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Show She (Dflflm function. and SATURDAY, PuBLisniNO Compact. tho ()!)kn by rnl.lihed erery WKDNESTMY tharlcit W. PenroMC, IMitor. ami iiilitiness Manager. KJI)K.r. UTAH. WEDNESDAY". JUNE iv 1 3:1:1:1: 10. 1874. Tin: ULoiv fTi:i3Ci:s. The hows of the passage, in the Ucuse of Representatives, of the bill, appears in San Francisco pnpers under the head of "A blow at l'o-i:ir- i4 polygamy in Utah." This is a mistake. The "blow" is aimed, primarily, at the constitution-i- d rights of a whole Territory, and ultimately at the liberties of the nation. It the bill becomes a law it establishes a preceicnt for Congress to deprive the people of the Territories nf a voice in the management of their local alfairs; to pass enactments in vio lation of the Organic Acts given by Congress to those Territories; to con trol and appropriate the local revenue of the people; to make religious belief a test of qualification for jury service; and to give power over the lives, Tberties and properties of citizens iuto the hands of irresponsible :iipoiiitec3 of the Federal Covern-ii- n ;it. Neither the framcrs of that bill nor the majority who passed it car6 anything about polygamy. The rapacious horde ut the back of the nicve-ii- k iit are not all afflicted with excessive morality. Their private lives would not bear the light of public .scrutiny. It is lust for tho property of tho men who have redeemed I 'tali from its uative barrenness, and desire to harass and destroy a thoni, 'which urge on tho ravenous hirds of prey who croak for special legislation. And the cause of tho "Mormons" is the cause of the whole people of the United States Admit the right of Congress to make such provisions .is are incorporated in the Poland bill, and the Constitution is a dead Its spirit is gone. The instrument. heutiments which inspired its venerated authors are trampled into the mire. The rule of royil masters is fulf tituted for the service of popular representatives, and the people become subjects instead of sovereigns. The bill is a virtual voice of encouradventurers, agement to carpet-baand the unprincipled crawling vermin who food by sucking tho Hood of tho body politic. Let the bill bo read iu the liht of the Constitution, and with the supposition that it is intended for any other part of the Union but Utah, and the and nature of the infamous document will bo apparent to every .poison. . If it is anrm.d that it is framed for special action on the Mormons only, the argument itself should bf sufficient to condemn it as partial and unjust. And tho reflecting mind will readily perceive that what can lo permitted with. a view to suppress or injure one religious body, only requires opportunity to be hurled agaiust another; and that sectarian animosity and sectional strife are introduced nationally by the Poland l i.l, the , fruits of which, if they spring forth in Utah, will certainly make bitter food for the whole people of the United States, before many years have passed away. 1,1 Tho bill, then, is a blow, not merely at polgyamy, but ngiinst popular rrivilogc, local represenation and control of revenue, trial by, a jury of peers, law, liberty and constitutional rights, and strikes ostensibly at the bead of Utah, bnt really and tiuly at the b;dy of the nation. g office-gambler- The Dirt SUnger true to its charmanliness to take acter, has not the DEEP. back its slander, but reiterates An air navigator named John II. the charge this morning with its terrible had a Shearer, journey among usual beastly language. Mr. Cannon tho clouds a couple of weeks ago. had better let the vile thing alone, Shearer is a clerk at a hotel in Head for the present at any rate. He has ing Pennsylvania, and is about thirty done enough to vindicate his characballoon has He of on the years age. ter among his friends and the decent dozen a made haa ascenand brain, and should portion of his opponents, sions within a brief period. On this let the filthy paper run its brief from started he on Pottstown, trip careGr without attaching sufficient the line of the North Pennsylvania falsehood and abuse importaace to its Railroad. His air ship was named There U not the as to notice it. "The Globe." It contained 22,000 archy and ingratitude. D. S. slightest probability that the cubic feet of gas. and the only restiug will ever exhibit an appriach to fairMORRII IMPULSE. place for the aeronaut was a trapeze ness, retract its base attacks on perbar fastened by two ropes to an iron sonal character or apologise for the Morbid Impulse" is the twin ring eighteen inches in diameter, to most transparent errors. Let it lie. which the netting from the balloon mental disease of " emotional insaniwas attached. The sand bags for ty." Its name was invented by Dr. OUR DELEGATE'S ballast were also fastened, mouth Hammond, who has been lecturing POSITION. The on the subject in New York. downward, to the iron ring. Washington, 5. The committee Taking a scat on the bar, the cords distinction between the two is that on elections, by a vote of six against were cut and up went Shearer, like a emotional insanity renders its victim five, have agreed not to report on the rocket. On reaching an altitude of irresponsible for acts committed resolution of Hazelton