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Show :vcoMsPbm'Eiiicirl - jjjT TELE?&J ... ' :if,I'OaDlIN," - ClTK, f,. Jan., JCNCTION .t :, EmTOB OaDK An Enginp.".? ' em ale Snree ,.,... a, , ,. raiicn, The following little story fro m the weU worth re- - , WlS7iiV, Cincinnati is ,.i ' Gazette,.. :.!. We feel constrained to call attention to : ;i . producing : A Hamilton man,' who fell a few years ago into dissolute habits' and passed most of his time-- ' lounging1 about .while- his family suffered for the nfirsK:inVi of lif'rt. was startled not Umg ago by the entrance of his wife into a' saloon' on Uasin'' street, "where he sat'playing cards with a party of boon oouipin remedied. For ,the, sake, of,,' public ions, The woman took no notice of nhTcks woW be reUeeme men. pride, will not the proper authorities her walked hnldlv husband, but m afford the citizens' 'ft'WmfnrtnKla' v ; Mbo n.'rLed at least .oe.unlf ed m - to a place bo oftea and" Universally fre- - kto the counter and called for a glass , . the tiecesteity of efficient drainage in our city, more exactly to tfe is part of Main street in froat of the Post office, a placs so often frequented by die citizens, both ' . amewcanT, male ahd' female.' The street'-atliia tlie consecration of tie point is in a horrible condition, almost Senate ln th.o Firi!iuce Committee inaccessible, on, account of a or large pond rcsolunuu nddresed of luud and water iu front and extendile tored an immediate ing 'along' the 'street North and South 9c::re ,,,e ,7, ., tUe payments, anu for some distance: ' It seems to that rei.uB.p uk this nuisance could be easily aad quick-lJpvea y turc. t . bar-room- 2i. v j.. ' 'Ci-"- I. WHOLESALE - :;..-"- !- RETAIL AriQ - Dry Goods, tiJrocorles,- ( t K; i t. - ' " " ' .' Hardware, J the outb nd west should ..B?TA. dls!ubt :C. ';L,.nror)5rtio. He would above The , complaint demands imme S.obarV panted for aofgreat and any on ,'who has one diate attention, a capita bink, with seen ladies attempting to wade through the whole people could have the pool in Iront.of the, Tost othce, fcli.ll". ho ' .,i..,l a nrnnnr MlllllL ' S I.".. inr ?., t il,-it" .!.. s 1.1 n,t.l , iy, ..V" the in peryisor inUlriespi.Yar produced hriuu " of the con.. try, or sectional J attentioa to both sides of the street. t t,, r, - .'..- i'll J Boots aiid,.SUocs, Icals ait 1 laps, Ci'oeltcry, Glassware, u $ l1 : ; ;- -i j Motions, &e., &c. Stoves .asid Tinware, Drugs & 3Jcdicine . , '"Come,' gentle'uren, have a ,'. , drink with me! If beer is siood for , men it certainly ought to be for. wo- ' 1. i r. . 'ii'i ' uicii, iu4 iuougn iiie crowu were a little start-feas representative hone of thenL except thc'h'us- IN GREAT VARIETY. DaM, were Unprepared to accept-th, ' 10US SejtlOUS "' ' u rKoinn-The.drink' was disposed invitation.; " i' trnilbleS Wla &nlU of. when the ladv nrdftred a soKtind ' lion . Cash on delivery is the custom for the Tnlond from the Judi- ir made as a but .face crowd, wry , adopted by popular lectures II rvrrnA i A t'f ifm rA llV IL1X lb Comaiittee, reported a bill, autipr-if k.f Clt LUIUUU OLijl ObiI'll Hall' cmtjticd tumblei on A Settinjr'her i liub Ylncf Pnnn fit lTtnli n Vo Tllcf ;, flvnnnt in cl the counter, ehe said. "I done lie- - Wood's Champion and Excelsior Mowers and Reapers, eucTrecuhir stfssron, to mak an assign- - employs hefhusband as. head clcrkv liev'e X like beer;, what else liaVe yoti me m uom couns neut of judge to .AVhen a Doliccmaa .fin!3 a. man iro?" ' The woman who' officiated at and.whcn the legislature fails o Bain, and Mliitewater Wagons, dJ so, the thre-- - juugts ui ouuu itui'mj full. he takes hin to the tiition, house the oar enumerated the varieties, "l -- AL80, an assignunnt to continue in aud his frieuds bail, him believe I'll trv Tom atid Jerrv." was 3 u.'t put. .... .ni Iir c ose of the next regular the answer, and the crewd willingly ' The bill fewiou of the Legislature.. Xilglit Philadelphia paper hasaseer- Wagons, ' r T.....nate was in executive ' session tained thlt JSoali - Webster used to that, also, her husband, meahwhilej AND EVERT DESCRIPTION OF. ea- - play encher and uteal eggs; ' this a half afternoon, ind smili nr (lfsni'.r:iteKr. :i sicklv Kniile. , bonr