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Show She gtlcn gunctuwr ; ft:jb twy WIDXMBAT at I ATT Kit AT, Cliarle IV. Penrose, Editor. a aai B it mm Mnr. OGDEX. UTAH. SATCRDAT. JANUARY A MODEST 24. 1874. MIXORITT. Another meeting of persons claim ing to represent the minority in Salt Lake City, was held last evening in Hussey's Hall. It was reported, by the "Committed of Conference," that fifteen Mormon gentlemen had been written to, for the purpose of securing their aid in effecting the object desired, but that only one response had been received, which was from Mayor Wells, to the effect that the proper place to make nominations for city officers was at a convention of the people. A number of ''Resolutions" were then pissed, after considerable squab- Wing, which, boiled down, are in anbstance, that the Mayor should be petitioned to permit an investigation of the books of the Collector, Auditor and Treasurer, by a committee of forty-fire- . A full ticket was nominated for City Officers. A great deal f ''buncombe" was indulged in about taxthe "rights" of the payers, the contempt with which their demands had been received ,and the necessity for help from Congress. Seeing that the city records are not locked up from the public eye, but open for inspection at proper hours, the resolutions are nothing bat 'gasf" of a Tery poor quality. And seeing that the city oficera are elected by tho majority of votes at the polls, and not by "fifuen' prominent and influential citizens," the labors of the committee were as ridic-nlsu- s non-Morm- as they were fruitless. Frothing about congressional interference, if the majority do not in corporate in their ticket the nomina tions of the minority, is all of a piece with the general threatening and Muster of the clique of disturbers, who want to fill all the offices and run the whole machine of government in the Territory. Imagine a handful of Democrats declaiming and breath- ing out threats, and invoking the aid of tho Government, because tta Re publican majority in a city would not put upon their ticket and vote ioto office their political enemies Would they not bseoaie the laughing fctock of the country ? Yet this is just the position of the agitators at .Salt Lake. The rights cf minorities should be respected. But who can respect a g knot of abusive, politi cians, who ara scheming to obtain power over ' the majority for private ends and personal profit? How can the majority be expected to resign their legitimate position and rightful powri, iat) the hand of men who have hitherto acted in a Spirit of the bitterest hostility to them and their taost cherished institutions? Who demand everything, but yield noth ing? Who propose "compromise, Who talk but mean surrender? 1 inib and act tiger? Who pretend ;miity while they plot fur war? We f.re for fair play u.d equal office-seekin- rights. We are opposed to section! Late and religivus prejudice. We would like to see all parties and pinions properly represented in all department cf Government, liut if the people of Salt Lake City should combine with a few selfish iutriguers to hand over the balance of power to their avowed enemies, we should THE; OGDEX ' TTORKS. think the had gone crazyj or wer so wilfully stupid that thej deserved A limited amount of stock in the to be tied hand and foot and placed Ogden Iron Manufacturing Company completely at the mercy of the cor- is yet undisposed of, and is reserved morants who hate marked them fur a for those of our citizens, who may prey. wish to avail themselves of the ad offered in encour THE CHIEF JUSTICE. vantages to a laudableleading and agement praise The vactnt seat of the late Judge worthy enterprise. The great success Chase is the Itte noir of President which has attended the project of Grant, whose perylexities have arous- erecting iron works in this city, and ed him to assume something like an expanding the resources which are independent position. He has shown within our grasp, is a faltering trib of Lite a recalcitrant disposition, and ute to th public spirit of all who the subserviency to party behests have identified themselves with the which has hitherto marked his offi movement from its inception to the cial conduct, o the amazement of his present time. Yet much can be done followers, has yielded to a disregard to further the prospects of the Comof political tyranny. Foiled in se pany and promote the object which curing the confirmatin of his boon it has is view. The bulk of the friend from the backwoods of Oregon, stock is taken by capi on account of alleged incompetency, talists, who fully realize the advanhe selected as the recipient of his tages which must accrua to them selves in investing their means to distinguished consideration