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Show WKATIIY AM) IUIHCX'. Isn't it I,Ol.S. a "ring" cannot touch the Territorial Treasury! If they could only finger the funds how lovely everything would sail. The debt which those Federal fellows of the same kidney saddled on Montana wouldn't be a circumstance to the liabilities of Utah in a year, if they could only get similar control of its finances. But this, their objective point, the centre spot of all their aims and schemes, is beyond their reach, and even their Poland arrangement will not pick, the It is lock of the people's Treasury. tdb bad, and takes away the glee that followed the announcement of the in of bill that the House, passage and the reappointment of the ''Judge with a mission" to another four years vhagriu on Tuesday. crusade in the "ring" interest. Marshal McAllister, when acknowlWhen this affair comes to be proedged as the oilicer of the court, ob- perly represented throughout the tained the beta accommodations for country, Judge McKcau will be held the Third District Court which the up once more to public ridicule, and well remember We afford. could city lawyers will laugh at the senseless the odoriferous quarters provided for follyand childish anger of His Honor His Honor by V. S. Jhrslial Pat- on running against a stump of his rick, when the preaching Judge own erection. waged his war agaiust polygamic A stinking loft over a theocracy stable was the spot where the judiA Si:COM TEIEJI, cial autocrat erected his throne, from which he fulminated the decrees The 8. L. Dirt Slintjrr, alias which the Supreme Court of the this morning broke out in an United States declared void and of all over. Its inherent filthi-nes.- s r.o effect. The Territorial Marsha!, eruptiou generally appears, more or less, when recognized as such, hired the iu every issue. Dut the anhandsome and well furnished court nouncement of the confirmation, by rooui at thtt City Hall, and here the the Senate, of the of Judge arid the bar had comfortable Judge McKean, acted like a and convenient quarters. and dirt exuded on every Jiut recently His Honor decided that McAllister was not Marshal and page. The fourycars new official life to that Duncan wnSi When he went to IJ. McKean, means so much more the City Hall on Tuesday he found J. hindrance of the execution of the that no provision had bceu made for law, and considerable more work for holding his court tlierei llctiring to the U.S. Marshal's office he attended the Supreme Court of the United States. To open court with an illegal to a few motions nnd released another crimiual on habeas corpus, then open- officer, and adjourn it again to repeat ed the vials of his wrath. Hut in- the farce, is the principal labor stead of chastising Duncau, whom which has served to burden His lie had declared to be Marshal, for Honor's judicial brain duriug his term. How he will be able to failing to provido quarter for the past it again for another four court, he pitched into McAllister, go through whom he had decided not to be the years, depends upon the opportunities he may have to recruit by an occaofficer of the court, for not doing sional Biblical lecture to the bar, the what by His Honor's ruling he had of liberating seme convicted no right to do. And going further pleasure he denounced this proceeding as criminals of the vilest stripe, on hnbeat vorpvg, or a terrific wordy '"Mouiou intolerance." lu'lc over, last Tuesday, lie was rouseil to wrath and rt'ruant with pulsion, und delivered himself in the Marshal' iu prtseiic of mauy ineinbers of the bar, of u stormy tirade against 'Mormon intolerance." The cause of the Chief Justice's anger was the fact that he had played himself out of u proper place to hold court in, and had just found it out. J5y re-- e 'cruizing the illegally appointed nominee of the Governor as Territorial Marshal aud turning out the buna jiic officer, who was fleeted according to law, he placed hill elf i.i the position which gave him so much Mi-Kin- Missionaries who hav Tiik Pic Nic There was not a very .... . at Jones' learn the at picnic particulars company about : large railroad f.!!" by one of its own journals c had from D. 0. Calder, i, Grove, last evening. But the tolks .W. The following is tbc table of arrest ' From this lots of fun. This Grove has the advanmorning's Herald- mnde by t lie police miring the month of so that The new fine dancing hall, Tenth Ward a May: A.ault, ti. in.leeeut assault, 1; tage of very mee.ing hoB assault with in case of damp weather the company has one of the finest cornices inTh. assault anil battery, -; Dr. Cram is still in deadly weapon, i!0; burglary, 6; disturb- can enjoy the dance in a spacious and jail, Bot b .h ing the peace, 25; drunk, VM: embezzle- suitable able to will get signers to a bond for $5 building. Another picnic fighting, ment, 'J; felony, ): forgery, He will be examined is settled. weather the when be filse next Tuesday' arranged 7; obtaining money under pretencA festive youth tried to es, o; fust driving" (i; gambling (tan) 5: bully a visitors to gambling houses, 12; housetleman ou Second South street ycsler" sea YVkdping Party. Last evening breaking. 