ot the ,T.,ed on the cotisidtiMtion ah effort to show that he thought .A lazy editor in Ohio reads .all his wi(haffaii-aVoMorrison Waito, for fhief th'e ioke.' Takintr a'seat. ouermau exchanges in bed. . He finds it the Justice. .Senators of conthe one at his of then, dirty tables, said:' easiest way to fill, up his sheet.' uod Tburman spoke In favor s ' nominee ve the , firmation. eulogizing Uuegie8 to Order, on Short Notice. got some money "lienuemen, l Transactions in Hair," ' & the here' that l have no other use for; fine legal attainments aud suita-- i t0ir,pr;iment3 for a Judze. Sumuer lieadmp; by a Detroit editor to an ac- let's play" a game of seven-nip- , at two Concord: pratiticatiou at hearing such count of a street and 1" ?' dollars a fijHit. playsomebody .' game iavorable reports of Waite from those nA with nnrl nr flo S!iitia 'timr in who knew htm better man ne am. io will Was Face ''Her to Fortune," the in. structed her iu, the' game,'- and she opposition rcainrks wcra made ITindins'si. Leatlicx- .inti.in. and the vote of confidence soon be followed by '"His Check Was lost, 'of course, but manfully paid , nnHnimous. The President was this every lime, ana as onen ireaieu imj All Kinds of Produce Forwarded to Any Point on' the Shortest 'Notice. ivening oftcially advised of the action crowd' as she lost. "Finally, as her ni will lmmeamiciy in o the Sieiiate; Atouiiz lady of Loansnort re-- utterance became ' thick, and her head : d AW Orders Sent to' M. Til A TCHER,1 Logan, tci?l Receive. form Waite of his appgintment. sent a. young man four quarts cently ' ' 21. her' conversaand ' rolled to one side,Janesvillc, Wis., r.. n. ' Prompt Attention. oi butternuts as a token ot .actnowf tion ' was husband her i maudlin', grew Th eduient for, having saved her irpm not miblic. ts moHtintrs-arable to stand it no longer. lie arose ; ; this , Grand Master delivered u address ,,, dijowujiug., from' his scat and induced her to ac' ' ' 'n . , , . i f condithe tiourisliins ereuing, showing y company hini borne, and arm in' arm iWhenlttve tCgro down-iTh report of th tion of the Order. .. . ... ... W hatever ot cooa tne says there are' 350 subordinate ana was hiuled up for stealing bacouy thev started. .( C"nare ami t they granges iu the States :.,.v1;.in as a defense that he. was lesson may con uuue iu woi., iv. uaa iutlj increasiug. that certainly cflected somethiog toward toli by his polititJal-teachers-. ing an improvement his reclamation, for he has not been uaiional charter for an ekst and west nowwhen.he had the right to, yote, " in Hamilton, Seen in any he must take "sides'-'- , somewhere. railroad, etc., ere adopted. , Z said,1 a . K s,' T1 ,"" ,u-..,i- and Boifs Beady Made Clothing, Gents9 bu'ui-'mer- SIKGEIi; ..SEWING- . UiU C t ' : ated MACHINES, C.CEXj IE ibie 1 1 1 4 Vi--f -- uis-j'riC- B, , 1111 Winchester and Democrat '' - uorni-Hation- Spring of Faraing. 'Impleiiiesits.' od , . " Harness and Harness Trimmings. and Shoo California and i : - , , - . , e W. II. JIO GPBK, SuveriniendenU , , . Louisi-secretar- l;l0n8 Jr' 0. he-pu- ;, . bar-room- Orleans, 21. passed by unani- . The House, ,to-da- pj,; Lity. 1 UF HAVE1 OPENED IN OGDEN, BRANCHES WE ftnd eo that tbe. people cf MACHINE DEPARTMENT LOGAN & -- vote, the Senate having already left standing on iiprse was ' the proposed constitutional ; street :i)vithout a harness on. alndm Jut limiting the State eU . to fifteen millions, and taxation foi all pur- - A mau who would leave a horse in would chew p!ug poses to twelve and a half .millions,' that condition "' ' the principal and interest bacco at'a funeral. bonds' be fo consofidated new issued, by and providing that t he, revenues of each into a bummer, went K , Vfi.ir nprivpti frAm t.iTawnn huaII be ilfi- r voted solely to the expenses of that year. mou " sincei"" ..',.! ' jjurinnr the piting'i frost of last ' . ! !M. ' OountieB can purchase (JU,14, wauuji the Norlhtra without coming to Salt Lake City. WE GUARANTEE WAGONS & ft?ACHINKY PEOPLE that Purchaser tliek notnt t biuir the Uit after i. j and iperiot. FRO 31 THE NORTH rly Rn'nnMl f o on Uui leoBUimendtUioa. can ,: ' uud know mnch ttnS . , , ! . , VISITING SALT LAKE CTTT, I rJ"" b, u,c-uu- COULD