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Show Urn DOOM OP POLY. its adherents is more prophetic of its UAJIY. failure than all the enactments of Under this heading the telegrahic Congress, the spite of office hunters, correspondent of the Chicago Time the violence of the sword or the bulmakes ihc lllnvifijr annotinccruent lets of armed hosts. Convince the f the passage of tlit' Utah bill: ' Mormons" that plural marriage is The rmssnge of the Utah judicial bill not sanctioned by divine law, aud its to 15 of vote the tor by j large practice would cease iu a generation. '.fl, indicates that tit fufe of MorifioiiiHtn But attempt to fores them to abandNo doubt is expressed by s sealed. on anything which forms a part of !. public. n members that delegate Can-nand another n will be expi'licd, when a resolution their religious creed, for that purpo.se shall be reported from proot will be given to the world that the committee on ejections The debate with fagi the judicial bill was oinde iritoresting faith cannot be conquered ' y the able speech f Mr. Cuniton. in got and fire nor honest conviction by Till; to-da- 1 o municipality and deciding to law and evidence. v. accord-iri"- ( is win-t-.- pasi-ed- , Polvganfv may be doomed, and 5iit this wn believe it is doomed. hill ivill not (fonin it. It will merely keep alive, ty the power of persecution an institution that was before practically dead by the power of public oniiiion. Thorn is more serious rouble brewing for Utah then Utah has ever before kuown. If this bill hall become a law, as it doubtless will become a law, and the attempt hall be made to enforce what we understand to be some of its provisions, there will bo more trouble in Utah than many people anticipate. The above is from the Omaha Herald. We assure its talented and editor that the people cf Utah borrow no trouble over the Poland bill. We leave that for the promoters and concoetcrs of the in- . famy. They expect to have a gay old time if it becomes a law. But they will find that tiicy hate laid out ujub which will take all their time, tod will riot Jatt out to meet' their , t Polygamy has bqcti "doomed'' for laauy years in the expectations of its opponents. But U is still alive, still Q its trial before the worU as an important social problem ; and neither the Pokud bill nor the disreputable clique oi scrub politicians at its back will do anything towards its solution. Inscriptive laws, bigoted and partisan judges, unscrupulous officials, packed juries, The House or Representatives passed on Saturday, two bills reported from the Postal Committee. The first provides that postage shall bo prepaid on newspapers and periodicils, issued weekly and more frequently, at the rate of three cents for each pound or fraction of a pound. They are to be weighed in bulk, and paid for by a special adhesive stamp, at the office of mailing. is a lightning lie. Exchanges and one copy of any newspaper to each actual subscriber residLQCA JTEIY1S. ing in the county where it is publishFrom Monday Daily of June 8. ed, will go free through the mails S- - THE AMKniCAN SARDINE CO's HON but not delivered by carriers unless Sanliui-Kure much letter, ami lenn than lialf cost of iiHtiorteil SjK.litiKS. the is All mailable matter postage paid. of the third class that is, printed Will oo East. That remarkable cumatter, snch as pamphlets, circulars, riosity, the hairless horse, which has engravings, cards, etc; seeds and cut- been on exhibition at Salt Lake for a tings, maps, patterns and samples of few days past, was brought back to merchandise may weigh not exceed- Ogden this morning, by its owner, who leaves for the EflBt morning. ing four pounds for each package, Tbe animal will not be on exhibition till aud postage be charged at the rate of it arrives at Laramie. one cent for each two ounces or fraction thereof. Ilecliive. The other bill provides for the Seveuty-fiv- Patent KliMer'a Patent Rcohivtw for eulo salaries of Postmasters. The New cheap, at lliggiubotluin, Child k Co., Mhin Strrot, Ojjjeu. ..... York P. M. is to have $G,000 per anFmsT Hoitx The friends of Mr. anl num. The others are divided into Mrs. A. J. Gaines join in congratulations four classes: Those whose sularies to the happy pair, on the birth of their are not less than $3,000 nor more first child, and in hoping that the sunthan $7,000 not less than 2,000, shine of prosperity may gild their path nor more than $3,000 ; not less than through life, and smile on many more $1,000, nor more than $2,000 ; and Gaines of the same sort. those less than $1,000. These of the It ok