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Show BY TELEGRAPH. Congressional- ylna the Strange Aecicent. Famine in India. - - . Fatal Fire. Disastrous Fire in Chi AMERICAN. Washibgfoo, 20. In the Senate, Brownlow opposed the rmmcdiate return to specie pnynienis lie thought the present financial nysteui was good, but the distribution of cur rencr was unequal. The south and west should Gordou opposed a speed resumption, Hough, be was in faT, at tbe proper time, ef giving the country awro currco ey and luaiing it flexible. It would, in hi opinion, be the shortest, sure method would of relief, as hebclieted bring out millions of greevbacks now itoarued up. bceakirg r nis own sec- tlon, be said the sooth was poorer than when Leo f tiryeedered. He hoped for the day wheu we would issue money not founded on gold, but on the faith of the government, and receivable for all dues frUke. i Cnamller agreed that there should be more money, but he wanted better rnon lie thought Government should tj. agree to resume specie payment on the Srst of January, '75; autliwitfa the Sec retary of tb Treasury to borrow $100,- 000,000 at that time, stop tlue sale, of and we would have by the (old tima aamed $'200,000,000 in gold to begin the resumption ef legal tenders. Lie pnased. acv increase iu the volume of ' ' m or kinds Jfod a THE WEED , SEWING MACHINE! Jewnharp.So a Cburah Organ, m Chctiper than anywhere else iu Violin .Strings and other FiUinys. SHEET MUSIC, ETC., ETC. K IX TIIK IMPROTE LATEST ACTUAL chisttler Wagon BOESSEL- . swaJ-lowe- ; Snrinc: Warons. Siveeusialir and lCenner, Buckeye v,oru nciier.s, icea Cutters, Fanning Mills, liinery Grinders, Stubble Shovel Ilovs, Cultivators, JOHN BENCH, HI ALL Etc, County. a ii, Cacli .MACHINERY. - M.-L- -- u Bu-re- ilona-niide- r ) 60 -tr 'fob your was-firs- t 296-2rJ- o, nor than that it necessarily iscludes.; aarrying freight and puiwtngers- fron one State to another: it reaches and controls that - , 101-6- FS l.O S, fit ..v v . .... .. - - He-ha- . - - ner. Dauiel I'ratt, ai Davis' Milk, iu Ya$- salborougli, lili her. husband's bei and board and. removed to New Gloucester, joining the fraternity of Shakers. Whatever the cause of this proceeding eufficSeol,. probably, in her mind it was kep4 to. beiaelf. She' packed up her lurokiirQ ami ' quietly left, for her new horn and associations. ; Jbor I'ntno long jc4ra she has lived in her strangely chosen, hooje. Id. the moan time her devot ed husband lived . alone at the ol 1 homestead, keeping alive the fire on the hearthstone, and moving along appareatly happy and contented, as though nothing unusual bad nappeu- d. liut the strangest part is the The other day the spirit sctjuel. moved the old lady to leave bhaker-dorand return, to the'ecc'aes of her former home. This she doe and is cordially received bv'the long de- sested but still faithful husband lie goes more than half way to meet the reUyratng prodigal wife, ,The veal season having passed, the old gentleman slaughtered a turkey fatted for tho Christmas holidays, and there is joy in that house undisturbed ty tue complainings ot any eiaer protner. The neighbors got together aud gave a public reception and supper iu- hon- or ot tlie event. Aud sj tae agea couple," who have passed the three-quart- er milestone of a century, are living together again, couteiited and happy, and hand iii hand they ptcp gently dowtv the eetern declivity of ifo toward, its settios: sun. : a, OYES!! O YESM From the Kennebec, (Me..). Joiirnai. Nine jisk aaa the wife of Friend Rock 'Spring, - - - CblTillV', " : 8.00. A a Save Twenty Cents on the Dollar. Market will! le 'pritera toft