4; Bo'icitmg prostitution, 14; at the day, and proceeding to blows, feunj 00; grand lect insane, l'; vulgar language, parly ot friends assembled himself on his back with a mces malicious larceny, 15; petty lercei.y, 2; residence of Mr. Henry Crawshaw on agale misdeunder his eye. 2; mischief, 21; manslaughter, of the to celebrate marriage the bench, meanor. 5"; murder, 0: perjury, 1; robA juvenile picnic in City Creek to Miss bery, 5. Total number of arrests, I.OCI. his son, Dpbraim Crawshaw, was broken up by the rain, and There were also 18u lmlgers entertained Ellen Crawford, daughter of Mr. John the "excurters" returned in the city prison during the month. much took bedraggled. place Crawford of this city, which Horace Lin card and M 111.!t Take these arrests in connection Inst Monday at Salt Lake, Prest. D. II. 'V.J Uli- will at the gard social A appeftr crimes Wells officiating. Theatre, with the and pleasant terrible thing that the Francisco field of crime, as exhibited boiled of-lic- c, Tri-Lun- r, . l- can-yo- i public private and evils for which no arrests were made,' and the sum total will give a pretty good picture of the dark side of an "American'' city. AS I'SL'AL. COItKI-X- Inter-Ocea- n. "Cameron," is about as near as many of the leading journals of the country get to a correct understanding of Utah affairs and Utah men. The Try again Mr. news is just as correct as the name. n. a , anti-Mormo- n cruiixal n The Grove Brewery is now conducted by Beichter & Fry, and sparkling beer of excellent quality The beer from is manufactured there. this brewery is gaining a reputation second to none, and to bring it within the reach of our citizens, Mr. Meyers has opened the Stoker building, east side of Main Street as a saloon, and depot, where it can be obtained by the glass or Bottled ale is also kept on hand. keg. Attention is directed to the advertisement of the Brewery and the Saloon in this issue of the Junction'. An assay cf copper ore from the Domine, in the first gulch south 0f Bingham Canyon, gives: Blue carbonate ore, 41). GO, or over $170 to the ton. rset Died. North Ogden, May 19th, of Puerperal fever, Jane, wife of Mr. Thomas At Brown, 4: aged She leaves years. a husband and seven children, who mourn the loss of a kind partner and indulgent mother. The wicked Boston boy with the white eye has a rival in Arizona. Two men in Prescott fought about u dog. The larger got his antagonist dwwn, and holding him proceeded to cut his face artistically with a knife, lie ;ieeuied to take delight in so gaili- Ltisg-iHospital Car. T. Whelan, ing the man as to disfigure hiui as 11. 11., had an increase a few much as possible, ihe wretch had C. P. Esq., A a too. just been pardoned out of the pendays ago. lie's single man, baby was unexpectedly and suddenly itentiary, where he had been serving similar crime. brought to light on his train a little dis a term for a tance this side of Toano. Everybody was astonished, as there was no warning of LIST OF LETTERS what was about to take place. The REMAINING UNCLAIMED IN TIIK POST Territory of I' luh. on mother never said a word. The first of June' 1S74, which, if nut mlll fur lfr lt of JiiIt, 1874, will bo nut to the ltai of the "event" was from the new- the Letter Office: GENTS' LIST. comer. The car was full of emigrants A Barnaad Christenson Jamfi Tom at the time, and was a little plagued. Baker Wm Ellioit Prof But he soon fixed things comfortably Basset II C Ey: and arranged a for mother Brodie Saml 2 Fuller E n LOCAL ITEMS. Thursday's Ihtily of June 4tli. Vow tr- - THE AMKKICAN SAKDINE CO'a BONE-I.KS, are much bettor, und less tit. in t17-- l jr naif tlio owl of in i K)r l Sanliue. S Suriliiii-H- tt-i- pore-opene- r, theocThis iff perfectly consistent with onslaught upon "polygamic " the Judge's usual inconsistency. And racy. No matter what legislation may be he thinks to make a point which his tool in Washington can use to effected in Congress, the missionary zeal