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Show r 7 r ... is t 1 1. TUEGER9I AN EKECTfoffS toD8tSuniciDa oreaiiizatfons'i)f S ; J '.an: U Territory, IU but justithsitftH itians should liavej a voicc directly .or, indirotly, in the making of the laws for their govern-mcnt,- " 'and io 'the' management of 'the . public retenues.V'! vVVhere the majority rule ordiobttio&j narily, Joe, jniapriiy, yielding to the power of numbers, are excluded froin all participation in'ihe conduct bf public affairs,' and as effectuullyigrto'redexeept in the (Miyuieuof.laxos, and bearing the burdens of government, as though they . at last a "prospect that There President ,Grant has overcome the vexations and embarrassments which have 'surrounded him in' filling the vacancy 'ori the 'Supreme Bench of the country, . Tlfcre js? after all, yir tue in obscurity. A week ago a mod ; in the "est- individual was baskine-bliss of retirement, and in respectable tecluaion, little dreaming of the lofty the idfstiny that'awaited'hi'tir, nation's intent gaze; cynosure of Jude WaiU's confirmation"' Chief Justice of theJJuitcd Stages is placed "'i ' The unexpected strength develdp- ed " by J' the ' Ultramentane party in ' Germany it the recent elections, Vill Surely be considered by the Govern ment as a menace to; .he stability of the ministry, and as an; evidence of the growing influence of popular sentiment against the fixed policy of the , . rrn 7. 6ti8io5t Lasl night, a slelga cons. taming a merry party 01 tames u kcb flemeri, collided with a wagod coming from an opposite diredtibn.'ana was" up o set with its precious freight. The whicfi t he'' Wag on w is attached j c . r- - 1 I Mr. Rockwood, from the committee oa Ogrictiltnre,' reported a bill to provide for the publication of marks and brands, .lso a biVl for an act amending an act establishing district and precinct pounds. Mr. Mann introduced a bill decluring the common law of England iu force in . Utah Territory. , Mr. "Wright thought this a strange kind of a measure to introduce to the IIoui. " It was going back to the dark age's. For himself, ho was not familiar With all' the laws enacted by the British Parliament for tho last thousund yaarg,i and before any action was taken upon this bill, he would like to have English common law read to the House. He pro. sum'ed there were other gentlemen who could boast uo greater familiarity with English law,', and it would be well to know something about Ihe subject ; nor-lest- frigLtfeneddartd 'away W. light ning speed down Third street, and' re- the eomhiittee oft tradeagricBltuf, and wayufaotures. ,' n ' lo -' gardless of expletives of the jehd who held the reins, pitched him out. of ' thewagon. Fortumacly the deep'snow "' :'did not exist. jEtapvrt.'. offered him a soft bed upon which he reof.tliU evil, by, shield- clined a' tew-- ' moments : before' he--' 'knew ,The,C9nectjpn It did, not, possibly' occur to the ing ihe weak againut the domination bf what was up. He wasn't hrirt, biTt at dominaut "'party in German affairs, the strong, ia nbiolutely necessary to the ten "o'clock last'iiight he hadn't 'heard perfection ef the goremraVnt? The prin' ' that in allowing' tho'' widest latitude ciple n' from W animals. ' " the several advocates ; to. of opiuion,. .States, of the Itepublic, furnishes of the. the needed remedy, and it is recom'inend-e- d ' 'would resulted in a have it papacy,-From Condensatio.ns. 'thata' lav be 'ehacted'iVieorporatihg ' i v n.. v'i : this.mornings of f ftUjubt,anid display of strength. Jtat." readers, the' thai doctrins ihjoiho kwd 6f tbi Terri Herald: btyndjthe fcctbbju'e ba averred Vo power of the Pope an element that ii little' r nothing A Cornish miner from' the Wellipgton, ,t his detriH(?or if insiepepients cannot be disregard fir contended. (started to go to" Alta City! and as notlilng Governor of Utah. 1 Luo" x: has yet ,.ip..j,.. been .heard frou him, it is fear- have hot' rendered, iito 'famous he The Emperor ' and his advisors ' ext if j ' f ed he is buried jin a slide. Two men,!,.are ' possesses still the negative quality of pected, "tljat by a, show, of' conciliation they comriiitted themselves to jo also missing from the Pittsburgh mine, exew ptju ftty11, personal, crkiejsiu on to the A rnor!i.