at DougJata. Moat ' , promptlj filled. , ' il04-3m- ', J0IIN .' PINCOCK. NEAR S A VAGE'S PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, STAIN STRFET. Salt CAR DOM BROS.r LOGAN, Six doarawest ot Sleetin WATCHES, ' " , ' ; f ! MannfactBred-.oii- . Albums, - . , J'rnmoH JtluulcSin. ThotograpLs, or ly taken. Anibrot-ypes-accura- - .. ' Repaired. I'irturc ' t 17 ; - "'' 'anil '' Pictures 'Copied. . '.' MRS. F. A. LQSAK; BEST IX THS rpix 1. by the Inventor of Healer, and " Lectsircr, EII0RT,' XIK, TAKEN ROOMS r0 A huase of Samnel Gfrwzow. CDUtmite the Talrnacle. Where titer will receire- cnlli from those fttrkiug IIKAL.XII, or d.irirjj to .. . toot the fact of 4 . , t HAVB the - . SPIRIT Office MY 1" LACE AT STRA.TED' FROM th aiiddlo' 6f last Potpriibfr, HAY MARK draidod J L on lalt alionlder, aud 76 on let r; thitf b Tlie above reward will be pnid for information " '' M to where slie can be found tT - Farmiligtou, Cavi l CGMMUMON. Ilourt, from 9 to. 12 . 2 to frp.m. and from KtlAS JUOWJ5, .I . Jou. . . ii Medical Examination, $1.00 '' Fof Treatment, ft.00 Magnetic ERA T.CLARK. " . ti lm rriviite sittings during office Jan. p, hours for Reading the History, or Charvjtr ot Iudi-- . ,.- . " Estray J -- driu - . ti ; 1 TBD the Sewing MaUne. , '- . - not subject to FITS. POnif S pFlpPERIORin: Sanptycitytand perfection of Mechdninvi, I)uraMZitiwilirc6sfa u , i. V0BLD;-PER?EC- An HOXEST MACniXK and Jlanye of .Lifethus. JFovk without "ardrallrt, . ' M?. HOWE SEWING JACHINE. Magnetic ' '. -- TJ. City, Trance Kcdinm and Clairrojani, AND-JEWELR- . , Xj.n.lE.0 MES. E. N.BALC0M, ' cuocas, , . Foreign papers contain a long story of viduals, and SescribiDg; ' a strange und disastrous accident in the ' USToticQe ' -Mends in Spi'rH 'tife,' T.W). The steamer port of l'asiia,' "Zeonane" was'emerirvg rb port on her IHAVS(kcititied aniinal. nhicli. if not ctuiiuod iietuxu from Leghorn, wh9 by a fhe ami takeu ivwujr, will be sold to the ' highest rewill fee set apart for Pallic Swncee turn, of tho helra.she wag against sponsible bidder at the Iitrirt Stray Pound at If. there were no other siQt,o indi- Oden the fa. wall of the wharf.. AMuurli a 2 187 4, at City, WoUr &., TueaHlny, Jiu. Amy CEVELOPBlEfiT 07' MEDIA. cumber of Testis' nenr by hast.ea' d' to cate that. "Christmas was coming,." Sl.m. .' " One white 3 vmt eld heife', roanisli idea, red Jior asslstanc, she ssnk so rapidly that ; AHITTANK FEE ttm the rijui iucretue ia' the number of enre, no marks otbannd tUibte. aocteen perfous were drowned, inctad. scholars-oU'th...Wm. N. riFft van!Mi3 Suivliy schools Coaeultatiou Fre. ' , District l'otmoper. c Gallon us. ,ir r wig, the. captain and chief engineer. The Cfcdt City, Jan. )t)CVSh-l0 gJ,. Ko. 14th, 1ST3: inu 9Htw fori of. those, perislwi wese; would bo suilicieutJ Cbi-sicn- , j HI U. Pv FREIGHT; DEPQT. YARD . - , 10JK) . Getting good Clean Coal hj i $ 9.50. - delivered, Keep VUrra t COAL! COALVILLE Dvlirened, OIGIIS, Musical msT ROCK SPRING - : AND OTHER 0- Altsne. Jfiuc Ycur's - y STAYNER'S TO to-20- 2 to all commerce - Tli Machines e' . ! . tke right aiui duty of (Jotigsess to rrgu-Katinter-Stal- e commerco as carried on and y railways, prescribes, as one (if the regulations thereof, that tho charges f persons engaged i such aorasterce Cor carrying freight and passengers tb&ll in all cases be fikir and reasonable-Ther- e is some question aa to the rights f Congress to interfere in inter-Stat- e iommerce, and tte report cites many ipcenm Csnct decisions on the subject; aaioog' which is tJie case of the Slate .Wallace, 232, which the freight Ux. ommittee regard, aa conclusive of, the uetio, and establishes that the power ee CTtali. 