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Show si : (II - . " WBfC'5fleiiVs -- pK ItAK. tf jf u n: i - - PUBLISHED irf:i)S1)A Y and - SEMI-WEEKL- Y SA TURD A Y.) - "(ETSP ' MWM $1.00 OODEX, UTAH. WEOSEStt.tY. JUXE 10, 1S71 BY TELEGRAPH. OCDEN DIRECTORY, Post Office: Ojfden ARRIVAL AXB CLOSING Removal of Political OF MAILS. Intyre and Walker, and hatiged them. it is not stated of what crime the men are accused. Lawrence McNulty. a young man, committed suicide here by cuitine his throat. Two Chinamen, the confessed murderers of Omera, in Del Norte county were lynched by a mob at Happy Camp, in that county. Brainless Yet Conscious. The Jews n VOL. V. Merchants ami Money. lA'Dilcrs. There are animals, says the author In one instance only, says a writof "A New Theory of Knowing," er in which have no Wains, and which Jlarpcr's Ma,izii)e, have the yet Jews consented to The j Kjj IHRmb" PKl'AKTURE. have consciousness. It is change their habonly 6.30 p.m. 8.40 a.m. its of Lake City, dnubl daily und in life, that we discover animals which have brains, 6.V!0 5L Tlirouch Mail daily p.m. 8.40 a.m. The the marks Mail of their perpetual an)w daily of SBl,'TUugU Lick properly speaking. Animals of the CLOSING. From active mid successmolluscous and articulated classes suffering. 7.00 a.m. and the Kant goes to pr ftilt 5.00 p.m. ful husbandmen and till FOREIGN'. r fHH Lavi"""" have have none; they only a number soil r.rUUh Ci iinty, mails c via hvanston, Wyom-iiRome, 4. they have been transformed into lor Kich County, of uerve and leve the bitter lli-called centers, The is somewhat ganglia, in merchants aud Tope better, but re- different 2 p.m Wwhimdavs and Miturcitiyn, at money-lenderfuses to leave the Vatican They ana parts of their body;' and yet The Cache County. Tuesdays, lliursUays of though his Czars seem to have 5.00 whollv lost th ir. lovi.m. to Lopau Daily p Sundays physician recommeuds a change of air. nu uuc win now ueny tncy are sentiDelincd. nl liarrisviiie, ncauesuays N'.jrtti O'dm ent. The old respectable Cartesian for nature and that agricultural skill London, 4. 2.00 p.m. The owners Saturdof the Durham and mat made l'alestine a laud of plenty. collieries t Wednesday HuDtswlle, 7.30 a.m have evicted large numbers of tenants hypothesis that animals were but ma- In ay's Babylonia and Persia. muW Slatersville, Lvnne," 1'laiB City and Colliery receutly engaged in strikes, and over chines has lung ago been exploded ' 3.30 and Thursday p.m. Mondays comparatively gentle rule, they weio 200 families are camping in the fields. 3.00 p.m. regarding the very meanest of them. rather Rivenlide, Wednesdays and Saturdays farmers than traders. Ihunerviilo and Vlma, Wednesdays Even When the hook is Matatnoras, 4. put into the worm, late in tha 11.30 a.m. and Saturdays A treaty has been made between nvr.b.-ihRoman neriod. and it in such a way as to show AMERICAN. OFFICE HOURS. Italy wriggles and Mexico far the extradition ol crim6.45 p.m. 8.15 a.m. General Delivery, the were that is by no means ly until the sixth century, they 4. process Washington. inals. . i l. an Gen. Butler explained that he did not UJCl'AUTMBXT REGISTRY to it. cuiciiy When a is agreeable transagricultural people. The The Mayor orders the chief of police fly Talmud abounds ia allusions to the eubmil as the result of the deliberations to Oiii frum 9 a.m-t- 3 p.m. its violent fixed, the intimates of its cattle over the buzzing M0NF.Y OFFICE DEPARTMENT passage of the Judiciary Committee, the report llioprevent Grande. If this is enforced it wiil agony. Considering that a beo has cultivation of fields and gardens, of 8 Outside Door open from 6 a.m. to p.m. recommending the remission of Susau stop cattle stealing. JOSEPH HALL, Postmaster. eyes, we may conclude that it see-s- oil, wine, and wheat, fruit and flow B. Anthony's fine, but simply thut it 4. London, that it has feelers, we ers. Its nice and varied rules of might be printed for the consideration Spanish advices state that Lequertio, considering Trains conduct rclato chiefly to the of the committee. a maritime town in the people 7.40 a.m C. P. train arrives of Bis- may conclude that it feels. Yet none of rural districts province Assistant than rather authorizes th cities. of ese of Sawyer has animals Secretary been have cerebrum 5.40 bombarded cay, " nr a U. P. p.m, the by schooner When the meat schools of H statement that he will tender his re- belonging to the G.20 but " leaves on a cerebellum, Republican CP. p.m number of navy, only : " 8.50 a.m, signation to save Secretary Bristow from .,f.,..,,.,,f ,,e .1,.. C.P. " nerve threads gathered together at and Pumbeditha were flourishincr, and embarrassment. 