(ln lnrlf hierarchy of the Church of nn if id eheved that great au infliction. the score of doubtful antecedents, k ltamc", h liad 'disirmed opposition From ThurtJat'tDailif of Jan. 22d. fIr; Mann explained that the passage they also perished in a sl:.de.' Geo. C. tlns bl?1 would not change the prac "two companlonsrfr.om'Bigtot-- ' iimnerV inctsirc' thrusts tfn-- i among tho' lukewarm and more pro ."'A Good ,"JIj Showing. Tbe shipmehPof Lee, with ti.ee P' sued in our courts. It waa dederliit'h ,kcfn 'and refined gfe)li3'j)art!kfi W the Sec,' btt ; he grain and produce by the Union Pacific tonwood were'ca'rried d'own'a gulch'in 'Lee's bo'Jy' was found'ye" SV"J to' establish the English common road, from NebrasKa'to the East for the Silver Fork. sarcasm, have never' attained the dig-nit- y miscalculated ,uppn the ;zeal and law as a basis instead of the special code .but the others escaped with ba mil terday, .' '. : of purpose which 'distinguish ye"r 1878 amounted t6'f6vty-.''oii- f of Isilib ffiMitWiteaABtha . ,j ,.. now in use. Referred to the Jud iciary lion bushels; of hogs andfcattle to nearly uruises, i y hM werd, but thcU'WaS'a cruel stab ho the adhecnts of lVus tho inth. .'.; .It On Tuesday evqningK an Ernmtv miner Committee. feix rui'.Uon'head. H a. ; '' i ij" .ti n, lMr. Grcver introduced a bill for an .'ii: aimed at his col leagues and their patr is doubtful whether he would have was married in haste to a well known t r i. " act supplementary to an act pertaining rou'whea htf taeiareJ.th.aty as.be '.was relaxed ..the. rigor. courtezan who ;by sheer force jected d,iscjp-- j &g-- t See ii.. done by' animals' Referred to him an hcur or two afterwards from her to 'damage" I2:ly. iiot acquainted with' Mr. AVaie, he j line; - had ho supposed that"the CwariiiUae "on Agriculture. bed4and board, and appropriated lo her would-- , Accept iho indorsement of ih'c uiiramqniane party.,, wouiu iiav; Trvmps. .Gamblers are increasing in use the sum of $180 which constituted ... , ' Died. Ohio Seuaiors regarding thap-pomtcc'- s achieved a moral triumph in securing all the towns along the Pacific roads his fortune. In this city, onjlhe 13th, in.st., Join in the imperial pari lament' d rep attainments and qualified,' Eas, an,d 'West. ..They ohtpudej thejr, ' Mr. ifenry George was riding fiome'in Et,heiiugton, aged 75) years, 8 mouths. tions."' The nation will at any rate resentation, which of impotent in ac- UQjveloomis presence upon ..passengrs Ins job wagon last Tuesday evening, a,nd,l,5 days. f .tjiose who when one of the "wheels slipped' 'oir a' receive with paih"ehesi'andfudllIvV complishing any good, will be power- irrespective of the cwufprt n Father Etheripgton was born in Co., of Durham, Euilaud, was cuQathQ.asiur'aucesof the sponsors fur ful iu' resisting his aggressive policy. pay thejr way. honestly, aud indulge in bridge, throwing him out on the"b;ck of baptized by ElJer W. V. Burton, at a familiarity with strangers Jhat. has his head, and killing him instantly. The late elections demonstrate the Judge, Waite, ,iu, theis jsutli faction Fauby, ""ia Vorkshire, in June 1851; at offensive, v and. tnnoy- A demented woman,' who has lately this time he was Church Warden of the that it lias, escaped the qalamjty of ;h evil influouce,( which a.union,,pf becoraejajolerably inn. ' ' J Iueeu me Fauby .Church, but hearing it announced in several laiuincs annoying .npnUaatlon that perhaps, vuld have Church and State must inevitably city, was , found in a private home oh that Elder Burton would preach at the A PbacticaL Test.'