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Show LOCAL ITEMS. Fridays Daily of June From Yes! lt, VVhy " ";l,! th with a rope, to which was attaehed a log of wood. The log bounced and flew around as the animal dashed along and only missed the young 5. OYcs! OYes! lightest draft and Lent a apl,l tVof Farmers m Utah. Thoroughly 4ld by M. D. Ilauiuioud, Ogdeu. lady, crouching against the wall, by a few inches. A branch of the United Order was organized at Mill Creek, last Saturday, with Reuben Miller as President Alex; ander Hill arid Washington Lemons, Vice Presidents; E. Fairburn. Cyrus Vir. Field, Eastward Bound Sec; J cable projec-,e- r ,be celebrated telegraphic Morgan. Treasurer. Ephraim William.-.Caiifor-Bi- a of Haight, and Daniel McRae and William Hiil, Directhe passengers on the tors were among this morning. Eastern bound train From this morning's Herald: There will be no public meeting at the New Tabernacle next Sunday StliuKIor morning, Wagons. ou baud at M. D. lIaiimioud, Og- - in A full stock consequence of the rehearsal for the musical jubilee. A passenger car and baggage caboose The compos. express were SrABKiiso. swashed up by an accident, at Rich-te- r their appreciation of the skill of Bingham, en Wednesday. and Fry in the manipulation of malt A sneak who has been prowling around and hwps with a due admixture of Adams a house in the 17th Ward, is being Ale. The Grove Brewery takes the palm watched closely, and if he doesn't quit, fer lager, and Meyers at the new depot trouble is anticipated for the prowler. far its sale on Main street, will be kept The new steam hoisting apparatus for the coming summer. busy during the Neptune and Kempton mine at Bingham, will be ready for operation next .Hon- week. Buckeye ors. The Lingards appear at the Theatre This unrivaled niachiue is for nalo at M. I). UkUiuioud's, Main Street, Otfduu. in a rich bill , Ileanerg and Utah Northern. From Saturday's Daily of June 6. the 2d hist, says : "A well informed gentleman thinks it probable the Utah Northern will be extended to Marsh Valley and not, improbDissolution. Smith and Walker, of Mr. ably to Suake River this year. Brigham City, dea ers in furniture.have Kicltardson, who has reueuily become disselved, and the Inst., principal owner of the road, having in All Co-othe vicinity of 1,000,000 invested in it, Las taken the business. in is a member of the Richardson firm, lonow. Brigham, comotive builders at Puttersiou, N. J." of p. Mr. Tuchardson has invested largely the narrow guage road, but the people, who built it, are the principal ownThe gentleman who furnisued the ers. material, however, has a valuable interest in the prosperous line, and it will net him a good dividend when the road Gone East. Wm. Horace Lingard and party, the celebrated burlesque artists, have not lingered long in Utah this time. They went east this morning. Mr. Washburn, was also ou the eastern-boun- to China, train. d little more tine. If the line is pushed to Snake River it will pay from the word "go." has a Removed. Messrs. Goodwin &. Schap- pell, (he house decorators, have removed their shop and office to premises a We called few doors south of the Utah Hotel. Asother Sharp Game. Fr attention yesterday to the monte swindle a specimen of their work, take a look at now running rampant between Terrace the fine graining in Fred Levy's new and Toano. We learn that another dodge on Main street. store, is in vogue on the line of the C. P. to entrap the unsuspecting. A few days ago, a Qreen Mountain Sidb Walk. Mr. Richard Ballantyne, contractor for Plank Sidewalk, says the man, very green at that, though he was S. Deputy Marshal,, got off the only reason why the work is not finishtrain at Wincemucca, with a gentleman ed is, ttiat there is no lumber of the named Feck who invited him. While proper kind in the city, and the lira have to be got down before it can be they were taking their tod, a man named sawed. Will not the Committee make McClellan came up and " took one." Peck laid down a ten dollar piece, Mc- arrangements so that the whole job can Clellan a twenty. The could threw only change one of them. They dice to see which should pay for the lot, bar-tend- er be completed on of the resumption work! - out-do- . or Wln-nemuc- ta. stove-woo- , J7 last evening's night, he would perceive the necessity of reducing the oaBine oensus in that man passing Dr. Crain will be examined under the that way late la6t evening was greeted of four large Wge of murder in the second degree. by the melodious voices Ast. Supt. Goddard is him eimulta. to attack curs, who ran out working to make the coming jubilee a neously, and if he had not been provided fraud success. he would with means of , A Please young lady had a larrow escape probably have been devoured. 