the ablest promote manufacturing and minjurist in the land. But Cushing ing interests in this section. Capital knew too much for the pigmies whose is always timid, and the surest guar in malice antee of the access of the Company sought gratification petty is in the fact that within a short time, and the his overthrow, compassing its stock has been eagerly sought for, ghost of the rebellion was invoked to and the subscriptions have exhausted shake its gory locks at the rash man, the greatest part of the priucipal call who thought in honoring a great man ed for. he was complying with the unaniOgden has not been remiss is its mous wish of the nation. In trying contributions, but as yet it represents but a small fraction of the total to untie the Gordian knt of his diffiamount of capital authorized under culties, like another Alexander he its charter. The Company desires to see the city and community, which adopted an unexpected, perhaps arc uaiDly interested in the enterexpedient so thoroughly idcut'ifitd with it The President probafcly thinking prise, that it may be looked upon not as a that if superb mediocrity and foreign speculation, but as a home unavailable in are institution. The business men of ability the property holders, and all conciliating "a stubborn Senate and Ogden, who have at heart the growth and addle-patepoliticians, surely then prosperity of the city, in which their obscurity must unfailingly recom fortunes ad destinies are cast, should mend his choice for the exalted posi- evince a spirit of pride in givtion of Chief Justice. That he has ing aid and encouragement to those been eminently successful in picking who are devoting their means and in building up Ogden, whose out one whose name is unknown, and energy wealth is yet slumbenag, and dewhose fame is mythical, is attested by mands only one strong effort to urge the determination of the President it forward to a brilliant fature. to confer the appointment upon the modest, 'unassuming Morrison R. Eetter Frost Mr. jLong. Waite, who has reached the ripe age a raw wobds is imr. of three score years without ever Ma Editox. Tht notice which 70a having done anything to attract adgave of the dedication ef the Methodist miration or invite animadversions. chorea in jour Ust issue wu by no a one I aw in the means born some satisfactory ara "Some men great, habit of allowing such low slaag to past achieve greatness, others have great unnoticed but while upon the street this ness thrust upon them." morning I wat nrjed by a number of them ta persons In order to enlighten the public on reply to among jour disrespectful notices of onr the identity of the Chief Justice in success in this citj If jou would have confined joorself lo the truth thert would prospective, a precise dispatch gives be no room for a reply from mo Your 1st falsehood it not a small one. us some information regarding his I thought a mat) of jour standing hardlj antecedent i. Mr. Waite is the son in the "oslj true and much loved cbvrcn of a late Chief Justice, of the land of of God" capable of sueh an invention. I Tor assault npoa Mr. Tierce was d for at we3 as dastardly Tost compliment npoa myself unappreciated The people hare our tiieerett thanks for their timely aid. God will reward them. Lose. Jan: 20ib 1874. , ns-c2U- . . The V tah Ix"sUlrtt ure. :: ' I . Monday, Jan., 19th eocxciL. Mr. Htoper gave notice on Turs. day be would introduce a bill for "An The above elegant aad Christias epis- Act to prtveat frauds and perjuries;" tle was received yesterday, toe late for also a bill for "An Act to provide for tbe publication formation of corporations fer public Mr. L. W. B. Long has evidently lost libraries, literary and scientific instituhis temper. The facts stated in our al- tions." lusion lo Sunday's beggiig performances, Mr. Caine, agreeable to natice given have stirred op this bile and evoked his ou Saturday, introduced a bill fer ebullition of spleen. We were not per- Act concerning fraudulent conveyances sonally present at the dedication servi- and which, on motion, wat ces, but in seeking for information con- referred to tbe Committee on Judiciary. Mr. Jennings, pursuant to notice, cerning them, heard nothing but expressions of disgust froaa a great number of presented a bill for an act defining the persons of various creeds, who were so qualifier ions of and tbe mode f selectunfortunate as to be made the subjects ing and summoning grand and of the impudent importunities of the jurors, which, on motion, was referreJ to the Committee on Judiciary, begging ministers. norsn. teswho witnesses are of Thert plenty Mr. the Rockweod presentHouse, la tify that one of the officiating preachers announced that he wanted the doors ed tbe report of the