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Show Freo Distribution of Pub. Docs. Rocliefort in New Yorh. American Pilgrims in Trance. Interesting News From Paris. a mi; 11 1 CAN. Wiishinjrion, '. ychicr-t-.y- . liear Atlmiral Stanley run-eTim proiiiut ('oniiininder MuIIh-uvto be Hear Admiral on the waive y lit. The Senate hns Xovel Condensed. Grant the Chief Candidate. BY TELEGRAPH. pne.A the bill releas- ing the Northern l'ucttio llailron'l l'rom its ri quireinent to pay the of surveying tho luml grunted ly Ooirt-juiii- y The chief of all candidates at the nomination will bo a party by the name of (J rant. If radicalism is then undoubted ascendancy, he will be the J f mixed man fur the Radical. drinks are in voue he can earn Southern support as having indorse! i;ixter; Jvtstcrn and Wtstrru men support him m tin; man of the veto. Because (Jcore Washington held it to be, dangerous for any President to accept a triple lnuniu.ilion does that We are almost v,.t tie. it fir (irant ? :t hundred years further alonjr, aud own a President who knows not precedent. Everyihiiif? unites to make this strangest of all famous men who h;ive lived since tho time of DiocleWhat had tian deride precedent. precedent to do with him, whose tremendous advances have unsettled the world's belief in the necessity of natural ability find grandeur of purpose, in those who would fain stride GoverBtnvnt. In the Senate, Logan presented a petition from 2.0UU citizetm of Illinois, tor CimgreHS to charter a double t rack Ireight railroad west and east; referred At the expit I'ion of the morning hour to oinincncQ '! lie differs Autliony cilled up the bill to provide fir tho tale of extra copies of puljlic doc- other Executives we have from all known in distribution and for of the the No memuments, oiio astounding particular. regular official editions tiiereof The ber ol his Cabinet is a possible candi fourteenth section of the bill hh reported date. Mediocrity has its enormous by the committee provide for tht print alter all. Every Cabinet ing for distribution by the CoiinniHsioiu r advantages is believer in and officer determined of a of of Agriculture 25,000 copies agricultural reports. An amendment con- worker for the third term. They ferring the distribution to employees of dread a return to seond rate attorneythe department, or persons in niching and claim agencies. No the department tin information, was -ships President ever swung this inother then otl'ered by Frelinghtiycen, and was amended to include in the distribution fluence themighty influence of haris no every grange of the Patrons of Husband- monized inferiority. ry, and was then rejected, i he fifth and myth. Grant is assured in his own n sixth sections, providing for the as though the mind of another-.tenof copies of acts and resolutions of Congress and the statutes at large, third inaugural oath had been taken. What U to hinder him ? Who is to was stricken out. moved numto l'.dmunds increase the hinder him? ber of agricultural reports to be scut to .'0,000. Carpenter advocated the amendment Thomas Thumb Eclipsed. in a speech, in which be denounced the abolition of the franking of every public Most of us straggle into the world, document. The unienduient was then resays the Chicago Timrx, weighing jected. offered nn amendment pro. anywhere from six to twelve pounds, Stevenson u the for and straggle out again after a time, vtding printing und tree of 800,000 copies of agricultural weighing from one hundred to twice reports; agreed to. tl at number of pounds. Having Portsmouth, N. II., 5. done nothing wonderful during the Thomas Morrisay,li?ing near Kxc:er, murdered wife his while in a fattening period, we are permitted to yesterday drunken (it. glide iuto tho oblivion of the tomb New York, G. unnoticed, just as we are allowed to at Henri Tlochefort lectured world unthe Academy of Music to a slim audi loaf into the activity of the If, however. Nature had nnce, composed almost exclusively of heralded. Trench representing the Communist ele- arranged with Mrs Ollier of Du,'. ment. buque to introduce .some of us into Columbus, 0., 5 this vale of tears, we would have The Democratic Central Committee hare changed the date of holding the achieved the notoriety of at least a The thrifty convention from July 1" to August 25. newspaper paragraph. Sau Francisco, 5. youngster which she did help into Dispatches from Eastern Oregon indi- distinction weighed just ouo pound cate that the Democrats elect the emiie and a half, is seven inches long, and State ticket. Eighteen cuuntius give oats any number of meals u day. It (J i over G84 majority. is mentioned as evidence of the littleness of young OHivcr that an ordi-naFOllEKSN, will pass over the finger-riuHome, 5. The Pope w a9 able to celebrate maps babe's hand, and might serve as u this morning, and subsequently walked bracelet. it hi library. He is very feeble, but the fever has left him. Madrid, 5. An Irishman remarked to his comGeneral Concha has entered Logrono. on observing u lady pass: ,(Pat, Five hundred convicts engaged in the panions did you ever see so thin a woman as trausigeute rebell.oa at t.'urtagena, havo been embarked iu a Spanish eieumer ut that before?" "Thin!" replied the ether; "bothcrnshun, I seen one as Ortne, to be taken buck to Spain. Paris, 5.' thiu ns two of her put together, I In the Assembly, liuihie, re- have." the of Committee of porter thirty, submitted a proposal for reducing the numThe most asinine burghr in Verber of Algerian deputies te three. is James L. Dlodget, who went mont Chevre vu, Donapartist, is nominated to the Assembly from License. through a store at East Dorset, the The Left hare organited a pamphlet other night, and stole a new suit of campaign against the Bon.if artists. but left behind his old duds, Duke De Cases Lad a confer- clothes, which contained a diary with his ence with a commit te ot the Assembly on writteu name on it. Unittd States postal convention.. He the paid the arrangement was only the pre" Good evening," said a lady, lude lo a more liberal system which would b embraced by an additional dressed in the hight, or rather the ootiventiou to be hereatter submitted. of fashion, to her partner in The council of war hit pronounced a depth, the German at one of the late balls. verdict of guilty against M., Melville ' I tired am to death, I am going Bloncourt, deputy for Ouadalope,' for participation in theaetsof the Commune home to undress myself." " What and condemned him to death in any more?" was the partner's mild CV-saris- DUO'S FISH Moonlight night shady lovers eternal fidelity young lady rich young man proud very su re to mak e a rt h a udsom e very father fortune-youvery ng a lady's intemother consent won't angry rich rival very rcedesNo ! no y y contu-intciui, The . liyt Newspaper says the friends of the Prince Imperial strongly oppose the nomination of Prince Jerome Napoleon for the Assembly." '" It is rumored that a duel has grown wt of the violent proceedings iu the Assembly last Tuesday. The American pilgrims went in te thoUrottoof our Lady of Leurdos, carrying the American flag. A large crowd saluted the pilgrim with loud cheers and uncover) heads. The Mered banner, brought from America. wm presented at the shrine.1 At the close of the ceremonies the pilgrims proceeded to Marsaillea to lake the Steamer ; J lor Civil Vecchia. n, to-da- reply. light again die first window girret moonopen-r- ope ladder pursuit too flight in a rage l ite old man marriage them disowns won't forgive them his for sends old man gets sick made up daughter all forgiven all old man dies young couple get all the money live in tho old manhavo little sion quite comfortable children much happiness finis. We Will Supply the Above FIHST CLASS WAGOUg At our Depot t COliN Ell WALL and FIFTHSL, OGDljy Warranted at, the Loivct Hates for Cash. II. SMITH, Suocifhsor Is SUiiu SEEDS3IAX Si Case's Tlircsliing Machine, and other Agricultural Innilemrls Co., of the Latest Designs. AM) FLORIST, Williams Main St., Salt Lake City. AND FLOWER GARDEN SEEDS, iJ. Native and Foreign. Orders by Mail notice. & Co, OF ALL KINDS b29-:'- THOMAS, EH. r Coas l