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Show iPUBLISHED 1 $4:.00 YEAB. W '," SEMI-WE- E ( WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY.) IfZhlMS p3 . ELT, Ensamwi S3StBu OODEX. UTAH. NATUliDAY. JUKE 6, 1ST4. IT DIRECTORY TELE GilA PI1 . $LOO i:nK. VOL. V ISemnrttablc Murder Murcy's bill to appoint a mixed commis- A Will Out. "Magnetic sion of uii!it:4y and civil engineers to Chamber." investigate a more complete plan for the Wednesday morning, while some control of the Mississippi river and the The author of "Sinbad the Sailor's workmen were OF MAILS. CLOSING AND diiriuj; iu the yard of ARRIVAL complete reclamation of the great allu- Adventures" must his laurels. resign ii. vial ile'.ta. oanioru, ai tne fovner 01 lcr.in doulde daily, 7.50 a.m. 6.45 p.m. W. - and J One boon II. Stokes has 7.40 a.m. 1. esplorawrencc LThn.UMU daily streets, Dmvcr, thoy llarrisburg, . ; .1 6.40 p.m. " . Mail daily a flight fire in the State luna ing a recently discovered cave near discovered the skeletcn ot a During larjre MtPARTURE. tic asylum on Saturday night, the smoke 'me Grove, Amador count v, Calif'or- - sized man, who had daily 8.40 a.m. 6.3 p.m. been . u Lata Citv, douMr evideutly 6.AM.m. filled the rooms and excited the patients Mail daily , and writes to the butter C rook interred without coffin or fchroud. la, 8.40 a.m. A Mail daily o who ttcaped through the broken winot" his inves Wl CLOSING. The bones were, about three feet frcm dows and open doors. Out of four hun- Independent an account 7.00 a.m Mr. Stokes vouches 5.11 p.m. in tigation?. the surface of the earth, and were dred twelve est the from the aud number, escaped ai)lt Lake Vim. in found to be his truth of exact the narrative at are Six ll RichCMiHtynailHlatt.--govu.ulaceVvnnatnn yet 'j grounds. large. for Rich County, very brittle and dry, ow-iThe President has sent to the Senate every particular, and we doubt not .sn ,. ..." u,.,i Saturday, at 2 p.m. to their lon' interment.. The the nomination of Benj. II, Bristow, of the reader w ill Thursdays aud r ,i County, readily credit it from only article near the bunes was 6.oop.m. Ky., to be Secretary of the Treasury, the , sunn'" .ilyto-IxiAMERICAN. following specimen description plain rin?, much discolored, but f 'o M aud Wm. A Richardson to be judge of North p.m. one of the chambers the party en- - graved with the letters " A.M." This Satur- 1 of the and Court Claims. Washington, Huutswllf, Wednesday 7.30a.m. Mr. Burdett, of Mo., took the oath of tercd AftT journeying ior a mile discovery drew to the spot quite a n , In the Senate, at the expiration of days aiwi fciaieravmc, Plain City office commissioner as land of took and Lymw. S.30 Senate a quarter through the under- - number of Pcor.le. and various were general p.m. the morning hour, the up ami Tnursiiavs B.O0 p.m. office. and Satur.tays the Wednesdays round passages, Stokes and his par- - ti10 stories told of when and how the Military Academy Appropriation inU, The Senate referred the nomination of Krviile and Uma, Wednesdays 11.30 a.m. bill, which was amended and passed. found themselves in a "long but man died. The story told by Mr. J. Windom called up the Indian Appro Bristow to the Financ Committe, and ty d&Unr5WlCB HOURS. narrow wans 01 6.45 raiuer p.m. priation bill, aud explained its items, that of Richardson to ;he Judiciary ciiamoer, uie 8.15ax, Unckcnburg, a shwrnakcr on erdWiry, arc not limestone, but a vcl- - twntVi st i nprlnnn ilu-The nomination of Bristow is com from the as came it bill the saying RKUISTRY DEPARTMENT mittee oa appropriations appropriated favorab'y received by both parlies of owish brown and black iron ore." tion the mvstcrv. Some fifteen or Own frura 9 a.m- - to 3 p.m. more than when it pass Congress, and his confirmation is thought This chamber beats Sinbad's magnet- - sixteeu M0XKY OFFICE DEl'ARXMEMT. about $50o,000 to 3 p.m. years ago, while the miuing to be nuopposed. Open from 9 a,in. ed the House 8 all ic which drew mountain nails the till l.r.rr. tbl. nn fmfcJde Door oix'ii from 6 a.m. to p.m. Phrrv Mrrm Banfield, solicitor of the Treasury has JOS l'.VU HALL, Postmaster. Pending tue discussion on some and thus his caused it to Lame rom ship, and Aurnria. the vresc.it of amendments, the Senate went into execu resigned. fall to pieces, all hollow. Listen to 0f Denver was unheard