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Show I LOCAL ITEMS. Railroad Digsitakies This morn ne' Sidncv Dillon. K ' Jki U., and other leading men of the road, 2. of accompanied by John W. l'eung, Esq , Ftm Prest. U. N. 11. p,., took a trip by the OYch! Ves! O Utah Northern. C iu It Buckeye? the probable they 0 J by litest draft itn.l Lest a upn-,- hare eone to tho i',lie "!'rf 'Karmemr,. Utah. Tlmruuly will not return until late this evening. It is not unlikely that the U. P. !will Messrs. Payne & Chris- - become interested with the U. X. in ex1'emovkd. r Soda Water tending the line of the att.pr from ,ue industrious removed have Frai klin to Soda Snrincrs. In this event and Merchants, cr Obi-tinear the fortunes of the U. X. yill be estab ! Fourth Street, on premises delished, and the U. P. will secure the shop. 1'utronUc them, they transit of the Montana freight over their serve itroad from the Last. We shall be glad to learn that the U. X. is to be pushed Solmltler Wagons. ahead to Soda, or to Snake River if the tide of trade requires it in that direction to were pleased We Cosv.uF.scENT.-D. Richards out to day. eee Frest. F. Cutting Affray. Last Sunday morn him an opweather gave ine a serious affray took place at Slater-villThe pleasant outdoor exercise, little a for in this County. The chief actors portunity air and warm suns- in the affair were Messrs. Bradshaw and we hope the pure iu Lis speedy and entire and Shaffer. Some hine will assist years ago Bradshaw 1 J V A. Je TdafsJH - Mauu-r,Diire- 1 n - c, The medical testimony showed clearly that the deceased died from the effects of an abortion produced by instruments, and not from typhoid fever as certified by Dr. Cain. The jury returned a ver dict that Frances A. Waldron died from the effects of instrumental abortion, pro duced by Dr. S. E. Cram. The Dr. claims that he did not operate on de ceased, and that this is a scheme of professional enemies to destroy his rep utation. The woman s maiden name was Brown, and she was living vith a man named Scott at the time of the abortion. Decoration day was observed yester day at Salt Lake, in a style befitting the occasion. Every vehicle at the livery stable was engaged, and a grand proces sion marched to Camp Doug1 as, where the ceremonies took place. Tb.9 speakers were, Gov. Woods, Chief Justice Mc-Kea- n, Judge Sutherland, Col. llagan, Judge Hemingray, llev. C. C. Stratton and Gen. Morrow. Judge McKean recited the following original poem: Just Right. Sunshine and showers alternate pleasantly and make the gar- Z. C. M. I. COLUMN. dens and fields smile with verdant beauty, and vegetation spring forward with glorious strength, giving premise of a rich and plentiful Autumn. Some folks grumble, but we think the weather is ft- just right. Crawford and Crawshaw. We ex cordial congratulations to Mr. Ephraira Crawshaw aud Miss Ellen Crawford on their union of hearts, lives and interests. The interesting ceremony which made these twain one flesh, took place at Salt Lake on Monday last, when several other couples from Weber county joined hands in holy wedlock. A good example for other lads and lasses. tend Condensations. OGDEN BRANCH. Just Arriving! OUR Sl'ltlXG GOODS, From last evening's J - OF CONSIST1NT. Xews: On Monday, a child eighteen months old, daughter of Mr. Joseph Pitts, Cth Ward, swallowed some concentrated Xlio CSltoiocMt KtyloN, ' t And l'alti'rus of lye, burning her mouth, lips and throat and his wife separated, the woman ob AFTER TUB WAR. severely. While the child was being a divorce from her partner, for taining Mowing examined by Dr. Benedict, another Iliulicyc Itcnpcru rood and sufficient reasons. She subse little one about the same age was We all are free, we all are oue: liHUUM, nmcliim' is fr wile at M. T. quently married Wm. Shaffer, and on From uurlheru Hnows to southern suu, CI in his office, having been into in brought Maia Street, 0len. UMWWw bunuer our unfurlwl, Vueree'cr this account Bradshaw and the new husmanner. This new eangel hail the wort'll Strong burneJ in a fimilar Fair Freedom's friends iu other lands band were not the best of friends. Organdies. oil