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Show .maI uWw . mm m t tAtt In" Ik I ITEMS - id Wb. 8wTtr. I nit v-- .v, it "V L w .ncmre V Tamo a "Rib." In licted foi dett is Mr, Thomas Bur-- ot the man to negleet s.u ft ik. Tktr. ho waj hun fot (h Perteet, his wife at Joilet Ott the day.: mder of nd will I hu own firgt ,ppeanc in a few was itopciui as wejj 83 in isolation .elfish Ponai .avantcge. Mr. Wassermau ha. comneaced an I -me n niArninr .rm cn.rms of I Two dual existence, in ti.:. ietion again.t the public au.horitiea for " ?lB5 menced VcAWt said : oul. made one." wasoneofthahannvLi shall die He confession. v: k. v.;i. tv ma K0 I usUiC9 tv UI9 found "Ul 5 u A act of ytVYlJ wa. has Death ceased daring fear. to without burglary on perpe- event, which, on Sunday, the 11th in.t., . , . .),.Mia street frem hls premi9es. forcibly ejected .;,Ph la.t shall v,i'"--believe meet oa be terrible, I (rated the preI , w tw- ir. Saturday evening nay cCurr io warn Tommey'a earthly I WHS II CiH'r;vu walk South. we and that shall wife of wchmakt r. The proprietor. pilgrimage. in ' . edminis. glorj, The Jcxctioh'. "devil" Died. the front window of hit shop ha. yielded to an gcLool kou the streets oF the is ,,earing "angel." Congratulappfar8 West W ber, Janua At hi. residence, with the same love intensified that certJ, wU detected mashed two men taking tions to tl in, wedded pair, and may German, and has i9 cf 12th, craxy. je we have walked the streets of Chidebility, general Bradley ry ,0 le or two WJktche8 off the hooka, which hw been Tommey'. "shadow never grow less." illness of Darlew an four after Wilson, cago." He added : "To the minisb"n there for display. They decamped or acquaintances. He bung Mends no 3 67 of teen months, at the age years, god Las try I feel graceful." We should w(h eoili 4Qi j, : belied wl V U "J shoemaker, . a be m 3 thick so. PfBsoxAL. TJ. 8. Senator elect Hager month, and day.. will be caught in Salt Lake City lie October was Deceased born of llth.lSOC, California, passed through r ,euort.ie on Oeden Aa adjourned meeting of the non- o t o.. rvt n nn Frogs' legs bring $1,50 a doxen io i care or We UiJ vi i eriuuui. niuenaen ni oiie W..l,i ,ouniy, w,g phceJ I u was . Mormon held tax en Uoston. last wA fnniilv j pay hi. .Ilk fatK.,'. night. Owen's Hotel. wdiBow at .lB. x.u imon, an accompusnea tBe A of 15 to Rjchland County, Ohio, report from the committee, previously woman who has made her debut where he resided till 1836, when he appointed, was presented, to the effect young the Cbur.h of Jesu. Christ of as a lecturer in California, and a strong joined hat no understanding had been arrived (Wednesday) TlUiT.To-norrow- , Latter-daR Ra R Saints, and the following of "Woman'. Right.," will be of removed State to the at, regarding a union between the major- opponent Missouri, ibe ptoj of "Piwro" year Bgl at there-L,- t ity and the minority of the voters at the weni r.asi mis morning from Ogden. and settled ia Caldwell County, where at the Ogden Theatre, Thomas L. Throckmorton, of Philadel- - be, together with the balance of the la from One to Twenty Minute. who of number person, Resoof a Urge approaching municipal election. NOT ONE HOUR phia paased through this city yesterday Saints, were expelled by tbe mob, from after reading thla JrtiMinent need any om the privilege of from were tlutions which a under adopted, He 1838. settled in Adam. re precluded trvrm with P4?v for the East. He ha. just re the State, in in- committee ef forty-fiv- e was appointed to morning relief is a ctrk rot last Saturday night by the County, Illinois, where he remained till radwIy's ready KYKRY PAIN. turned from Japan, where he ha. been 1839, then remeved to auvoo, where he Tbe P"f3rminerthe the Cnt and i It request that