aw at. This morning a team be first three classes are to be appointed aud removed by the Presideut and longing to an Ogden firm, came up Fourth street at a lively pace, turned Senate, and the other by the Post- down Main to Fifth street with unslack-eBe- d master General. The bill also prospeed, and were stopped near the vides that b'ddcrs for contracts must depot. We did not lenrn of uuy damage show that their sureties are owuers resulting from the runaway. of real estate to double the value of the bnd. Also that temporary con .Soda Water Maxvfactort. tracts may bo made by the Postmas- called in at Payne & Christian's Soda ter General for not exceeding six Water Manufactory this morning, and took a look at the apparatus with months, and that if any regular conwhich their sparkling drinks is made. tractor fails to perform the service, The machinery is new and of the latest the Postmaster may i contract anew patents.aud the article made by this firm with the next lowest bidder. is See their 'advertise-men- t v Hrie, Imprisonment and first-clas- death, may utitc to effect itsjlcstrue-tion- , i Theso t bills will most likely pass but the conviction of right, -Senate without opposition tie which has gathered the 'people ,of and become law. If the provisions Utah frOnr cTcry cizili2ecf hatiott to of this second bill be carried out with the Light of the mountains, will any degree of strictness the public prove superior to the policy of force, may anticipate a little more punctuand ofiV- r- uotonuemble. gassive, if ality and regard for postal regulations net active resistance td malice and in mail " a consummation ! ' boemoD0,AO To treat a Commonwealth a matters, devoutly to be wished." of criminals, to inflict oL.au the penalties unjust, uneonsti-tutiooa- l and unreasonable law, upon wjvcrul thousands of people, united in 'faith by the :strbrgpst:of moral bonds agreement'. ih' religious is a grea.U-r- work than the fctnall minds who are attempting it coo-victi- s. tt in auother celuran. , ' '.A ' ,' J 1ST DECISION. The Committee of bin,;; trunk. feet aud Arippy Forty-fiv- e ' N. Baskin for O; C. Clements, repre' vommittc. His senting tlit The doom 'of polygamy will never Houor refused to grant the, mandaIfit ever mus,,, and Una little trick of the come by outside pressure. falls it will brik up by natural ''ring" has gone the way of many dissoluiiou. Time and practice will othtr ploti tigalusl' tha peace of the ;' 1 K; U nionstrate its good er evil effects oil "'"J b'--' city. Cuuilies ud society, and the folly if The taxpayers have tne right to r, , , 1 Col. ' ' Strawbbriies. has collapsed; The .application for a peremptory mandamus to compel the city authorities to surrender their books into the hands of the 45,was argued before His Honor Chief Justice , John. Sharp, Supt. of the Utah Central, arrived from the East lust evening and preceeded to Salt Lake by U. C. train. ' He was met' at Etanstonby a party cf friends, including Jno. Sharp Jr., James' Sharp, and F. Little Esqrs,, who returned home with ARiuvr.D. Hooper," the city near the laka, can boast of the earliest strawberries ia Weber County this season. Mr. C. Farker of that pi ce has a splendid crop of the luscious fruit and other farmors of the muskrat " are blessed with red ripe berries, beautiful to the eye and delicious to tho palate. - Samples were ia market last .: '' Saturday. settle-nient- ran manage iu?cessfilly.i They will McKean, on Saturday Ust,' Judge fnd an elephant on their hands, of Sutherland aud Attorney General the largest and WM unmanageable Snow appearing for the city, and R. : kind, with weighty Xeu-- last evening's From hurt. At Fort Buford : he passed the tw to peculiar kind of grub from out wiutcr, again in Anril starting four inches long and about as thick as a and to Bismarck, remaining sailing person's finger, has appeared about four there two days. He ended his trip miles north of Hot Springs, in countless at Sioux City, and thence came bv numbers. They devour everything cars to Omaha. the land on which they cover and He informed a Bee reporter that green travel with wagon loads of excrement the average run was eight miles an hour without a sail, and with sail like black pills. He had only A. A Tanner and George Graham had twenty miles an hour. miles hundred a about of sailing. He Union at Fort, throwing a scrimmage made was the says trip entirely in rocks at each other. Grahan was cut and without much daytime, danger severely in the bead, and Tanner wa3 from Indians. He will leave except assault-Froarrested for ior his California home on Friday