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Show The JJodijrii llolcV Clerk. How Parker Killed 2Ii. !inii...1 ,JL Xoyel Divorce Case. Fighting n Tiger, George Butler, who Ts getting"! The most singular divorce suit on An exchange tells the following No wag ever Lnectable district of Jersey some, good t work 9a Wilkes' Spirit, men record is now before a court in the appeared among t story rcceritiy 'called' at f the Westminster more thoroughly imbued with mis- city of Brooklyn. It has no prece- suggestive A City, and young man who had fallen into chief, more ready at all tiines to dent in tlyj annals of "jurisprudence, Hotel, New York, for the purpose of possession of a largo fortune was-put it into execution, than John Mar- either in the-latookot hngianil visitant .of jntcrvjfr7nfe mpiTi Mornsey s rooms, lie fQ tin Holmes:; Hc'vyas Well known in or the United States, and the law ' 7 Tiirterct Mil airt8 MWan novclwdA.i Here is; G U)8t small sums, but one had some eorgeV portrait the West 20 years ago from St. Paul yers and judges are infinitely puzzled ho hal trained some $15,000- uight Joseph rreeman, alter of the prouc clerk of that aristocratic to New Orleans, arid from Pittsburg over the law and ritrht in the case. houiGSte-it a good opportunity to nnnrlv lie i r to Cairo. thought When John resided in St. Twelve years ago John C. Zahrt. J.if inne Ijpstekie ' ? 1 1 t 'l ' t badgor Morrisey, so as he left the Lguis. there was connected ...with the a German, became acquainted with a reiircu ii""' . clerks a rule,' are a .as., ljotol house he said 10 a familiar wayT ijf in v j of existence' party he "run with," a certain' Mr." tidy German' girl in a lager-bee- r , W gel vcar OT' haughty,; ; j fiwtyi Parkor, whjo, from in Brooklyn, w.Thejf, liked each "Well, Joha, old fellow, I got you and lie was gatnerea putting. on grand but this rrld ended be a rcmotencVs, j tJit're; and slapping his hand on airs and dressing in magnifteeot array-ha- other at first sight, and' sonie of their f':iflicrs. leaving beninu nun . how careful address very you rendered himself vf.ry obnoxious friends suggested to them that it his pocket, he continued, "Fifteen three children one sou a of sort a rriiw joianner, Holmes " ' resolved on "selling" this' would fee a proper thing for them to thousand, old boy; how is that for , . ..nirhters. Moses" look about the Westminster gentleman and crushing out .v portion get married en the spot and without high!" "Ah," replied John, slowly Onooftho daughters parried a w'ej foAml'tt4 ljis of his , fyrahulin So, conversing much ceremony The couple thought emitting mouthful of smoke, and Alexander j, man , extieinj3TyXsd'gctitek his of head to one side, 4f I that with Parker one day, Holmes pre- -' it Wduld too. and shook hands over cocking , post, " v i;r '""J who scorched family lived tended to become, very angry.. High the bargain in the presence of their congratulate you; hope you will come were ediiying early Spanish king relations .... i their Uomihimself to deaths sopner than ring words' win some move." "Oh! yes, passed' "Between them, and friends. This was the marriage, and again to libors. Hi? son.Josepn to their ncig o i .:a ii, with his own regal h'acd for a fire Holmes on come I'll again, you b t. I mean to reaching his hotel, sent they forthwith commenced linng toarea iviui "fm,v Vl screen. Vrenian, hair was break built two . ...1 fir.f.lfT tW tllO you." Parker a challenge. It was accepted. gether as man and wife, Zalyt introright," said John. up Younr America, a ' fifories. shiov. o'derou niuskTand and man the The weapons chosen were pistols. duced Mrs. Zahrt ainfini: his friends departed. Heyoung . r arc, of th .iather j cmster-pihis diamond strong ruling insolence;, The