-few days ago house of Mr Geo. Stangers.he attended. been disgraceful to the country.. The. exercise iu public affairs,', and, prove Tuesdny night, and when Ihe police A. larjrc- congregation convened, and the VTestinghouse air' brake, w;hiei is qon()luded.ltb.t pcJtI v J .r wisely Was in the actot leaping from before the close of tho she such alliance is that an imcompatible J ,:t i meeting, a discusJ I I, engine driving wheels a window. She was taken in Burton charge fey sion tijok plae between Eider they would take the beet they could with good. Government and' detri on the' tJnion Vacific,' wns tested blithe' some Methodist preacher. ' After the and a '"'"' friends ' Ad call the yesterday.'1' it eveu'witk get, and mental to the welfare of a nation i ' addifferent divisions of the road. 'At coal for the ga's' works lras meeting dosed Fa'ther Etherington Sanpete :Ehler Burton said, "I believe mmisirauon. North Plafte an engine, to which' was dressing .1 np 'over the" Utah Southern1 yes- that you have, brongbf. ys.ihe truth,, attached'a train of cars, was runtihg'at brought "with Ihe "intention 'of try tag its and 1 am willing to receive it; will you' terday, the rate" of an hour,' I' On receiving an' baptize ' me' for making coke."; 1 ' ;;' ' r' quality answer with a fer the in" nitfirmatlve, OUTr j Gbntlemeh or the Leoislativi Assem- - was'stopped in thirteen seconds. '' From this morning's Tribune: friends a considerable went dig they LOOK. ?1A soldier Was fouhd 1n the po"'guilty in search of was and he tince in,. water, id re'eommpn-datioult Is mv duty mate such EA.r Ajto Vfpsj. Passengers from lice caurt yesterday, for stealing's pair .baptized. to you, from time to' time! as J. ' In 1855, he emigrated to Utah, bringKo fixed policy apppears to liave the East yesterday evening, report that of pants, aud fiued fify dollars. tnajr Meeta necessary ' with' him three daughters and ono ing Pursuant to that reoulrement. your several heavy failures have recently The ladies of Salt Lake are. showing son. He been aeteruiioeJ upon by Congress, also assisted others with means' In is attention called tothe fact that, the Frcniorit And Colum- off handsome 'furs, aken from tlfe de- to iq' aiding in the 'rehabilitation; of" a On bis arrival in Utsh, emigrate. from those contra Nebraska. he settled in Weber Cp. Per Fall of bus, and 855, dou't turn spised skunk, they up prostrate' commerce, and tho rcstpra-tio- a now thd ''practiee' la ihi's Territory to : : where ' ' he resided ' never up tq the time of his assert the was'btisiness that their West, either.1 to morelliad one office noses,' ' " 1 1 can be said of Fr.ther Ether- -' oico"nfidenc6 in the business cir- elect one person death. ' " ' . ' i" at the', same time.' 1. ey brisk'on the Pacific coast as at p'res-eu- t. In the 'caSe of the People Vs. Keithly, , that he tever faltered in his cle,' pf the country! :A'."tircsbme 'It is a principle in our government too' 'Tlie 'people are acl,jally drugged for assault' and 'baltcry, the'defeudant iogton',': liaiih, butTwas ever firm and true to his 'to 'require arguuicnt, WVth kohey cold'a't that! " R ' debate draws Its' filoWjerjgtValpng in' weir'understopA V was fined $17.50'principles.; , H,e, leaves a family and a tha the several de'parVh'en'iV should of friends to mourn his loss. large Ja'nies Connotty, a boof arid" shoe' mertbe!,""upper, .brahchj buthbcrtaipty b'e;iceptt separate ahd difuciYrbaiacb'1 Cox. MillMStar, please copyV i Oi cx,tstg the ultitba ppursq; .which Au eccentric charac chant 'of Fioche while oh his' way to Fbojm Alaska. ht the reSofcl'of the Aninspection Salt Lake,' Is t6 have perished will , be ..adopted , .although, we can Executive peprtmeuttlief shows , that tcr,fyho has lately rnaije his appearance from' cold and supposed in the snow near exposure tho members of in tbia.cyv, fiuds, thc.weather so uncomMost Frenchmen, when they com-- , present