Sunday morning's Herald: next, by the Union Pacific. was George Graham, of Union Fort, arrested on Saturday, charged with beThe Kentucky giant is dead. He ing concerned in the murder of Peter was seven feet high, two und a half Van Valkenburgh at that place. the A ' ' ' ' hig foot The printer put it "Oh, she's slovenly, she's nosy!'' The engagement was broken CORRESPONDENCE. A humorous old man fell BlUC II AM Ed. Ogdes Jcnction: In the far West, circumstances often bring into existence postmasters, telegraph operators and railroad agants who unfit for such positions are aud unworthy of saered trust in society. The wealth of nations rolling over the oceans, seas and highways of the world come under the direct silperintendenecy "f such men, as well as the intelligence ejf disasters or fortunes, death or life How vexatious it is to witness letters f the highest importance, having crossed oceans, seas and many a distant realm with winged speed and the greatest security, become lost almost at the door of their destination, through the hands of a slovenly and indifferent potmaster, who may have but a hamlet of 50 families to wait upon. Merchandise, sc., having come from afar may in tbe same manner be lost or delaped greatly to the in jury, and sometimes total ruin of fami lies engaged in business. The safety of human life and property depends upon the prompt transmission and delivery of a letter or message, at other times honor and future happiness may be at stake, w hich we could givo many illustrations How disgusting it would to support. be for one to be summoned to tbe death lcd of a father or other friend, and not appear till a few days after be might have been buried, simply because the operator had been too enraptured in reading a new romance, or swallowed up in coquetry, and did not notice tbe telegram till the next day, and then be astonished to have it delivered. When a child or yonnger person is sent to do businesss, it is an insult to those who sent hiiatnot to notice him. Tbe greatest mischief might arise through such e gleet. Still it is quite common with officers to let children go half served, if served at all. There are others who in addition to this, think all people except one class beneath their notice. The inexorable verdict of society cannot be evaded by sueh men; Punctuality, vigilance, . kindness and respecting of every person well disposed, would establish a character and lasting influence for men in public stations well worth to ewn : ... among men. v '. ly - , .!'.!. A..c. , 'Birth. ' in with young minister, who proceeded to inform the old gentleman in positive terms that he could never reach heaven unless he was born again, and added: "I have experienced that change and now feel no anxiety." "And you have been born again?" said his companion, musingly. 4,Yce, I trust I have." "Well," mi the old gentleman, eyeing him attentive ly, "1 don t think it would hurt you to be born once more." STRAYED OR STOLEN TIIK RANGK NKAR RICUMOND.0KB four veur old red swel nir. beTT with foul, wo brand. DO white. 1 will par $25.00 for tbn recovei y of oaid ware or infot that will lead to it imWrtiatcdy. PROM w SI. F. ;' to-da- y, lent, at the depot. This pretty pair are staying iu Ogdeu.-- ' The wan, pretends bliudufss, and his sight is somewhat "At; Brigham City, on the 3d inst, of Impaired, and the piir live' by begging. throat and lungs, Mary. Melvina, the The womanougnj'iUjkfl! t'gress, ,nud used abotnainable language,. an4 Mr. daughter of Samuel L .and Amanda, Jane 3 2 Abbot rogh" tiatt iu getting ' the Smith, agwd years, .Uiputhi and 29 . lock-uf, ,. A. C precious eouple into the FlSHl.lt, Richmcaid, Ciitb Co.,Tjtab. 49-l- m Wood's Mowers AND SELF RAKjE REAPERS At LOGAN, QGQV-- lake urn. hv or, SALT W t fall mnjufv of th abort mtchinei and will cloie them out at the following pricet: TERMS CASH!Mewert, , j off. an ignorant aud ruther impertinent ClTT, June, 7, 1874. In the City of Ogden, on Sunday, the A Nick Faiu. Officer Abiel Abbot who 7th inst.,to the wife of Mr. A. J. Gaines, arrested a man and woman, ' were beastly druuk,- and extremely vio- daughter, haa shoulders, and across Five dollars will purchase a ticket for measured fifteen inchts. six performances and a matinee at the A lover wrote a poem descriptive Salt Lake Theatre this week, when there of his sweetheart for the village will be a combination of talent and a and in it occured this line: new bill every night for the benefit of paper, she is lovely, she is rosy 1" "Oh, the management. : b4U-- 1 x:yry;s great Community as Condensations. o d expectation?. prietor. Another party of Mormon emigrants, who caina from England last summer, started yesterday to return in disgust. They declare themselves victims of the greatest fraud, and will publicly denounce the. whole Mormon system. This is how the Salt Lake news manufacturer imposes on the San Francisco public. The message is to be classed with most of the press dispatches from Utah to the West. It 17-l- Q-- had less have been serious if the boys waiter. colored not been parted by a The thirsty youth who tried to obtain unlawful possession of the lacteal fluid, the proTfas discharged by Mr. Erb, PKKSS DISPATCH. 