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Show 2i. C. EI. I, Three Myslerics. Z. C. 3M. I., - Ogden City, There are three mysteries in the life of Lizzie Brown, as she calls her-ncl"VVliolesalo and she is only sixteen years of in heaf'elf fifteen found she age. At a woman's reformatory t Indianapolis, but how she got there is nut one ! of the mysteries. She became discontented, and the matron supposed fhe was contemplating a disappearTOOLS, IMPLEMENTS & STOVES; rmprcMH Clotlis, Merinos, Alp ance from the iastitution. She was ' Wool Delaines, put in a room in the third etory with Denims, Domestics, etc, Tiropfi. and a d or The DRY tnic window-openinSTAPLE and FANCY NOTIONS, GOODS, Cottonades, Etc., Etc. window was hijrh and the door was )ocked upon her. In the morning CLOTHS, CARI'ETS, ihe matron unlocked the d or, but IJPIIOIJSTERY ttOODS, there was no Lizzie Brown there,and READY-MAD- E there was no corpse sprawled out unCI.OTIIIXO, HATS, der the window. Neither was there krace nor track of her departure. Nor SHOES; BOOTS teould anythiog be heard of the fugi tive anywhere in the city. This is Decorations; Wall Inystery Noj 1. The other morning a very cold morning too a gentleman in the subMedicines; urbs of Indianapolis went to his staDrngs, Chemicals, OP ble to hunt eggs. He took a little whipper-snappe- r of a dog with him, EASTEltX CALIFORNIA MANUFACTURE. and the little dug began to yelp WIXES4 LIQUORS wound a pile of lumber, planks, old A General Assortment of doors, etc., in the stable. I he thought it might be a rat and Sewing Machines, prepared himself for some fun. He removed a few of the boards and discovered the body of a woman, nearly CLUDI5B naked and apparently dead. He rau Shoe Bespoke Cntlery, Locks, CarpenteiV and other Tools. Into' the house aud alarmed the wo&c; Beltings, Findings, Leather, men folks. When they come out the A LARGE STOCK OF woman was fitting up on the pile of lumber, combing her hair with her BUTTER, EGGS, fingers and looking wild She was PRODUCE, thawed--band tarried into the house BOB SLEDS; very little talk could be extracted ETC., ETC. from her. She said,' however, that ihe had been at work for a German MACHINERY IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, &C, &C. HARNESS AND HARNESS TRIMMINGS. farmer, and was abused, starved, and overworked until she had to leave A Full Lidc of her plaoC; She had come to town and remembered that some one had pushed her through what, seemed an TO opening in a wall, and she fell on the ' other side; She said her name was ' Of All Descriptions. lizzie Brown. How did she get into find the Largest Asscriraest of Merchandise in the eYerl Departments of All order$ addressed to I). JI, lEERYt Ogdeii that stable and covered over with Will Z. C M. I., a above, that cam be seen in the Wetst, and all at fair prkts. City, V, TH lumber? Mystery No. 2. wM recite prompt attention. The third mystery is how she essS- W. II. 1IOOPEU, Superintendent. i II. I100PKR, Superintendent sl.tf caped from freeaing to death. She was clothed by the good people upon whose premises she had beea cast and handed over to the authorities. The matron of the reformatory found Lir-Yi- o again- and she had been taken back, but will Dot tell how she made ! ; IJIPHOVED , her escape from that institution. The three mysteries in her life remain. ' f, Department. GROCERIES, HARDWARE cR 2.000 PIECES SPRING PRINTS nets, Armurn Ginghams, Ticking, Cusimcrcs, , g Jeans, Olli Groxxts' ixc3. Boys' CLOTHING and Hats and. Caps, AND SHOES! BOOTS Evert Of Paper, Bordering, Variety, Patent and and PORTER egg-hunt- er in Variety; Singers' Boot and Bepartnciitt kc; CRAIX, Plows, Hoes, Rakes, Scythes, Forks ut Wholesale Purchasers and Visitors SALT LAKH CITY choice; JOB PRINTING CABINET ORGANS ,.. ., 'I AND Brtital Treatment. DONE AT TII Michael Heil and his wif3 Catherine were an, industrious German teiple ia Washington City. Michael was a tailor and had his shop up stairs, and Catherine was a cook and she kept .a restaurant down stairs, and five children, the youngest one year old, occupied nlost of their time running up and down stairs from " father to mother. " Three rough fellows Tisitd Catherine in her restaurant the other night, and comShe menced raising' a disturbance. return-' .finally got them but, but they cd,; kicked down the door and attacked the woman. The three roughs were beatih and mauling her shame-- T felly when Michael came down stairs with his shot gun. He pointed it at , the villian who had hold of his wife, but the man saw the danger and placed the woman between himself and the gun. The heavy loaaorshot . entered Catherine s head, and she died instantly. The ruffians then fied, but were afterwards arrested, one of them being peppered with ehot. Michael Heil gave himself up to the police, r . tit, i LVJ.Ji v.V '.v. .it ,: i." .'