001 in curs that eTere injury (be mongrel yesterday. A horse thin o'nt out of an alley Way on Main St. neighborhood. - c. u. Prest. p OGDEN BRANCH. IB Just Arriving! SriUNG The StrlH, Prints, l'eroales Iannis intimitis DRY GOODS! HATS, Groceries! e, and Smalley,' the oldVermonter counted Thb Picnic. The picnic in Farr's Peek's throw at "the old California Grove last evening, was a very enjoyable guess game, top and bottom," and found affair, and nothing occurred to mar the twenty-one- . pleasure of the company. The music - McClellan went out fof a minute, fcnd was excellent, the weather propitious, Peck explained that three dice "top and and all seemed to enjoy themselves hugebottom" would always count twenty-one- . ly. Dancing ceased at twelve o'clock, a When McClellan him Peck bet very sensible hour. returned, that he would name the number every On future occasions the proprietors time. So Peck do well to make arrangements for would till bet a kept winning, of $100 was made, and Peck started solid refreshments, as folks get hungry for the. train to borrow the exercise. They will no money from by 'his cousin." But on second though't he doubt make provision for this in future. borrowed all the money Smalley. had and his watch and chain, against which Ltkne Item. s Mr. D: F. Thomas, of McClellan put up the $100. ' He threw Lynne, informs us that the health of again, and vhen green counted them President Baird, who has been very low this time they only numbered nineteen. for some time, is steadily improving. Then there was a peck of trouble at Mr. Thomas lost a very .valuable dog, But Peck told Smalley not to time since, The animal got hold short a get excited, he would hurry and get the of some poiodneuB meat. dog was noneyand he should have his watch gifted with great sagacity. 'He would But Peck disappeared, and when take excellent care of little children, and Smalley went through the train with the had been taufiht to carry into d Conductor he eouldn't find him. So the house and te make himself generally Smalley from the Green Mountains felt useful. Mr. T. valued the animal very Tery email and looked exceedingly green. , , highly, But the two ; sharpers have been taken of the if dog?, the speaking way, By ad they are now under bands of 1,000 officer would pass along the State proper ch, to await the action of the Grand road as far as the, lane leading westfor playing tricks upon travelers. ward into Lynne,1 about ten o'clock at CasDEssAuoss.--Fro- m Grant. Piques, The Omaha Herald in Financial Bask Ball. Yesterday afternoon a Views of z. I. COLUMN. match was played between the "Junction" and "Quick-Step- " clubs, on LibWashington, 5. in victory of the erty Square, resulting Senator Jones has obtained permission 'Quick-Step- " boys. Following is the from President Grant to publish the following memorandum prepared by the score: latter, expressing his views on the finanClub. Quick-Stecial questions : Outs. Runs. I believe it," says the President, "to 3 5 Elmer, C be the high and plain duty to return to 8 6 Forbes. P a specie basis at the earliest practicable 1 8 Goodale, F 13 day; not only in compliance with legis4 5 Bowman, SB lative and party pledges, but as a step 1 8 T. Poulter, indispeusible to the lasting national 6 3 JacksoH, S S prosperity. I believe further that the 2 M. Pouher, L F o time has come wheu this can be done, or 3 5 Horspool, (' F at least begun, with less embarassnient 1 5 to every branoh of industry than any fuFarley, KF ture time after resort has beea made to 24 Total, 50 uustable any temporary expedients to stimulate uureal property, and speculaJunctiox Club. tion on a basis other than coin, the re Runs. Outs. cognized medium of GOODS, exchange through, OUR 1 3 Murphy, C out the commercial world. The partic'2 3 Quinlan, P ular mode selected to bring about a re. CONSISTING OF 4 Cheek, F B storation of a desired standard is not of 1 4 Sewell, S B so much consequence as that some adeZ 3 Livingston, T B quate plan be devisad and time arrived G7lLolCKt O Chasnian, S S at when currency shall be exchangeable 3 IliUiker, R F for coin at par, and that plan adopted 1 Pugh, C F And Patterns of and rigidly adhered to. nO Tyler, L F It is not probable that any legislation suggested by me would prove acoeptable 21 Total, 24 to both branches of Congress, aud indeed a full discussion might shake my own faith in the details of any plan I might Cj2 The Herald's Birthday. Yesterday propose; I will, however, venture te slate Uihmis, the Salt Lake Herald entered upon its the general features of the action which Organdies. to A seems me advisable. financial platfifth year. We congratulate our friends, form on which I would stand, and, any its editors, on the success they have departure from which would be in a AND X achieved in the field of journalism. The spirit of concession and harmony in def- Herald is one of the best papers in the erence to conflicting opinions." "To effect this iTwould be necessary to GENERAL ASSORTMENT Or Great West. Its news is culled from authorize the issue cf bonds payable in every land, and its editorial columns are gold and bearing such interest as would evidences of the varied abilities of the command the par value in gold, to be out by the Treasurer only in such gentlemen by whom it is conducted. put sums as should from time to lime be Spicy and lively locals, often sparkling needed for the purpose of redemption. with genuine wit, recommend it to the Such legislation would ensure a return hasty reader, while its leaders give food to a sound financial principle in two for thought to the more studious, who years, and would, in my judgement, work less to the debtor interest watch with interest the growth of the than is hardship likely to come from putting off Territory and the general progress of the day of final reconing. It must be CloUiing in (jreat Variety. affairs throughout the country. An an borne in mind, too, that the creditor interest had its day of disadvantage also, independent newspaper, fairly represent- when our present financial system was ing the various sides