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Show She Ogilcn function. l ul,lishd every WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY, by t!l8 OODKX PUUL(.11II!fU Compast. t liarleM W.f'cnroc, Ettitor. Maunder. ami l!iiriiiiH.-- i UTAH. x;i5:. 1871. JUNE SATURDAY, C, THE JL'XCTIO.V CITY. We arc happy to s;iy that the juncA satisfaction fjuestion is .settled. tory arrangement was effected last ( cniug, whereby the junction of the railroad at Ogden is made permanent. We do uot feel at liberty at present to explain the particular of the settlement, hut the result is every way satisfactory to the people of Og-d-- n. What steps it may be necessary for this city to take in regard to thin affair, will transpire in die time. Hut meanwhile we may congratulate the filizena of Oirden on tho welcome news. For years we have been in a condition of uncertainty, not kuowiog whether this was to he the important eeutrc of at least four railroads, and consequently a great agricultural, manufacturing, commercial and distributing poiut, or whether it was to be a mere wayside station on the Union Pacific, five miles distant from a bustling, buiuess, junction city. Hut the question is now decided in fiivor of Ogden, and our business men must wake up to the change which will shortly be inaugurated, or live, wide awake, rust.ing men will walk in and take away the trade from un-der their neses. We anticipate good times; There will be lots of building, an influx of people money will circulate, al! kinds of trade will increase, ahi the Virtue live newspaper and influence of be will better appreciated than it has be en heretofore. The columns of the Junction are at the service of merchants and others who wioh to take time by tho forelock and make their business known to the public, and wo advise those; who intend to proSt by tho march of events to make immediate arrangements nczordiugly. One thing - has to ba guarded fijraiust: A jjrecdy desire tomake ( normous profits on real estate.; Laud for building should and will demand round figure But balloon ft good prices aro bauwl to' fall, "and fair rates will do the city the most good. It i bad policy to drive away honest, men, who will not subto mit imposition, and o'peu tho way for di&houest epcculators who will give exorbitant prices for everything tobtart on by note or some other worthless settlement and then burst when they have fooled every frven-hor- u they conld entrap. Moderation is tho true 'guldoln trade. We hope to soo , go to Workit tuco to rcct i , clear-heade- d the-railroa- their .important business, and that they will homa suitable, buildings for harmoniously to wake the depot grounds couvtmeut ;iad. mutu-nlluseful. , , , ' And wo expect to see, the Iron Works looming up, with the prospect of plenty of work for the railroads and tho opportunities afforded for tho transportation of material 'and 'manufactured articles ; and other branches of industry springing from this cuter-prisspreading out on every hand to eurich their promoters and tho geu-er, y - , , e, al public. Altogether the prospect a of Ogden aro excellent. Atrtl this poiut bida fair to bo tho best in thti Territory for commerce and manufactures without attempting to compete with Salt Lake as the centre of government, names on separate slips of paper, which are to be mingled in a bx aud in open the U. S. Marshal is to draw court so many names as the Judge Three perempmay have directed. to be allowed to tory challenges are each party, and any juror may be in a trial for thing. But the Might is imper- principally challenged tinent iu seeking to penetrate into adultery, bigamy or polygamy if he the deeds and doings of Senators and practices polygamy or belie es in the PACIFIC CAULK. The court rightfulness of the same. We learn from the San Francisco llepresentatives and not the jury is to pronounce Chronicle that Cyrus W. Field has THE I. POLAND A3IEI)i:! taken in hand the project of laying a See. 5 Gives power to the Govsubmarino cable from San Francisco It will be seen by our telegraphic ernor to appoint notaries public. to China and Japan. See. G Authorizes the Supreme report that the amended Poland Bill This great enterprise could have passed the House yesterday by a vote Court to appoint commissioners who fallen into no better hands. The of 159 to 55. AVe have not suffi- shall have the same powers as comname of Cyrus W. Field is intimately cient space to give the bill in full, missioners of Circuit Courts of the associated with telegraphy, and his but following are its provisions with- U. S., and as Justices of the Peace. great experience on the Atlantic ca- out its Sec. 7 Extends the common law verbiage : bles are a guarantee of honesty, inSec. 