and efeam, olive followed .imiiifr riiM ot'riifht: T.vil t'.f tl by vinegar, is directed Attention two men the and hearts Concert;. Last with But huds, Gift weary Sunday morning oh, was prescribed; this being the best Why live aud die without the sight! and last Gift Concert for the quarreled, in consequence of some abu 9 the fifth W here lirst the morn on Maine doth ope, known remedy. AND A on From northern snows to southern suu, Jay, sive language used by Bradshaw against pnh'ic Library at Kentucky, Sun last took westward A Mountains slope place Where shooting affray Rocky when $2,500,000 will his former wife, and Shaffer, with a W all are free, we all are oue! July 31st, 1874, at Alia, between Joseph Bandy and GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF day, can be obpeach switch in his hand, approached t distributed. Circulars fired Irom and Jim Whayland. They What land like ours, where Nature teoms Lithe angry Bradshaw, and was in the act Such bounteous fruits and harvest shea res. tained of 1'bos E. Bramlette, Public " their and emptied Such mines aud mountains, lakes aud streams, Joorwnyg, See adof taking off his coat to chastise him, brary Building, Louisville, Ky. Sucn prairio flowers and autumu leaves! mischief. without any They What other land in all the earth when Bradshaw stabbed him ia the left vertisement for further particulars. were both arrested. Ts human thought surh life imparts! breast, evidently aiming at his heart. Though yestoraay uoneiu our on m The escape of prisoners from the our commerce arms and arts! a cut and bone on the knife seasThe glanced PhJXic The first picnij of the County jail was effected in thiswise: the zones was folThis aand to the breast. across From ?ea through in gash Grove, Jones' held While the prisoners, sev?n in number, on will be Hulls on tna ever rising tide aimed If Europe' kings would keep their thrones, afternoon and evening. All kinds lowed by another stab, apparently were being changed from day to night Then let them keep the amusements will be in order, at the neck, but it struck on the jaw, hostile of cease their rage, Till tyrant cells, Bob McCausland advanced os if to CloUiing in Great Variety. shall their treason cease, the face. Shaf in Till wound bad traitors a cut and and noon at commence and duncing will to Mr. John Strock, and dealt him war to wage, speak 0 tiod, Thy us, Help and before Br. T. Give victory lirst, then give us peace! continue till midnight in the spacious fer bled very freely, a violent blow, two other prisoners helpcould be of E. Brown, brought For Ogden, free. to the Admission Grove, hall. ing to seize him At the same time Mr. Id war, Columbia's wrathful face of a had lost about the to frow?; quart the angel's Has spot, avenging see bills. further particular?, John Newton was attacked by two prisBut now, her heavenly smiles iu peaco the vital. fluid, besides what was soaked oners. He flopped one on to his back, Khali all the world with blessings crown. Ob, may this cation teach all others, in his clothing. The Doctor stopped the but the other jumped on him and he was When blessed by peace, when tried by Are, Bkuke Jail. Sheriff Brown received blood in about five minutes, and pro ATS, CAl'N, 1IOOTM That all the race of man are brothers, secured by the two. Three men finally sire! thoir thon svord this morning that Bob McCausland God of Justice, Aud, AX1 nounced the wounds not dangerous in stood neutral. The jailors were bound and three other prisoners escaped from cost fearful so a was what at Shaffer's Alas, system themselves, but with strips of blarket, and McCausland Is freedom won and kept for are, ttve County jail at Salt Lake, last night. much debilitated by. the loss of blood and CLildr-en'aud Her march is marked by heroes lost John Pyper, in prison for kidnap Ladies', Missvs' and Aud buried by the rugged way! They knocked down the guard, M. L. that his case was doubtful, considering Carpenter, Triinincd liata and Funey Goods. ping a Chinawoman, Huiice, once a year, oh! lie it ours. McCausland was arrested skedaddled. As is the path of life we tread, on also that he was not a young