7.50 a.m, the vivid intellect of th Israelite foreign ship containing a contraband certain U. C. train arrives Hon. Jos. II. Robinson, assistant so points in knots. We are thus ii 5.45 p.m. and cargo. loreed to the conclusion that Penden- was expanding into a literature, of 8.40 a.m. licitor of the Treasury, will probably Bavonne. 4. " leaves " The Cnrlist attacks on Sai cy, as it exists swmewherc. exists in comnieu tutors and professors, the r.i.-.ii G.30 p.m. succeed Baufield, as solicitor. and In the fceuale. the bill removinir the Irun llernani and was marked by un intense love for Lequertio, weie mere these, and seutiency is just a foam of disabilities of of political Lee, me Fitzhugh to ieints cover the Uricntal lands they cultivated. withdrawal of their consciousness, liut there is other ev ly Religion Services Va., and the Senate bill removinir the torces to the defence of Esiella. Every Sunday, in the Tabernacle, at 11 a.m., and But when the universal Dorseemi..ii idence of the same fact ouiteas doci the Second Ward Solioolhouse Farley's political disabilities of Van R. Wergan, 11 at p.m. ft and Third Wa-upon them, when they were hun sive. The whole cerebrum has been of Va., were passed. Episcopal Church at 11 a.m. ami 7 p.m. ted irom Mtthodiot Church at 11 a.m. and 7 y.m. bherman, from the finance committee. removed from JJabylonia and Persia, and some animals, and yet The Ilrcwerfc' Congress. ipirrtualist Lectures (Child'8 Hull), at 7.00 p.m. that began remarkable scries of ivnn. reported back the House bill providing they have continued to be conscious. for the collection of money due the from derings 4. Boston, city to city, and from of this kind have been Ogtfcn City Library Open United Sta.es from the Pacific Railroad The national conirress of hrewrs u Experiments W. Turners' News Depot. At "Geo. realm to realm, that has lasted dV companies, and asked that it be referred day, adopted resolutions providing for made upon pigeons and other fowls more than wy day, Sundays exceidod. a thousand years, the man- to the Judiciary Committee; so ordered. Dr. Dalton, Dr. ners ot laying siastistics belore the Natioual by Flourcns, Longet, the race changed. They beand State governments, thereby inclin- Bennett, Dr. McKcudrick, and many Chicago, 4. A Washington special euvs that noth came nation a of traders. T tbem to ing judicious legislation on the others; and it has been found that the ing but want of time will, it is thought, malt liquor questiou; also, for the adop- bird thrift, learning, and rare acutenms may Jive and perform the funcprevent tne senate Jroni passing tion of measures to induce the governATTORNEY AT LAW the never lost, but thev wen- - nv.r they tions of life for weeks aud evrn for Utah Judiciary bill which And ment to remit the tax on Canadian barbecome to months without a particle of brain. I again the House on Monday. peaceful tillers of K0TARY PUBLIC, ley. They urge all brewers to watch the the soil. were forced to snatch They 4. nave seen Boston, several such experiments tuteresis ot this great source of revenue, - Utah. The Senate has rassed the Ogden City, bill nbnl and increase business from the midst earn ef opportunities and have no doubt whatever by all possible myself, . . of their wanderings. ishiug the State constabulary over the means; and suggest the appointment of out mat Their wartu the brainless pigeon is senuovernor s veto by a vote of to 10. a commute to prepare an address to and X. TAX NCR Jr., their were such as could profits tient. I may transcribe the following reach the public, and ftate the brewers' Louisville, 4. be most easily handled and A observations a irom at made occurred and special says ATTORNEY AT LAW. fight many . position 3a the question. A series of They supplied the barbarous princes Buinside's Point, Pulaski Co., (Mice with County Recorder, temperauce resolutions were adopted. notca aown at the time. After the of between the citizens and railroad labor- They set forth that the