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Show Metallic Raia. IUsusciltttlWM of A a at ITawesvillc, Ky., the other day, did not excite much couiuient,but when globules of quick-silve- r r a time succeeded f and of began to be found in the gutbut. the sanguine hopes vrc ters a finally go. id deal of interest was felt rexperia.ent.lL.ts 1 Swil-tely.tricdiaX.wO- nun-stor- DQETT BUTT 0 YES!! OYES!! UNTIL YOU HAVE HOCK SPRING r. Carefully Examined ad-ilk- as to where tn ditfiippoiiitmoiit. J lie case had fallen Iron, a A : t'lLrv "f souie height, and deitli S'!ui ci'iious.icn of the brain was the of ti e lilt Vv. Kw'in?, graduate V 1 fthl l- pi,. Applied with air irosii a common bel-- This pipe was inserted in the its means gild's mouth, aud by and kept iuduced was respiratiuii assist-,uc- e with the i'p. The h"art had, of the battery, resumed its i'uuc-,ijand s.'cmed to work with usual arti-lich- il Delivered, - Delivered, KiH'p Warm IbiIi LOW RESERVOIlt ! COAL! - - $ 9.00. 9 0 - - 7.00. - l (jood YARD AT U. eUU-Sm- P. FREIGHT DEPOT. t JOHN P1NCOCK. . NEW REVISED h U the ljpt CYCLOPEDIA. 1, .0-- vol-- ., iu:'.-si'h;-i'- i i :! ' well-dresse- Saved from a Horrible JHiilh. d .i i. :.. ii." (uiij)K', in mu piiiiic oi nie, siojipeu at a hotel in a country town, and for a ending justice of the peace, inf- i They are Mi.ule of the best material, i They roust perfectly, They equire but little fuel, They at e very low priced, pH They are easily managed. They are suited to nil localities, M., F" Every Sti.vo gimiaiilccil to give Satisfaction An incident occurred on the K. and T. road, on Saturday after SOLD UY noon last, about three o'clock, which Manfii'g Co., ormed that functionary that they is well worth relating, wherein a wished to be married. ST. LOUIS, MO., young man named William Lawrence AND J)V Lcro. is The justice said, "All the and riglrt," 3VT. Train No. 2, iu charge of ConducX. inquired their names. After being told, it struck him tor (jeorge lleynolds, with Andy Utah. that he had performed the same serv- lilair as engineer, and William Law ice fur the lady some years before. rence as fireman, left I)ennison,Tcxas. i'pon inquiring if such was not the Saturday morning for the north with number of passengers. ease, she said she iiad been married a goodly When near Stringtown,a ilag station previously. ''Have you a bill from your former in the Indian Territory, the engineer husband ?" asked M r. J ustice. was shocked to see on the track, a EXCELSIOll MILLS, "Yes," she replied. "I have a short, distance ahead, a child about OGDEX CITY, Ul" ; two years of age, playing as if un- XEAIl This being immediHe conscious of y the danger. la for thu Manufacture of satisfactory, w s performed, and the couple ately reversed his engine, whistled declared "man and wife." for brakes, and did all in his power Clolh, lllank- to stop the train, when the fireman, As they were abeut cts, departing, the jwtice, who had never seen ;a bill of Lawrence, seeing that it would be Etc., Etc. divorce," and having a strong desire impossible to do so, sprang through window aud seated himself to behold the document, thought this the cab cow on the n excellent catcher, for the purpose opportunity to satisfy Bring on Your Wool at Once r. to rescue the little ms curiosity, therefore said to the of trying The engine went speeding V. lady:. AND KECEIYK ' Have wheu within two feet of and along, you the bill with you?" Our Goods iu Itctiirn at the Infant the noble fireman reached ;0h yes," she replied. it and snatched arms his