the Mayor grant them the clemency of the system npon whieh Japan resided till 1846. He .bared with the wa" TerJ 8UCCSIUl nu right to inspect tbe books of the city, studying theu Ki ese gymnasiums are established and pro- Saints ia tbe general expulsion, by the That lmUntlj ttope the nioat sernciatinc puna, The crowaea nusm our ftnd jn CMe of refU84li to uke luch gteps mob, fiom the City and Slate, and with allT InflammatieDi and tare Coumtiaaa, ,ilisfctory. wbathar f la poses to establish similar in.titution. in hi. Stomach, BowtU, or otbar ns io M not did reBult with la permit family .ought refuge in the town of elands or orrant,Luofi, ,he sbn eomplianec column! jeterday by on aiiplication, in fion on the Eastern cities. fliA etl a mm 5t of when till Stale 1847, Iowa, Uonaparte, " request. A full municipal ticket was t'twanty tniBQU, B matter now Tiolenl or ax- dwell more large'j F" luv; U ociatinir tha pain. th Rbaamatic, he moved he Garden to where Grove, to the audience. Mr. then nominated ifirm. Crippled, Karroo, Xaaralgic, or praatratvd w,g presented resided till 1851. He then moved to Iw.th diiaata may offr' Ax Amatkce Spobtsmah. not as accurate as usual, From the Tribune, 19th and 20th: Yesterday Council Bluffs, and in 1853 emigrated to Lindsay was RADWAY'S ready Yi ill afford iattant in his rendering, be was at aa. Mr. Thos. Oakey, whe met with a se a party of sportsmen went out hunting Utah, and settled in Ogden City, eber perhaps, of tba Ktdatya. Inflammation at (AamBiatloa he remained until where hi. County, than and One rabbits. them of had never before agitated rere accident at his planing mill tome times more impulsive Ua Bladder, InflarematioB of tbe Iloweii. Cuu- death. on the teatioa of the Luan. fore Throat, Difficult handled to a he .corned yet necessary, is absolutely although gun, waa He left a wife and thirteen children, dayt ago, recovering rapidly Breatbior. Palpitation af tba Heart. Hyiteria. wa' finiskeJ' admirable A city coal dealer fays he will send admit tbe fact. He nal a double barrel- - who were present at hi. funeral. He CraumDiptberia. Catarrh, Influeaia. Headarbe, tvhelehis Ik aural UoM Tnetbarha. gia, Kbanmatuua. and one great had 67 Messrs. Dee as l'iiarro, his and artistic neighbors a load of kindling to start led shot run, and not knowing bow to In all his trial, and jour- - Tba aaplicatioo of the READY RELIEF to tba YVrHit as Alonio, Horrocks asOroxembo, their fires with, if they will come up and load it, be watched the manoeuvres of ntinoi hm or parti where the pais ar difflcBlty exiata Vnnvn - tn 4altr part : J - j .vua. t. v..i Mr. Read as will aflord aaae and comfort. j: iUUlMiss Bowrinj as the youth, Uultuuim...c fr0IB He the yltlt men for tnt COm thej have v.. of the u..Cvu.F.uU., principles Gospel. Twenty drop ia h alf a tumbler af water will ia faun- crou. blunder of putting in ene chamber died in the faith of a glorious resurrec a few moment care Cratnpa, 8pm, Soar St 010. the High rriet, were all true and bought during the silent hours of night, ach, Heart barn, Sirk Headache, Diarrhea, Dyees- ftil in their characters; but while Mr. Tw0 tr.Teieri from Pioche arrived in the wadding first, then the powder, and tion. tery, Colic, Vt lad In the UoweU, and all internal Of moral raetltnda, aad aprifbt mind; Paine. failed to Sall fLtr enCounterng many difii- thus primed and capped, proceeded to Dee begun exceedingly well, ha Travelers thonld alwayi carry a bottle of RAD A heart, to all malicioua prompting! blind. WAY'S READY RELlkk with them. A few dropa miiatiin his part with the same spirit cuitj on (he way. They were com load the other chamber properly, but in lie never quailed 'ueath peraecation'a rod. on water wtll prevent fickneef or paint froaa at tne opening. pened to