1, Makes it the duty of the as modified by courts of last resort ia tegrity and ability on the scheme for U. S. Marshal to attend to all the the States, to the Courts of this Terthe Pacific. business heretofore required of both ritory. The work is mw fully determined the U.S. and Territorial Marshal and Sec. 3 Repeals the Act in rela oh and the southern route, via Honoas gives him power to appoint many tion to Marshals and Attorneys and lulu and Ocean Island selected. The be as requisite, giv- all laws of the Territory inconsistent may deputies U. S. .steamship " Tusearora" has ing him mileage fer the whole distaneu with the provisions of this Act, aud been detailed for the work, and it is necesary to travel in making arrests extends the Act of Congress ''to regu- expected that before lung London and delivering prisoners to the Courts late tho fees and costs to be allowed can sond a message to Shangai in ordering the arrest. clerks and Marshals, and Attorneys The work is one of half an hour. Sec 2, Makes it the duty of the of tke Circuit and District Courts of great labor and requires consummate U. S. Attorney to perform the com- the U. S." to apply to such officers in skill as well as perseverance and enbined duties'of U. S. Attorney and this Territory. ergy, tho depth of the ocean at some Territorial Attorney General, and Mr. Barber's amendment, which points along the line being at least authorizes him to apptiut deputies was adopted, restricts the salary of three miles. and receive the same fees for their the District Attorney to 3,500 per We hope aud believe the enterprise services as if pei formed by himself. annum, aud requires the rest of hi; will succeed, and' expect to see the And authorits the Legislature to ' i fees to be accounted for to the Treaday when all the nations and countries to provide for the election of Prosesury. of the earth will bujn communication cuting Attornies iu the several CounThat is the substance of the united with each other by a perfect network ties, who may aid iu prosecution ot efforts of Merrit, Maxwell, Carey, of cables and lines by land and sea. offences appealed or removed to the aud llawley Whitney, with Poland District Courts. Costs and expenses for a tool to work with ia the House. FLOATIXU STOXi;. of prosecuting under Territorial laws It remains tj be seen whether the , ,The editor, of the Idaho lYorhl, are to bo paid out of the Territorial. Senate, which hitherto has proved a , while on a travelling tour, inspected Treasury. , limbo for lost Utah bills, will agree Sec. 3 Provides for I wo fenns of a cabinet at Ceutrevillc belonging to to the infamy which has been hurried Mr. P. J. Moore", containing curious the Supremo Court and lour of the through the House. W think that stones, old coins, fusils, petrifactions, District Court, annually, at such the more dignified branch of the lawetc. Among other things he saw a times as tho Governor may fix by making department will hesitate, Gives tho District floating stone, which he describes as proclamation. agreeing to such provisions as follows, and if any of our readers, Courts exclusive original jurisdiction would virtually deprive the people of learned in geology, cm give us the in all proceedings in chaucery, actions Utah of the right of trial by jury acscientific" position of cofii'SUy, we at law in all sums of 8300 or upcording to the spirit of the Constituwill cheerfully publish the communi ward, all cases of dispute on land or tion, and would play into the hands mining claims, and jurisdiction iu di- of a few cation : hungry and rapacious asthe rarest emioHty of hi collec- vorce. In case of divorce, because for office, and power to persepirants tion, is the "wonderful" fir,aiing"st&iie. of subsisting marriage between the cute and plunder the u Mormons.'" This'nnJti$!ous creutiou is about The same Providence who has overOf'iin inch through its greatest defendant and others, the Court may ruled or longitudinal diameter, by less tliun for our good every former effort and counsel fees, and kiuf An ingu through its greatest trans- grant alimony for our injury, holds in His hands verse dinuieter; is in shape a slisjlitly allowance for the maintenance of the the destiny of men and nations, and lhttened bltifc "ephere, looped in one woman and her children. No certifiwhatever the result maybe, it will side near the email end, in such a M Co form ao edge, vrhjeh est glass cate is to, be required to prove mar- not fit into the schemes of those wjio readily as a diamond. The stone is of riage, cither in civil causes or crim- plot for our destruction, but redound A to the welfare and iucreased prosperigrayish white color, is pnrtially trans; luoetH, rewgh on the surface, and floats inal prosecution, proof of cohabitaof the bona fide citizens of Utah. on water with the buoyancy of a cork; a tion, and acts, conduct and declara- ty fact which an exchange took occasion to ridicule when slated some tiuie ago by tions of the parties are to be evidence. UO IV M OXTA X A IV AS Mr. George Ainslie, but nevertheless a Probate Courts are to have jurisdicISITTLX. we knVnriy having ssen the stone fact in tion estates of decedents, guardianaud te"tfd ivlj of thepur'ieuliirs concernDuring the debate on the admisno civil chancery, or ing it for ourself. as any one elso can do ship, etc.,-busion of New Mexico into the Union who wishes to. Who can classify it, gecriminal jurisdiction. They may have ologically ? as a State, Mr. Potior took the ground jurisdiction, iii divorce cases,. but such that a Territorial form of GovernUSPliltTIXFT SCX may be removed cn application to the ment was a pretty good kind to I've LI til IT. District Courts. Pufct judgiReir of under. Whereupon Mr. Maginnis, If lW Cenfniilteo'on Elcithrtu bf the Probate Courts aro confirmed; Jusof Montana, showed how much the Ilouxe f Representatives is to inquire tices of th Peace are to have their into th alleged polygamic practices of people, under such a form, were in a Oeo. Q. Cannon, delegate from Utah, jurisdiction extended to cases involvbetter fix than the colonies at the why should tnai , tbe Seonta eoramiUce the sum of $300, and appeals are take into consideration the rnucli more ing time when they revolted against the to bo taken, not to the. Pjobate, but l serious