of, then; and wnen the door3 were tive cjty session, 7.40 a.m. Mr. Stokes: uUpou entering this existed near the site of the pres'-nrFOREIGN. the amendments were agreed C. T. train arrives 5.40 p.m. to and all other amendments ot the com " chamber wc noticed a most peculiar 0. P. London, 1. G.20 p.m. discovery a notorious gambling deti. inittee. and the bill was laid ever till C. P. " le'es of occurred in disturbance serious the the needle riot Limerick, magnet, a.m. 8.50 It was kept by a notorious character u " " C. P. Adjourned A mob of a thousand persons from side to yesterday. a.m. 7.50 side, constantly vibrating named Madame Jihop, nnd hero TJ. C. train arrives In the House, the bill to confirm the attacked a party of unlitia. Ihe police and 5.45 around for p.m. and whirling ii nicrht after niirht the miners gather-e- d frequently agreement with the bhoshone Indians defended the latter, and were etoned by 8.40 a.ru. aud the Eastern Band for the time a with at minute a a leaves a velocity purchase the rioters. Reinforcements to dance, drink, nnd gamble away arrived 6.30 p.m. of the southern and part of their reservation from the stations, and the rial was finally which rendered it invisible. We their gold dust. It was duriug tho in Wyomine passed Territory,. i was after a considerable number also experienced a singular sensation heiiiht oi the cold excitement then - .. suppressed, . . i Services . in huK' had been Religious n a.m. - , i t'nniiinwb ft vnm . i,hit pr mnvpii,UpSr)po,t a Sort Ot Chill appearing to Com- injured. thnt. nr. nld rjr-nnnnitiu.l ETCry Sunday, in unfortunate mistake mence at the back of the neck and r,v.,;i;i,. an Post The " T hi the Second warn says V o e at p.m, arrived with Mcuhler here Ambrose Civil er's table the Semite house aud Third Ward ltights bill was committed at the civic reception in fin- ' to the of our KiiiscopalOiurcii ai 11 a.m. the to Committee, and refer it very tips Judiciary honor of (he Cz'ir, which led to some extending tiree wag0ns loaded with iroocs from aud pju. y ..hfW' Chnrch at with leave to report at any time. The what painful results. When the corps cers and toes. As wc advanced in T.f.nvn,iu-,.rtl- , w.w nr. i'rUnlM Lt...-e(Child's Hall), at 7.30 p.m, House took a recess till evening, the diplomatique sought their appointed this chamber we found these singular time a boy and drove one of OcrtenTurners' City News Depot. Open session to be for reports from the Judi- places at the banquet,, the ministers sensations to increase m intensity tiat Monr.Ws tvim' T.eo. At ciary Committee. plenipotentiary were Informed that they until it became almost unbearable. nrr?v:il hrro 1i5 Slnrm ery day, Eundnys excepted. nftr were On nioiion of llubbell the rules had no right to be in that chamber, aud how- still on We ventured bill amend to Seuate the further, taken sick and hoss" and had to bu was on remonstrating, some intemperate otli suspended the mining law of May 27th, extending cials even threatened them with expul ever, though it became evident that Lake, to nn 0jj fciianty nextto Mde. to the 1st of January aext the time for eion, in consequence ot wnicu, in we could not long remain in this F. S." RICUAKBS, Ui.shop's den, where he oucnL'ht dis- j performing work on mininj locations bo representatives of several important na to omitted I mysterious place. aprcared suddenly and mysteriously as to prevent isricuurc, was Hons quitted the banquet, and, atthoug walls and floor of from the An mention that the a nuiaoer oi explanations were offered while they At the evening session place, HOTAHY PUBLIC, A man named Juke, Van Lbert, a bills of minor importance were reported were waiting for their carnages, they this chamber, especially particular Utah. and passed. were highly 80rt 0f worthless loafer, employed by felt to much hurt to return to the scene rocks therein Ogden Cify, and become so the Mcuhler, laid claim to the wairons more Butler, of Mass., reported a out au where they had met such humiliation. magnetic, 1. thorizing women otherwise qualified to toward advanced 15ayonne, north. we the further wcre silar. nn Rtotk 0f g0(((iS) X. TANSEB Jr., practice as attorney and counsellors at Ilernani is completely mvested who carried a ed wiih the the One of thieves of at Mdm. party atates gang counts; the Carlist8. who have had some sharp united !LAW. law in the