forth nave you any objection to allow strong Advantageous Kales. death. As soon from an tYin me Villi to CI11 ing ?" AMI" untimely spn . v..vo w. muiKk friend. as he had it within his grasp, he, to : 3m A. RANDALL, SON & CO. "None whatever," she keep from falling in front of the replied. threw himself and child from Stepping to the door and calling to to the ground. The little boy some three the or four years was train stopped as soon as possible, '"age, she said: ''ilere, Mill, COuiC Jiere quick; and all haste made in seeing if cither "ere a gentleman that wishes to was hurt. A short distance back you. they found both without a scratch. Notice to The child's parents reside! a short 1m gentleman wilted. distance from the track, and it had strayed off without their knowledge. PLEASE GIVE IN YOUR ORDERS. Their joy can better be imagined Iu a Fix. than described, aud they returned MILLER, 'ew York St.ito is n tmnl.1. their heartfelt thanks to the young IntcTiils owning Lis man who had saved their babe's life TT-Ll"ScJalia insane, and it was found ncc- - at the risk of his own. O. 0len, Cloth for Wool1 . ccrc-U5n- Superior Yarn, Halting, wsin-dere- ui -- cn-y;in- e, er cow-catch- BRICK! BBICK! Builder. C. J. BRICK. 'e to th0 yry 'OW. by take him to an asiylura. o,ixr' ims) y. - iO lllL Bazi'O. ' law from AT THE ' Hllll 1 1, "'' tor V ",1J A.ai lilliu " F P " t. Si v. ..j .1... , Uj Pr!z IkxluU. I'I'M it HUT" .f Meiit, lloiioliil.li. Mention, 4.-- . vi r.ii AM, UlllKRfJ. TIio lnireful invention .i...i:r fii nltiei, of hew iiiK U' laborious. TIib titiw ana uninove.l initrutetl H HI'TTIIV HA11' 1, ....,..,. J. Tlio riilniiiiiition of "l"r.v. 1'ia tical hkHl iin.l mi), ty, with uci...., , iirengin an. I l ti I i v i jiu- hineil. A long rcmiue'j . Labor fviT. -t q fT r" f? ,K Xew I'ntoHt Sou hitf .' V a A'l' l' t II ..... hat-wearer- s. Brick . STT C? O 1Iarlilnr4i , itll which over m vrnlern dill, 1V1I, VI...1- re,. t Itllf.ll ofliemititiil ewuii8. Kuiev ..Ul.... i inenlHl, Intri.nte, Kino, i'laiu nnU ftronir H an bo done with rf.x-t raw un.l rtti.i.lin Y' 4 lieV.T .yw tt ..,uf.i. ... .1.: -- 4 l.filor.!. Our new ntt., I, i...... tnei it that eoniiiiunil inune.linte mK O . . ni'M tbi in,..! v,.l,, ...l: to inlvaiH'n the or Ma-t ,,.. r lowing hii.e,mHlHie a.l.iiit.il.Iu to all other gmiil 32 inai hiHH, iMjually as well as our own. Willi- ... . iiM-- . .. . . 111... I. it... llll'U. llllt ......T v.,,,, , pom C "ein'liite If (IrKireJ. nt ,i,...i..,,il. i... . . the old kIjIm ie.1 by nil other iimehiiu's. OUR NKW MAHIIXK 4 Iri lurirer M.h.i . " ..r " i. fa..". mai n ..ion- ; : b. every of f. Will loll. lu. k. fveam, Quilt, Drui.l, loi.', Ili,,d, 8o.41ol). ',""L- - U,K" 'Sl'ir" SEND FOR PRICE LISTS. J s.,a ii " - Mil M ws XT P C The Singer Mamifac'g Co. liihroider, l!un up lllia.th., 4c, 4c.. ,7 anything iio.mII. fi tliroHuh ZL new AKK tbat TIIK TKON.iK.ST BTITOU theOLOTH WILL KNOW 605 H. Fcsrtli Street, ? Htrninht r S, 0 Htl ol.ir w.um rtK l.efi (,t. will riui,.irt. )la mvill, relu,bla. en into ford, din t motion, no of iixolom oo-- (r or uni to r" y. oil compliaitiou or pet out of order, in ulleiit, work- - r1 ''flit riiimiii);, very rapid, (inooth mid H ?S . i (iiiirklv oorrwl. . , aged. Z Tlio inventor- - ol tlnwc txcrthml rnnrhliie ran bo relied iiku h tipriKlit hhiI reHi.ni-- J bio moil, well worthy of fhu cuiitid.iiro mid -patromiKe ol our Chi istinn Xorilr-3 eru CliHich tifiimlard," N. Y., Doc. 2Tth. St. Louis, Mo y it...l...