'JfilE POSTAL I51IXS. vl, the milk. The result of the affair would doubt- ; y IIote!-thucjt- returning, , s large-hearte- pains aud penalties. rrom the St. Joseph Gazette There arrived in tbe City yesterday from Shu, C t Omaha Bee of Mav 9 ' says man named J. Cosell, who' sai ? down the Missouri e benton ior sixteen hundred miles Last summer he left Northern ifornta and went through to Montani with a lot of horses; and after di.nos mg of them he purchased a canoe and started down stream on the 14th of September He was well with arms, ammunition and supply traps and spent considerable time in trapping aud hunting. Arriving at the Mu selshell river, lie remained there d"ht miles above this days. Forty-fiv- e point, at the Little Rocky, ha s made a target for a volley iVom a band of Indians, but he escaped un- y op-,- ition to it, and in (iel'etme of the Mormon government of the territory. iW ppeecU was full of sharp points. He i.'legetl thai the local government of Huh doen not differ materially from that it oilier Territories; that there was no o :t H ict of authority between the probate ..um of Utah nul the U. S. courts; that ;ti those courts justice in administered to Mormons and iinjiar l.n'.ly; that the Mornjonj are not averse that Jo a congressional investigation; their local overntnent n both pure tmd theup; that the object of thiei bill in to them, and give the control of the Territory l. (persons who have done iiitle or nothing to advance it prwHperi-tr- ; that the United States district attorney find marshal have bee.) here all lobbying for tke bill; that if paued, H will make the ollice of mondial worth much as that of the President of the Unitol State?; and that the bill, if would not crush the Mormons, who might yield to reaxou, but could not be ",uverted by lorce. An Extensive Trip. Milk.-T- wo boys em Coming to His Hotel, quarployed in the Union Depot affair. One trivial ovr a relled to got of the boys went into the pantry other boy refused Home milk which the authorito let him have, without proper serious a to led ty. The altercation who guarded the milk fight, the boy the other after failseizing a knife, and from the head cook, ing to get a knife determined to struggle for inspect tbe books of the city at reasonable times and in a reasonable manner. But these disturbers wanted to get possession of the records and copy as well as inspect, and for all the municipal officers knew, to alter, erase and mutilate the accounts, so as to give color to the dark insinuations and malicious slanders they have circulated. His Honor will have the approval of all good citizens in sustain-th- e Improved Iron " $100.00. Self RakeRenper with Mowing , tachment, $200.00. WOOD'S c. z: At . m. W. II. HOOPER, Sop'- - ' s46-l- m ..,;.. rapid, safe and nwy wy Jo w money, procure territory too inKounre every wor.ted M uwful that iTootion latet . by Try one, every wliare. who has fall iMd Sewing machine wttu Table for ouly $10 Uiat Uw the auie work n sl.aL' anrt you would pay $so for, rapid, miooth jrm, eam no strong the cletli will muken r." u the Mikhei rip aprt. Eiht new for all work and the Improved Buttea . u . ...---j ru r ued by u wily. Agent only neon hi npeTHtion to nell in every hrmo they enter, and upwraolei-edaily by rawt M" ice nrh machine was ever offered at ny ucn J Se.iMXl old last yer. 10,(OI Faniilie y Hemand increaaintj every day where Ma. known. MiniHters,Jndfes, Lawyer, thent ctinit(i, Tailors Ac. rwoaimend Bight iriven free to first applicant. no agency in your place, write for it, or tuj chine for your Family or t relaHon, there to an l twtter or so cheap.. Machines the country on receipt of price fio. jn tiement bcKinnin " saved in verT.p'-V,- r. o an.rther part. this pper. AdJrewJ tors, Komtat 3. Mi'tLiUAK k New York. .. ... : 1, vry to A i fH""J-T'u- an'" ay' r u- ' r fc"0,.,., y Ci ; is cor, eenial, hoiioraw pays the be.t " FUEL.' . IIOTX5K ,v-.i- ii KW"' lreand Aa At Co., :SU aud 73e Store o?cMi ; t |