walk, in several instances; were his confusion, put in a double charge. But walked erect on earth, aad worshipped which Le showed ihange of water, it la better thaa Trench Kraixiy cr Hitter a a rtimnlaut. God. The nimrod spied a rabbit, and taking Messrs. Smith and Mousely were very four gTe jn getting nights anj FEVEK AND AUtE cared for fifty centa. Can pride or gold avert the f nal doom ? aim at the wily little animal, after sev mod- There ia not a remedial agent ia thii wvrld that god soldiers. Jos. Wright might through, and were forced to camp out on Can tplendoi purchase retpite from the will core Fever and Ague, and all other Halarioaa, ' eral ineffectual attempt, and wasting Biliouei Scarlet, Typhoid, Yellow and other 'ever iilate his voi:e to advantage and be more the mounUinl on, night tomb? (aided by Radway'c Hlli) to quick af RADWAYt off. of wouldn't He the r go gun Will Ealetu't daule and travelers natural as an old man; Mr. Caldwell cps, glittoriot Jewels King Tne number of visitors KJCA1U HKLlaJ. juty cenu per botua. km Can life immortal from luch bauble epriof f by Draggieta. could throw in more dignity as a king, in the city is less than at any time dur- - tried hi. luck with the second barrel, Emphatic no he eatwered, while abating which contained tbe double charge. He and find more use for his hands. Mrs. ing the winter. breath. took deliberate aim the gin went off Wright as Cora, ii is needless to say, wa. Tell on tbe portali of the bona of deatK. ItroBKand Pare Rich Blood Iacreaae of TUth From X$vt: yesterday'. ef- and Weigbl Clear Ekia aad KeaaUfal so did he. It kicked," and the recoil Bleep, valiant patriarch: Tb Jutt and true. perfect; Mrs. Bowring as Elvira, was Of all paat age, iball awake with yoa. A man named George Lloyd wa. araecared te all. was too great for bis anatomical equili The fss'.'iTe, imposing and womanly. Com. of oa rested yesterday having suspicion -and he reeled back, falling into a piece deserves such an audience as will been one of the who brake into brium, burglar, UUtttttsrUNUtmJt:. ravine bead foremost. He was more do justice to tbe Company and the grand harsapariiilan llsolTent the watchmaker' .hop, last Saturday Ha made the moat MtoaUhing carta, ao qaick, to and the wily rabbit, scared than drama which ranks as the most splendid hurt, 11 org rapid are the change tb bady ondergoea, wadar City, evening, and brought before Juntice was when he saw it tbe influence ef thii troly woudcrfnl Uedlctna,thA. with provoaisg of Sheridan's efforts. 1874. last, Jan., l&h, KYXKY DAY AN 1NCKBASK IN IXE8U AKV Clinton for examination, which wa. put Ma. Editob: Seme of your numerous WKIOUT IS SXbUN AKD FKLT. indifference, and apparent satisfaction . off till UREAT BI.M1 Pl'KIFIER. THE doubtless will the to readers like bear Kvery drop af the BAKSAPARILUAM KKSOLf brcsbing the snow flake, off it. ears. case issue the David of the of v.. People comaiauicaUe YKNT Hoodlums. Is it not time that decis threngb the Blood, Sweat, Ii. Djbee. This case was brought before Urine and. ether saiae and 10 tee or U tytUca ive measures should be taken to put an of life, for It repair the waate of taw . the From yesterday'. the Probate Court of Morgan County bodyvigor Von Wtdnudgy'i Daily of Jan. 21. Coxdmsatiox.. with aw and toand material. Scrofula, end to the disgraceful exhibition of en a change of venue from the Probate Coneaaiptiea, Olaadalar dieeaae, Cloer La .YeK-tCourt of Weber County, and was heard the Throat, Month, Tnmora, Node in the Olaad Nwdyisa, which are constantly mad ether part ot the eyeten, Sore Syea, Stnuav The business of the Police Conrt in. on the Tu. Solo. The solo rung in the clos int. Tbe prosecution ex. aad en Diacharge rrem the cart, ana tb wertt tora by a class of disorderly