recitiug that 1,090 yards he threw himself head- under its influcuce, while morbid Cannon had been proved a polyga-mis- t, having married one of his wives long downward, but caught the bar impulse can bo controlled and eradisince the passage of the with one hand and performed a num- cated by the will of the afflicted. law of 1802, and therefore should be ber of evolutions, the crowd gazing Dr. Hammond to some According expelled. The committee have also in fear and amazement. He cont inued of the greatest criminals, who have voted down the resolution postponing his upward career till he was lost in been considered fiends iu human form all action in the case, but it is generthe clouds, and on reaching 5,000 were afflicted with morbid impulse, ally believed that further consideration of the question will be postponed feet, indicated by a barometer attach- and gave way to it until they couldn't till next sess'on. ed to the balloon, a furious wind and help committing the crimes they perThe above telegram shows that rain storm ' set in. Shearer then petrated. But if they had obtained the members of the Committee on climbed rrfj and s.it on the ring. competent medical advice or resisted Elections have more common sense, Here iu his thin " he the impulse determinedly on its inand a greater regard for the religious was nearly frozen, and was swayed to ception, they might have overcome and domestic rights of citizens, tix and fro in the storm. After some ex and their names have irone down to their sapient chairman. Our Dele ertion he succeeded in opening the posterity as benefactors instead of gate will retain his seat during the valve, the gas rushed out and he be destroyers of their race. Su'c'e '.t remainder of the present session, and gan to descend. The gale swept the appears, is frequently the result ef there is but little doubt that the balloon along at a frightful rate, and morbid impulse, and the succession of people of Utah will be represented after a while dashed furiously into a similar crimes which often startle the during the Forty-thirCongress so dense wood where he was scratched world are trcceable to a morbid imfar as the miserable Territorial policy and bruised among the tree tops, and pulse to imitate. of the Government will permit by his head catching between two One of the Doctor's cases illus the man of their choice, who is in boughs, bo received a terrible gash trates the force of the impulse and for that imporin his neck, and came near losing bis the way to overcome it. A gentle- every way qualified tant position. Hon. George Q. Can head. After being tossed about, and man consulted him on the condition non is gifted with brilliant talents, rising and descending, he threw out of his mind. Every time he walked and his private life is irreproachable an anchor which caught in a fence in the garden with a favorite child, He is worthy to take a prominent and demolished it. lie made several he was seized with an almost unconthe best and brightest ineffectual attempts to come to an- trollable desire to kill her. Becoming place among in the men land, and Utah is proud chor, and finally the ropo broke. alarmed, and fearful of the conseof her able andpure-minde- d repreWatching an opportunity as he sailed quences, he determined to lay his sentative. up again among the trees, he caught case before Dr. 'Hammond. The Now let the "ring" howl again. some branches, twi&ted them into the advice he received was to exert his iron ring and shopped his journey. will powerfully in opposition to the A PLEREIAX A3IONG Help Came, two or three trees were impulse, and make a resolution not PEEKS. i cut down and he was rescued. to go into the garden with the child The Slave trade in East Africa has Shearer says he means to do it any more. He did so and was saved been the subject of a big overhaulagain. Look out for an account of from the crime of murder. Stafford House, the residence his final ascent. A fellow who' is not Science is throwing a clearer light ing al of the Duke and Dutchess of Suthersatisfied with such an experience as every day upou the mysteries of menthe above, will close his career sud- tal disorders and idiosyncracies, and land, in London. Distinguished permade neat little speeches, denly. there is no doubt that we shall come sonages and resolutions of a deprecatory charto the understanding, some time, that acter were offered, but nothing like A WORTHLESS CROWN. in many instances people who have business was advocated till Stanly, drawn upon themselves the anger Unhappy Spain seems destined to Y. Ar. the Herald man who found trouble. Neither monarchy nor repub- and vengeance of society, were more Livingstone, opened his mouth. He licanism seems to suit the dissatisfied to be pitied than blamed. Charity proposed that every trader entering revolutionists, f After trying various comes with knowledge, and the lack the country should be bound in a governments, it is rumored that sev- of it is a sure token of ignorance. heavy penalty uot to deal in slaves ; eral members of tho Spanish Cabinet a heavy fine to be imposed on convichave concluded to offer the crown to tion on the evidence of three respectLET IT LIE. Prince Leopold' of Ilohcnzollern able witnesses and that captains of ' Siigmartogcn.i? That libellous sheet of slander call- slaves should be dealt with by a court That name ought to be enough to ing itself the S. L. JWinne, for the martial, composed of the officers of satisfy even the Spaniards. The purpose of casting a reflection en our ships capturing them, headed by the Prince of Ilohenzollern ia the same Delegate, stated a day or two ago Consul General; the penalty to be person .whose nomination for the that Angus M Cannon, the Hon. hanging. The aristocrats applauded Spanish throne in 1870 threatened Delegates' brother, publicly declared the plebeian, and it is to be hoDed to plunge Europe into a bloody war, iu the Tabernacle, on the Sunday that the meeting will result in someand was one of the incidental causes succeeding the assassination of Pre- thing besides noble talk and RepubFranco-Prussia- n to conthe leading sident Lincoln, that he knew Mr. Liu lican suggestions. flict. France, jealous of the growing coin had been assassinated by the New England is still ahead of power of - Prussia, intimated that if will of the Lord because a mob assasin large cotton dividends. Georgia German a Prince was seated upon sinated Joseph Smith. Adding, 'the In Fall the earnings of some River the throne of Spain without the con whole people said Amen." Mr Can- mills have been enormous, as dividsent of the French Government, non writes to the Herald that the ends 140 per cent, in one year and there would be trouble on the Con statement is a malicious falsehood, mill stock multiylying in value ten times indicate. On the other tinent. And though Leopold was in- and that he was living at St. George hand might there are many manufacturers duced to decline the crown presented at the time when this is said to have in New England who might as well for his acceptance, Napoleon III was occurred, and did not go to Salt have had their mills closed last not satisfied, but tried to extort from Lake till eighteen months afterward. SAILING s, an IS THE UPPER King William the promise that no connection of his family should occuBut the py the throne of Spain. promise didn't come, though the conflict did, and now the cruel war is over, and Napoleon has gone to his account, the forbidden crown is sparkling again for the Ilohenzollern Prince. But the cares and troubles of Spanish rulers are heavier than the reward, and if Leopold was of our mind he would let it sparkle, and keep away from Spain and its an- anti-polyga- "skin-tights- ; CORRESPONDENCE, Llift os, Oneida Co., .1 Editor Junction: Utah, n rt a 0 .1 Dear Bro: Oh sou. Saturday, we were visited V? I'rest. Lorenzo Sn'ol Vi.h , ult-- . H B. Preston. Bisbon M 'n ii other Elder8. f0 tbe purpose 70VDi tt- -: izine a branch nf ' this settlement. A meeting was held a branch was organized with Tfow- ing officers: TWul, first Vice President, Wm. . The people have commenced in repairing their fences; the busing crops Tery good, and promise an abundant L barve8t- H. N. Howell - Sensation as a ISait to Catch Souls. From the Chicago Tribune. Worcester, Mass., has a minister wild i3 not content with bein a her-eti- c A Congregational Council refused to install him. Thereupon his deacons did iustead. He preached his own installation sermon on the text "Never Skedaddle." May 10th his subject was "Religious Bugs." At the close of the service ho announced the following edifying programme for the next eleven Sundays : Guzzle aud Give. Paul's "Shoo Fly." Cremation. Republican Locusts. May 17 May 24 May 31 June 7 June 14 Empty Churches, And How to Fill them. June 21 Main Street. June 23 Pharaoh's Lean Kine July 5 The Mad Prophet. July 12 "Who's Your Hatter?" July 10 "Popping stion." The Que- July 2G A Tragedy in Four Acts. This was a little too much. One of the deacons had to come to the rescue with the statement that "the preacher put forth subjects beforehand, not as texts, but as baits to draw his hearers, and, haviug gotten them there, be preached to them the genuine gospel, without reference to the subjects announced beforehand as topics of discourse." It is a new idea to fish for souls with a lie as bait. But it may be right according to the gospel of charlatanism. DISSOLUTION NOTICE' IS IIEREBY GIVEN THAT TIIE Smith A Walker has this day laen dissolved by mutual enwent. The bu hem will hereufter be conducted by the liriglutm City lust. Al demands apiiost the lata firm, should bo presented to J. W. Walker, to whom all indebtedness should be paid immediately. NOTICK of Brigham City, Jane SAML. I j. SMITH, J. W. WALKER. rtBMt 6th, 1874. " PRODUCE G. W. TUIIXER. Has his old stand on FIFTH STREET, for the purchase and sale of ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE Garden and Grass Seeds. At his BOOK STORE adjoining he keeps all the Periodicals and Newspapers of the day, also a full stock of Stationery, Wall Paper, Piotuies, Frames, etc. O. W. Tl'RSER. 8-6m NOTICE To the People of Ogdcn and Northern Utah. JAMKS DWYEK, The leading Bookseller of , -- STORE. SALT LAKE CITY, Mai gone to New York, Boston and rhiladelphi to make large purchase of Books, tor SUNDAY SCHOOL LI3RA1ES, ' Also ; MAPS, CHARTS, GLOBES And EDUCATIONAL WORKS. When yon couie to Conference gi oim a liberaiTdiscouxt To COUSTY And perfect PURCHASERS, satisfaction guaranteed. Kr the LARGEST STOCK Iu Utah to Select From |