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Show 1 Hjt ' 'Nil j A lie S)jiim:gttdii, VuMiaW Wy WEDNESDAY inl SATURDAY by theOouK.v 1'uuusuiNa Comhst. The Sqnar' Thing. Stepmothers Cruelty. In Texas, the other day, a doctor rode fifty miles to attend a patient. Vfter he had cured the patient he and presented a bill for fifty dollars, his preparaproceeded to complete back to the post tions for the journey matter. the thinkinsr no more about the paAs he was about to mount, tient's husband put in an appearance. "I reckon we had better settle this here matter now." Taking him aside, 'You wan't agoin' off without a settlement, was you? I don't want to Here is a ten, owe no man noihin'. which I reckon is about the squar' thing. Now, if you ain't satisfied just around get ver weepon on and come woold the so's behind the hill thar, setwe'll and man won't be riled up, tle it. I don't want no man to go es'way from my house dissatisfied, pecially you, Doc !" Z. - Ogden C M. I., C, Mrs. Ellen Bethowski, residing at No. 23 Silver street; "was arreted on Saturday charged with cruelly treattwelve years of The Accident at Elkkom. ing a she attacksince time short A The fallowing further particulars of age. iron poker an with ed the little girl the terrible accident on the u. 1 . K K., ot her eyes. news of ; which. wa given by telegraph and nearly destroyed one clothes through the Junction, are taken from On Thursday she stripped the the Omaha Herald of the 13th inst: from the child and applied a heated Clotlis, Merinos, Alpacas, Armuri The western bound passenger express smoothing-iroEmpress to various parts of ' Wool train which left ibis city at 1 p. rn. on the naked Oinglaaiuis, Ticking, body, burning her in a etc. Sunday slowly approached the Elkborn Cassimeres, Tweeds Ilcniiits, l9omesfics, shocking manner. The child was reriver about 2 o'clock. The late continCottoiiades, Elc., Etc. on residence moved to Mrs. O'Neil's ued ruin had caused the engineer to when where and the unusual caution, Howard street, near Third, 0-on.t-s' train approached the doomed locality it she has been employed learning dresswas not moving more than two miles per and medical aid at once sumhour. When about sixty rods east of the making, EEADY-IAD- E moned. It was at first thought that bridge the engineer came on to the trettle but she could not yesterday recover, work, and very eoon after it became apparent that the wooden structure was the physicians declared her out of giving way, she still suffers The engineer, Mr. Ed. Wood, with re- danger, although one or markable presence of mind, instantly great agony. JUrs. fehaner, a com made the ueighbors, yesterday applied the air brake and locked the and before The with stood. where it Louderback, train, plaint engine, Judge iti cab aud the next car, which happen- a warrant for her arrest was issued, He Saw the Editor. A burly ed to be the celebrated California Aquabail being set at $3,00. The officer individual the other day rushed into rium Car, were already on the tresile OP who went to arrest the woman found tho sanctum of the Humboldt (Nevawork and smashed through, falling into enorin bed, apparently quite da) Register, and. pulling an ten feet of water which Lad a rapid cur31 AXUF ACTUR EASTERN and sick. