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Show gold, the treasury no longer the equivalent of this twenty-fiv- receiving per NAT SMALL AND GEORGE DYMOCK' cent, in paper, as was done at first. TO their pemunitl or legal representative! ami Concha orders the Spanish bank to sell all other whom it may concern: You am hereby notified that we have performed gold on account of tne Island treasury t'.e labor ard made Ike improvement on the Jenat less premium thau that quoted on the nie Ledge Mine, in Lucin Mining District, llox eicuange or ly brokers. Concha fixes Eh er county. Territory of I' tali, required ly Ihw, lite amount of premium for which gov being thereof with yon, and your pro 7y XlJf of the In- TlesigIlu'v dian Commission. Hew Secretary at His Post. The NOTICE. e ernment so d tn 1 I, p I ,i;i.- - portion, ttiere in now uue ou neeouni inereoi, iron! each ot vou, caid Nat Small, f 107.33. and from you, said George hymock, Sl2S.7K.fur labor improve ment oh ail Jennie june. Therefore yen are further notified that if at the aim ol one hnnureu eigniy uaja irom expiration the date of this notice, you Mil or iv mse to eontn- litite your said proportion, yovr several liilerept in hind initio will become-ouproperly, pursuant to Sec. a Mftlia Act ofOotiKie, approved May ldtli, the development to act 2. an promote entitled, 17 of the mining resources of the United States JOHN K.M)., (iKO. W. STILES. Lucin Mining District, rated at Ogdeu City, June 3d, 1674. rii n for the current day being posted at the entrance of the hank every morning at eight, so that, merchants can uiake their calculations before business hours. Advices from Mexico to .May 31st, state that a pronitnciamento against the government is being considered inevita ble. In one of the States three persons, leaders iu the movement, have been im The prisoned. Lewis' revolutionary band has dis persed. Bands of Indians have burned a number of ranches uear the frontier settlements of Cohahuila. The people MACHINE ! AMERICAN are JifTersouville, Ind 6. Bayonne, 6. a is was that serious suicide uud It murder reported mutiny i irril.ln JOHN CAHDOX, ... ., ..i - iiVlnclf i this eveninof. has broken out. among several battallioits p .nmnillie'i.. ncic .. a a no .! n.,n until of the Spanish Republicans iu the pro vince of Geupuzcoa. .... MOUND FORT, u. Near Ogden. ,0 be consumuv his ntother- Geneva, 6. i ...r.r went to the house of A fire here, destroyed twelve Has where his wife, who had left hits Machine with new Tarda, and a was houses and of carpen .ll of account quantity treainuiit, large v;m on in now prepared to Horrible Tragedy at effersonville, Indiana- Election in Oregon. Capture of El Gordo. CARDING terror-stricke- i v Logan Branch, WHOLESALE Gents9 - and Boy's Ready Made Clothing, - IN GREAT VARIETY. CELBBBATED to-da- to return and live suvina, begsied her winch she wit'n him, agreed to do on went then He away and rejloudiiy. lumed shortly with a nuvy revolver.and wile, who was nursing a shot at bis bullet struck the babe in The babyaud killod it the back of the head try. CARD WOOL ON SHARES Home, 6. The Italian Senate has given its ap (Evkiiy Sixth Pound) proval to the treaty of commerce with Mexico and the postal convention with or at the rate of nine cents a pound. Brazil. s45 2t G. Vienna, The Catholic Episcopate of Bohemia went through into the breast a fatal lias determined to resist the ecclesiasti0f the mother, inflicting probably n'gun'l. Tha murderer then blew out cal laws, and begun in opposition by WOOL making appointments to vacant livings. his own brains. - SINGER SEWING MACHINES, Wood's Champion and Excelsior Mowers and Reapers, Bain, anil "Whitewater Wagons, WANTED. Detroit, C. real Smith, a suicided prussic Mate dealer, nnan- acid; meuUl derangement; cause, Tj.ilnh C. well-know- n A man who promised his wife on her de;lth bod never to marry again, trouble. offers a reward for some one who will convince him that a lie is justi- . . ... .it. . it. . i The official vote of this county gives ii wnen tne is torn ito sooine able it At District the he Independents Judge, the of moments last departing. llepresenta-tive,tvtorney, one Senator, four Judges, Treasurer aud Asses He unVlushingly admits that it sor. was one of the most ecstatic moments Washing' on, G The new Secretary ot the Treasury of his life when the doctor laid his utaris out with the indications of a mark hand upon his shoulder, and sadly ed and radical change in the manner of mother duinz business in his department, leg.1 whispered. "Your11.. . et. Mullen Architect is voice terday Supervisory lrretnevauiy gone, cue win seut up a requisition to be signed by the never speak again." MulSecretary, when the latter sent for let and "laid him explain everything in First ruffian "Wot was I hup for connection with the matter, produce the an(j wot ave floor'd c j ot M n womn and took her watch, and pkns, estimates, etc. I've got two years and a flogging, nothing of the kind ever occurred to him ,4Ab, I flung a wo- Vanderbilt, Second Kuffiau before yesterday. the appoiutment clerk, was interviewed. man out ot the top flour window, an He was instructed that he would be held I'vc First only got three months." sponsible tha' uo one is hereafter luffi&nr.Ah but then she was yer cial Portland, C 1 THE EX CL ESI Oil AND EVERY DESCRIPTION OF OGDEX, WHICH WILL BK bone All Orders Wool Wanted Immediately. f4i-t- Prompt IV. IT. NOTICE. E, TIIK UNrEIlSiaXED,n Li ..rm, I April 8t5i, 1874. oo- - HAVE OPENED IN LOGAN & OGDEN, BRANCHES OF OUR WAGON and MACHINE DEPARTMENT, so that the people of the Northern Counties can purchase without coming to Salt Lake Cilj. WE HAVE THIS PAY BOUGHT THE BUSINESS Fm ntw k aud urinih, formerly kuwu and py all Smith, iiiH will recfive iiuitn-ybilitieK of said hrm, from Hov. 7tti isia, to April n il. it. StU, April Stli.IST u ll.M, lAcmi wy WE GUARANTEE WAGONS & MACHINERY point M being tht Supped to them tWa Tecoinuieudatiun. ESTEY ORGAN. THE MADE BE.ST bmi, after much itudy aud experience, ajid know that Purchttt.fr cau rely ou "WXIITJiJI WATER o,xx3. WAGONS, A ttu davi have elapsed, IIOGPEIt, Superintendent. Lugau City, L'Ub. IN AM) mission 10 see iiannau ins wuc; m STUUMENT MANUi'ACTUKED. He wanted to ask Urunot. and the remMninir members a few minutes. Agent for Northern Utah, of the Indian CommUsion, have joined ier jf she would "stand by and see in a letter of resignation. They, con- to vn,,P(J?" Haunah ajrrced JOHN FOWLEIt, - OGDEN. gratulate the President on hit adherence to the Indian policy announced in his ;r1-- Vim Wn issued in Lon- Terms 7isy, Rata Reasonable. inaagural address, and express the ope K for contributions . for appCalinS that the preseut Buccess may make it . Orders bj letter promptly attended to. The main reason gifen is the support ot the wire ana lamny ot permanent. the amendments to the Indian acDroDri- - the Tichborne claimant, ine pro- Inslruetioni giveo by tha quarter. r ation bill as passed the House, requiring niotcrS of the project promise that , iu eiaminauons oi me accouam, cou- - ,i e rnnnev received shall be aevoiea iracu ana vouchers to be made in tUe JL W ,nnnrr nf fW v fl CACIUaiVIJ caijpti oity of Washington. V A 1 r i ,.tVA i?.. lil New York 6. y ana ine euucauuu vi uiB immicu, The U. S. steamer Stanton, with "except a portion WDicn me commit, the scientific party detailed to observe tee intend to arply to the assistance the transit of Vtuus, sails AMD f Andrew Bole." As an induce mo"""S- crown nf nil -a half Juliu. II. w.' M. MendeliohBi cIaim- CONFECTIONERY. r" cWrihprs Z:::A will follow before Receive Attention. z. c. M AVE THIS PAY itftrtnerniiip. iikitpi Ml 'AKXtS by mutual ronent, in The Gainesville (Ga.) Eagle, Active Eearch is being made for the names f the retainers of the Departmeutiuning the execution of a mur withmcnt who have teen receiving pay Jerer in that State recently, says that out being compelled t tie any worK.inu a Qrt t;me before ie was "shuttled . , f , o, wiu be promptly aiscnargea. they :ff ffM V .1 v . a -- Til A TCIIER, Logan, trill to M. S-- nt A. ItAXDALL. r V 1 California and Concord Harness and Harness Trimmings. LcntHer ami Shoo XimliujjH. All Kinds of Produce Forwarded to Any Point on the Shortest Notice. at reasonable rates. tnrne on ia actual 1 Implements. to Order on Short Notice. " FOR WOOL EXCHANGED To-da- y the rolls unless an equivalent labor for which bis salary is Wlte. This frightened au- Boston claims to have a diamond Lbilt.and h3 intimated that the res- which ring which once belonged to bir ponsibility would be a heavy one, under to stand