'Si hitter ever made. PARPE ko-d- y, aom-mitt- Ceap.or . 1 commerce which i bey and tha seach of auy siagle Stale., ' The question being settled! that tlue control of a railway oompaty is- subject t either State or National lwr tb proceed to give reasons why State law ,is ineffectual to control the great trunk lines, ss the jurisdiction of tne Slate cannot extend beyond its borders;, and the rules of various States mighe a conflict us to make them oue Ssate might increase as well as diminish tka rates, and thus discriminate iu fuTor of tbjeir own citizens and against those of other States. The committee therefore conclude thai there i no question th.it National conlial of tlije greut trunk lines leading through the several States, is tbe only power tbnt tan protect the people- from undue op presaive exactions. New York, 20. A special from FJehnwnd makes, the nunouncemeot of the sadden death jf the celebrated. Siamese Twins, on S:iuv-damorning, the 17th, at their residence nt Mount Airly, Surrey County, N. C. Chang was partially paralysed lam Fall, inae which time- ho has been fretful,, very much debilitated, and strongly dJiclei t.o. drinking liquor as a men no f allcviailiig his sufferings. been quite feeble for several days, so much us to confine the brothers to bed. On Friday night, Chang becune worse, und expired suddenJy about four, Saturday, morning. Eng became so terribly nhockod that lia raved wildly for a whilfti " This- attack was followed by what seemed to be a deadly stupor, and i n two hours, it is euppoed from ' the tie &.k, f Chnng, ng breaibtd his lact. The- wives and families of tho twius are in the deepest grief; the children, many vr'wuotn are deaf mutes, exprMsinc their sorrows in the most pitiful man ! In the iiir kilt, aJwjijjoa hajid Main St., Ogden, and Main St., Logan, Cache louse, a substitute Cor tlue House bill to legvlatt cminerc among the several Sttvtxn . ' The report says it is enough for ah present puspost to say that it asserts tC Congress which concent THE, CHEAPEST COAL AND LIME 99-l- a. on rail- t.the S2rS , . - ctnutte The rcpoat of the ways and canals submitted ' TeruiwI.ibcr&L. Loolt at Sample. - Ogden. , y no, currency. MainStreet , t MENTS, noiseleM, light running-- gkottle 0n& door South of Oirden House. Chieago, 20. action. Between three and four o'clock this MONTHLY PAYMENTS TAKEN. morning a fire broke out under the central depot building, occupied by the Michigan & Illinois Central, and the C. PERSONAL INSTRUC1I0H GIVEN. B. & Q. railroads, at the foot of Lake : J. W. UES3r AgeuA, street, and in a short time nude such ' fire as ta the Co. headway defy department, STORE OODEX. AT WOODMAXSKJJ the building, being entirely consumed. AGENT FOR THE The baggage-inthe C. B. & Q. baggage-roowas nearly all lost, only a few pieces being raved and taken to the W freight depot across the street. The baggage in the other room, at the south end 7tIMH WATCHES JEWELRY AUJ SACtC . of the depot, was saved the fire bein Jj' UOOUSu o Noth out re that before iched it far. just ing was saved fram any ef the offices in IiepaixitiQ done in Good Style. THIS JUSTLY CELEBRATED WAGON IS MADE OF THE BEST MATERIAL d connection with the depot, all being througlwut and U warranted. MAIN STREET, EVANSTOiT, in the common destruction. The A FUUL SUPPLY ALWAYS OX UANU. Wjoniing Territory,. tracks were filled with ears and most of MAIN A5D ttGDESUTAII Also De&ier ia STREET, them were a.ted, but the men were un1 ly. able to remove a number of fine passenlii&rlit ger cars. The Michigan Central railroad lost three passenger coaches and two 3Xowcrs Pullman