man. and seduction for sent adultery, up for Te crown with bays aud beauteous flowers by Sheriff Brown some time since, There are always two sides to a ques and Henry Taney, awaiting The living memory of the dead! the Weber, He was an Where first the morn of Maine doth ope, kidnapping a Chinawoman. friends more. Bradshaw's not if tion, trial for enticing young women to u From aortheni snows to southern sun, will be A sharp look-ou- t e old offender. westward Mountain Where to his on went Rcky premis state that Shaffer house of ill fame at East Canyon, esat! are free, we all are oue! kept up for the escaped felons. es, beat him shamefully and that Brad caped. ' shaw is as sick as Shaffer. If this is A FULL STUCK OK Judge Smith, of Brigham City, is re 3d June has re Hall of understand loss to em Mr. a Wednesday's Daiy not so we are at Small Tox. Joseph covering from his severe attack ef is ruIt not is arrested. Bradshaw ceived a communication from the post why in the rheumatism, but has lost another child, Tic Nic 1'io nic ball master at Elko, in which he states thai mored Bradshaw is armed and the con this making six in a brief period. fine dancing hall at Jones' Grove. Splenemail is But it of him. pox stable is afraid to arrest there are six "good cages" Mark Lindsay has Early Caractacus s did music, good company and at that place, and that the disease is also hardly reasonable to think that no one ITardwarc, Staple Irugs, Motions. peas ready for the market. refreshments. A one to Carlin. anil take Wells at Jacob Slaterville in sharp Arthurs, can be found prevailing Yesterday morning, , Paper Hangings, Quocn's-Wart- ? lookout should be kept lest the infection man. armed as he may bo. At any rate convicted before the Probate Court of HarGlafMYare, Paddles, should be brought into Ogden by persons this- affair should be properly investi Carping Machine. Persons who want Morgan County, for adultery and lascivness aud Harness trim ' from the West. We have rio Oesirs for gated and the dignity of the law pre wool carded, should read John Cardon's iou9 cohabitation with mings, Cordage and the return of that dreadful scourge. Jinctiss. He was released on habeas corpus by Judge served, and the public will expect the advertisement in Tin ware. Slaterville authorities to take proper will card it for every sixth pound or McKean, and held in bonds of $300 for Third in the take at the rate of nine cents a pound., appearanee at a future day Change of Tims. By reference to Ike cognizance of the affray. He has filled up his machine with new District Court. As there is no probaseen will be Utah Northern it From last evening's cards and is prepared to do good work. bility that a jury will be empannelled, that trains leave Ogden every morning Condessatioss this is virtually acquitting the prisoner. at 830, and run to Corinne, Logan, Xeu : From this morning's Herald: the of branch a Franklin and intermediate stations; and On the 28th inst., This morning, Sidney Returned. A6E3TS OK '2d Dr. Grain's bond9 ure fixed at $5,000. that trains leave Franklin every morning United Order was organized in the .1. Brest; U. P R. R., and the Dillon, Esq., and His counsel, Haydon and Gilchrist, At 9, and Logan at 11.40, reaching Ogden Ward. Following are the officers: Jasy the on him who accompanied Tilford and llagan, ask a suspension of at 6 10 in the evening. The road is in Leach, President; Daniel Corbett and gentlemen the Junction, returned to settle to trip L. Wm. public judgment until after his hearing, good order, and trains arrive and depart Soren Ivenson. Vice Presidents; theEa-st- . It is expected that Messrs. as they hope to establish his innocence an time. , Ball, Secretary; Wm. Hart, Treasurer; Sickles and j will be here again Montague J as. of the charge of abortion. Charles Wilkins, Samuel Peterson, week to lay out the grounds for the next some LaBt Cowardly Ooiuce. The Western Union Company have night Jensen, George Reese, Stephen Tucker, K. 0. side tracks. AND THE and depot cowardly sneak tntered the blacksmith Directors. opened a telegraph office at Dry Canyon, shop of Nicholas & Jenkins and ruined in Ophir