distance was 20 paees. The time as his wife, and their five children did conic again, but John was never laid upon his shoulder,.bc- as"; large us those beautiful little was was, to be. ;tho f ensuing morning which came iu jthe succeeding years broken. The young man is now J" .nrulv. The mother Urcated "butter-pat- s served in all up Holmes gave his second secret in- all took the' name of Zahrt. But in shoveling coal at the nail factory fur nearly as she was wont him as a pet, being it all hotels. the ' proprietors structions which Parker's second all these vcars the woman was not $(JJ30 per week. r Indeed, , sou to remark, "the only would" increase the size of the butter-pat- s lad was agreed to chime in with. 4 They all satisfied with her position in the The result was that the decrease and the circumference decided to give Parker a magnificent family, andinsisted that Zahrt should a rale he had his own, Georgia Items. "Bill Bridges, of spoil d and as cluster-pin- s matewould the of The they 'sell." be load- take her through the leral form of to were ambecame He pistols Dooley County, attempted to kno-way in everything. enhance the comfort and popu- ed with rially and Holmes to He never and of start powder only, hold matrimony. got ready down a piuetrce with his horse, and money bitious to get larity of' their i inns. The ; book- was tobe provided with, a ; small, submit to this ordeal, and at length killed the latter." his to advenccd He business. ia Brahimn waS wrapt in readily-broke- n keepingbladder of blood, to she left his bed and board, and was mother the argument that as hc'?had clear-cu- t Korman i His be used thought. at the right moment. The legally married to another man. And year a fcatures were buried in the broad entered on his twenty-sevent- h to a fighting party were,on hand at the now. John C. Zahrt sues for a divorce, few weeks ago he was entitled a Jedger. He was probably appointed hour, and thV antagonists and this is what puzzles the' 'learned leaves of SPECIAL N OTICE in the him small capital to start how many extra fires and were s field. in the was studying contends He there At aid tbt duly posted judges. The mother promised to world. bottles of wine a guest s bill would signal for firing, bota fired, and elect. ho business marriage because they agreed to mar iu might liiiu any in these a without stand genHolmes and fell. While ry in the presence of witnesses, and protest staggered He .told her that the sum of 2,000 S THE BOTTOM FOR DRY' Christmas timcs. . To us, erous thus doing he broke; thp bladder of afterwards lived together as. man and V would be sufficient r Ve' thveshhold the paicj joo blood, covered his face, bespattering wife. She avers she did not so con and the Day after day passed nicny more attention than if we had been also his i'clctttinsr. Parker saw his sider it, and as he did not fulfil hii Gooda and Groceries has nuquestion-- . He thereupon was not forthcoming. gentlemen from Sandy Hook without tall, and almost crazy with excite promise, she felt herself at liberty to able been touched, and a upbraided his mother, and became so sharp adrooms. This sort ment, ran up, cryinir, V.'O,; Holmes ! marry, whomsoever she choacj. wanting luggage, his him told she if thrt troublesome .' ' could not Inst. It was too Holmes my Ood lioimes, have l vance 'is liable at any Moment lo conduct did not improve she "would ofthing ' strain on the nerves. Our killed you?" John groaued, kicked a withnold the promised sum from hiia great A Xice Navy Rig. take place, we advwe Country Merto rescue. Mr. came our and rolled his eyes, as if in a death pride altogether. commenced to sing "Wear- struggle. Pavker.thougbt him sure The young ladies of St.. Paul chants who intend