sleepers. The C. B- & Q. lost ' jikantM, three coaches, iualtullag one I'ullmtin sleeper. The Illinois Central lose o .b JL'Iowm, coaches partly busndt. The Cincinnati PAINTER, GRA1NER, GLAZIER, A air line lost one soach. The loss is es' KINIXS OF FAR.3I .. timated at between $300tQ09 and $400,- , PArER IUXGER, The depot 000;. insurants unknown. was a frame one, put up after the greut Log1 A Camplete Assorlancnti cf fire for temporary use. ipech&ea ef fcU ir&rk ha- rafsrs te ' ii l . While fire was this in progress and claimed lbs attention of the fire depart, 25: C. LOOAiN WAGON MATERIAL, MBDWOOD, IE0S.,ASB STEEL. ETC, ment, the bell sounded again and the was announcement that a lares stone TU guiatinc. C' nhloh hi ..lm n front: block, on State, between Von aud Harrison streets was also on i: fire. It was nearly twenty minutes be fore an englac tsoched the ground, and OBSTACLES TO MARRIAGE. such progress that five ; JdAI'Vi RtLlKS liOV, the fliunes-nuu- l JES, FKOM Uie etl'ectl of Error and Abuses in. early, life. inclusive, Manhood buildings, from. No. 291 KeHtored. ImtieUimenU to Sfcrrrinpe' seen weiie consumed. The fire New method ot treutment. . Ke and reIn. Armslrong'paint shop and oil store, markable remediM. luoka. and .CiruitUra Iwnt State. From this buildiag it fret1, in eealed enTelopei. Addrest, HOWARD Xo. 2 South Ninth St., Pbiadel-hicUhar side t the adjoining ASSOCIATION, on . spacad H., an V:itituim liAiug a McHrepntatioa -. for honorable ovntlutti audi jtrefeseiasaJL. kill. buddings.- the-cours- e to-da- MUSIC 8 TOM' - BenningUn,.Yt.,20.. knitting mill of 11. E. Bradford was burned this afternoon. The fire was caused by a leak in a gasolino pipe. The gas ignited from the boiler and exploding, denial is Led the adjoining sewing roonb. Nine women, at work there, were instantly killed or burned to death in the fire which followed. Many others The were injured, some shockingly. card and sheeting rooms were saved. Loss about $100,000; partially insured. The- ffice V - . - cago. . Judge 'jr. GroVei lUntab, : ri ,. bave-more- RELIGIOUS, Theatre at Ulm, Germany, dur. , Twins'. .7 Leg-bor- n. SCIENTIFIC AND ROMANTIC ing performance, one of twenty-fou- r petroleum lamp attached to the chandelier suspended from, the1 ceiling, exploded, and a shower of fire fell upon Dresses ignited, and the audience.. about twenty women were severely, some of them seriously, burned. GZXI i f6h toe following popular, Private advices from England, received lntereitingMul reliabl books, ciciw, pub by Greek merchants in this city, slate A mapniflcnt fielitial Polyglot Familiy Bible that the famine in Bengal i assuming '. .1. ..Ci. increased importance, and- engaging' the M DeslforJae prU;-- ", F. Chamberlain .Cmnwrcial, Law an Form earnest attention of leading men. In BttkT adapted to tlW- wants f all. financial and commercial circles in LonBr. Goorge II. Naphey'i Laws of Lib and Health, don. There seems no doubt that Lag-lan- d lor nudes and fotnale. .. 7 j will be called- upon for large- qaani "Cio Lewis on digfrftion, a Sirieirtifec'wort. tities of food to. feed her famishing pop-- . Mi Pilgrim' PropnwiJllnntrate by Juhn liiwyoa. The Lite and Adutures of JS0biDon trusoe. ulation in India. - Death of the Siamese ,. laborers returning from Corsican v Fcrfcctton of StlMi and i,-,r- , i. . Tension. i Ease of OpevcuLlou ami Management. Self Adjusting Take-uAdjustable Head.. p. Call ami Examine eur Sty las anil Pricee at 1. .W. JONES', Taitor,' , Third .iloor from. Z. CM. I., OgiK-n, , . SAMUEL MILLER) JUN., t "j Agent. few Also;' at tli Sales Hoomi, ioors west df Z C. M. I.1,. Sftlt Lakf 82S-- 1 City. .'! ..- |