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Show Indian JIjtlioIoRy. Harrow Escape. A Hard on the Hens. 0 YES!! 0 YES!! One of the most remarkable VovAl in his report to the The Legislature of Massachusetts fol-- f the Institute, gives capes ever was made bv 31. d, lias parsed a Law providing that a Jeripti"" oftratlitionsamons; ' Chatraubrun uuriusr tho Reign of dox."n eggs shall weigh one and f error in Paris. Uo Wiis sent to ex a half pounds. This is an outrageous CliTaiuns in Colorado : - ecution with liimum; iiuiu.i I0ll!)U 'e have twenty other prisoners, discriminat on against pullets jut Ot MlVtllYlDy, but when the fifteenth head had starting into business, and equally :., a larjf D.'KtV in a va st number of .stories or fallen the guillotine of order, rough on old hens towards the close out got purport to be the find a workman was sent for to re- - of the season. The old roosters that r'.', N. wliich and doin- -s of their mytho- - air it. 1 ho six remaining victims Massed the Act deserve to be lieu- were left ,, persouaws or gods. standing in front of the ma- pecked for their mealiness. chine with their hands tied behind cniirnnn,iiin nt Mil ;i or liein. them. A Freuch crowd is very iviA An impenitent toper remarks that nmltitu-Jof in a gods, curious, and the people kept pressing 'fiir btdievo ,'u,c better than others, some wiser forward to see the man arranging the if whiskey, brandy and tobacco are some shrewder than guillotine. By degrees M. e Cha- - curses which come home to roost, he than others, powerful than teaubrun, who was to the rear of his hop.'s they'll roost low, so that he can rs some more no one 01 superlative at- companions, found himself in the reach them. others, but front line of the spectators, then in tributes. A youn? author, reading a ragedy, was one at time earth '1'he peopled the second, and finally well behind perceived his auditor verv often pull with wonderful those who had come to see his head off v a nice of beings his hat at the end of the line, and could transform thems- cut off, Before the man could vowel's; they get asked him the reason. "I cannot elves or each other; they could make the guillotine in wrrking order night repass a very old acquaintance." tliiuilves invisible, though in im- began to fall, and M. de Chaseaubrun plied the critic, "without a civility." When iu the Champs mediate presence; they could restore slipped away. A drunken Chinaman, feeling rich even had and ho told to life, the a man that a wag Elysecp ouh utbor and had elated at his progress in the his tied hands and robbed him es ki me purer oi oriiigiiig iiiuuhci death. M.iny of his hat, and this simple individual American arts, went through the ii'tcr certain periods of had attributes wondrri'ul these cut him free. A few days later he streets of San Francisco, crying : very ! .. At last they ouarreled and escaped from France. "'Hoop-lhoop la ! Me all same like Meliean man. Hair cut short and hi .'lit. and for their sins and through krunk like hell !" deeds into evil their they degenerated of animals which th? present species Of happiness all day and all night A Jiivinff Pop-GuEach species ot li.uau ,it the earth. Lug on the East Sidehe last Plain aintnl mammal, bird, reptile, fish, Tulle has the following sample: "We Th ere is a little fih, the chaetodon, had and even all the iu vertebrates know of a young married man who i:s progenitor or prototype in those abounding in the Eastern seas, from thinks so much of his lovely wife wanderf'ul ancient being-sCeylon to Japan, which secures its that he lights the candle two or three AH the prototypes of existing specprey by means of an instrument like times every night to look at her. used bv mischievous ies of animals are called by the same the blow-pipThen he quietly goes lo sleep and animals themselves, school-boy- s for