replenishing their Here culminates a chapter that was in .Green" of the. hialadiator i , ing hi IrdyingJ-desolatof the beginning f a history lately thought they had hi nice fhing stocks fer late Winter eai we sales, to sefid a Grodl shall what do? what I ypicc, u3iv checring'and wije, in a navy rig. It is not often ion for that family. To add to the on an adja-ce- shall I do? I must to- back to St naval ofScer troubles young Freeman became jeal- stirring accompaniment gets so.far away from along their orders,, or inspect the- steam of dust pipes with a Louis and surrender ' myself to the the sea as St. Paul, and when Chap ous of the regard and attentions that as early a were shown his brother-in-law- , Ajibuu. blackthorn Barney Williams gave .us, authorities. God kaows that I did lain Ives made his appearance there market for' thtuisdvcs. ... two of us making a duet of racket not intend to kill him." He quickly the and told who he was, ms uniform The thought entered his uijm ..that HI which1 would have driven Bob Sawyer procured a hack and started tor the him admission to society possible. the latter was destined to supplant gained and Mr. Allen wild with envy. - This city prison. On arriving theie he without other recommendation. He , Ilaving availed ourselves of tjic him, and he nurtured the idea till his braia became crazed. Last week a fetched him. The iceberg broke told his story, resigning himself into was a youngish man and had the air recent depression iri' the Blankct cfid from its moorings and floated grand- the hands ot the warden and was and manner of dispute took place between the two, good breeding. He towards us. locked up. Holmes quietly slipped became ly, , coldly r,resiatlessly nud after a desperate strtfggla Freepopular with the ladies, and Flannel market by making large "He said As remained and there river across the afterward, McCuilough man threw Anninout of doors. Then, as his principal business was making When he during the day and ensuing night,his, for cash, we are preparedtc indeed, didth once peaceful dwelU didn't walk, heode." lov'Sjt which ie prospered, the he which 6 aW returned-1reached the friends St. Lotfis, counteragainst wwe not favorably Iispesed ing become a hell upon earth. v Then I Offer extraordinary bargaine. , did Freeman's passio o commence! to brought up as aiicebrgmight when tellinr the sad story of his death. towards him. even intimated They secth and his mind was filled with it collides with a continent, helook-c- d Parker spent the- night on a rough that'Jie iraf a fraud;and a, bold bad far with the the bed us fixed, prison.-J6f.istrawf seeing, upon luja desperate purposes. madk lif- t- dyappearedfrom,. St. Iler-cunti- lc The mother reasoned with him, but passionless gaze of the sphynx, and morniaz Holmes decided to call on Paul one day, or one night, and Ziong the day for reason was ptist. , He de- said never a word. Mr. McCuilough Parker, and xein admitted he peer there' were rumors that he had probIiisiitcVion. "NVilkie Col- edinto Parker's dismal recess. There clared, loudly and cons' autly, that if meekly inquired if Mr. ably been safely hid away under the he did not get the money there would lins was "at home." The Brahmin stood Parker. The parties were again icewmewbere;. At any rat, Eevcral be trouble. But not for a moment relaxed enough to say that he be- face to face. : The countenance 01 interested people were unable to: did that simple word ''trouble" con lieved there was such a man in the Holmes was as calm as a summer afi-furiosity as to where Chap' One of Williams' was an Parker of agthat house, morning: hacl Ives Barney.. lain whatniade vey any terribW, import to tho wind gone and, f the unsuspectiug woman. The countrymen, who had just came