of public opinion, brought in by the supreme needs of the and at the same time battling fearlestly nation. At the same time I would furthfor the civil and religious rights f the er provide that from and after the date fixed for no bills, whether people, the Herald stands in the front of haiionul redemption, banks or cf the UnitedState s, CAVS, BOOTH rank of journalism, and has promise of returned te the Treasury to be exchang AX1 S2IOHS. a bright and prosperous future. We ex- ed for new bills,' should be replaced by tend cur cordial congratulations to its bills of less denomination than ten dolMisses' and Childroh'a editors on their success, and wish them lars, and that in one year after resuinp Ladies', tion all bills less than five dollars should Trimmed hats and Fancy Goods. and the Herald many more years of profit bo withdrawn from circulation, and in two years all bills of less than ten dollars and usefulness. The advauiage should be withdrawn. of this would be strength given to the Condensations. From last eveniag's country against the time of depression Newt : resulting from war, the failure of crops Mr. Henry Wallace of First South or any other cause by keeping always in A FULL STOCK OF the hands of the people a large supply of Street has opened a new and elegant precious metals. With all smaller trans confectionery establishment two doors actions conducted in coin many millions south of White and McCormiek's bank. of it would be kept in constant use, and of course be prevented from leaving the The funeral services of Henry EccleB country. were attended yesterday by his brother By giving gold active employment, Hardware, Staple Drugs, Notions. masons, whe marched in procession however, its presence can, it seems to Taper Hangings, Queen VVarti, from the Temple block, each wearing a me, be secured, and panics aud depres Glass-warsions which have occurred periodically Saddles, Harblue masonic sash, to the . 15th ward in times of nominal specie payments, if ness and Harness trim-- , school house, where the ceremonies they cannot be wholly prevented, can at least be greatly mitigated. Indeed, I were conducted. mings, Cordage aud would been have it whether question and Mr. Moult rin Tin ware Last Tuesday, lound necessary to depart from the stana son of the late elder George Sim?, a dard of specie in the trying days which lad seventeen years of age, were hauling gave birth te the first legal tender brush in Middle canyon, when Moul-tri- n had the country taken ground of no stuck his axe into the rack. At small bills as early as 1850. the same moment young Sims placed his To band on the rack to get down and the A6EST3 FOR axe severed the member excepting a n 28. of the Frem May little tag of skin. Dr. Dodds joined the In the U. S. District Court, May parts, but does not think the unfortunate 27, leave was granted the counsel of lad will regain the use of the limb. Hon. J, . Scammon to file a general A branch of the United Order was denial of his alleged indebtedness aud - ' : ' organized at Bountiful last Thursday, alleged bankruptcy, as set forth in y i. j THE AM) . with the following officers : an application made by the United States Mortgage Company.1 President,. Anson Call, 1st Vice-FreInasmuch as Mr. Scammon is dent, Wm. Atkinson; 2d John John Stoker; Treasurer, Tilford; known to have been the founder and Secretary, William Thurgood: Assistant former owner of this journal, its Secretaries, Chas. R. Jones and Jaren friends have expressed an anxiety to Tolman; Directors, Sidney Kent, Wm know if the legal proceedings comBrown, John K. Crosby, Joseph Hol- - menced againet him will in any manIntcr-OceaCompany hrook, Chas. W. Mann, Henry Tingey, ner affect the For their informaOrin Hatch, Geo. D. Grant, Henry or its property. Rampton, Thomas Briggs, and John tion, we answer that he parted with Moss. the proprietorship of the Inter-OceaOur new WAGON and MACH1-NfiRFrom this morning's Herald: and that the business The property cf the American smelt some time since, DEPARTMENT will .rt. the company is now entirely "dising works was sold at auction yesterday, of connected from Mr. Scammon'a, and ly be opened in the by Deputy Sheriff Dewey. AIL Johnson, Henry Gladden and W, can be in no manner embarrassed Doniphan were arrested yesterday .for nor affected by his affairs. ,, Old Tithing Office Yard., robbing Mr. Thatcher, of Thatcher & Elkin, of a fine gold watch and chain, as Twc friends met after an absence he wag going home the night before. The W, II. 110 OVER, Strp'f. on of some years, during which time the Doniphan. property was found The entire theatrical company with one increased in bulk, and the other All orders addressed to D. II. Mr. Chaplin, Miss waiters. Miss Col resembled only the M effigy of a ville and Mr. Hoskins, have volunteered still Peery, Ogden, will receive prompt to play tor the Theatre Corporation man." Said the stout gentleman: " Why, Dick, you look as if you attention.. next week without compensation, to re losses imburse them for sustained dur had not had a dinner since I saw nine the months, during which ing past the have paid the actors usder all cir youlast" " And you," replied the other, camstances. " as if you had been at dinner look A refreshing rain at Salt Lake last ever sioce.." A young self-defenc- e, , -- at the Public. Inter-Ocea- i Sewing i Machines, i .;. si Vice-Presiden- CEXEIMtATED t, PRINCE ORGANS! n . n Y t . . , s2Uf 1 , |