able be hewieht not Isaac Newton. That is nothing. St. up without assistance; to wnicn n"ow Tl0ii a has the lead nencil with which t responded: "I will sustain you, Mr 11 that me on anamais enecked ioau Vauderbiit, and 1 assure you that you sxrVP the into went will not find any deficiency iu my back CXOTIC, FIKST-CL.1S- S Farming Btifgls Are now in runiimg order and turning out mi 1 P Winchester and Democrat Light Spring Wagons, WOOLEN MILLS 's ... ALSO, 1 o RETAIL AND Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Hoots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Croeltery, Glassware, Notions, dp., &c. Ntoves and Tinware, Drugs &3!ekieiiie C, v I. EM. i,;' CIIASIPIOXf WOODS, EXCEL.SIOII and WOKIJ 3HOWEKS, Droppers or Seirilakcrs. THRESHING MACHINES mid SULKY RAKES. r ; 19-t- J. F. REED. Seed to make the nt-- i the txwt cultiTator for graaa, grain, corn or yet inTevud. Our can hve a Harrow on trial. Thme Departmnt will al give inrormaiion ana recMveornnri ror i bKHi.nB nnt.r.i&, e.uwi MACHINES, GRIST and SAW MILLS, or other arUclue not uually keyt Iu itock. nv ... Agent for Patent Aluminous Building Paprr. the has taken which it A i i. dnn,u iia rharo-- of neriurv, tkatthe Mtxlcaif El (Jordo, who, a'few eleven days to try, was yesterday Hides, dys siuee. robbed and tried to murder ,t.1ii(W in the General sessions Mr. Turner and . was , wife near that city, t fcfaQ CitY Judge Suther piuiea. ed hi." Jle was wounded and guilt.and.howed con- - wrethe , , i,i m, nnrrtr fnr wan " v from xhe ctliceia and Marihal Sheldon relative to his losses ' " tree. bv a fire which occurred m the pre A Arizona, from dispatch Trescott, nopnnied bv him as a hat.' can . il Mrilk. .l: """""""r I... acU1 w: and fur manufactory, 68 Ureene St r.7'CIrecover; WV . i . rvv.ievi . He imnens luo cro tiu am thA nint or t u: i utx. on n ni. ui io...i !. &. i ,u wuiie men muruereur i... bj fe eating l.u flu.t, his examination by Marshal Shendon I'acitio Ariiona he swore that he had, among other mail r0 i. : Z .. ' "steamer.. . . Ilil.J ai noon Mexican for rrtnama.anot i things, six hundred and five dozens of D(itentral American ports. She took I nutria caps on the flourth floor of the Passpn VM5vi c auu iuv tuUj vi building that being the floor on ) which the fire occurred. No evidence of the destruction of 6uch a large FOREIGN, 0. amount of ..property of that kiod Havana, rnlil be found by the Marshal. In :tree iiiifiMiiMi in nrrfsi inn rainu rue in ii. ,..,.wwto I'.r.nn r.v inn nra and not o J recent law compelling, importers water fcOUU. Pa? twenty five per cent, duties hx exceeding took, him "MgeU him to a - iotate, 1 HOME) TIIATCIIEK, AORNT, LOO AN. BAKNARI) WHITE, AGENT, OODEX ' W. H. HOOPER Superintendent. 30tf GROCERIES airestea hei'e, charged with .n at- - "a pnoiograpn oi tuu viimuuuv o He says and chlldreu. lempt to pass forged checks. He got the cheeks in payment for opium rougut by him from China. nf Tnl;lia c,rnc, ' on T,a A uu P.n.;a.n K HOWE PEOPLE SEWING JIACHINE. FROM THE JVOItTII THE V18ITIJJQ SALT LAKK CITT, nud not Mibjvct to FITS. All HONEST MACHINE THAN TO ( POINTS CALL AND EXAMINE 6ardn Broi., Watchmaker!, LO(3AN, CACHE COUNTY. DINWOODEY'S is-t- r 1 -- o--- I - Immense Ntock SUMWIJt HERD. "iu. T L the op WILL TAKE STOCK TO HERD DC RING the guaimar, ou UlttckBUiiUrt Fork Kuuge, at IuIluwiiiK raUi: larpe May Sth, Second drive June 6tli, from WEST'S Tension. ! CORRAL, Firt t OGDEN WALL PAPER and FEATIIEIIS. half-bloc-k west Co-o- p. Simplicity and Perfection of jiccnamsnu a Durabilitywill lastLifetime. Iianyeof 1 Fork without Perfection of Stitch and , FURNITUEE T?An,nvwi from M a! n; 0FSUPERI0RITY: a Parallel. 1 rate BISHOP . ( Horses per Head (3.00 2.50 Horned Stock " 50 Sheep drive for numheri. Reduced BEST IN TIIK WORLD; I'ERFECTKD I lie 5nvvutor of tlte bewing MauUtne, KLIAs HUttK, Juu. COULD NOT DO BETTER Furs and Tells Bought. Oppoeite lttt n.. r,.UI,rt.l TIIOMAN HWOOTHIXU HARROW, warnnted Bod and to Street to tleck. Ease of Operation and Management. Self Adjusting Tahe-tt- n. Adjustable Head. Call and Examine ur t)i and Priiei at ;.T. W; JONES', Tnllur, TWrd Kr from Z.C. M. I., Oglen. SAMUEL MILLER, JUN., Agent. . 75, 77 and 79 F, A. HAMMOND. di-t- i First Squth Street. tb doom west of Ci, vA.W,at Saw Z.C. Rooms, M, a few I., Salt Lak |