. 1.1 ya H 0 Cm O S3 rv u a i v jl jjp 2s THE SUN. O AK DAILT. WIEKLT, SUN WEEKLY too is THE widely known to tcndd rreoiEmpodalton; but the require any wbivk reMn already iyn it Mhy tiiou.and ubtcribr, and which will, we as giro it folluwn: piany tbonanrl more, are briefly firl-Ttii All a the newi of It iicwapaper. the day will be found in it. condetned when at fnll Irngih when of moment, and alway preientrd in a clear, intelligible, and I o lv oI o WILSON bt, ; family pper, full of entertaining and iuntractiv rndinic of every klndj bat conoffend the BMt ecrnpn-loli- a taining nothing (ht taate. , It ii first-ratatofy aper. ThM Itit tnlea and romance of current literature are carefully rlected and legibly printed iu its fMta. It ii a tret-rat- e agrirtiltnral paer. The moet freah and imtructiTe article on agricultural topic rvgnlarljr appear iv thii department. It if an independent political paper, belonging lo no party and wearing no collar. It fighta for principle, and for the eltx tion of the belt men to office. It especially devotee it energies to the tiponure of tiie great corruption! that now weak-- ! cu and diegrareuur country, and threaten to under mi Be republican institutions altogether. It baa no fear of knaves, and auk no favors from i a,firt-ral- e e0 ' e Combination Grand ' ". Organs, FITTED 'WITH THE NEWLY INVENTED' SCRIBNEU'S PATENT QUALIFYING llJBES, An inTention haTing a moet important bearing on the future reputation of Reed In Volume of tone is rery largely in by theahs of which the qunntitjr or ' ' ' crasel, and qtialitf of tone rendered " feQVAli TO THAT OF THE BEST PIPE ORGANS OF THE SAJlfi CAPACITY, , Our Celeste," "Louis Patent." "Vox Humana," "Wilcox Patent," 'boUYe Coupler," the cbarmlnc "Cello" or "Clarionet" Stops, and elebrted the -- Voe lite Improvements Can be Obtained Only in these urgans. '' .: Different Styles, and the Chureh, jRf Uie Parlor TL Ttt Matrritil timl Wnrt'M an $ )'it n. Quality and Volume of tone Utiequalled, PRICES. to Dollars. Sew ing Machine THIS mantier. t Boston a joint-stoccompany will be Thirty-fiv- e established provided the Legislature . grants a charter for the, purpose of guarauteeing the pecuniary responsi bility and honesty of persons occupy COO CO injr positions of trust. Should-th& CONORESS STS., DETROIT, CORCth , FACTOR! AND WAREROOMS, enterprise , succeed, it will be a great relief to gentlemen of property who ETAB 18 BED IX are bored to become bondsmen, and ' whoay "Yes" when they should say AddrW Simeons & 'Clouqh OroaA Co., Bitroit, jficHWAK.' e OfSce, IV SS Everything else is insured why AH ' hot fidelity and trustworthiness? In k "Ogden 99 MAO STREET, OGDEN. : An Iowa widow wouldn't sell 2,300 pounds of wool during the war as she wanted $2 per pound, land she has it in the barn yet. "Wo' i es , SIMMONS: & CLOUGH ORGAN CO.'S - g-rocesri- their supporter. It reports the fashions for the ladies and the markets for the men, especially the to which it pays patirular attention. Finally, it is the cheapest paper pnbltthod. One d j liar a year will secure it for any supacriber. It is not nceary to get up a club in order to Lave TUB WEEKLY SUN at this rate, Auy one who sends a single dollar will get the paper for a year. We have no traveling agents. , cattle-market- s, THE WEEKLY 8UN. Eight pace', My-si- x a year. Ke discounts eoldmus. Only $1.0 from this rate. STJK.-g- ame TIIE site as the Daily Sun. $2.00 a year. A discount of 20 per tent, to clubs of 10 or over. e THE DAILY SCN. A large news-papof twenty-eigh- t columns. Daily circulation over 120,009. All the news tor 2 cents. Sub. srriptiun price id conu a month. Or 86.0O a year. To clubs of 10 or over; a discoast of 2 pet cnt. .. 'l AlUrC4 "THE hTfJf." er . Sew York Ciljr. MACIIIM good and Twentj Dollars Cheaper thai Machine any other first-clas- s in the market, nAS JUST TAKEX THE PEIZE! AT TH Vienna Exposition, AS THE BEST Family Sewing Machiae Xn tlao World- Price, $50. With Cover, $53 SEMI-WEEKL- tettr-pag- CELEBRATED wbiohisjust as BOYLE & O'HAENETTf , 3faiil St., Ogdcn eerCaiUnd see it, M' |