Recorder of marks want anj one to and brands, which was read and referdosed, and did red to the Committee on Agriculture. "sneak" out. That Mormons, Gentiles, ?piritaaiiats and sceptics The House then a.ljuurned till 2 a" dock were alike personally importuned in the moat brazen, impudent manner for money, till many, out f very shame at Toesday. Jan. 20tk, 1814. cocxcil: being exposed before the congregation, allowed their names to be put down for Mr. Wright presented a bill for an aet the some demanded. That the morning amending "An Act Establishing District congregation was detained in lh way and Precinct Vwinis, etc.;" referred to till after 2 p. as., sad the evening con- the cocamittee on Agrtcultui, Trade and , gregation till about 10 p. m., excepting Manufactures. Mr. Grover presented a bill for "Ad a large number, who, in sheer disgust, when a diversion wat made by singing, Aet supplementary to An Act conferring, broke for the door at 9:25 and left the upon women ike elective franchise;" rebuilding. That after the demands had ferred) to the Committee on Elections. beon made for the various sums required, On motion of Mr. R. W. Smith tL and the final collection takes up, these Committee en Elections was inttrucie-- i who bad not contributed anything were to take into consideration tbe proprietj insulted by the declaration that they of connecting a registration law with a had "not paid for the teats they occu- bill now in their posession eitiUed "As Act farther defining the mode of propied." We claim no right to "prescribe for cedure at electiocs," Mr. Caine, agreeable to notice gives the Methodist Church," as Mr. Long on Mondaj, introduce! a bill for "A a pnts it, though we think it sadly seeds Act concerning tbe proof aai acknowldoctoring if Sunday! system ef begging edgement of conveyances and other inis part of itt discipline. in writing affecting real esWe have abstained from attacking or struments and asked its refereir to tlte Comtate," in any way alluding to the Methodist mittee on Judiciary;. referred as desired. religion, with which we are perfectly Mr. Stajner gave notice thai on Wedfamiliar, though moat of the Methodist nesday he would introduce a bill for preachers who have eome to Utah, have Act tor.gu.latj fees and comft- made it their chief business to ridicule, "An tion for ofisial and other service in the misrepresent and abnae the religion of Territory of Utah." the majority of our citizens, and heap On motion of Mr. ?lsyner, the com the vilest slanders npen our leading raittee on Elections wre instructed to ecclesiastical authorities. But when the report at an early date a bill fir a registration law in connection with the bill public are imposed upon, at many were for "An Act amending an act regulating on Sunday last, and their complaints elections, approved January 3rd, 1&&, eome, to many times repeated, lo our and for other pentoses," already under by that committee. ears, we claim the right to speak of consideration Mr. Caine gave notice that oaan early tuch brazen begging. day he would introduce a bill for "An We hate spoken in terzM of praise of Aet to change the names of(JohnrSamuel the building and of the enterprise mani- and Thomas A. May cock." Mr. Hooper, pursuant lo notice en fested in itt erection, a ad have no slur Monday, presented a bill for "An Ail to cast oa any person's creed ; accord- to provide for the foundation of corporing, in practice at well as theory, to ations for public libraries, literary and scientific institutions," and asked its every one the right to worship at he or reference to the Committee on General the may desire. We would be g'ad if Incorporations. we could truthfully lay the tame of the Mr. Caine gave notice that on WedMethedist preachers who reside in setae nesday he would introduce a bill for "An Aet requiring compeasatfoo for wooden nutmegs, lives in a flourish quote "Cefore the terminuion of each service the doors were closed at the in- parte of this Territory. causing death by wrongful net, neglect ing city on the Likes, better known stance of Mr Tierce" I call upon you to In regard to Mr. Long's fling at the or default." as tht home of that prince of cox- recant and if there is a single mark of a ancient, biblieal institution of tithing; hocse: christian linked in jour daily life jou CI off presented a petition from Mr. and V. w of he Petroleum is to that have we Nasby, combs, only ally will gladlj and willingly do ao tay the judge and selectmen of SumAgain jou taj "Ttie most ehamelett ignorant of the subject, or wilfully mis- mit probate served as a sort of orderly to Cushing thai the iouadary County, begging, amounting to downright impa. represents it, for not a toul either rich line between praying nmmit