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Show RY TELEGRAPH. Bristow Confirmed as Secrotary of State- Murder of a Husband and Three Children. cluded in an earnest appeal to the Liberals to unite in the work of consolida lion of the Republic. The audience, numbering 5()0, included many members of the Assembly and several mayors dismissed by the late government. It is reported here thai Serrano will soon order a general election in Spain, and if the monarchists are in the majority he will propose the enthronement of 1'iioce Asturias, under his (Serrano's) regency. ..- The Alabama Question in Parliament. Inundations in Hungary. AMERICAN. New Vork, of Lucy Mu-heu- e m 1 1 t'on-tentio- & flcarlj. San Francisco, 2. The friends of Williams claim his election to Congress is certain. The on the State ticket will not be known lur several days. Old party lines were never more completely iguorcd iu Oregon than on Yesterday. At llalinton, Ncvadu, this evening, Patrick Casey was shot mi J fatull Thomas wounded by hia Casey, who on the iusiuut blew his owu Lraius out. n-n- Washington, 2 The IIou? proceeded immediately after the reading of the journal to the consideration of the Utah Judiciary bill. Delegate Cannon made au hour's speech agaiiidt it, declaring it was a scheme to steal the Territory from those who had and that it was urged made il what ii United the States Attorney by mainly and .Marshal, who.se would be increased to $.')0,000 each. Nurd, of llliuois, advocated the bill, arid fiercely attacked the sj stem of polygamy. Caunon claimed the bill was special in its provisions. If there was any reason for it, that reason also applied to all other Territories, lie declared the bill was in the interest of a ring of speculators, and that the United States Marshal and District Attorney had been here lobbying for it; that the latter claimed that, he drew the bill. Poland said if he did claim it, it was uctruo. He (Poland) had been assisted in the preparation of the bill only by Whitney, a lawyer of Salt Lake. Poland closed the debate, lie rani the Mormons were us hostile to the Government us any portion of the people of the South weie dunug the darkesi hour of rebellion; that the law agaiust polygamy passed by Congress twelve years ago, had been boldly und uiiblushingly disobeyed, and he declared that Congress ought to either repeal the law or take means such us this bill atl'orded for its enforcement. Harber offered an amendment providing hal the talary of the District Attorney shall not exceed $3,500 a year, the remainder of his fees to bo accounted for lo the Treasury; adopted. The bill then passed, 15'.) to 55. The remainder of the session was devoted to business from the committee on public buildings. Toe House recessed till evening, the session to be for business from the committee on private claims. i. -- . I. Fisk, executrix f,f the lute James Fik,jr., to deicriuine her rig'ut as a stockholder of the Uniou I'ucifio HuilruaJ, lo the uuiouut ot'0,-(M)(- J bljuroH, Judge Wittchfurl, overruled the demurrer and granted the hill. 'resident Grant, tin afternoon laid of the American (lie corner-stonof Natural History in Ceuti al 1'urk Addresses in preneucc of 5,000 reople. were made by Jov. Lix, II. (1. fcjttbbiiiM, an others. Mrs. Dwyer or Devine, who murdered lier husband and three children this morning, wan in a lunaiic asylum a year ago, but was discharge and it was considered she was comidete'y cured, between her and husband on account of his being engaged in the Coopers' strike are supposed to have produced Her account of the butchery insanity. It appears of the children is horrible. went about it bcliberately, killing t i ho baby first, then the boy nnd last tie girl. fc!e reiterates the statement that she wanted to send them to Heaven before her, and appears to have loved them In tbe ens The Poland Kill. ult foster-brothe- fi-e- s ... . - 1II11IIEI.I AND t1I,iiKl the sum that is required Small is to patronize a newspaper, and amply rewarded is its patron, I care not how a.MMJi-- bumble and unpretending the gazette which he takes. It is next to impossible to fill a sheet with printed matter without putting into it something that m worth the subscription price. Every parent whose son is away from home at school, should supply him I well remember with a newspaper. what a marked difiercnec there was between those id" my schoolmates who had, and