several hatchet had it suddenly wrested from Van was Ebert ordered to a third reading amid general skirmishes with the garrison. suspected ijiahops. ftffice with County Recorder, him by a magnetic rock near which with the old freighter, hilarity. The House then adjourned 0fdoin; away Utah . The House Judiciary commute report rtndfii Citii. he passed, and the combined strength but ;n tiie excitement then prevailing "' upon a petition by Suan B. Authony for of four of us was insufficient to detach A Story Trom disappearance was soon forgotten, a remission of the fine imposed by Judge which accidently ttrickoiihur? never heard of his old pocket-knifit. A S; New of District Northern Hunt, of the AND JEWELER, WATCHMAKER dropped to the floor, had to remain master againj und has always thought for alleged illegal voting, sayisg Washington, May 25. York, aud Silver in Wutchet, decks. Jewelry, rler His suspicions lQat uou ue qUegtioa of withdrawing The agent from the Las Tinas In- there, none of the party having sufli- - he was murdered. Plated Ware, MAIN 5THEET. 0UEN. Jfrnm would seem that it th. j iu to hh cient the . . to pick fingers Kn r iiiiro iw.tl- J .!.. ami .11 orS WiminiWi. o vnc n v as strength the old ring are njmost verified, reports ' ,nn;ilnfn.1 in .....al dian agency, Colorado, I1.. j in th. ."V tr lUe OUUZB U1U1BCI1 lUMlll.i.u who on had for it Mason, the is Affairs put Commissioner of Indian up. fuun(i yesterday, recognized as his. because he permitted evidence to be minor's a of occasion the boots, lost pair circumstances by which five men fhe dance house was pulled down gone into on both sides as question of soles of which .were filled with the Ute the on while whether the show lives to their petilately Yearg ng0j am wnat va8 the outskirts fact, tending tioner did or did not vote, knowing that Indian reservation. One'of a party nails, could walk with difficulty, and 0f the town, is now the heart of the to stop upon'a portion of populous city. Denver Times. TF YOU WANT A TIIOMS0NIAN DOCTOR. OR she bad no right to do so; but afterwards of six on arriving at the agency was happening Tli.misoiiion Medicine, .1. . a. ... r l X withdrew the consideration oi mai evihis me uoor uuusuaiiy1.. uiugneuu iuuuu of became what to as questioned or intention the CALL ON DR. MURPHY, dence upon the fact of He represented that himself suddenly affixed thereto, and from the jury, companions. POST OFFICB, MAIN BT., guilty knowledge, wholly OGDEN. ind ordered a verdict to oeemereu upou they had probably died from hunger unable to move. He was compelled "Mother," said Ike Partington, Cossci.ia.tios Fee. $1.00. his own decision" without alUwing the and cold since they left him to his to withdraw his feet from his boots "did you know that the' 'iron horse' ouestion to beareued or submitted to the fate, his feet having been frozen. Af and leave them there, tearing up his has one car?" "One car? Merbut inrv nr the iurv to vass upon it. After . .... ccat aud wrapping the pieces around ciful there closer ter being The werld Is full of j investigation, 10 mow gracious, child, what do you reciting an array ot precedents Children erying wr his fact to protect them from being man the me circumstances, ana suspicious ol was ?" in error, mean the Judire arguing "Why, the cngin-cee had remained effect of the same upon constitutional (whose name is Packer) finally con cut by the rocks. Candied Castor nrrnun (1. the report concludes: "I here- - fessed uudcr oath that one after an in this chamber about ten minutes, course. Oil. fore because a fine has been imposed by other of these five persous had been when suddenly the chilling sensation A Milwaukee man has applied for It ii delicious, effective beinon 4 aarmlees. The re- a court of the United States lor an of killed the bcirau to he iethng aud that increase, the remainder, Mitiell a patent on a fountain pen, which, by by pulsive taste and fense and ,trial by a jury, without the was and cold as a if at the CaitorOil i en s piercing wjnd tbe prC!i(.ure 0f the thumb on a smal 1 ime being submitted to the jury, and himscli had killed the last remaining tirelv overcome. Iti each and becoming itself us, the the man only- twenty miles from blowing upon because the court assumed to rul)bcr .athartic powere prpject!j a rcam 0f ifc uuout,0"h e not an aired. Price 2a centi. ritrht to