of the Chief Justice will carry advantage ut the present juncture. Hero is a splendid chance to cry him over the limits of constitutional Mormon outrage" again. . It will law, aud his impatience at Territorial sound well down thereto fay, with statutes and regulations will stir him to trample on what he cannot igsonic ihow of facts, that Judge Mc- up Kean has no plac iu which to hold nore. The only plan that we can sughis court, and then to deduce from gest to him so as to make his work that he rebellious und seditious spirit secure, is to get the Supreme Court of the 4t Monnou'' people. Ihitwhen of the United States abolished, and the truth conies uppermost, as is will then convert the "Mormons" from the belief that they have rights, and in spite of a mountain of the question will be asked, quench the spirit which impels them to struggle for those rights to tlie why did not the Marshal of Woods I clear aud McKcau creation provide a place death. His course would for the Court ? And what business theu, and he could rule and ruin at was it cf J. D. T. McAllister or the pleasure. But unless ho can carry " Mormon" where the Court was out this little programme, he will held? And why did the dignified have auothcr four years of failure .nnd morose MeKean make such a fuss avid mortification, aud his ponderous about it? And the answers will be: brain will be more wearied at' the Duncan was manufactured into a elose of his second term than it is at Marshal but was not provided with the conclusion of tho first. lands. It was no business of McAllister nor the Mormons," whether MoxTirs McKcau held his court in a hayloft KIXOUD. And His llonjr or a cellar. Sau Francises is what UtahChris-titraged and fumed aud threw the blame where he knew it didn't beregenerators calt an "American" long, to make a little political capital city, giving this name as a distine for the wire workers at tion from a"Mormou city.'Tollowiog is one month's gleaning in the Sin Wunhiugtou. join their friends in wishing them the blessings of Fphraim. Friday night. Ale amd Lager. Cameron, the Mormon apostle's, legislative career is about to be nipped iu" the bud. The House Committee on Elections have decided to report in favor of his expulsion. Iater-Occa- evening was spent, and cardial congratulations extended to the bride and brideIt is a suitable match, and we groom. - Poutkait. y We were shown a portrait of Alderman F. A. Brown, painted by Mr. Schuppell, of this city, in keg paint, and from memory. These facts considered the portrait is a very to-da- good one. tilt-l- bed-roo- Patent Ilt'chite. m and child by the aid of some blankets. Kidder's Patent Beehives for sale If you want to see Tom look red in the Seveny-ttvcheap, ut llifiiuUiUmm, Child & Co., Main Street, 43 0 face, call him "Dr." Whelan. That baby Ogdeu. wasn't his, but he ought to stand as its Fare's Grove. The picnic ball in godfather., and that car should be known this beautiful place of resort will come hereafter as '"The lying in hospital." off, according to programme, to morrow. It is expected that a large nnd merry t&" See Est ray Notice, Logan. company will assemble to enjoy themselves on the greensward under the iade Moste Again. We are informed, on f those fine old tree. good authority, that the emigrant trains on the C. P. are in:ested with Monte men again. They ply their nefarious Daniel Wood : Sella 2 lbs lti e fur 2i cents. trade, principally, between Terrace and Toano, and scarcely a day passes but Tub J i:ctiox. U.iiN for the new some poor fool is swindled. It is astonside tracks at the depot are already ar- ishing that people will be so foolish as to riving. Iu a couple of weeks work will suffer themselves to be entrapped by the be lively at the junction, and as the monte fraud, after all the warnings that Companies begin their operations, busi- hare been given, and in spite of the noness will increi.se aud times will im- tice posted up by the railroad authorities. prove. Three card monte is not a game of Daniel Wood. chance in which either party has a likeSll U kn 8 .p fur $1.00. lihood of winning. It is a dead open and shut swindle, a direct robbery, a More Sidewalk. When are we to shameless, impudent fraud ami shou'd So far as it be dealt with accordingly. It is true the have some more is laid down, go good, for the feet and victim thinks be is going to be the 15 uv it is morcisu. or to take advantage of the apfor Is it to be completed! If so, when! Is it parent folly of the sharp who is playing to be left as it is! If so, why! Now to entrap him. But this is no excuse