Lime Office at the shortest filled w AND MUSIC STORE, IMPROVE TOUR STOCK FOR SALE, THK TJIOROUGH-MtK- DURHAM BULL, B VORTEX, Main Street, . - . Ogden. WITH FULL PEDIGREE. THE CHEAPEST COAL AND LIME Price 8300,00. Iu the Mui ! ket,alwnyon hand. APPLY TO V3X3IOTSr GREEN, ALL West Wehor Or, JOSEIM! WKIGIIT, :20-t- OF KINDS Ogden. INSTM1I MUSICAL From a Jewsharp to a Church f Orau, ! as Cheap, or Cheaper than anywhere el.se in Utah. JOHN BENCH, Violin Strings and other Fittings, PAINTER, GRAINER, GLAZIER, SHEET MUSIC, ETC., ETC. One door South PAPER HANGER, Etc., Loan, At a. Cuoho County. Z. C. M. The minting of I.. LOGAN. wliicli wits doue under i I of Ogden House. s2"-l- j M. D. HAMMOND, of liig work lie raters to ipeclnien his directiou. Main St., Ogdcn, and 3Iain St., Logan, Cache Co, AG EXT F0I1 THE chuttler Waaon OBSTACLES TO MARRIAGE. HAPPY RELIEF FOR YOl'NO WEX FltOM Almsrs m parly i ft. MuiiIhhmI RmIhiimI. Iniieiliir.c'Ut to Marring Nuw nirthotl nf tmituiriit. Now anil kal.lr ri'inwlien. lUrfiku nn.l Circulars Ineiit (vx, in twilled Address, ItOWARII ASSOCIATION, No. 2 .South Ninth St., Phiudl-1'liinu institution having n hich rt'iuitatiou lor lionoiaMe conduct mid im otittnioual skill. the etliTts of Errors Hint u, r., slol-U- KELIGIOTJS, SCIEXTIF1CAXD ROMANTIC Tutljjo J.Of Grovcr, I In (ah. Vtnh. CENT FOR THE F0LLOW1NO POPULAR, rcltald books, soitcits, )iuu-li- c intruHngtt: A mspiitlrsnt pictorial Polyglot Family Bible tho lest for the price. F. ChnmherlsJn's Commercial Law aud Form Book, adapted to the wants sf all. Dr. OeorRe II. Nnphey'i Laws of Lift and Health, lor males and femalen. Dlo Lewis oa digestion, a Scientific work. Pilgrim's Progress, illuitra.ed t'T John Rnnyon. The Life and Adventures of Koliinson Crusoe. A Term Liberal. Iook at Sample. Mi ! 0 THIS JUSTLY CELEBRATED WAGON IS MADE OF THE BEST tbrouglioKt and is warranted. Also Dealer.in ; light Spring Wagons, MATERIAL SAveejJsi'akes' Tlircsliing Jlachines, ISuche.yc loners ami licaneis, ltakes, Corn Shellcrs, Feed ullt rs, 8ulhy 1 aiming Mills Kmcry rinilers, Siubble Plows, Shovel 1'lows, Cultivators, AND ALL KINDS OF FARM MACHINERY. A Complete Assortment of 2V intri'tin5ud WAfiOX UATERI.M, IIARDWOOD, IRON A.D STEEL, Elf, Agent for Diobold & Kionzle's Safes. THREE YEAR OLD TREES! CARDON BROS., LOGAN, Six doors west of Mcctiiig HaR. WATCHES, CLOCKS, Mrs. Bread of Sullivan County exASD JEWELRY, cused her attempt to drown her Mnnufiictnreit aud Repaired. drunken husband by quoting the and AlbuniM, IMrliiro Frnine ' Cast your MouldlnRM. Scriptutnl injunction; bread upon the waters, and it will Thotogrnphs, or Ambrotype accuratetaken. ly return to you after many days." Bread came back, crusty, but unsubPictures Copied. dued, aud she says she'll never do it again. FOR SALE CHEAP. A young lady who entered a A ACHK3 PLOW LAND, 15 ACHK3 GRAM and a Rood orclmrd, hon Broadway music store, aud asked the I f onlmi, the Comity rornl near the tmnlers of the u Have city northward. 1 will trade he plai e for city young man in attendance, property, or for Stock, or grain, or part Tithing You Happy Dreams?" was astonished orWrs. or a part of this vslustle when he said " No ma'am, I jam projMirty otl'ered "Husband," said the wife of a mostly troubled with the nightmare." ON REASONABLE TERMS. young clergyman, "read iuj one of He didn't kuow why sho went bo your sermons; I tVel dreadfully wake- hurriedly and slammed the store door W. 0. SAUNDERS. ful to ofght, and I wish to sleep." aftef her. , itu V lover in a ugly very bad fix won't part to-da- y, to-da- WACnS J. ,ni ! hard-hearte- d n g MITCHELL groves-t- wo distii-bulio- distri-buiio- MD FllUI'F AXD. S1IADE TREES, Of all the best varieties in cultivation, GrapcVincs, Currants, Ooosherrics, Kaspbcrrlcs, Blackberries, Hoses of various shades, Ornamental Shrubs, Etc., Anywhere a the line of the railroads) ftbout The 12th of Noveniljer, 1874, AT PRICES THAT' ,; s ' : WILL SATISFY EVERY REASONABLE PERSON. From THEY AllE ALL WARRANTED, tikio llivorsido 'ia"xixsoryv CASSTOWN, OHIO. AGENT FOR WEBER COUNTY, HAROLD IIENINGER. I |