those who had not, access to Other things being newspapers. were always decidedtho first equal, ly superior to the last In debate, com position,, and general intelligence. Daniel Webster. mm jp T .. Will Supply the Above AVe At our Depot COIiXEll WALL and FIFTHSt., OGDLy the Lowest Kates for Cash. Warranted at The proposition to introduce ladies as railroad conductors w frowned upon in view of the fact that their Case's Threshing Machine, and other trains are always behind. Latest of the SluiiiPd Succfssor t A Co., & Co, u42-(l- AND FLORIST, SEEDSMAN Agricultural Implement" Designs. Williams II. SMITH, .i in ii r ' ' rr Main Sr., Salt Lake City. ALL KIM'S OP (UUDEX AND FL0WF.lt SEEDS, l Native arid Ffroi;n. ume AXD MUSIC STOEE, Orders by Mail filled at the shortest notice. Main Street, IMPROVE YOUR STOCK FOR S.U.K, THE DURHAM TlloUOL'GII-lMtK- . . Ogden. THE CHEAPEST COAL AND LIME DULL, YORTEX, ! Iu the Market, ithvayt on hand. WITU FULL PKDWItKE. Price 8300,00. ALL KINDS OF INSTRU1IT8 MUSICAL Al'l'LY TO ! From a Jexvslmrp to n Church Organ, as Cheap, or West Weber Cheaper than anywhere else iu Utah. Or, JOSEPH WRIGHT, Ogden. Violin Strings and other Fittinrjs. n20-t- f . JOIIN BENCH, Carl Sfliurz. FOR EJUS. ffiFlO'S Influence of Xcwspapers. SHEET MUSIC, ETC., ETC. It ia not much matter to Carl Schurz PAINTER, GRAINER, GLAZIER, One door South of Ogden House. s27-lj or his friends uud admirers whether Missouri returns him to the Senate of PAPER HAXGER, Etc., not. He was Ct rl Schurz before his election to the Senate, nnd he will con tinue Carl Schurz long after his term or At vpecinicn of trig work lie refers to ollice expires. 'He is one of the few men Z. C. M. I., LOGAN. nature gives at rare intervals, who gains Co, official howan from nothing Th I'niuting of uliiili wits Uono unrler hi pedestal, ever lofty. As a private citizen his tlimliou. AGENT FOR THE opinions have been, and must ever be, of more weight than a president's veto. OBSTACLES TO MAItRIAUE. Tbereforo the ' question of his return ! concerns Missouri nnd the United States HAri'Y RF.UEF FOR YOUNG MKN FROM lie ctlccN uf Error ti ixt ALuies in parly til. more that Carl Schun and his immedito Miu riatre o ate supporters. Iu a word, this- creat M.iii1himI Now inctlioilInipciliiiiriitH ot trisitiiipiit. New and man can do better without the people kul'le reinnlioi. liirfk ttinl Circulmn Iwnt JUSTLY CELEBRATED WAGON IS MADE OF TIIE BEST MATERIAL and his State than the State or people free, in Ktnloil envelop).. AoMro, HOWARD rpiIIS anu is warranted. No. 2 South Ninth St l'liiad.l-llim- , j. ASSOCIATION, can do without him. . . I'a., mu Institution lim ing u liitcli Also Dealer ia We can say this of Webster and Sum- lor honorable couihict mid irolx!Kiuiiul uLUl. ner, now that Webster and Sumner are rccognue their claims. Au lerson moved that in the opinion dead. While a great man lives the does ISut'-.ej- c of the House, it is wrong that individ- bark at him; when he dies they lenp loss should sutler national uals through upon his tomb and howl. Dogs do not Ciitferw, wroug; that as England bus beeu adjudi count in the after hUtory cf genius. AND ROMANTIC SCIENTIFIC cated at fault in permitting the escape of WathimjtGii Capital. the "AlabAuia, and has compensated Atuericars for losses incurred thereby, Tutlg-AND OF F A KM M AC II INER Y. OF (tiuular compensation is due British with Children. Dealing Bu'.ferers from the same cause. of the Foreign Onc error, says tho author of "Our VOENT VOR THK K0U.OW1NO POPULAR, A Complete Assortment of ', roliabla books, eoiicits, pub!epurtuicut, replying, declined to enter which parents uncons lic atruHaa: Children," into a discussion on the merits of treaty of aslungton. ciously fall into is, tho puprxisition theA limirnifloent pictorial Polyglot Family Bible beat for the price. WAfiOX MATERIAL, HARDWOOD, IBM AXD The Joint High Commission had de that as infants do not ' know STEEL, ETC. F. Chiiihl.erluin'n Commercinl Law and Form cided the United States government wag from iimnateri-nis it therefore l Book, ftdupts.l to tbe w;tnt fat1. wronjr, not responsible for the acts of rebels what littlo faults they commit or l)r. George II. Xnphey'f LawROf Life anil Health, As that government had agreed to np lor mules ami frnmles. IiolA'U on digoftion, a Scientific work. il-6ipoint a commisiion to examine the tempers they display, ludeod,' there claim for