-M.bu- y OKDKUS uud innohlii. on w. addroM prii-en. i li-2u- i Itf.ri.Il I'll promptly forwurded to nv reiij.t or thB followitiR iimh mnuu jtwo, IlAruiNKg for 'ninpliM or private a ljurilahlo ext.'H-plain styles with 2-- - - O eiuiHHents ready for iiiiuimliute iho, $1(1 h UACiiwM with extra fine taldc, j 55 UACHIXK8 wit. labh) and cover, . -- yH 50 X .w.u.n.iri mill iAciHMra with eHcloned table lull cnbliiot . ' M q p . ntyle, The tnachitiCT at f 10 are proiWly the Hume Vd of higher prii u, tin only have plaiu but neat ?J being tliat tho-- c t Table aud Treadl, while thoiwola l.'gher e pri. are oriimuentul, with slab-ra- te ami r-. 51 M IhiMC 4t)?: dill-ren- coHtly iNili.Wiod casoH.and mljiiet etjle. pi Table, with cuven, euclwed vattet,' ati'iff mbinot stylo. Moexti change made fur ackiujomliip- - 7Z J w ping to auy (.art of fhe country. Ppeciu. & certificate lor live yearn with every uioWtiiie. Sueciniens of sewing, illiKtra'cd cirrnlura, itli liuwerutM nuitimeudtttioiiK, 1, legale cunh prices, extraordinary iiidueeiu.ntit to x O ugentH, 4c, mailed free. Kxclunvu control G cl Territory given ciutii to cniabe and 'jT. orgotic iigentis meirhantii, store keeper. 4c. M who will travid or open aeuciOR aud exltrbit H the womlertuJ liieriH of our machine iia Jfc W iheir lociiliiieii mid miUcit order.' W oi'Tfitb ami rkihts given f Rtt of ri cn.ARiir.. v An uiieu.ilcil quick auil honest money C lniiuieHK riialo fur and female ran- O Binding in all parts of the country. Chris- - C Y. &th. Jan. tuu Index, X. P "7 signing checks upon " May God put a hat on you !" is a ;aukS noiaing the State moneys, common imprecation among the Egyp- EARLIEST OPPORTUNITY. a no person is authorized to sign tian Mohammedans, Meaning in y excePfc the Treasurer Iir. HAS PURCHASED If you become an infidel like the PrankVmade ere llas oen UQ provis- - ish the Is this T1I11EE OF THE FINEST origin for the disability of the of the throat to "put a head on" a ' auu no one can be ap-- I man ? Mailing Machines, It is at least in use among tinted tn thn. . cuiuti, or 10 aci in the street Arabs. ALSO, A ru, uniess ne is suspended for 2 A preacher in Norwich, Conn., is PATENT PRESS MACHINE! j Treasurer l?.i;r,0o y.'..nw.f q T!r VOR perhaps the most persistent deadhead ue railto a refused y pay suspended for either of on record. He ITirst-Clns- H PASH REMITTAXCKS , wc reasons: nor can he act in road fare on account of his vocation, Vd miiet be nuuU in I'orf OfhVn money orders. FROM ... our . ..... t'niiir "1n. ..... ... arrested. ... i.uiiki. lutiiM iiini.e In and was Ml the while in iu consequently ,nM..iv capacity ex- Letters ew 1 or York. Registered by 5 the police court he additionally urged F1ETY TO SIXTY TUOLSAXD '5 of prw at our rik. the difficulty seemsuuiy ami Gorumunicatien motherless be I must All children Ordurs two had he that to be a J aoai exsea 10 CAN BE MADE DAILY. u ui me to, support, and was so sick with dysJT. At T MI I.IC4 jucgiiiature, lintiritT aiend the law or to annoint pepsia ithat he couldn't eat anything. X, 33tt Cniinl StrMt. X. V i Act'ig Treasurer by a special These arguments were not potent, and All OHIeis Promptly Filled. j!J General ManuCicturen; of Machinery suvn a 31 he ras fiued for disorderly conduct. i Locust St., r 1 S Sc If - Awai-u- 3 y East Corner Fifth M V , N. f." Tl-.