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Show APU By TELE Gil to Bill Regulating RailCo-educati- on road Freights. of the failure , Several States, provides that efery railroad exteuuing into or through States and employed in two or more freights between points in different or to or from any foreign eountry, whether owned and operated by one or er persons, shall by several corporations each of its stations and in posted keep clarification of freight and depots a full mile for every distance per im charges receives freight for transplor which it no established ortation, and the rates iwd posted shall be the lawful rates it shall charge in every case, except for Government transportation and for charitable purposes, so long as said schedules remain unchanged, and that thirty days' notice must be given of any intended The bill change of the schedule rates. in charges prohibits all discriminations tor like service performed for different in the shippers, or any discrimination delivery of freights, except according to is also provided priority of shipment. It that a railway company receiving freight for tr .nsporuiiou over other roads in addition to its own line shall be respon. sible to the shipper for the safe delivery Each of the freight at its destination. violation of any ot the foregoing provisions is to be punished by & fine of not less than SoOO, nor more- than Secretary ltichardson gave notice toinday that the principal and accrued terest on ths ti 20 bonds, amounting to $.3,009,000, will be paid at the U. S. ashington, on and after Treasury iu U. iS. Securities for1874. Sept. 3d, warded for redemption should be addressed to the Loan Division of the Secretary's oflice, registered bonds to be assigned to the Secretary of the Treasury for redemption. The committee of the "ew York Produce Exchange had a highly statisfucto-r- y interview with the President Reciprocity regarding the Canadian treaty. They believe it wrll be sent to the Senate soon. Bristow will probably assume charge of the Treasury Department on Friday next, lie had an interview with th,e car-rvi- Eins. against Geo. Frederick," against " Couronne De Fer," 8 to Helm, owner of horse ' Sam the celebrated trot-ln- S Purdy," dropped dead a Vallej boat. lie was 'an night on 'Dtendins to tnlcft "lir,lir" oor min. further returns from the Oregon elec-- n indicate a majority for Grover. The publicans still claim a majority for "ilhatiis for Congress. Syracuse, 3. Society Association, session here, have adopted the name e Aational Christian Association. Anti-Secr- V V V " - " secret societies committee on political oction 8U3'wn - report-arHyoriti- g. action at the ballot box to their action. IX GREAT VARIETY. Ogden. CELEBRATED ith new Cards, and SINGER SEWING MACHINES, Wood's Champion and Excelsior Mowers and Reapers, 4 to 4 to . WANTED. WOOL Winchester and Democrat Light Spring Wagons, THE EXCLESIOn AND EVERY DESCRIPTION OF WOOLEN MILLS OGDEN, cxotk, FIKST-CIjAS- S EXCHANGED FOR WOOL 9Itirdcr ami Cremation. Wool Wanted Immediately. 1 which WILL BE At re.monublp California and Concord Harness and Harness Trimmings. Leatlior mill Shoo FiiitliiigN. ratri. All Kinds of Produce Forwarded to Any Point oq the Shortest Notice. All Orders Sent to M. THATCHER, I'rowjit Attention. A. IIAXDAI.I. , W. H. NOTICE. Lojat will Receive HOGPEB, Superintendent. Z. C. M. I. THE UNDERSIGN ED, HAVE THIS PAY WE,Ly Mutual Funscnt, iIih.1vpI jmrtuersliip. FAUXKS MITII, Logiiu City, Utah. April 8tli, 1874. Implements. liiiygies to Order on Short Notice. 1 A negro named Richard Coleman has been trying his hand at murder and experimenting in cremation at Lynchburg, Va. The one was successful but the other failed. Jane Coleman was his wife, and both Richard and Jane were servant to a farmer named Lee. Richard farmed and Jane cooked for the family, and gave satisfaction to everybody but Richard. The two often quarrelicd. Richard was sullen and ugly, and Jane had a will of her owu. One Sunday evening, after she had cooked the Lee's evening meal, Richard bciojr in the kitchen with her the while, she said she was going to church. Richard said he would rather she would not go. The said she would go and Richard said she shouldn't. This debate was over heard by some members of the fami to her ly, and soon .1after Jane went 01 was cue me room over Kixeueu. who had an followed by Richard, lion bar in his hand. About 9 o'clock there was a eall for Jaue, and as she did not answer, her room was visited by one of the young ladies of the house. The door was opened and there was a tremen dous burst of smoke and flame from the apartment kerosene. The youn lady closed the door, ran frightened away, and told Mr. Lee what she had seen. That gentleman went to the room with a supply of water, and the fire was extinguished. There was It was a big bundle on the floor. rolled Jane's corpse tightly up in a blanket, ller head had been mashed and beaten out of all shape. That had been done with the iron bar. The lamp was emptied. Its contents lad been poured over the blanket. The neighbors collected and Richard came with a long face and asked what was the matter. When informed, he made terrible howls and moans and refused to be comforted, lie was mourning too deeply by half. The preliminary circumstances were recalled as above related. The people of his own class and color who had assembled caught Richard and got a rope, and were hunting a (ree, and would have lynched him right there in Lynchburg if the authorities had not rescued him. He was thrown into jail, and the coroner's jury had no doubt that he did the killing, aud then attempted to destroy the principal evidence of his crime by Farming Are now in running order und turning out 1 ,- ALSO- Time of race, 2:46. ''George Frederick" won by two lengths. There was but a neck between the second and third. The course was heavy from the hard rain last night. 1 of $107,000. X 41 and Boy's Beady Made Clothing, Gents9 Bain, and Whitewater Wagons, winner. to-da- y. l.ner object v ance to exterminate 1 against " Atlantic " Custance rode the sen-fMio- n. " . Rome, 3. San Francisco, 3. Only about three thousand dollars save been raised here for the Louisiana 'ufferers. The ladies will inaugurate a fur to continue until they raise at least u'cnty thousand dollars. Cla3in a,nd Woodhull start east in a ' days. They have failed to take this cy by storm, or create any marked l1 lass are, Xotions, t&c., i'c.. Klovcs and Tinware, lrugs cVSedieines S n k40 The American and English Catholics in Rome proposed to cive a public re to the American pilgrims on ception i i i il ' ineir arrival11nere, unci mane otner of sympathy, but the Pope deprecates such a display as it might causi a disturbance. The people generally appear indifferent. Bayonne, 3. Battles are imminent at Estclla where the Carlists are in great force. London, 3. The betting just before the Derby was pas-eonge- Alle arrived. have report that they investigated the matter thoroughly and had taken the testimony of the principals and teachers of nearly all the schools in the city. They did not think it prper to say what had been testified, but stated that they were willing to lay the original report of the Superintendent before the body, recommending its adoption, softened in tone and characterizing the system instead of grossly iniinortl, as pregnant with danger. The Committee recommended that the board should order the discontinn nnce of the co education of the sexes, except in a few cases where the board might esteem it wise and safe to grant special permi?8iou. The report was ad opted aud the mixed class as at present constituted in public schools will thus be changed during June. kNew York, 3. Three sailors, named Valker Engler, John Wolf and Peter llasBraan were arrested this afteruoon on the arrival of the steamer Frisca at Hoboken, charged with The captain charges them mutiny. ith leading an attack on the cabin breaking down the cabin and refusing to obey orders. They will be 8ent Hamburg on Saturday for trial. A fire in the building Nos. 57, 59 and l Lewis street, to night, caused the . w Hardware,aBsd Ioofs Shoes, Hats and Caps, Crockery,u - New York, 3. - bin Machine RETAIL AND Dry Goods Groceries, is now prepared to semi official denial is given to the reports that the candidature of Hohen- CARD WOOL ON SHARES zollern. Prince, for the crown ot Spain, is to be revived. (Evkry Sixth Pound) San Sebastian, 3. Reinforcements of 3,000 Republicans or at the rate of nine cents a pound. The Committee of tke lioard of Educa-catio- u of lrooklyn, to whom was referred the report of tupt. Fields in regard to the evils arising from mixed classes, J- Una MACHINE WHOLESALE A to-da- y, 'Ms y CHIDING Hue of President ranch, e f AMERICAN. Washington, 3. by Window, from report substitute The Transportation couimiiteo, for the commerce among iuue bill to regulate .He NOTICE. NAT SMALL AND GKOKGE DYMOCK. TO tlii'ir uinl personal or lt'giil representative: all others whom it limy roucem: You ui' hereby notified Hurt we have perfornifvl tVe liilmr awl maite tke iiiiproveiiK'nU tin the .len-niLfilne