projecting peas and name as these chuckles in his dreams like a turkey but sometimes slightly modified. other meaus of torment, lhe nose of lie feels so good. Young gobbler, is the wolf, Shin-au-a- v the the fish is a kind of beak, through if man, you are not married, get is the which he has the power of propelling K progenitor of wolves. married once!" at Kwi-atthe progenitor of the a drop of water with force enough to bear, Kwai-uantis the eagle, and disable a fly, preparatory to swallowbear. A special to tho Courier-Journthat mythological eagle. ing it. His aim is accurate, and he gives an account of a terrible murder The unsus- in Frankfort, Kcutucky, ou the 21sl Among these ancient personages rarely misses his object who take the greatest in their pecting fly pits on a spray of weed, inst. Frtd Walcott, a d'ssolute part mythological history are perhaps, a twig, or a tuft of grass, near the young man of that town, came home the prototype of the little water, pluming himself in the warm drunk that morning, and after some rabbit, Lqntx Artemisia;) rays of the sun. The fish cautiously words with his mother, struck her the prototype of the wolf; Kwi places himself under the fly, stealthiwith a hatchet, splitting her skull. the his of from tube the grizzly bear; ly projects a;s, the water, She died in an hour. Walcott save prototype of the crane; of the takes a sure aim, and lets fly. Down himself up and was placed in jail. nttlesiuke; Oug, of the Canada jay; drops the little innocent to be swal- The murder caused great excitement. chats, of the humming bird, lowed by the fish. and Po-gunt, of the duck. Then there is signifying one who has a stone A trumpeter of a regiment stashirt, who is the prototype of an annua1 said to be covered with an tioned at the Cape of (food Hope The drank so much one night that he armor, probably the armadillo. EXCELSIOR MILLS, Indians arcr that it lives to the could not stand up, and in this situaWon-sitSouth. the ancient antel- tion his companions carried him out is said by some tribes to have in the open air and laid him down to ope, I for th Mttnufacture of heen all eyas; by others to have two get cool and sober. He soon fell Clotli, Rlunk-els- , eyes in the head, an eye in each asleep, and a wild beast happening shoulder, an eye in each hip, and an aloug and thinking him dead, lifted Yarn, ISiittiug, eye in the end of his tail, so that he him up and carried Liin off, expectEtc., Elc. could see in every direction. ing to have a good meal of him. The the god with fellow on awaking was horror-struc- k the stone shirt, aud Wou-sitthe to find himself in the power of a feon Your Wool at Once god with many eyes, were often en- rocious beast, which was making off to Bring gaged as watchmen and defenders of the mountains with him B3 fast as AND RECEIVE other gods, possible. But his fear brought him especially of Our Goods in Ilelurn nt and to his senses, and seizing his trumThere are many other of these pet, which hung about his neck, he Advantageous Rates. personages who take a greater or less sounded a terrible blast, at which part in the stories, but these are the beast, thinking he had a dead G2.sm A. RANDALL, SON & CO. perhaps the most important. Of the man to deal with, became a? much his was with man as the original form and appearance of these frightened was dropped, people there seems to be a strauge situation. The prey and captive equally uncertainty and indefiniteness in the and captor mind of the Indian. in opposite dialarmed, scampered Sometimes they are represented as having the forms rections as fast as possible. menj at others as having the forms Notice to animals, and of Lina Wagratz, a daughter of a assuming temporary many other shapes; yet they all moderately wealthy merchant of !poke the Indian language, though Moseow, has been sentenced to fix