Messrs. Committee-men- , please en- for the monte men, and every possible lighten the public on the plank ques- effort theuld be made by theC. P. Comtion. pany and their employees to guard the publis from robbery and to drive the s from their road. Query. What excuse would Judge McKean have found for adjourning his Condensations. From last Evening's Court again, if it hadn't been for the e il- d-- 1 side-wal- 2 k! shoe-leathe- monte-player- failure of Duncan to provide a court room! They say a poor excuse is better than none. This one was the only apparent chance the overburdened Chief Justice could find for another rest for his weary brain. .. A Familiar on the . ... . . Sioht. There was a northeast corner of the sight which reminded the obsquare server of the "good old times" prior to the advent of the railroad. It consisted of s'x covered wagons, the property of four families who are en route from Missouri to Oregon. They traveled by rail as far as Cheyenne, then procured teams and wagons, concluding to proceed by the old fashioned way to-da- y Xrrcg: The prisoner who escaped from the County jail, were tracked on Tuesday te the western mountains. They had stepped nt 15en Tusker's bouse and were seen by the Bingham Kailroad hands of an hour before the officers arrived, climbing the mountains. It is supposed that Carpenter came in a direction. On Decoration day, Mr. Corker and a lady were.in the processiou riding in a buggy, aad while crossing a ravine near the east bench, the vehicle tipped over. The team started and demoralized the buggy. The lady and gentleman were not. seriously hurt. John N. Pike has an egg like a peanut. It was laid by a common hen. three-quarte- rs north-eastwar- d Finn Charlie Fitzgerald J C Goodwin Wm Gordon Chas (3) Horameli J II Hubbard Sol Barnhope Thos Brufalk DS Campbell Tbos Ciibc Saml Calp I) .1 Clark Isaac Vruggink A Henderson C L Hunt Joseph Jones W H (2) Lavinder J W LADIES' LIST. Chrisley Mrs II Darling Mr J M Gregory Mrs Estjam Mrs. Anna tfTo otitainnny of tliese lcttorn, the applicant must ask fwr "ailvcrtiw.l Irttern," nive ilute of th jMr mill my out mil fur atlvertiaiut;. If not chIIoiI for witliin onk month, tbry wilt be sent to the I)euJ Letter Office. Joseph Hall, P. M. Estray ISTotice. HAVE IN MY roSSKSSION THK FOLLOWING detcribew kiiimaU, which, if not rluiiurd and Ukeu aw ay, wit ha Hold to the highest rrlon-ilil- e bidder nt the Dixtrict Mruy I'ouml, Lufaii, Cacha County, Saturilny, June 13, lb"4, t 1 o'vlock p. in. On hrk bay home, four years old, itar in forehead, b on lelt"thit:h. On roan or "potted two ear old haifer, ni calf, crop off left, under slit iu right eari, briu)il on right hip illegible. ALVIK CROCKETT. District roundkeerr' f Logan, Jntio Sd, 1K74. I 44-t- Estray Notice. PO?SKSSION THE aniuuil. which, if not claimed nnd tnken away, will I wild to the hij,'het bidder on Monday, Jnne 12th, 1S"i Brihnin City Stray round, 'at Z p. m. One red 'aud while spotted yearling heifer, two underalita in each eur. A. MADPON, District Poundkeeper. dJUMf . nrtjtliam City, .ltme 2d 1S74. IN MY IIIAVK deflcrilwil 4tf A very rapid, safo and eny vy to malj iimiiey, is to procure territory too introduce latest useful invention that i wonted every dnj't family. by avei y one, every w here, who has full si.ed Sewing mnrhine w ith Table and Treadle tor only f 10 that ! the aume work as a Machine yon would pay $so for, rapid, smooth and Arm, make a swim o stronj; the cloth will tear before th stitches rip apart. Kight new attachments for nil work and the improved Rutton Hole Worker used by u only. Ageuta only need show them in operation to sell in every house they enter. 5v"' and upwards cleared dully by amart agents. such machine was ever offered at any such !'" 8"i,!W) aold hwt year, lno.ono Families use them. Demand increasing every duy where they become known. Ministers, J mlyes, Lawyer. Kdi tors, Tailors ic. recommend tbcm as perfrct. Itightg given free to first applicants. If thereJ'1" no agency in ytir jilnce., write for it. or bny chine for your Family or n relation, there is now01 or so cheap. 'Machines sent to all the country ou receipt of price $10. Ked advern tisemeiit beginning "jiio saved in every Family another part ot this paper. Address th" Irpr:e-t..r- pr s, Kouert J. ; Co., 330 CnnI New York. nrrtp-DTrrC- I EMPLOYMENT AT YOTR . nomes or iravronf,. nwork' , ..;..i l.muirahle. r pnvsthe lafst of itnytliinif lH.foreoffor.-d- . C.h waces, ' "" oUtl!t complete pies . and . ... It All. tree: ahuum Co., TSa and 7Sa Stntn St., . -- FREE. IIODflE A ..rr Chk-ng- |