boys, whose con in the Taber- creased yesterday, from the fact that pectins: (hare would be a new trial. ef Skis DiiiMit, Irapttao. fever Sorea, leaid duct has become intolerable, especially ing Anthem last Sunday to issue a venire for Head, Ring Worm, Salt abeam, Kryiipelaa, Acaa, ( tbe he soldiers have been receiving their asked the Court Black Spot, werai ia tb Flenh, Tumor, Caa- In places of amusement! Those who nacle, by Mrs. Jennie Thompson, Twelve .t a petit juror. a juror, were sum. car a. a ia the Womb, aad all weakening aad pajafal neen nnea nave 01 tnem n lor tonsorial Mot artist, pay. moned, empannelled and sworn, and ditcaarre. Nixht Sweat, Loe of gperm, aad all were present at the Theatre last Satur wife of our ar withia the rtiv is spoken of as a splendid musical effort. drunkenness and disturbing tbe peace. eleven witnesses were subpoenaed, and on waate of the Ilia priaciple,Medars day night, could not restrain many ex af thi woader of Cheaiatry, aad a rang last Court opened few dart aa will prove te any peraoa Saturday morning her by and one for stealing a cane. The encomium, upon passed ueiag it tur . high of and pressions disgust with juror, and witnes.e., for prosecu either of thee foria ef aiaaa lu poteat displeasure at pewer te watchmaa who into broke thief the those who heard her, attest the appre the annoyances to which are than. tion were sub present. they Ifth vetieat. dally becoming redaeed by tha talent i. ker's .hop last week and taking away 8. Francis and Jeseph Garner appear- - watte jected, by iaiecent interruption. If ciation in which her great aad decompeaitiea that i continually pre- I watches and valuables, wa. sentenced to ed for the People, and W. Vf, Gee, from greetiag, (weeaed la arresting thee waataa, aad held. measures are not adopted to protect peo Salt Lake City, appeared for the repair tb eani wiu aew aiatenai Biaae I rem fifiT difi. ).. I 1 healthy blood aad tbi tb SARlAPAKILUAM ple who pay their money for the eatis. . . v .l-- . aeience i. . will aad do nr. 11 ochctcuj tun m cow of The &anao it At Thbatbi play The witnesses for the defence did not uctiou or aa evening', entertainment, Xvt onlv doe the Sareaparilllaa Reaolveat aa- for ageute ia the care of Chre-althe only recourie left to them i. to .tav 'Pixarro," which will be produced to ing season will be aa excellent one appear, and on motiea of counsel for tel all kaewn remedial Coaititatienal aad Skia dieaa. ScrofaloB, clock-Two 1 Court defence. adjourned till bat it It the ealy peeitive car for KIDNEY aud tt come. Last Saturday evening aome night at the special request of a number grain and grass. o'clock Court opened and connsel BLADDER COM f LAI NTs. Urinary aad Womb Herald: this From forth a will morning's call ten or twelve hays, not more than thir- - of our citizens, large 9 a a VittM t Va dueatea, Oravel, Diabetea. Dropy, 8toppag ef rnAl lAfft eVCSklUSX ilfanta 4 . . a UiVdVU I vr UCJGUvV ! . 1, J at. J . .. . ucau p near a.m Incoairaesce. ef brine, lirignt ifteeaaa, tue i water, Un to appear. MOnaay leen or fourteen ve.r. ol,I present f udience, accoraing th Aliiuniiaaria, and ia all cate wber there ar lb of Jordan river gave way at the aide of the following reasons : That one of the briekdntt depoaitt, er the water ia thick, dowdy, The drami U front seats, and beside, annovintt the "ce obtuace like tk white ef aa gx, which wa. completed last jurors on the Justice's Court, before mixed with like interest which has been shown in the water-gat- e musicians a.i whit tilk, or tber i a morbid, thread er was and an spectator, in various great another dark, bilioat appearance, alien, Middleton, da-aad wbit bn-den- The of $3,000. .n T..i. render te made .t its th I nr aaiil ' preparations V ajs, devoted themselve hr tnmri