PLEASE GIVE IN YOUR ORDERS. omcwhat modified in tone, for the years solitary confinement, At one ?tt?Iy bear growled his words, the of the, theatres Levina Korsacky Iatendi opening U Jolt howled his language, was a performer on a wire suspended rattlesnake, hissed his speech, at a ! considerable height. , She was the grasshopper, had a pretty and coqucttivh, and among JUKmg tongue. Such are the gods those whom she attracted was Lina : y Wagratz's lover. Lina was made ' ' ' ' ' AT THE madly jealous by the flirtation, and X Hot Place. deliberately planned a cruel revenge. EAIILIEST OPPORTUNITY. hottest place on the Cwmstock Throush her lover she formed the Joe lOdft !C il 7l , . .. beoutn dritt, running acquaintance of Levina, and thus ii n has runciusEik dutheatre the came a frequenter af J1.900.footkveloftheS THREE OF THE FINEST . xnis unit, which is near the ring the rehearsals. One day she went aic and Norcross linos, is now in a plyly where the wire upon which the Making Machines, JJance of eighty or ninety feet and performer walked "was fastened, and ALSO, A in two with a pair of shears. The it in cut rocic irora itsf. ice i 'ultiSio a 130 ends she fastened slightly together, PATENT PRESS MACHINE I Pei'ature v in apparently good tor xnroug the leaving ' the whole ;' illJ northJ,"ueit. Levina and south tunnel , from order,, At night 'confidently ITirst-Clns- K ?n this drift starts, there is a nnc stepped on the wire, whioh gave way FE0M of air. A man standin in under ' her foot, letting her drop to g aouth of the drift Her legs were FIETY TO SIXTY THOUSAND roay extend the .stage floor, she will be a lifethat hi!im-l.U such a way tliat the hand broken so badly was at onee arCAN BE MADE DAILY. Lina . 1DthQ tunel be in a long cripple. found and , and guilty, yrature of 45, and that reaching rested, tried is iu sentence ue severe regirded the Qnlt " a temperature i ofTrto All Ordei s Promptly Filled. Moscow as uot exceeding justiw, Prof. KOCK SPUING A3U COALVILLE . . a n. I 9.,-j- TOO. - Delivered, Ke Warm l ro!itilv fclOl-Sm- an P. FREIGHT DEP3T. JOHN PJNCOCK. . t,. ,r. , .. wi-a- Kwai-uant- al CyolopttMli.-- i NEW DEVISED k, . tho Wst In OYCLOPJEDIA. le Will ComjiUto iKiiie.l Li urn, itMv, fli HI vols., nt MH) SOLD ONLY BY chance for tli A beginning July, iiai fccm 1ST3. h. SUBSCRIPTION. million to l,uv a complete li'.rary wllli.mt fwllng Hie root. A'uHvitiK l ton ctiiU a day Imys tlio counlto set. Iw is tl,t. timo tu Hiilj.cnbn. For all Jncri,ia!ion, AtMrw, ROUT. II. VAN RENSSELAER, Ogden, Atfont for XortJwro L'tab. TEX DOLLARS TEN ! 3 a Mu-t- VONKKIlFir, xn NtV a a z a Larue size family Cloth for Wool' xeak oii:at city, s, Superior s, Ta-vwot- Shin-au-a- v Si-ko- s, r. BRICK! BRICK! Builders. C. J. MILLER, , pgden Bench, " , ; , Brick j' . J '.'.'.',''. Vorl. r Tlie itmi TItKAliLK COMl'LKTE OXLY TEN DOLLARS. ive..ti..i,, H UHcbiu. tor Um thuU mb.1 F pr.,,hirri.m " H J Award. ul Merit, llunoruble Mention! " OYER ALL OTIIEK8. O l iiiHinm iiwlnl iiivcnlion in ICIHUT tin Y. fil 1,u" l,f ' 'S U a"J lUiiimveJ tuiteuted laborious, 'lhe c f 1 a J BUTTON HOLE WORKER, The CMliniimtion of mc,m',i(tt HC. perfwt , cura,-,-i.rurt.CHl kill Mul utility, with heuut.v, Htrr-nctatil "'"fa.' a durability ftivcr. ti ovr seventeen w',1 kind dim-ren- t mswinmi, Kancy, eklwrale. ..rnn- Vino. I'l.in w, Intrii-Jtte- . utu mmmm H K X ? l,,c MMn rSiT?.1 .tM n of lieantilnl 'ay 5 be dune wiib per&i-- t wm &t lung required LhIioi H T .Ut Vm $w, rOOX I'OWKK. X East Corner Fifth & Locust St., v, r'."f 'wy v.r'.YVt N. 5? ACIUKVKMKVT LATVSr STYLE. SEWINCIVSACHINE WITH TAliLK J - TieSiiisrMaMacturiEECeiEpssj Ant tZ ..aa- iv. NEW BUILDING OP DOLLARS Main nu,l Kern! rl.-n- r $70 ..t e"Sy 0l""", ""tl l:"UUfy r,K'"" K,'"la'' H CO npii ljaj. FAMILY. cc EVERY Shin-au-a- v, HIT EDITION, Ei.timly i:.. wriiK'u. s To-go-a- T APPLETON'S AMERSCAN nt s . - T.......