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Show PM1M Try WEDNESDAY til OlDIS PUBUSUIKO by tn! SATCRDAT COMPANT. Clmrlo W. Penrose, Editor. t. STIIA TFOllD, Cusine iUnngnt OGDEX. UTAH. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 16, 1875. y some weans or other the J unction hai been so unfortunato as Dot to have received a copy of a prospectus which, we understand, has lately been issued at San Francisco, announcing a new Democratic paper as being about to issue frem the press of that city. not been favored with a copy of the prospectus of the proposed paper We are not advised, supposably id consequence of the obscurity of the Junction or the place of its publication, or possibly of both. As it is, we aro under the necessity of crediting the Salt Lake Herald, which came to us this morning freighted with the ponderous news that San Francisco was to have a democratic organ, and that its editor Just why we have nent divine takes up the cudgel In defense of the Bishop, in the course of his comments, the reverend gentleman gives evidence of having a level head on his shoulders, in the following home thrust, he says: "I aa inclined to think that most of our; proposed reformers are onesided people people who not only have hobbies, but aro apt to ride them with cruel severity." While these people possessing but one idea, and who, it may reasonably be supposed, never prny at all, hold up their hands in holy horror when a good uiau like Bishop Tuttle utters an earnest prayer in a theatre, it will easily be believed that, in their own way, they are always ready to prey "instant in season and out of season." Ilad we access to that class of per sons, we would commend to their no tice a form of prayer given to the world by a good poet (perhaps not a model Christian.) The immortal Burns seems to have had such people in his mind's eye when ho sang: O.wad some power the gtftie gie u To see oursels as ither see us. 'Twad frae monj a blunder free us, An foolish notion Should they succeed in obtaining this gift, they will, no doubt, be in a was to be D. J. Tooby, Eac.t late of position to understand and perhaps Utah. to utter, cvon in a theatre, another We' aro not informed as to the date form of prayer, not found in Burns, of the conversion of Mr. T. to the it readeth thus : faith of tho grand old party, nor, in"Lord, be meroifal to me, a sinner." deed, that ho ii a convert, and in these degenerate days perhaps it is EXODUS. not essential that a democratic editor should bo a democrat, but, boing as we are, of the Bourbon (not whiskey) eort of democrat, wo look with some distrust upon any, movement of this kind whereby bpiofosed republican becomes tbe editor of a democratic paper, always expecting that, in such easo the latter party will be sold but. In what is herein said, wo desire to be distinctly underttood, just what wo ,eay we meat, no-- more, no le?s. We would detract nothing f oui the merits of Mr. Toohy as a writer, for we believe he i reputed to be a good one we do not know him personally. As to his private character wo have In using the term at the head of "these few lines," we wish to be understood as not in the least relet ing to the second book of the old testament, as we have not at present much time to devote to theological W the away, and, is' he "following, steps of his illustrious predecessor?' We do not believe it, but perhaps a key to unlock the rajstery may be found in the fact, that as the uew Governor, Kmory, has not put in an other old appearance, and, n sundry ladies have lately been nominated to fill the vacancy weeasioned by the removal to New Mexico, of Governor Axtell, the journalist referred to by the Mail may be out electioneering for the position, and went to Corinne as the only fountain of influence and information should he not succeed in becoming Governor of Utah, perhaps he will accept the vacant seat in the presidential chair, if Grant concludes to give it up. At all events we feel quite sure that "the lovers of good morals" will not fail to make ample provision for this able and vigorous individual who has mado such a close study of the festering system. MISSOURI. Although, as we announced a few days since, the grasshoppers seem to have left Missouri, it did not suit their purposes to go until much in jury had been done to fruits and grain. In a private letter received yesterday by a person in this city, occurs the following, which we are permitted to copy. The letter was written at Oregon, in Holt County: "We are having very doll times, the grasshoppers have devastated our country, and fanners are discouraged; all the fruit gone up." We hope, however, that, as the hoppers have left ai1 so early a day in theseason, the farmers may have planted corn in fields where their other grain was destroyed. Corn will mature in that country, if planted as late as this date, should the season be favorable. Of course the fruit cannot be replaced, and this fact may be of interest to our Utah fruit growers. research. What we wish, however, to refer lofis aa "eiodHS of gentiles from Salt Lake" to which our neighbors Montgomery Queen's Circus of the Corisno Mail frequently refers, and which causes so much uneasiness on their part. We wire not aware, until the fact was impressed upon us by the Mail that the gentile had been leaving Salt Lake to any great e, extent it is true that our fcicnd ex nothing to do or to say, and only as we have a right to do, his Governor Woods has gone, and Den political acts. Hut being, a the sis is now gano, and writer hereof is, a Democrat, and Axtcll may be expected soon to re having, aa we do, the good of the tire but the loss, however much to country at heart, and believing that be deplored ought not, it seems to us, the latter depends upon the success to cause our frieuds at Corinne to of the Democratic party, we look with 6igh or to complai, possibly it may suspicion, and believo the Democrats turn out that the loss of some of these be Utah's gain, be f California will do the same, upon gentlemen- may . . t- .