Mine, in Lucin Mining 1'istriit, Uox V. ev county. Territory of 1'tnh, reijiiirml ly law, thereof with yon, unci your prolieiiip: portion, there in now due 0:1 Recount theieot, I10111 twli ot you, fiiid Nat f mall, $107 .lift, mid from yon, 6id George liyinock, -- K.7S, for luhor improve-inpu- t om said .lennie I.ede Miim. Therefore you are further not. fled that if at the expiation of one hundred Mid iphty days from the date of this notice, yon fail or relume to contribute your said proportion, your ppveral intert-- ts in said mine will hpconie our property, purximnt to Sv. 5 nftha Act of Cnnuif s, itpprorcd May loth, an net to promote the development 1S7U, of the minim; resources oi the United Stales JOHN K.N OX, GKO. Y. fcTll.ES. Lncin Mininjr Pistrict. Tuted at Ogdeu City, June 3d, 1S74. Paris, 3. to-da- Situation in France Xhc elected In the Assembly the debate on the electoral bill was continued. Ledru Hollin made the principal speech. He denied that the Assembly had the right to alter the franchise; said the present, system of general elections should not be change!; i lie plebiscitum was a parody on universal suffrage. There were loud protests from the Donapartist benches, and cheers from the Left. The confusion was so great that the speaker could not be heard for some miuutes. The excitement subsiding, Uollin resumed his speech, alludine to the failure of the ma jority to restore the monarchy or even lorm a government. He declared that the assembly being powerless to constitute a monarchy should maintain u republic, which had never been scarcely JOHN CARDOX, tried; and concluded by urging the dissolution of the chamber. speedy Berlin, 3. - Near The Czar will meet the Emperor of MOUND FORT, Germany about the middle of June at and Claflin. day, ConcorJ, N. II., 3. House in joint session Jain33 A. Weston i'OHElG.N. Sexes. of Woodhull lne Senate and HAVE OPENED VN LOGAN & OGDEN, BRANCHES OF OUR WAGON MACHINE DEPARTMENT, bo that the people f the Northern Counties can purchase without coming to Salt Lake City. WE and I HAVE THIS DAY BOUfiHT THE BUSINESS Mid iimniiws formerly knwn fttrumi k Smith, n4 wiU receir lmmeyn ami tiny nil lia bilities nf tuid firm, front Nov. 7th 1ST 'J. to April LogHn City. April 8th,1874 WE GUARANTEE WAGONS & MACHINERY STRUM ENT MANUFACTIIIED. Agent for Northern Utab, JOHN FOWLER, Terms Easy, Rates Reasonable. Orders by letter promptly attended to Instruction! given by tka quarter. i9-t- r Th frlobrnted tnd to - the ran hare a Harrow Then 011 trial. frl hitirniatio. and roceire order Hr TURBINE WIIEKLS, E.VUI MILLS, or other article not unlly kpt lu to.k. will alwi Irjirtmnti UK1ST and 8 AW MACHINES, AGENT, LOQAX. AGWiT, 30tf Agent Uv Patent Aluminous Building Taper. THE NORTH SEWING MACHINE. VISITING BALT LAKE CITT, Hides, Furs and Pells Bought. LOU AX, CACHE COUNTY. AND EXAMINE DINWOODEY'S OF WILL TAKE STOCK TO HERD DVRINO the Sutiiiner, ou lilacklnith' Fork Kuuge, at the following rate : FURNITURE ! $3.00 WALL PAPER and FEATHERS. 2.50 Main Street to 50 Bemored from Cleck. west First drivo . CORRAL, OGDEN F. A. HAMMOND. halt-bloc- Co-o- k p. 75, 77 and 79 First Soutk Street. hM,mfM Ul-- u i 1IUWK, Juii. An IIOXESTMACIIIXE mid nut Mibjccl to FITS. Immense Stoek I V. THAN TO CALL Pardon Bro., Watchmaker, IK THE M'OR LD; P ER FECT D THE BEST tit Juvrntor of th bwiiuj Mnvhinn, lXIAa COULD NOT DO BETTER WEST'S HOWE PEOPLE Y. F1103X BISUOP OODrN. W. H. HOOPER Superintendent. AND rutrn Iarjrn rnniher;!. May 9th, focoiid drive Jine t.th, from BAIN TIIOMAN NMOOTII INJ HAItROW, warranted to mV th. boxt Svd cn)tivtor for gram, grin, cwn or poUtoei, 4 iuvekteU. Our beat Farmer lt r.r.1 TlIATCIIF.il, BARXARD WHITE, J. F. REED. Horses per Head Horned Stock Sheep Itiidured for o,ixc3L TIIKESIIIXG MACHINES mid SULKY HAKES. M Oft KM OppOBite know that 1'urclinsor l CIIAMPIOX, WOODS, KXCIXSIOJt and WOKI.U MOWERS, Droppers or Self linkers. OGDEN. CONFECTIONER itty and cxpriHu-.,o- WAGONS, IN A NO 011 WHITEWATER ESTEY ORGAN. THE BEST MADE ax lieJng tlx) beat, after mack this TecuuinieudRtiuu. Suppled to thexe point cuu rely Elesanre Combined. POINTS 0FSUPERI0RlTY: Simplicity and Perfection of Mechanism, Durabilitywill last a Lifetime, Range of Work without a Parallel, Perfection of Stitch and Tension, Ease of Operation and Self Adjusting Management, Take-u- p. Adjustable Head, tyl and Price at T. W.JON E', Tailor, Third door from Z. C. M. I, Ogrfeu. Call and Examine our SAMUEL MILLER, JUK., Agent. Also, at th Sales Rooms, a fw doom west of 'L C. M. I., Salt Lak City. ttl'S-l- j |