, charged with kidnapping his owu children,aged .. respectfully 4 and G years. After , investigating the case, Ma'thal Gray, oi this city, informed Mr. Schieiuer that ho wai released with the children. This morning the children, on a writ of habeas corpus, sued out in the city court by a law firm of this city, acting as couuscl of the grandfather of the children, wh'j wished to detain them, were brought before Chief Judge Brown, and after a hearing were remanded to the custody of the Mr. Schreiner. On leaviug the court the father was agaiu arrested on a warrant, issued by a justice of the peace, charged with kidnapping bis clul dreu,,aud they were again released, alter which, protected by the city officials, the father went to Locnst Point and sailed for Europe with his children, on the Braunschweig. Prom the evidence it seems tho grandpar ents, who reside in savannah, were opposed to the father's taking his children with him to Europe, aud through the telegraph and writ of habeas corpus and Baltimore lawyers attempted their delay. Tbe case is novel aud important. Philadelphia S. . Tin: Tin: , xv Machine sewn the I'.isiehi? AVkiqU ixd. IV ICED. bat the Uundiett p-- Which Machine pliancesT F QufrjCtn jou No. 8 coiiou! 'TIIE-WKED- . few, Huscedsfulijr, wita Yt-s- ! N. B. Saturday feiij tho dy wbich calls minyfrora the ouilyinjc towns I. OgJen City, I shall make it a point to be found in inj office alway. on .Saturday. orncK AKo snow pvOOM on MAIN S T K 15 Opp. to the OU Titliiug YarJ. J. A.; P. , Wed'S. Agent M. Compury, OtlDLN CITY. rtO lew SAVE YOUR EYESI Bestow your Sightl IlHOWiWilyour K T, PERKINS,' toS Reading ! I Etasl A Gfein m W toQi EkiiijI SPECTACLES. II y rondlnjr nnr IIlii UnUA IMIYSIOLOUY AND ANATOMY of tli 32nttl KYE8IUHT. Tell.- bowtollHtore Impair- AtLV Ji h! Vision ami Ovtrworkrii t huw to rare Weak, Watery, lnrtaiaeei,ai4 Eyes, oud all other Di ca.c. of I he Kyre. . Ncar-SI;lit-r'l WASTRKO UOIIS I10SKT BY ADJUSTING JII'GB GLASSES OS YOUIt fiOSB AND PIS. FIGCRI V0 YOUR FACE. taphlet of 10 - Kidnapping: iy e Pen-tack- 's not disturbed. . dor-bili- . was DUNNING. iJ ... A Coupled with immrioie powpr and .The, oulj struijcbl needle Sewing MnsKino which combines tbrst ecseutiiklj. Ubervaiion tad pr;-licgi liHTe (lemo&vtraiel the fact, good tewing can bo t'one.on all Tbep ill. enquiry nrUea; Which Mnehiut ruun the lightest? Jtajjt- Ia Mailed Free. 8chcI ' uli iar addreu Agents Wanted, S te $10 day ntrnateed. C'enti or IjuIInu ial partifBlari eent free. Write lmaiel lately, t DR. So. &1 JBALL&C0.,ip.o.bm74 - Liberty St., Kev York City, H. X. THE "LIGHT BUtlRlilG "DOMESTIC" - In calliug the attention of the publle te our machine nt lbiitiuie. we cannot refrain from rferring to our buxioese of the last year. We bm sold a lar Bumberoftbe "DoiueHtlfl" SXiiclilncM. We bare sold tliem 'in all parts of tbe eountry and for all the varied purpose?, cfiewiag.and whether in city orcoanlry . . render. liar d is vehement a He prating cheat, all decent lawyers cpiie him, and a judge d reds him aha dun a drove ov hungry flics in hot and fetid court-room- . A shyster is a kind oello dog Times. among humans, sneaking )und the kornera for & bone. He ose just enuff about law tew git &ao' into its meshes, but never enufl git him out, aud never got a feyet that h;du t the smell et dishou in it. He never gits abuv a, sl;by gens ylvaxcs comjctt, Ar all others tility iu hiz appearance, d would rir WUOM if MAY X make a very good walkingtvertiaement to parade ip front ovsecooi-han- riukt w, tk Dlrtign), claim INTEREST i tU COAL MINES at Twin Creek, clothiug house Ilsar Hirer Valler, Wyoming Territory, ly virtue The shyfcter .iz always poor az rifht asdWbor performed thereon, ofUncowy he iz dishonest and when rits old which right will he maintained in the proper i AND 1 10IIT . For Family or ; ; Manufacturing Purposes, We uoheiitatingly claim (bat they have fully auewered the rcquii.einents and tbe expectation of (be purchaser. Ko Machine hat euvr, been mort isatiffaclury to the Luytrt, NOTICE. That any Sewing Machine should hare ' so many POINTS OF SUPERIORITY I as are claimed for tbe "Dotutntie'' leemi to many roinda incredible.'. Tbe fact is. the inventor tUrltd rigkt,z& that' tbe machine abound be superior ia only tbe natural reault, and explains the extraordinary lead which thia machine lakes ,. wilb the public ever macbinea long re', , garded as the beat. and fairly gone to seed, itkes all ConrU. Beautiful Illurtrated Ca'alopuei of the kunning be iz master 'tow git All PfraoDS are hereby notified not to parchtee 'DomeMio' Fashions fu;uihed Paper u Irgal title can be biz klam soup and his Oishunal aid minim properly, ai free. (Eoeloae Staaap) and content tbe of without tignatnree given luxury ov cheap whisky. ' JOUX OOZfcEJiS, ; DOMESTIC ONE-HAL- F d . C. MK&&1LX , Recently a man going n from Rochester, Ne? York, in gluing from a car, slipped on the itform DR. ORMSBY, JR. Everybc symand broke a leg. CACHE CO UiNXr, UTAH. LOGAN, his mirtune, pathized wUh him in Dealer in but he waved his hand and plied: DRUGS AND MKDICINESj "It's all right. My old won was rXRFDMERT, BRrFTIRS, AND FANCY" laid up lor two yean and n I've AUT1CLK3. even wi her. got a chance to get If she don't have to do se tall A Iargre Stock Jnvt ArrireJ. dusting around and sitting ujghts, Pur. WIiim and Llqnore for BfrrliclKal Pnrpoee, the result, so all riiht." returned the undertaker tanninir the coffin merrily: ''he 1 nehual. At this couldn't get out of it, uu'fiu, if be thea my naais to. iaicauEurpa3s the general had a 41-S- Jordaa.'; SEWING u lota Preecriptiou CaraTUly d'uioutld. I . MACHINE Company, ISO Stat Street, Chicago, Pulmef (Oppoelte lloa..) AGEKT FOR KORTHSRX , CTAII, llh t JOSEPH T. JOKKSOIT, 7 v. Of den City. AeentB WnntodX |