in Iht Iftirt I nnrt ail a potita, aad when tber la a prtcaiu , Durnmg tet successful tire damage to the dam i. estimated at m;aor tn(j tDe jurT consequently illegal i"a when paatn water, aad pain la the amall round a bottle of whiskey, from which lafthtbaek and along th.lole. Pri.H.Otl .V. r .11.1 A., w ORMS. Tbe oar known and Bf Kamedr took copious draughts. Thi. wa. for Wrma l'ia. Tai. etc. . Mr. T0'd'. Wasserman, afternoon . . . . .. Yesterday ne , , puoucly and without concealment. (irowth Ciu-ee- t Tuner ejf 1'A Yottr Rrtolveut. . . . . . c A transient a cigar dealer who occupied a portion of Motios." ay Radway't were b ( "Pkbpitcal f ify noisy and boisterous, and UtviXLT, Maea., July 18, 1S60. one of our restaurants near the house under a sub lease, refused to tne grounds were sufficient le discharge Da. Riwat-- I have had Ovarian Tamer la the at boarder several of them overcome the effects by And Mr. Grever read evarie aad bewela. All the doctor aald "that on a writ of ejectment the defendant. I tried ererything that wa wa ao help for nrequent potations, stretched them the depot has partially solved the theory go out peaceably Minorities, .howi.g that the recom steaded; he wa. bat nethiug helped me. 1 aaw yttur , when him. He break takes served motion." of upon Mires out at full being "perpetual . length on the .eats, , Court could not grant said motion, be- - ReeolTCBt and thoairbt I would try it; bat had k och to the inconvenience and commencing summaniy put out oy me omerrs, .uu ia tt. becaa I had tanered tor twelv ye at fast niae, the defend&al BaJ mtteptti 8aiJ iaith regularly of ladies. I took ix I Kittle of the Reaolvent, and oa boa of hint. out e from after sent himself There were others widi (juror, and thus estopped with the first item on the bill of fare, hi. Radway't Pill, and tw bottle of your Ready Be--1 t... such objeetion on appeal. lief, and tber it not a liga of tumor to be aet-- or smeltinc the Saturn up of bringing 5n 1eea set these unruly lads an ,hen to ln 1st taP I feel better, tmarter, and happier thaa I I example cf Proceeds the Court decided the jury frit, and on their employees I However, have U twelve year, in worn tumor war a at works he time Sandy paid the -"noodlumism," which they were 9,yl diaie,s and the and runted 'epe1J r motion, tb left ) ef tk bowel, ever the greia. J lp . . d S. .v ttiie to yea for tit benefit ot other. 1 oa can ; a"ougn toemulate. If the police would ,brugBi th luncheon hour has aoout on Monaay, ana u ia mc.r etarged the prisoaer. IUNNAu P. KNAPi. a Uh not back for sent Ve was Tbe that come prisoner whcn he goetnrou8h "deal, make weeaiy pjiucu up some of these disturber, and new trial, so this ease is finished, unless give them lodgings for the nieht in tbe &nd ta1ie8 respite by keeping the bar every Monday the prosecution commence the work over PERFECT PURGATIVE PILLS Fork e occurred in Silver A asylum for such characters, and if rar- - ten(-e- r Penectly laeteleea, eiegautly coated with swee continually supplying bim with aeain. gum, parge, rrgulatc, purify, clean and itrenrfb-a- . di the I over e&t8 Would . Until . a three ago, keenr ttiot. linnirl rpfreab just two or relaxant i. days .fift . v. mnt Tbe jurisdiction or tbe Justice Court v K(iay' Pitlfor the care ef all dieorder uuii Domp. where was not called up. but I do not think of tt titomach. Liver, Uoweb, Kidney, Diadder, the instead of allowing them to mine, Davenport vide he when beyond or methodically diDer Cuatlve-lie- . seek at will supper, Mi Uleton had jurisdiction Nervom Dteeanea, Ileadaclie, Comtipation, Uiivou Indigralion, Dypeia, llitioumma, two kinds if he can by one man lost his life and two others tbat Justice , .v. with ft begins soup career 01 in said case. The fine being not ex