-.I- LOOKJiERE. e s More than nelillioninuseli ... tilU'd. i Shin-a- Kviar.''iui3 left nt Poi'.glusd ' Moat .Market will l.e s ;Orik-r- HACHtNC 7.ru. G.kmI ( Ii y Cutting YARD AT U. all-jrre- i O -- Coalvi!!e. i 0(1. '.) IMivt red, i i COAL! Rock Smiiiff. 1 i ie. rOajt&& f3 a H ,'" ewm.ua bv Xhoe v. ho never uw a eowin in'uUh p3 before. Our ntw attachment mve geuuii.P C "mi r raioii. Tliev are th. imt valiuhte iiniiinjime adjiiu. K. ever jatont..'.! thtne-.- , aud are adiiivluble, to all other lm1 Z , ur n equally M 0 y, niachiiieii, Uj i, nt IlifMi in, .... in.... I.;... ,u lull kUP .penwr. n d liHrfiru,. ir.l... one iPiitli tlie I .1 ol H i i tn m. j , 0iji,.n u,hi i,y another luaihinee. OUR NEW MACHIXE D SEND FOR PRICE LISTS. ct 0 d- ? ' '!;: 7- 77Bum, vuHi , ,r WWB, Hl.lu, a. uru (I, ( S, R,.i, Embroider, Kun uu u,,.),,., HI anything nee,ile l O i I I ?5 Tte Singer Manufac'g , mti'H lN0Vm,o, that tl.eri.oTUi,.L mu lM.fore the .earnB 2 5 0w.U rip apart. Ha. eel.a,ljillg .tr.i.l ,t wlmbl. .renrato feed. dir-0 ue.dle, n.n.w,,, no.eouiplKtion t cvg. or einig ,J p or oil get out of order, i eilent, w work-- H H '"S. "'Kut ruiiunK, very rapid. .n,,th aud xn CMrT1' luakly aud eaT num. m jvj agoil. thM "Client niacl.itiee ' 5 1 upon a upriKl,t and rwpou.i. 5 ble men. well worthy of the conflde.ue und w patroii.ge orourChrintiati reader. "North. eru Church Standard," N. y., 1(,c. xtllt MAKE e t ul ""' "d J C05 N. THE .riHWCMT Co. rcrth Street, St. Louis, Mo ey ,'n'W'fn" a g H ORDERS RECEIVED, machtne prou.ptly forwanWd to an addie. ou recvijit of the IoIIowiuk f pinm. f 'C U. , KAcntaiJ for naroplee or privaU plain etjIiMtwitu S -- lK,u. "J ti!I!4dls. famished with equipiHents re.uly for immediate u.e.i'0 eai li Q MAeuiMitt with eitra fine table, - U kachimu wiu table and eover, . 'it W mac in N Kg with eutlowd table lull sahinet ju.e, Iul S r p machine nt are precisely tin tuut w n as tkiwe of higher ll(t price, the only diUeienc H tlu have plain but neat Ti 33 'r",u,K d Treadle, while thone ol a Uglier V"J'. The OT - 40 h price are ornameutal, with eUb.ratu aud X cutly uolhhtd canti, and cabinet . Tuble with covers, euckwed My!. eauee. aud cabinet Myle. Mo extra ebnii(fe made for packing ar eLlp- to any part of the eonutry. i5iiial cortificate for live year with every mm bine. Speciuieiu ofnewng, illmtra'ed circular, 3 Miith nuaieroM recoujmeu.Ution, wholeeale 4 cixh priiM, extraonliunry iudiKemeuu to OagnuU, 4c, wailed hee. Ecluive control of Territory given ratii to capable aud en- ergrtic ageutii, nienhautu, etore keejerg. Ac. U w Uo will travel or opeu ageucien aud exhibit H the wouilerlul merit of our macuiue iu & tlwir localnie. and dicit ordon. tii'THTit aud coiwTT Biuuve iven fate cr g 5 - r- J, T. u--p 2?J s" 2 Cfmkitir tove then te rev that upon who it cpeake in every butee-wif- e praim, and recommend it to her nei'ibor and fi t ,le, for economy, clean liui and reliaUiity iu all iia it-- tip.ration. 53 HA? GAINED A FAR AMf No hinher eiicouiium can be MONITOR fpiIKreputation. ...... . . S1,3H MONITORS mow in USE, p, THE CELfEHATU AtaO, " neii!led quick and hdneat liioney C makiiiz liuigeN for male and female cttu- - C vaneer iu all parte of the couutry. Curi- - f" tiau Index, S.V.Jan, ilh. p Am q j. W' CASH REMITTANCES imuit Ve nia.le in I'oot Office money order, zil or ltuuk Draft made payable to our older iu Jew York. Rejintered Letter or by e- pre at our rink. All Order and CemmunicaUena mtut U C nddreeaed to Vj 5 5 j q. ?5 P j KOBEKT J. MriXIOAN Afir.E' fnttl Htrwt. X. Y. 33 General ManuSwtnrer of Machinery. sgjiioa Zi jr torn anl 1Vom, ka eucn Demand thrrntch the Tivritfiry, fur Beauty and Excellence, caexut be : . furpaeeed. WW h All enr R4ve bj Z. C, M. X. r Kept nl for Sl nnd hII lt DraueU y. isuytx' a xai AUo by nil the JcrrtWt J. Iter ie tke M " |