Germany with the most costly Utah. ers, in which congress protests cerebrum had been removed, under Ogdcn City, one laborer was killed unsl against the actions of so called temper- the influence of chloroform, and the drugs and spices of the East. Thoy several persons wounded. ance societies which attempt to prove iu jewels that had recovered from the anae- dealt they could easil v New pigeon 4. that York, malt s S. J. LEWIS. liquo conceal produce or immorality, and in Oriental swallow, sthetic and the shock of the Deration A London letter says the Duchess of WATCHMAKER pauperism and crime, and protests AND JEWELER. cloths that were of priceless value. Edinburgh's position at court has been against their efforts to induce legislation (which was generally in about twenty Dealer in Watches, Clocks. Jewelry, Silver and settled. She is to be called "Her were the most active slave trad-- ' They uniru mure, ji.u.1 SIKJiJST. OULIE.N. Royal hostile to the mauufaciurp at minutes;, ii stood nrinly, balancing Repairing neatly done aud all work warranted Imperial" or "Imperial Royal High They pledge united and undivided effort itself sometimes on both loirs, some era of the Middle Ages, and tho ness." and is to take rank next to the to influence mibl 1C Ottininn in fjrnr nf Church vainly heaped its maledic- Princess of Wales, except when the malt liquors as wholesome, nutritious times on only one. and breathed tions on the Jew who would d arn tn Princess Royal, the Crown Princess of and necessary. Thev call nn all lnoul swallowed, del'oecatcd. and otherwiso Their Russia, hapneus to visit England. The brewers to use every effort to the ordinary functions of purchase Christian slaves. prevent performed in money probably rule hag hitherto been that daughters of prohibitory leerislat ion. and Riiriftorf. capital was rmiv grew from TFTOU VTA XT A THOMS0NIAN DOCTOR OR hie, but generally in a state of the sovereign take precedence over license candidates to othce. to I .. Tl were the age ago. common They coma or sleep. When its eve was wives' sons, except in the case of the A long address to the President and CALL ON DR. money-lender- s of the MURPHY, Princess of Wales. The Duchess of Ed- people of the United States, announces toiichcd, it shook his head: when its The JewsBeeni to hnvc early period." . w pnnt.antnin, POST OFFICE, MAIN ST, vuuvwuwatvu inburgh, however, is not only royal by the crusade movement as being merely bill was toucheu, it did the same. the wealth OGDEN. of the Middle but imperial by birth, and it un effort of CoxeoiiAMos Fee, $i.uu. fallen over one to iges among IlaviDg marriage, nearly side, designing men for personal ,im ii on this ground that the higher place aggrandizement. It declares that the it made an effort to rrcover itself, themselves; they lent their mouey at has has been assigned her. stoppage of the manufacture of beer both bv flapping its wings and mov- an cuormous interest and nnnn nnm!.. The Chamber of Commerce, wofld cripple the finances and unjustly The world is full of its feet. It occasionally awoke, security; they accumulated immerse Children crying for adopted a resolution favoring strongly curtail the rights of individuals to en- ing its eyes, and curved its neck, lortunes, which they were obliged to a liberal and just reciprociiy treaty be- gage in an honest MeLAIX'S calling. The address opened hide from their persecute, A inm , Candled Castor tween Canada and the United States: concludes: "Let the watchword be as pigeons do. When a lainn was a also the of revenue But their favoring change maintain the credit and honor of the brought close to its eye, k turned its poet of extreme poverty. Oil. home was never again to be amid the It i delicious, effective laws by simplifying them without de- United States; preserve the sovereignand harmless. The re- creasing the amount of the revenue: also soft landscapes of Bubvlon ity of individuals, and as a Union, and j pulsive taste and small reoommendinir " Gifts 1" said a distinguished lady specific instead of ad val as individual or en is Oil so Castor the will sia; and crowded liberty triumphs m a miserm a j y the financial stability of the national in Its orem duties whenever practicable. " why, able Ghetto. livitogether iu nrr-urtirely overcome. other the ashingtou day, il armrfc nHiurtif nnWAM .r. tig Sun Francisco, 