losses arising afiet Leo's sur- are doting fathers and mothers who Pilgrim' Proj;rei, ilhwtra.ej by John liunyon. The Life ami Adveuturei of Robinson Cru.e. render, he hoped the subject before the regard their little ebullitions of temJlouco would not be, passed. The uio Terms I.lbornl. Look nt Namplew. and of kinds various peccadilloes per ticn was then negatived. ' with a feeling of amusement, not to Lispntches from San Sebastian say the Carlists attacked the town and men of-- sny admiration, who wink at, or greet vnr have been sent to protect fore gn with open laughter, small dcrmquiii-cieWe will deliver For instance, the child who residents, l'cinforceiuenis are hasten , of the the to relief ing 8trikcs a stranger in the face, or pin- Six doors west of government. Meeting Hall. The Khedive has commenced ueeotia ches flies to death, or hugs the cat to liona of coniniercial'treaties with foreign who kicks the dog and WATCHES, powers, independently of the Sublime suffocation, Of all the best varieties in cultivation, CLOCKS, scratches his ; ; l'orte. playmates, should be AXD JEWELRY, corrected and cheeked in this kind of Londou, S. Manufactured and Repaired. Grape-Tine- s, Currants, Ooosberries, Raspberries, Blackberries, A special from Vienna reports exten is in it a FrauiOH reality developing play; nnl Picture Album, Kosesot xarious shades, Ornamental Shrubs, Etc., in the province of Uandt sive inundations MoulriiiitrM of disposition which, if not an 1 elsewhere iu Hungary. JNUny Til cruelty rhoto graphs, or Ambroypes accurateArywherc on the lino of the railroads, about ' nipped in the bud, will grow with its lages nave been swept away. taken. ly and its ". with 2. growth, strengthen Copied. )n the Assembly,the pcneral strength, until the iuQiction of paiu election bill was taken up and a stormy nud of is to it a keen sight suffering uebato followed. AT PRICES THAT K vicious delight. a pleasure, FOH ISrisson, Radical, In the course of a Liner speech, taunted the Ilonapartists WILL SATISFY EVERY REASONABLE PERSON. "Al ACRKS PLOW LAND, 14 ACRES GRASS for leading r ranee to Sedan, producing and a Itiiicl, rihhI orchard, hoiw A Sunday school teacjier, desirous a scyie of wildest excitement, tome of THEY ARE ALL WARRANTED, the County rond near the lmrir of the of the a dormant of 1 will trad. tSe place for city northward. almost working city tie deputies powers coming to blows. rt Titliinu property, or for stock, or graiu, or Oarnbetta, in a speech at Auxeru, to scholar, asked the question, " What onlira. The whde or a part of thU valnable (Liy, stated the position of the Hepubli are we taught by the historic iuci-dc- property ottered etui party, lie said its progress was of Jacob wrestling with the ON REASONABLE TERMS. owing lo its admirable organiantion. He Tho cautious reply came, predicted the fiual struggle would be be-- " AGENT FOR WEBEll COUNTY, HAROLD IIENINGER. t ween the Isonapartists and Republican Dunno,zactly, but a'pose 'twas to SAUNDERS. W. severely deaouncei the former, and con tell us that wo musu't rastlc.'' London, 2. The Commons, adopted a motion to adjourn over Derby day. George Anderson, member from Glasgow, called attentiou to tit) losses of l.ritish subjects through the escape of the "Alabama," mid other causes. He complained of the high handed manner in which the late government prevented the timely criticism of (he treaty of Washington. There wera three classes of Hritiih subjects deserving compensa tioii First, Residents in the Southern Confederacy, who lost properly through the inability of the United States lo the law; Seooud, Those whose properly was Ues'royfd after Leo's surrender; Third, The owners of goo is aboard pr;zes of Confederate cruisers. lie believed the United States was willing to t, M. D. HAMMOND, Caelio County. mi, Main St., Ogden, and Main St., Logan, Cache i-- Schuttler.vrWagon en-lor- ' - n 101-0o- i. KELIGIOUS, J. G rover, IJKht Spring Wagons, Sucepstake Tliresliing Jlnehuaes, doners and Iteapers, Ntilky Kaltcs, Corn Shellers, Feed Fanning Mills Finery Grinders. Stubble Flows, Shovel Flows, Cultivators, ALL KINDS Uintah. Utah. under-Sccrctar- y riht Agent for DielioM & Kicnzlc's Safes. u THREE YE AROLD TREES! s. CARDOM BROS., LOGAN, , FllUIT Ay I) SHAD 1! TREES, . , - te-da- Pictures j, Tlie 12tkof November;i874, 1 SALE CHEAP. 3?,f orL ut tlto Hivorsido KTisoxT. CASSTOWN, OHIO. 0. ao-tf H. Plowett. |