enter a verdict without submu agency. He excepted only the two momeno more intensely coiu. and into the face holder the McLain's Vermil'use Bonbons and soon reached, through tin o the cse to the jury, , iand in order first victims oi .whom he retreated as ' who hastily w looking over , i fcM(JW the spoke Are elppiwt and effective, nr I no nnnae oi iei) hev reseaiuie v iram i .v..1 , i, ,,nnuit tne lu . more dead ,. writinr iechiiL' Bonbons thin .J .. .. Children from alive, hnn8. :.u died nmfwHunan' VMl in t...i .ilnllt,ir starvation, having having 11 u concurs wuu 1" luv. 11,....k,t .'1 cij mcjuug . the hot ur lurt , nrw"vin. tr hn.. i eseutatives, chamber "Hreiii . . nau o . fl com, containing unr dead bodies before .. nnal first eaten the large M.tAA lt jack8 onQ eg8cntjai however; it ine couiuimcc, meni 01 il or Snip. Hi Z. (J.J1.I. .nj in.u e icn retraced our steps makes m provi3;ort fur tie and all other druggists. and most imf ressive form mark its tie encing to kill one another. Packer srjrinc:. aftcrclp. termination to sustain in its integrity has been turned over to the civil alon": the twine and in a couple ot from the cave." the common law right of trial by jnry, In San Antonio,' recently, a bare magistrate, who will investigate the hours emerged . . . that recommend the committee your headed rider rushed furiously int.) be granted, and affair by a regular inquest, and lie ' "Av prayer of the petitioner Itecent please ye Importation town with the alarm that the Indians accordance the in with recomwill a proceed to this end report a bill with store?" this a is' goods dhry sur, were coming, it aocsn 1 taiio mucn mendation that it pass." law. Salesman "Certainly, ma'am." Re- to stir up a Texas town when Indians It is said bv Louisianians now' here "Och, begorra, are the subject, and very soon every r; cent that the damage to many levees, during I retailing He was a quaint old fisherman. where importation watu-ere- d 1! I be the late war have never been repaired, was in requisition. available fire-argoiu thin ior a and that the present flood has so ravaged One day,' along toward du.k, he, was ?" silk and a company of militia was speedily AN the levees which ,were. rebuilt, and so fishing iii V trout stream, and, as he to as render five the lad"of people, suiiimers organized for defence. The mcssen- impoverished his fly over the water, it was flung their repair and reconstruction impossidebut in one of the schools ger, after seeing that the yholeOwn It is now suddenly snapped by a large bat. made his ble- eiceot by national aid. was aroused and expcciauon on up-- if thing dangled recently. Atnight his mother asked Senator Alcorn and others The strange-lookinby proposed At hi place of Residence,, , he had learned anything that' day toe, calmly informed the multitude to furnish labor to the people whose and flapped its wings at the eud of coming cousisted of SEVENTH St.', - OGDEN. crops are destroyed, and intherebuilding the line. The fisherman's compani- at school. " Oh, yes, said the boy. that the Indians next and on- cailed a squaw and pappoose. They buried, ibe broken levees to insure out,' ''Say, Sam. got any- " Well, what was it my son? inquirsaid next day, n lock of hair and one of future crops, and thus an st a lamine. Well," "Ye-as,- " looking at the ed the anxious mother. cutno yurasiu levevs. co9t- - thing ?" millions Five Tho find with an air of the messenger's old shoes. It was- all . . iSrt , ,A,1 residing in hik BoJgliborhood, will are repurieu as bat, oit .the hook.J ".What is it?" "I the pupil of one day," il to their iutc rffct to give him a call hefore pur lBg some f ii.ouu wv, I learned golly.' that could W found of his body. nee ded for repairs. It is proposed in dunno, uulcss it's a cheiubim !',' ; proud satisfaction, CCDEN Doings in Congress. Proposed Levees in the Vi.-.m- South, -U Tu- 1 ... 1 Fatal Accident at Reno. -h .' t r n arri.. Ou-lr- ; K ir Small Pox introduced by Emigrants. V I t u on-o- Coih-mitte- e. tii-whic- h . tf Trains -- , " .tWe, ""; ; i n 4 t'A, School-hous- " Uru.L-n.,1.iir-r s Library thir ATTORNEY AT jJ" j ATTORNEY AT - the Plains. LEWIS. J. I - e, ... rf 1 ll-l- REMOVED. Office-OPPO- SITK gl-3- . r. - ' t r,... - ... I lf 1 1.1.- -. - f I . 37-l- y , NOTICE..': ; LORENZO D. RUDD , .v ''. BUY GOODS nm-rai- n 1 g . k -, - I nitJTije.t tf 1 I 1 ? i |