4. government be upheld, the welfare and Grant would take anythiufe you would and forsaken ""U1",-rePrice 25 cent. VT ia the act James of Lick The the deeding walled, foitifiod, uCLilin'a Vir.,:c. t i prosperity of the people advanced and give him, it it was the small pox. whole to the inuhlic p. personal of his nronertv and secure cities of Western Europe, ' be r r ever victorious. liberty k i I "Ums The retiring: editor of a Southern they counted their secret pains: und ' resemuie ureain cites much comment. Ha donates. &700. tenth... and " """ecimners- gtione.' umnren to the construction of the largest cry for them. Price A Remarkable air, per box. 000 paper boasts that he was never " re- - sometimes displayed in their obscure Escape. r.nd best telescope in the world for the other druggists. kick- - dwellings a suspicious and Oriental volvered, horsewhipped, knifed, y . observatory at Lake Tahoe: S500.000 An employee in the King for public monuments; $15,000 for pubPhillip ed, licked, bricked, pnuimcled, or cus- splendor. Their daughters were clad in this city;. $100,000 for the mill at Fall Iliver was scrubbing the sed for anything I have Baid, written, in the rich silks of Persia, and shone baths lic ' I old Ladies' .home; $10,000 to the society floor of the third story with a . mop done, or Jcit undone us an editor, and with the gold and gems of the East. for the Drotection of cruelty to animals: the other day, when he backed up in ceasing to be one I am filled with $25,000 to the Ladies' protection and re- against a belt thirty-si- x a melancholy sadness." inches wide L0REN2O D. RUDD lief society; $10,000 to the mechanics that n Nothing1' so vexes a rinvsifni j floor the passes through 422.000 to the Protestant ornhan in to be sent for in croat hiTst "North" lihrarv obliquearrired Thes'eamship nnd tln.i " I retailing asylnm; $25,000, to the city of San Jose ly, thence siver a shaft and down England a few days since with a large little or nothing the matter with the lor an orptian apyium; jnw.uuu lor tue through the floor again. The belt cargo consi8tiDgot many hundred live patient. An eminent English surerection of a bronze monument to the was moving at the rate of cattle. South American The thrp. was oncesent for by a gentle- A NO voyage Banner'-igeon Star Spangled author of the of a mile per minute, and from the Argentine Confederation mau ftnliUn T.atn Park: $300,000 for t hp quarters who had received a blight me man was carried down through was made in twenty-fou- r endowment of a school of mechanical After wound. On his arrival he sent hi days. arts' In Calif ornia. The residue, in ex- the floor; bat before striking the a few davs rest and food the beeves servant back in great haste to get a At hi, cess of $1,770,000, to. the Pioneers' So floor of the second storv he rolled were sold to Berkshire farmers at an piace of Resi(jonC9) certain of kind plaster. The patient, ciety, lie maKes ampie provision for upon another belt, that "vas running a piece. It is turning pale, said, "Sir. I hoDe thorn of $80 average price his reserves and homestead his relatives; iu the st., opposite direction. The sud said that these cattle can be bought. is no dauger." Indeed there is, anand $25,000 jer annum for himself. w uen reverse threw him upon the floor, brou2ht over, and landed in Ensrland swered the A Austin. from Nevada, , nnva . J -- diRnntrth "for if the' felW J f but he' I Was of crowd a not hurt. The mop, how- - at on outside cost of ?35, exclusive doesn't runburgeon, last night thirty masked ,re,'din hi ethbortood, will find dial like a re men entered the jail at Belmont, bound up three boards, und was of freight, and that a profit of 100 wound will be healed bvfore Weak J?eiVJM sla. ' 'ogive Liiu a call before pur the two sheriff, look out prisoners, Me- broken all to pieces. 1 ' ' per ccHt can be realized 1? every case, pofsiUy get back:ARRIVALS. 7.50 a.m. ...i. Tj.ke City, double daily, 5.45 p.m. 7.40 a.m. 5.40 p.m. Disabilities. tJtah Bill. Whole Property i; m -- y the ver-ttbrat- the Public. Position daughter the s. Eviction of Tenants in England. -- o -- J -- z . . -- -- .hoi.s t .Ijt School-bous- e In d School-hous- e to-d- ay i..,..t ill lo-da- y, . , lir u-i- y . removed; . - SITE to-da- y, m . ! - . ,37-l- NOTICE DHY GOODS OCERIES. yrir -- ogden. race-hors- ' - s |