le'er, iDilaniinaliOB at tb Buwela, Pile, aud ail uicnug 'ice, a most intolei able nuisance to the end of were carried to the bed of the galea DeraucetneatJ of Ike Interna! Yiecera. W arranted ceeding $500. and justice's jurisdiction to might get them and continues eKect a pcaitiv cur. I'arety egetable, aoatea. T. McClure, indicted for rape upon reads not exceeding $100. the bill, when nothing is left. He loses no mercury, tuiueral er deleterious drug. 1 think the prosecuting witness should OterTe Ote following rymptonia reeultlne, ' no time in the even tenor of his way, Mrs. Garrett, was sentenced to serve a Digeetive Orpin Coiietipa-tio- ' have commenced a civil suit against Mr frem Disorder of theI'sHiien of the Blood la the Inward Pile. and visits the different oyster saloons term of five years in the penitentiary action COSD IS8AT105..--Frocrimiua! a entered not and Bvbee, m th " TTl,t vir Ilrad, AciiKly of tbe Stomach, Naunea, llearttinrn, . Tribune: this roonirg's From be lo.i ana and candy stores up town. At twelve in the name of the people. The bridge Ditgtut of Pood. PaiiiifM or Weight in tbe toa 20th: Wells. Fareo & Co. yesterday received where the obstruction was located, is acb, hour Ei attatioiie, Sinking or Muttering at c. .. bed. and falls to returns troes home, Pit of the htoaiarh, Swimming of the Head,' sealing M a complaint from Ophir and the personal property of Mr. Cybce, and the silver bricks frem Pioche Hurried and DiOkalt Breathing, tlutteriug at the eitrht lrr"e with he as e last did . .. I asleep night, mine owners are Weber, Davia and Margin Counties Heart, Chokiug er Siittocating teunatiou vben ia subject to, and on jinioess 01 11.011, imi vr bologna between his teeth, a rasher of one nne oar jrum count of the have recegniied this fact, by negotiating aweuLTidz roeture. aepredations continn.lio bacon wiore me Bigui. teier na xuii raia in ma Co. t of for in the ie Mr. Mining riscuit with and in one hand, Dybee Yoiiownee. r purchase navy (..noy of 1wd , Blgni work 'on Lion'. Hill and b.re, I'am in tue Mie, cheat, umi, Monday, three or four soldiers from same. The most mat can oe earn, is. the the other. When he can fill the gp be oeen su?r.(n(l,t nruinK io u.a iiwa. dealt with that it is a cnnditional bub way, and andawweaiitwiie.oineai. -'- "ia, tween A few doee of Radway't PUU will free the ivt- . . wl. the hours of sleep and the break Camp Douglas, wire severely condi the with ws -- "tous or no tctu from all Uie person complying disorder, i'raa and taken to the station- showing up their fast lions and payment of 50 cents toll per 25 cent per box. 8"d by Drupginta. bell, the solution of the problem by the police mat they Lad for pale, RFAD"FaUeaiift True." Seod on for drunkenness on the street., should be prohibgot which has baffied team and wagon, Nu. b lUidei Las philosophy and put house awsy" With over linlf . tanp te Railway A Co., f n ac the said from ited wurth thomu.aHi aril) I bridge. McCullough, Juformation crossing York. New John to the visionaries will be given oh from $200 to $500. ; aWrl eatit JbU. the manage- world. tor, has been engaged by ,JafiDfyfJa- rot - t0th) the lat.e Mrs. Garrett, at Bingban, was . com- un for trial. hrauffht -'"'--,- r mlt tu t ,. nerlrr.tei o'i if" - 1 " ... P"1 ..... 4- V, - 1 A tl.. I ,e y d, ed ne tu Th Only I'aiii Remedy -- 1 Bd-ridd.- relief rrl grand-childre- n I tvf I - j, . Health! Beauty! 1 Ua-plexi- on Dr. RAX WAY'S A,.,r. to-da- y. it, . : lth : m m well-know- . . . To-Nig- ht. ...irti A 1 e, m ,ni "rlCf Min, iy a a,., P"11" . W l.l 1 ut L , .... , it-- wral " ca iu.. stock-in-trad- j. ea-e- ... r tk. a. I ill-ar- - iti-eo- ej. DR. RADWAY'S ; snow-slid- V. u "i ! ng , n. .... i- 1 r.i-iration- , abore-iiattie- ic. I well-know- d 1.H-te- r |