- i1H TleSiiierManiifactiiriCEiaiij r DOLLARS. invention, an,! iiro.ln. ti.,.. -,- kmI The miccessfnl yt NEW BUILDING OP rinlitK icranioj . !. tu.n,MKU.LV ,2, LI Og den Bench, yiint SEWING MACHINE ti. ....... UTTll TUMI' .1 lu.r. ' ON 1 . . u.M.I(H I, ACIUKVI-'MKN'NKW 1WKXTIUX. I.AT ST S1M.E. : A I. i iviii v r- Excelsior ss. - feiiiiliiiii ! Bill r Divorce. days since, a A few M EDITION, Entirol) I Her ineMillioninuse!! APPLETOfl'S AMERICAN C c?loijMlia . While Company D of the Twenty-eight,. . WMl 1.1.. l.i ..... JUI , 10, u. Pennsylvania Volunteers was mihimiiiv, of Hx CouijiK to in 10 doing picket duty, John Moy was SOLD ONLY BY SUBSCRIPTION. placed as sentinel, with orders to examine al! passes.'" During the day A clmuce for the inllliini to Imy ft roniletp a horseman came that way. and being Iij'ni willioiit fel ling ihe lost. A sain ot u y liiivs tlie coiiiilctf not. inits . it the ordered to halt, handed hi pass to tilllV t blll'M'l llil'. Moy, who leisurely scanned it, gave it For all Information, AJdrrt, nun wr-vback and permitted the man to pass. ROUT. II. VAN REX.SSE LAER. niht Moy s deliberation had been noticed Ogden, by Lieut. P. who called'out: Agent for NortH-vttiili. " Was that a proper pass?" We have ! t:r.ASOS why ;w;ikeuin2 the action had ceased, and Uioy will iSo your work. "Yissur." The TEX DOLLA11S die corpse was indeed a corpse. TEX lMtl.LAUS: " What was on it, .John?" are the to to as it cbenjicst be, Thiy buy, appears " Pivil a bit do 1 know, stir, but tirv, strange 5 5 SAVKM ,mqi'os veil authenticated, and must They lire the Les-- t to use, with all the readin' and writin' there bake nn' They evenly (juickly, IN EVERY FAMILY. truth in it. St. was on that at least have some Their opeiution is peitoct, pass, it was enough to t Iwls llpuUk an. O M ilf ituM Kenmlf Asrnt rhuv ?To i,,.r h They lime always a good draft, pass a .Major General to the divil." Oiittii iwnl 'uy v Mrci. More "than, lf will LOOKJIERE. viv! p HACHINC 750 Coal. CKmii TOnW fft nt Dimluss' Mont Murkt II'iPlllitlv t'llcU. AND An Incident oftlteWar. A pin inserted in the skin to ive pain to the child, and caused tai!) charge i;f electricity J), corpse to sit up, aud the pain e. The, next day MS evidently inteu life artificial continued, but it was the life. No siim of animal jn.j,!y the soul or mind had been awakened. The ts'icriment continued for two days of the sec-c- d ;0iiLvr, and on the the assistant on watch, exhausted, tell asleep, and on Rock Spring, Coalville, c n ... COALVILLE OXJ3TL KTETW it came from. The theories were as various as the nu-- who advanced them. The only reasonable solution was that it, came from the hills near the town, but this is in contradiction of the statement made by geologists, that mercury is inner found in the coal f rmation. This may be true generally, but minerals are found out ot their natural deposits, having been transported with the drifts of the glacial period. Ho that as it may, the quicksilver was there, and the question to be answered is, "How did it come there iVnnvIv:"ia Tniverty, with the the child's aunt, undertook life to the resuscitate and restore instl'ul,K'nts USc'd J,Jv luri' a Leydeii battery, the conduct- with the 0f which were connected aud a the ribs, ijjdy just above AMD MONITOR HAS 0A1XEI) A FAR FAMKI) Xo higher eiir.tiiiiirn caw bede- loweil iiKin a Corking Move than to ray that it epak in IN praie, eery .mine-- ife who md recouiinemU it to her beipkbor and frien.ll, for eoonnmy, clraiilimsH aut reliability iu all ite TIIK (rutions. . 3I,ni 3I0XIT0KSnowin USi; cot-wi- , Work. uTJ jj 5 ) I i r A r ALSO, SAXTA T8K nUMATtl CLU5 fOOIUG STOff, r ai idiI Moeil, Tbleh baa rh a Demand throngh th Torritor.v for Atartity Mid Kxrclleiire, cannot be urpawwl. All enr AIacihi are krnt ami for ffa) byLC H. I. anil all lit Braucb MrH. Also b; all tbe ( Stot m i tYt |