District. Plenty of home raised gooseberries their large bellows. This merning they The following market. Lake "Charley Blue" and "Gray Kitty" ihe Salt Doubtful Tklegram. found their not dis totally incaand then are to run a return match to day, at were becoming may The liquor dealers telegram may be bo, pable of breathing. It was cut with a d as it Faust's Park; a dash, even be so. The public can believe just couraged at the dullness of trade. knife and ripped to pieces in a shameful start. From the Salt Lake Herald: appears to them : manner. They have a clue to the perpe(inr irinnntain hcrrins is claimed by a 2. while Deep Creek, Utah, The notorious Major Graham, be the grayling, retrator of this mean a:d contemptible One hundred Goshute Indians were correspondent, to to rob a paymaster near East as a substitute attempting in the commended submerged and oontirmed into the Moreutrigc, and it is to be hoped that the Denver, Colorado, some time since, was mon faith here yesterday by Indian In- for treut." witul destroyer of useful property will The Ladies Library Association anwounded and arrested. He was subse terpreter Lee. from Grantsville, and oe traced and deserves. aa he that the Library is open, free, nounces in the three others whom he baptized as assistpunished quently sentenced to two years Our bow WAG OX and MACUL fioml to 5 p ui. in consumed Wednesday, every Now he has escaped. It ants. Sixty minutes were penitentiary. NEIU" DEPARTMENT will short-lthe operation A heavy rain was prevail" said a Bright aku Pleasant. The few days is to be hoped he will be recaptured. e time. niuety-uinfor the at "Breakfast ing be opened in the of Btormy weather are now succeeded by The Alta people are again enjoying waiter to a verdant clerk at a hotel clear skies and bright sunshine. The the luxury of travelling on wlieeis after "Tbuoder !" said Oie Ikon Works. The machinery for the not long ago. Old Tithing (Mice Yard, air is warm and balmy, and vegetation many months of sleighing. "we can t do it." The waiter ill Bhoot unward with a vim. Those from Washington, an Iron Works, which arrived by the U. P. A "special" was the that ninety-nin- e R. R., was thil morning conveyed by explained genial showers are a godsend to the nouncesthe passage, in the House, of jr. room. the of number Northern to the grounds of the farmers, and have done much towards the Senate bill extending the tune for the Utah A man with some wit and a very Iron Company. We understand that the six months. II. effacing the ravages of the wind-storAll orders addressed to working mining claims, i to one irosty down a line have agreed lay on trees and long nose met a neighbor The inquest on the bdy of Mrs. Wal- big roads will rdautg. How beautiful is receive " Halloo Pecry, Ogdeo, prompt he sunshine after clouds and showers dron alias Scott, continued' on Saturday from the junction to those grounds for morning who sang out; 2 s ! T met the end of your nose attention. and Sunday. From the testimony f the accommodation of the Company. Smitl. Contrasts are invaluable. How shoul com saw I and it dea be can it obtained picc back there When building material appeared that several witnesses, we recognize the value of virtue If there to an submitted those see to had irojen. we going buildings operation ceased pletely expect ere no vice : and how should we appre i TCr fault of mine." said the un ciate the sweets of life if there were bo for abortion last fall, and recently to up like smoke, and before long the smoke rubbed as far aa nnr.iher..Dr. S. E. Crain, efficiating; the itself issuing from the tall chimneys and disturbed Smith : I to CnP of bitterness placed, occasionally I could reacA j first costing ker $400, and the last, $35. Curnace. fixes of the big works.. ur lips I recovery. Prints Percale, and t chains Linens DSX. Piques, in "mer-chinc- other.-.id- out-doo- DRY GOODS! e, f " 4 : t t k i" : ; tt; ' i t 5 ' ' ' ?: - r U-e- If sitoi:s. s 1 1 M ! tlope-W- t) i I first-clas- - hisslep-daughtc- r, 's -- time-tabl- t. e .i . , Sowing : Machines, ( ' CEI.EKKATED wind-machi- 400-yar- PllINCE ORGANS! ! y A li. iioorEiisup'K m I. S i i |