vtilj jmrrpise that.thfJ' 'tendencyof anions e Fillmore He last was a native aresoven of night. warm the ,t intt suicide, like to do it iix a way hermometer at .with fortably legislationis directed to ?ysfem' of Judge!', three Conhty Clerks, two e and of twenty-fivIreland, age. which will render them celebrated inr years Jus twenty. degrees, that he. is reduced, to Mayors of cities who Mve V ' expansion. The" Walker House is preparing its the tices 'of the' Peace, and one Territorial the.necfssity wearing, a Jinen su.it, papers,' such is the inherent vanWhatever may be the course tha will Warden' of 'the lVnitenilaryuamely:--- . and in uch a gnrb purudes the streets. spring dress," in anticipation bf a rush in ity- of tlieir nature. A coachman ' ''"Jesi?e K'- Smith, County He was mad yeslerday. when ce ctuldn't spring andsauttmei!' living at Montniartre invited his be eventually jadopted," it is Undeoia-bl- e Councilor ' :' ' ' '' Iron Councilor Arthur C"ounty; ' Clerk, From ' friends, to dinner recently, and on yesterday'sYctrj: find a place where he could get a cold tha the business community Stayner 'County 'Clerk, Davs County; A commnnication fr6in"'W.,I. Hibbard arriving, there, instead of finding O. Smbot',' Mayor, Proyo bath,jrnd. was, advised to resort to the ls adyaricing. to' a healthful re- Councilor. of the' Western Union'' Telegraph line; tjieir host at the head of the table,, J. V., " Utah County; inviting waters of the Ogden river. City, and from" the disastrous; effects', o( Councilor L! E. Harrington, Mayor, and A. M.' Muster, ' of the Dc'seret line,-- ' ruddy, and joyous, they discovered covery hiniv (jead, hanging on the Vhcther this; fact AraericaV.Furk,', nn ex.ctlficio J. P., th,5 .recent crisis. was read id the City Council, represent'John It. ' BilmSosuatr. When-ont'tah' Couniyj Representative comes lie hhd .' taken the precaution to in ing that it wa9 unjustto charge is due to natural or' artificial condi- Murdock, Prona(e Judsre, Deaver Cp.; telegraph , contact with a chimney-sweephe must companies license, as if Salt Lake set provide. bread. ' cheese, and wine for tions, 'to inflation or to a legitimate Representative Willium Morrison," Pro- -' bate , Judge, Sevier Co ; Uepreentatiye expect to have his clothe soiled with the example, every city in the Territory his quests. trcbg.Ti""it JsycYerthekss worthy of George reacock'.Ptob'ute' Judge, Sanpete soot, 8o it was yesterday afternoon ou' might also charge a licensej thus taxing lV..abpormuJlalJTXJJwll,MJwgi remark" that there is "at this time a Co; Representative John Rowberry, Main Street; when a ' quiet, inoffensive the companies out of existence." ' Tooele Co.; 'Repiesehta-tive- " - j Probate Judge, acwell be cannot that was ' un a buoyancy; asailed.by rnde, Abraham Ha'eh, Probate Judg, genllerhun ' .' ' H ' a,, i u lancounted 'for in commercial ' circles. Wasatch Co,.; Representative F7 D. i.ich. eb(irh individual, in . . Utah Wrber Co.; Repre Ju 4 guage.' When tlui former essayed to proThere is a general activity in every ards, Probate sentative Edward Partridge, Probate test ' ' ' ll' ' the indignities heaped upon against Wednesday; Jan. '21st.; 1871. " branch of business,- in manufactures, Judge, Millard CoV Representative T. C. '' he Mm was in the " by billingsgate, adept '"Council.'1 and in mony, ae indicated by the Wright, County tlerk and Recorder,, Dox Elder Co.; Ilepresentative A. P. defeated ia 'the contest of words.' Mr. Hooper presented a bill for "An bank statements, a moro gen- - Rockwood," TeriitoHal Warden Ptniten. weekly to prevent frauds and perjuries." Act t c t ,( rfi " era! payment of debts, a more appa- tiary, Salt Lake Co. iciuT.