- a scheme which includes the foisting mat as u may, we must try and sur upon the party in that State as lead- vive the calamity. But why is it that that the Mail ing editor, a man who, for tho last three yean has not only kept aloof persists in trying to make the public from an organization of the Demo believe that 'Gentiles," as such, are cratic party, but has been aa avowed leaving the Territory ? Does the Mail supporter of the- administration of wish to discouiago immigrants from President Grant. coming into the country ? If so, why uemocrata or vaiuomiai give do we see in its columns occasional Dennis a wide birth, bis advent among notices of efForts being mado by the you as a Democratic editor bodes uo citizens of Corinne to induce settlers to come here and stay ? If it should good to your organization. performance of Queen's Circus and Me nagerie in tins city. Never before has a circus troupe visited this city and met with such a full tide of popular appreci ation; nerer before has such a splendid constellation of talent revolved in a can orbit. For the pnst three weeks the large and commodious tent has been crowded to it 8 utmost capacity by admiring and delighted audiences The reason for such a brilliant success is obvious. It is not because the Beecher trial is in progress, and because Mr Bqecher inrited Mr. Queen to dine with him last year; it is not because Mrs Woodliull said that the striped aebrawaB the funniest, paroxysmal oreature she ever saw; but because the circus has the best acrobat and equestrian talent, the best menagarie, the best bareback riders and the best clown in America if not in the world. Robinson, Fish, Sebastian and Mollie Brown where is there an other quartette like them for grace agility and daring on horseback? Their performances in this eity, and the unani mous commendations of press and Nopeople even echo itself answers, where " As an evidence of the readiness of the California public to appreciate deserving talent wherever it may be found, we record with pleasure the fact that Sebastian was presented last evening with a costly and artistically wrought gold medal by a corterie of enthusiastic admirers. The recipient, ef this gift was taken completely by surprise. and was so affected by this evidence of good feeling and popularity that it was only by a great effort he could summon words t express bis profound feelings of gratitude. Montgomery Queen, has won the esteem of all with whom he has come in contact, by his gentlemanly manners and his energetic business en He has been justly awardterprise. ed the credit of having brought to this coast the most unique menagerie ever exhibited, and he has done much for which every student of natural his tory will be grateful: The lion whelps d and the giraffe are rare visitors to oar shores, and furnish abundant material for speculation and admiration The hyena has been tbe subject of much remark, and must be seen to be appreciated. liis smile is a long ways ahead of Mark Twain's, and the expression of his eye is a study for juage. Arier luesaay evening tnis great combination show will visit the in tenor and delight the Grangers. Something nevel in the circus Easiness will be introduced, namely, a performance in two rings at the same time. Mr. Mont gomery Queen and his admirable troupe will carry withem the best wishes of the amusement loving people of San Fran- cico. San Francises) Call, May 18. eri-ticia- - v - A LEVEL HE.il. happen that the efforts of our friend to get op a "scaie" among '"Gentiles" succeed, how many of them will it be able to induce to come here to settle ? The good people of Ogdert's elder sister, Salt Lake City,' seem to have The mail of yesterday incidentally fallen into a slight disagreement on the subject of "prayer' a g Corinne, of a gentleman connected ua a good deal of pain, with the pres of Salt Lake, who has, it seems, taken his from that fjr we do not think that "christians" place, ostensibly, weexody should judge, ought to. disagree upon that point, for the' purpose of getting out of the however, we presume our feelings influence of the horsey smell in the will not be consulted in the matter, vicinity of the stables and laundries and we will have too let the matter of the capital city, and taking a sniff of "the free air of au entirely "Gcn- run. A certain elas.i of "social re- ino community. formers" hold that it is improper to We use tho term uotenibtu" ad pray in a theatre, and consequently visedly, and we fear that really the have arraigned Bishop Tuttla for ut- object is totally different. Can it be possible that the working of the tering a prayer in the theatre in "festering system" of the "degrading that city lately. In reply to some