over mated expression of Hamlets on him stay away - - i;; ,3 j father. "Hell! of his an trade . of learn the the to more she tried to soothe him ? alderman, ghost scejng Subsequently that same navy rig by gen-ti- e invitation said with an here? what Parker, brings you MT POSSESSION THE K)lMrtV- -I persuasion the mure violent he be- speedily Returned appeared in La Crosse, and thcxt) the I HAVE LKtt dcerib( niimnlti, wbich. If not clftiuiml and moment for a and Parker came. ' Holmes, who' HULK i'll. vullK'u w was ia called I man himself it .wijv and Uku y, wil b Mild to IU blghest rrn-il,l- e All day Brahmin's feelings by breathless (ere the light broke in upon Capt. Charles Spooner of the United kUUler at tii bintrlct Stry li(tii yestcriay Freeman was, harrowing the Caclt Couuty, 8turdujr Jut. '41, 1ST 4, t IU oVtw k. Holmes! the "Holmes! that asido in a to him') out, his gasped ' stage States navy. - Captain Spdoner 'Jiad .m: ' usual mood, silent and remarking eontrary M bont, $mM tUt in d if I don't almost the same , x fin yeaf He spoke but few words to house smelt of dogged. andvcmotTonal up we Holmes I d personal forclxHul, no brautla. . his mother an! sisters.' wish nowj that I had killed you" old htflfpr,' riit, ol' kbtl characteristics as Chaplain Ives.- His On red two came went. 'Night inleflMU-- , bimU f ftiil wlilto. on, and as the hours flitted business was principal One dm k red yenrllug ieifcr, (tr in Unit, tit by the v . A ' neighborhood settled down ia' had no difficulty in finding Lolly And fltukt . Scared, repose. "What is f'i more exhilarating and he On rod three year old heifer, Hitf It was half-pahis way into society for this purpose. In fare coder bit in Lota wi, brand cn li ft Lipr nine o'clock Vhen ' ' Mrs. Ireeman " All is not gold that, ' filters the shrht." asks a Vermont paper, "than 1 ! went up to her bedrCapt. Spooner fell in love with Avery Ufcgilile. Ou rd white fared three year old bull, f wallvw oom. Here she sat down in ros hath often a worm at the lasee eighteen handsome giis riding good fairest IV I left on t h'p. conveyoung girl, and so did shrwith forkOuoiu bothandear, white (putWtl two most beautiful apple , is down bill on an ox sled ?" rd rsion with her daughters. The son heart and and v yif U lteiVr, He him. danced, ' jrodano whit brand. face, : , burned after her. sometimes decayed at the core ; often tv, and made arrangements rp buy On red yearling atenr, crop In left ear, point tA borui ewt off, W on left tbiicli-to the Lexington Press, drove, lanCaliforuian According and the in often a fine residence, and settle iiv La One red two year old Ptonr, 'wbKc In flails . "Jner," hesaid, with an cmpba-' is ' was sworn not what 'they the Kentucky Legislature that startled her and her daudi-tor- guage, "things as bui"h ofontoil white; potatuf right boru bruken .I',, Crosse with the lady of his loy brand right hip, illegible. a ' ther handsomely the to in' upon day seem." At least, such appears "will wife. He had select One white yearling teer," tinder tlnpe in left, furniture his job gnc me that money ? W.t luy bound ,copy of '.'Hitchcock's- anal- and his intended had under his upper nlope ia right ear, braud the been tk have Engliali opIivioBof MrKlble; here"' ne,ai1swci' or the other, just V ' laborer who, not long ago, accompan- ysis" redox, 12 yea U old, branded O au , direction, Qrdered her bridal 7mtfit. UftOi.eli'K'it hiii. tl Sonlelt horn. . unknown--acro- ss The mother him ied to a clergyman A.'CROCItET, expostulated with him, man satmteifcd into;sni Pptho-car- y Thera f was some jfeTayiVJit the A i lUtrki 'stretch' r, fuwtdkreii. of country. the lonely i: deeds to the property and In the Mn5.she..llld not the money, but lu sTiopin Portland, Me'ihe olher