--Last assemblage fair in Referred to the Committee on Judiciary. The makers of the law shoul I not,' at to" the Mr. Stayner presented a bill for "An the same time, be the administrators bfj numbers, but demonstrative in their enlarge upotfrent disposition is in It not law. other the and any in to regulate fees and compensations Act permitted new excellence with of the business,more old, engage of the Republic, and should not, be appreciation part official in the Terand'othcr strength to deal with the present and continued in Utah. And so of the Coun- which' Piiarro" wa3 produced, attended for ' of Referred Utah." to We e the Comlast the Theatre ritory give night. care the evils of the past, and more ty Clerks, whose official duties are so on mittee with Claims the connected unanimous vurdict and beTieve.to the courts; Appropriations.' movements that savor of financial intimately and so of the Mayors of ciites, who are, of all Mr. Caine presented a' bill for "An the that we when repsay present, 4 Justices of the Peace; health than ha3 been known in' the by law, Act requiring compensation for causing , Warden of the resentation last 'night was beyond crititho and of Territorial last twelve months. This condition death act, deby wrongful neglect or Penitentiary, whose official conduct may, cism.'. Throughout the' play every part ' toay be based upon the idea of infla- at any time, be a subject for Legislative was maintained With rare ability and fault." ' Mr. Caine presented a bill for "An marked effect. "Othello's occupation is tion, but for the moment' the prospect investigation. To remedy thie, I recommend, that a A FEW APPUCATIONS MACE A Act to flaw changing thenrmes of John, Sam. pick, is certainly eucouraging. law be passed, at. this session, disgualU' gone," for we can find no fying any man from becoming a member and fofr once we shall lay aside our uel,and Thomas A. Maycock," toStan h, Pure 'Blooming Complexion. of the Legislative Assembly who holds punctiliousness and eay in all candor, and asked that it be read and placed on Vegetable, an1 Its operation Is Iii3 ' any other office at the time of election; the acting of the Company was worthy its passaged' The bill was amended in footi. Punly at ouce; It doc aw&y with th ftli ville A Titus paper says ; "A man and I would prohibit any person from t'luElied Appcarenca caused by Htat, Fatipne 'called at one of our shoe stores yes- holding more than one office, at the same of the undisguised admiration of those some minor purt'.culars; passed, and sent au lExcltciiiont. Healaaudrcaiovesall Blotches eni Pimnlaw, dispclliEft dartt and HDsigbtly who enjoyed the privilege of being pres- ta the House for concurrence. terday and vainly essayed to get on time, cf any kind. Drives away Xa, Freckles and Sun : ' fctj. '"' me to sug- ent. We must however, allude in parHoused ' but i, and by its RenJle but powerful lafltjio ttther "numbers 11, - or 13 shoes. , la this conni'dion permitsome v' luautles the ladcti check with. system ticular' ' the masterly elocution of Mr: gest that, n my judgment, Mr. Mahn presented' tPhe ftore-keepfrom pelition then suggested that should be devised" by which ihe minority BEAUTY YOUrEFUL BIftOH AM) he should put ou jl thinner pair of of the people cnti secure a representation Lindsay in the character of "Las Cas&s," W. H. Fulsom and ethers asking for an Ctorca. Hd bv rll rmrfrtf'-- f. ' act amendatory ot the lein law. Referred in tho Legislative Amiably, aad in the which could ncrt be excelled. . utoekisgs and try on the box." A , ! '' - the"1' to-d- ay 1 i of,miao'ity-repreHentaii)n,.trid;i- . , ; I , ...! on ''i''" "'. , - . 1 - fj- - -- 1 : bs-fo- re LOCAL ITEMS. -- " : -' lurj'a te-nat- , j ? V-- I a,?is . - .lVhitlicali' t(ivcrtJcuiciit. . , v '!( . . - -- , -- - ; , , , , High-lingio- - -- 1 . A ar-rive- d, - hiv, , -- - .. "tnirtv-fivehiil- es : TIIE.l'IACIAI. ! B " ' in-th- ''" ' . - , ci-c- le atp Pra-bal- io . ( - ' , ,,-r- gen-cfall- y, r ia ', 1 bed-pos- t, o " foul-iouthe- - It-- d ti-.- HAGAH'S, ;-' Legislature. le, - ' ' . i Art - Set-vice- cxpres-slohiW- IS io - IfapoliaBabi 1- er . ' . . |