doctrines" taught in that burg have strictures upon the subject aa emi resulted in driving the gentleman circura-stancgivin- regret to announce that on Tiies day night will be the last night of the We d well-deserv- loflg-necke- ed Stick to Your Bush. A rich man, in answer to the question how he became so very successful, recited the fallowing btory: I will tell you how it was. One day when I was a lad, a party of girls and boys were going to pick blackberries. I wanted to go with them, but was afraid father would not let me. When I told him what was going on, and he at once gave me permission to go with them, I could hardly contain myself. I rushed into the kitchen, got a big basket, and I had asked mother for a luncheon. the basket on my arm, when my father called me back. He took my hand and said in a very gentle voice: 'Joseph, what are you going to do?' 'To pick berries,' I replied. 'Then, Joseph, I want to tell you one thing. It is this: When you find a pttty good bush do not leave it to seek a better one. The other boys and girls will run about,-- , picking a little here and a little there, wasting a great deal of time and getting few berries.' I went and had a capital time. Iut it was just as my father said. No sooner bad one found a good bush than he called all the rest, and they left their several places and ran off to the newly-foun- d treasure. Not content more than a minute or two in one place, they rambled all over the whole pasture, got very tired, aud at night had but few berries. My father's words kept ringing in my ears, and I 'stuck to my bush.' When I had done with one I found another, and finished that; then I took another. When night came I had a large basket full of berries, more than all the others pu together, and was not half so tired as they were. I went home very happy. But when I entered I found that my father had been taken ill. He looked at my basket fall of ripe blackberries and said: Was I not 'Well done, Joseph. told when to I right you always stick to your bush?' lie died in a few days after, and I had to make my way in the world as best I fcould. But my father's words sank deep into my mind, --and I nevei forgot the experience of the blackberry party; I 'stuck to my bush.' When I had a fair .place and was doing tolerably well, I did not leave it aod spend weeks and months seeking one a little better. When other young men said: 'Come with us, aud we will make a fortune in a few weeks, I shook my head, and 'stuck to iny bush.' Presently my employers oltered to take me into business with them. I stayed with the old house until the principals died, and then 1 had everything I wanted. The habits of sticking to my business led people to trust me, and gave me a character. I owe all I have and am to this motto: 'Stick to your bush.' In infant in Terre Haute, Indiana, strangled lately by a cat in bed. Its mother awoke ad found a cat in the room and said to her husband to drive- it out; but he supposed she was talking in a dream, and went to sleep. The next morning the child was found with the cat on its face and strangled nntil it wua blaek. ' was THE HOWE ewinglacMne THE SIMPLEST, MOST AXtt DURABLE, CONSEQUENTLY CHEAPEST SEWING .IN THE MACHINE! T1IK MAEKKT. conld, If nectary, furnish WK Thone.,I 0r from : partie Mach.ne. in tbi. Territory, l,t necessary. We .mly refer intending parchL to. parties KVKRrwiHSRlS, win, cm.ijft oSiTS? climes. Our terms ar as easy m thwe of any other SewiBg Machine Cooipaay, ami we Fully Guarantee Every 3ia, chine Sold. INSTllUCTIOSS GIVEN FREE to tflwboowt, our Machine. WE ALSO SELL THE SILVER-TONGU- E ORGAN! the old, reliable Arm of k Son, N. Y., and the Manufactured hy K. If. Needlnw Fire years writto warrant both instruments- Jff. E. W. - given with GIIEALES, Agent for Wober and Box Elder Coauties, Utah, Office at T. W. Jones' Tailoring Eaiablishment. MAIN STREET, OGDKN. d227-t- f ATTENTION. VHO WOULD WALK! WHEN Z. C. M.I. will furnish a LigM Spring Wagon FOR ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS SAIT I, IKE CITY, UTAH. IL B. d2S34m CLAWSON, Supt. GEO. A. LOWE GENERAL AGENT IN Utahf Idaho, Montana Nevada for and PETER SOHUTTLER'S CELEBRATED BUCKEYE REAPERS AND MQWEES SWEEPSTAKES THRESHERS Furst A Bradley Hay Bakes PLOWS A - cJC. Full Stock of Wagon Woods, AND "They tell a tough story about a new baggage man on one of our local trains," sava. the Los Angeles Star. He was. told to pile up the trunks in car, and be sure to hanc the checks on the outside. ThoT literal minded vouth Diled ud the trunks, and then took off the checks, with the leather straw attached, and hung them up on tbe outside of the car. The bassrasrc master at the de- pot was driven nearly frantic by the passengers per tbe Orizaba attempting to identify their boxes. WAGON MATERIAL, Iron, Steel, and a baggage A tramp entered a hotel in Wheat land, Cal.,sat down ali the breakfast table, and speedily demolished a hearty meal. He then ordered an other beef steak, and on its being placed before him, he suddenly covered his nasal organ with his hands and started for the door, apparently taken with bleeding at the nose. He passed through the hotel and across the street to a pump, from whence he soon bolted down tbe track and made ofL BLACKS 111 IS TOOLS Always oa haacL offices: SaltLake City & Corinne, UTAH. M. I. HAMMOXD, Agent for OGDEN d204-.8- m the above ia and LOGAN. |