NOT DO BETTER lage a lt mr ni jjuuw. xug luiiua nao t. and eogincer, and wrecking four teuaered him, but Uxere being no 'dis ... ' nosiuon to Destow tne ia:ter, ne cur;v FOREIGN. Med the horrified brothers and. sisters o', .v. -- -j fireman , CALL AND EXAMINE . : deputation cf workingmen" he'aded Dy JosepftArcn, ... waitea. . upon i...i.. ui urgea me uiasioue propriety or giving the elective franchise to agrieul- tural laborers. Gladstone expressed himself in favor of their .object, but ad- vised them to be patient, pointing out tne magnitude and weightness ofithe measureT and the brief duration Par- liament. , Trofessor Goldwin Smith, in. a speech at aneJucatiotal meeting in Manchester, last evening, explained and commended the common school system of the United States. The Times publishes the substance of a A to-da- y, , T..L. t,,,f the Frerch govennneHt accountable for the violence of the ultramontaine nresa j a most vigorous manner and took ma well-bein1 ..... - ... MNWOODEY'S ' .. .... ! Stock London Lancet, apropos ot th injurious effect of all treadleor vr'orkiug machinery on, the health of v meu an4 ' especially of the heavy m use in great suggests that establishments, clothing it is, high time that steam be used to drive the machines, while the women For He is Determined to Sel b jy intrusted with guiding the Cheap. ' t .: , v .i sewmg. bure enough, wny not: ' S1 East Temnle Street. "ViV m his new story ;in the Aldnch. .,' iirst Kouth street. Atlantic, gets off a pretty good thing on aristocratic , circles, as follows: Cheapness and Elegance Combined. "linn is Tvunpn tn unci lii 11 uiu musu exclusive folks have frequently pass- ed their early manhood in selling tape or West ludia goods m homo3 opathic quantities.' This is not an immoral tnin in nscii, uih.il is tu- taitily illogical in these people to be EXCEISIOH MILLS, so into erant ot those less dominate have not yet disposed of oidDEX Immense Tho ; JIOWEKSV: Droppers or Self Balsers. , ' THUESinXG MACHINES andr SUXKY BAKES. i c Sd 1be"t.et The Ceishratea THOMAS KMOOTIIIXG HARROW, wanranted to moke bent farmer Our invtntod. oru or for bewt yet cultivator to and jiotatoes, the le gram, Rd ' ' can have a Harrow on trial. 7" lU'i.Vv irMvi'ta' UJLl.i.S, Tliece Departnionu will nlm plva information and receive ordwe for TURBINE iu stock. or not article other and SAW usually kept tiBIST MILLS, MACI1LNS, grn, srf . .- - sewing-mAchm- , FUEIITURE! l ei J Pe;ho ...... . , 30tf LOO AN. MOSES THATCJIER, A01OT, BARXAUD WHITE, AGENT, 0GDEN. ,r, W. H. HOOPER Superintendent. :; . . The personal Influence which the lair creatures of the tootlihts are apt to exercise over susceptible youias, says the ew York Ihrahl, is occasionally not conducive1 to the moral of the latter. Pro icssionai Jadtes will shrno- their shoulders and be apt to y ThaUhe actress was not to blame about whom young Mr. W. G. Davis, a London old was almost 13 v..1. A child in years 1.,... s cierk-.1.1 , maae a lool ot St. himself buried alive 'anjer Joseph recently to the extent of X2,000 of his' em- - She told her mother that her deai ployer s money during an tcquainU sister had appeared to her, and while me iu tnus taiKing. sue saus. away m, lnat amount he squandered onlauy. the death. While the hearse with' the young actress. It was none of "her coffin was on its way to the grave, business where he, pot the money a crv was heard which the mother Jaw had something to say, how- - believed came from the child. .The r, ana he is now practising a coffin was opened, and the child W6. on the with found ho alive. Shfe was taken an tn treadmill, j? years engagement. That is home, and recovered her strength w tue lady's business either rapidly. -- CIIAMPIO, WOODS, EXCELSIOR and WOULD THAN TO b Cloth for Wool1 'EAR CITY, for the Manufacture of Is Superior Cloth, Blankets, Yarn, Ratting, Etc., Etc. GROESBECIC BLOCK, SALT LAKE CITY, A HE SELLING THEIR OUT LARGE STOCK OF BEST SELECTED 'M..:M G' IS R I K CHE AP FOR CASH ! i rREPARATORY TO A CHANGE IN BUSINESS.- Jobbing a Specialty. -- Bring on Your Wool at Vu -- . , Once AND RECEIVE Our Goods in Kclnrn at AdTaxitagcous Rates. sC2 3m A. RANDALL, SON & CO. "Window and Plate Glass LOWER THAN EVER : , 83 tf |