and and Evarts at Geneva. Morgan Coundence and extortion, was reported to." 1 be ties in this is Territoreferred to the Comor determined; "compelled," poor assert this to be as base a falsehood as on mittee counties Well, fifteen years ago, who ever was ever allowed to appear in paper ry, either to pay tithing or perform any On motion ef Mr. Thurbr n commitheard of Grant? If, thinks Grant, I admit that wa did insist uponanj our own other Church duty. tee of two was appointed to aet in conhe has made a good President, why ptopl to help us liquidatedidthe debt upon1 otherand His remarks other junction with a like committee from tbe "dirty" the church which tbej cheerfully Council to examine the Auditor s remake Chief a should not Waite good think The followers of Brigbam were not wise we will pass over, the public knowdeemed warrants, compare then wiib Justice? The conclusion is as clear asked for money nor did Lhej give anj ing well enough how to estimate them. the Trcasnrer't books, and report lo tb I ask which is the worst to beg the It is true we have stooped very low fn House. as mud. people to giro or compel the poor classes Editors must conto paj yearly one Tenth part 01 ineir touching this subject. We may expect another reference little Ex Rons roa Australia. Elders A. increase. Which do jou look upon descend to the level of email and conto the Committee on the Judiciary as being the worst to beg the people to temptible things sometimes. The trouble B. Taylor and Wm. GedJes left us, the oa Monday, tbe 22d inst., church already erected finish with Mr. to ascertain the appointees qualifica give to a Long is, that he is etretching and the latter on to or taem furnished ed and Wednesday, the 24th compel give tions, another exhumation of the for a temple for which money was col too high, and is not long enough to grasp inst., for London, from which port lected 25 ago and is now being or reach what he aims to overthrow. '.hey have arranged to sail for Australia, dusty archives entombed among the collected foryears the same purpose while the We recommend him to strive a better per steamship "Cyphrencs," on the 7th of January next. Elder GedJes. since waite papers of the Toledo Court Temple stands but a few leel above the and a more Christian deever frame of mind, his arrival in this country from Utah, on its of no with probability revival of ground another Hwuse, trumped and to take a few lessons from the 12th ult., has been 1 will leave the answer portment, visiting hit kindbeing completed up scandals and imaginary peccadil with t!ie people, lou msj ten me me some schoolboy on the art of letter wri- red and the Branches in the Glasgow Conference. We Lave recently appoint, loes, all culminating in . a split be name of the church which it practicing ting. ed him lo the presidency of the Austrathe most extortion in Ltah. own tweeq the President and his friends before lian is advise mission, to engage in the duties of sweep My jour which he is now on Lis way to that disIn the nicautims "the mice and cats door for jou will find enough dirt to em Released to Return Hoxt. EIJct tant country. Elder Taylor has inco ploy all of your time Train ibis ca. are at play." Verily you baveconde cended beneath Jos. Harker is released to return borne his arrival in England, on the 2Ctb of the dignitj ot a laan to Fay nothing of a in consequence of ill health. Elder liar-ae- r May last, been laboring in the No ting-Laarrived with several other missionaConference, from which field 0 lagentleman and from what 1 nave learned 12th on sicce from the more bor ries he has been called to go to AustraUtah, ulu, It is announced from Washington hate brought jourself jou s which time he has been visiting his relalia, to labor under the direction of Elder that the late President Lincoln's fullj than ever teiore tostnna in a light before all good citizens in- tions and former friends. Hit health is Geddes, We wish these brethren God coachman has been appointed to a now, however, so poor, that we are un- speed, and the constant protection and cluding many of jour own faith. guug place in the Treasury Departcan der tbe necessity of releasing bim. in blearing of Ilim on whose f ervice they I will further ssv that if jou ment. This goes far to confirm the prove to us for that be may return to Utah, where have left tbeir homes, families and the to jour rightwe prescribe me order we he will regain his health and dt ar associations of Zion. Mill. S!rp stable a is that ours belief will hope church Methodist the popular give matter cur earliest attention. strength. Mill. Star, ZQih vlt. government. j non-reside- wini-mar- y, over-toweri- ng . 5 . tht LIB ita nt to-da- y. d first-name- fr d . m to-da- y, riaic-ulou- |