Ix)g.tn (iche Cc, Joa 15, U7. Casual aad ; unimpressive conversaVjuldHsertainlt n , went meantime 00 few a Capb.. after Spooner and J . spendisg " morning, ",lw lin "Bill tion week. At , this he beranm fiwi i .'' Li.a? beguiled the weary way until, at moments looking into 'the ehbw cases f making ?tBe.,;deed was j j aim instinct ; ecclesiastical a the revolver repeated the de- last, " egan and urawinj sevready the CajtaFn had no assets turning a piece of toothpick 1 to soar through the clergyman's .1 "uuu. i Illri ' 11X11 il for 'credit a sf the letter, MiWs 68,000. in bis mouth j', startled; "rouJi tne eral i a' chance to benefit clerk' 'with tlie "question: ' ''What's This he . shwwed!, but he COuld not be daughters mind., - Hero was creamed. The niothe induced fctOv attempt 0 .negotiate it. APP.tETOH'S AMERICAN 'R'hen thei the heathen, a3 iti,vvcreJ, and he was good to r cure poisoning?" r.j"What t shudder had his not the man to' duty. kind' of poisoning? asked''ta clerk: Ho." .hnV?quit1pVjp-maJti- n neglect inr La passed .rushej to- ,; j 'the ' Ut bel0re sTlG Could Acco.riIijjgIy, after a.' stern paiiei is nobrc'tisible in that nJa ; . "Well,' laudanum' poisoning," "says Csewe, and ' REYISED SEW EDmOX, u lfie soa wed, the J au good man turned to his companion thaold latiUie. He left his naw oyercoat "You , the ::; V, see, fctranger. and ia a sepulchral' "voice inquired. U the beat stable keeper for horse Entirely row woman took-- couple of teaspoonfuls jwith her hanJ3 "Are for The death?'); si;gWy you prepared nref Tho(i impressHOU ps Jbt hqf is gare a of laudanuniy diid'I, kinder 1 'ov, weak mouft. tW upward; that-- , no ll M r.. . laborer,' firmly convinced his way soutn nama unknown. ' a into u, "CI JUCO better drop sr,,l ..pill 1 1' . ,1. .. . j T 1. - 1. n n wouid ask I'd but a body The bf cnciogJa.'y,l 'highwayman come all j ' Will be iMned this in for her nrnis, w.jpa daughters, see what's-gootL In 16 vols., of oVU pai euoh. as that. llxttres,', veady. made'up, hied feelcstrcn'letVem unpleasant qu,cstionimmediate a drawling voice.) "HeiJ-ohii,wedding Cor whom they were SOLD ONLY BY SUBSCRIPTS. ly dropped whatever. iportable prop shouted ,'he ler the ' ' nor lady youncUVJ' "put upa strong corpse. ' ertJ e, r carried and bounced away enietic' ti carr oad'yott, totetided has indefinitely postponed '"'A chanfe for fhe nillllon to dt ymi b:y a' tinJ-,overall moor as fasta's h! could go; her marriage. library wlihoatfwling (be oeet. .IA laving ct. rtrs sir, fcvko it homo, give 11 10 your net. I. ue cnitft a dv buyt thtj 1 Tkle - - V . I A sa-lor- 11 "far-awa- y al : yj-om- self-estee- i.;,, ""ir uin -- - ,T n ! k . ? qwel-lers'- . - oa - " 1 ..; 1 1 Mc-Cullou- '') - at . . . , m ., pur-chas- gen-tlem- es en n Co-opcrntl- Te sat-isfyj.he- tf 1 fish-balb- -- T Estray n Oiw-brow- p ? . yr - lore-mukin- g, Jleaihn i jSTotiec. in-der- bit . liiia-lxc- k st ' , -- . k-f- ;the. ) . w a, - 1 - . -- ; . -: i.tj'h r . . lov'e.-','.TTh'e- LOOK.HERE. t - - '" ; ' . T.; 1 11 . . thont ?r , Cyelopiwdin. . . siiep-and'Ao- I 4 rbca CYCLOP IIiV . " ! f bf i titn tonwHieril. folibwit hp'Svith Strong coffcte, remarks' '. it that Arkansas haH'iw, ' "A doctorl For il Infnrmatwn, A'ldfit. An C I I,1inoccnt Pastimes: One advantage of! 'living in, Troy n'rr.n a ; doctor.",. the local politician who ia and ' ROBT. H. VAX nENSgIXAtR.: 11 one, only medicine, taking r is that one can go toanyslydrantjany Id i ' ' 1 .tv' .:'! .r'-v-l t$li!it4t lrtn't.wintfi no money- on doc "beyond suspicion." They've got OllO MVW day, and get' an eel for dinner, aiii nU. ' r him.. . SVtkm,ttlfc. :&&kZi. lgentier pbsitivetproofagainst, igimuolTwiUiamck -no extra chatrgel1 .? , " toys, not tifl Juttwty." ' V comi-ltt- wife,, 1 Sti l 1 . . |