accusations against of Great Britain. Mr. of Oregon ? There is no allegation to the D'strict iu such form oppressions Courh, Potter seeuud astonished, and asked tht ruuou ever abandoned auy.ofjiis as the wiveV, or that lie married one Without Supreme Courts may determ- l'or proof of any evil arising iVom the ine. A District Judge may obtain tbo.con.syn.t of the others. These charge b6wewr, hive ;'nbt' tnly been fpmde power of Congress ever tho Territobut virtually the assistance of, the; other District ries. Mr. ajtaiust Maginnis demolished the confessed. Yet the Oregon Senator holds Judges when occasion requires in his a seat without question. among the gentleman like a Potter's vessel, with of the upper lloube. Xtte York district. the following remarks: Sus. Sec. 5 Gives to theClerk of the my Territory waa first organThe virtuous ircntlemen who re- District Court aud the Probate Judge ized"When Federal officers were sent out tla-rpresent tho country on liberal terms, of the county where a court is to then, as they are now, unkuown to aud uninvited by our people, just us feel it incumbent F.nglaud upn them to at- be held, the right to make out a jury sent objectionable governors to her colotack Utah and its Delegate, so that list, each selecting . alternately the nies, aud as Spain now tends rulers to their constituents may see how holy name of a male citizen of the U. S. Cuba. Thy organized a session of ihe territorial legislature, which, under and pure they are. It wouldn't do to who has resided tlx months in the their influence, voted to the Governor rake up tho lltpplo-Mitchenastiness district and can read aud write Kng-lish- , nd Secretary and ench of the Ju lens 58.WU per year extra in for fear of retaliation and geueraJ until two hundred are selected. addition to that paid by compensation theUovernnient Afterward the people took control scandal. But the " Mormons" make When a and jury is wanted the Clerk of held two successive sessions of the affect a splendid scapegoat, and by the District Court is to writs the legislature aud repealed the lawS learning, refinement, art, science and the luxuries of wealth. Again we congratulate our fellow citizens on the settlement of the Junction in Ogden, and advise them to be awake to the important changes that await us in the immediate future. a ing holy horror at the spectacle of d Delegate, public attention is diverted from doings which would be inconvenient fur many M. (J's to explain. Pitching into the Mormons and investigating their Delegate's private domestic affairs is the correct four-wive- puu-ishme- nt. j ' polHical adventurer; 7u"ni JVttS' ia down here to republican Dare ' C&n'e Washington auJ throinL their influrnn. chairman of the Comn i, ee f nes, repealed law. caused Congrei t TvL Ut th statutes of two legislature and left laws for years. M,M,S officers continued to draw theev,t pensation fixed by the first the statutes of which remained ''r "' until they entailed a o COO upon : ny Territory wtieh unpaid done by a f l '" byists against the protests of the Z and carried in the interest, f Pr unworthy men, sent out to g0,cie.w whose selection we had no whose rule was odious and tyrrantf ,1 ,n,-b- ut XtZ" T' Montana, it appears, hM bw cursed with a similar herd of creatures to those who have fastened themselves upon the body of Utah What they accomplished with our neighbors is a sample of what they would do here if they could. The have played for a hold on the TW ury, but have not held the odd trick iu their little game. So Utah remains out of debt and the greedy hounds yelp because they eanuot bite, aud growl because they cannot gobble the revenues of the Territory. It is a shame and disce to the country that the Territories should be under the influence of worthless political blacklegs, and that Congress an be manipulated by the disreputable who have lobbied and lied and bullied and bribed to gaiu their nefarious ends. The least that could be done consistent with wire-pulle- rs the spirit of republican institutions, is to give tho Territories the right to elect their own officers and a voice in the affairs of the National Government. Cure for Ear A eke. -- bo-fo- re Take a small piece of cotton wool, making a depression iH the center with a finger, and fill it with as much ground pepper as will rest on a five cent piece, gather it into a ball aud tie it up, dip the ball into sweet oil and insert it into the ear, covering the latter with cotton wool, and use a bandage or cap to retain it in its . Almost iustant relief will be experienced, and the application is so gentle that an infant will not be injured by it, but experience relief as placp. well as adults. five-igbih- .8 PRODUCE . W. TUItSEK. Ilu hit) old stand on FIFTU STREET, lor ttie piirclmse iuid sale of inuii-fiel- , Hippie-Mitchel- STOKE. ALL KINDS OF PHOBICE, Garden ind Crass Seals. At his BOOK STORK adjoining he keep? all the Periodicals and Newspaper. of the day, also a full etcck of Stationery, Wall Paper, Pictures, Frames, etc. Q. W, TUKN E B. NOTICE Ta the People of Ogden and Xorlliem Ul. JAMES DWYEU, SALT LAKE C1TW Ttie lwmliuf liookseller of Ihw gone to N'fW York, Bostos and rhilaili'Ij to make larg piiriiiast's of Books, for SUNDAY SSH3QL LI3RA1E3, AIho Jlipple-Mitohel- l, CUAliTS, d LOUIS MArS, nirti-ouamis- e ll allow- - EDUCATIONAL W0BK& When jou come to Conference gite him a mil A LIBERAL DISCOUNT To COUNTY PURCHASERS, Ami tli perfect (Mttinluction giwrantf"!. K1- LARGEST STOCK Iu Utulito Select From |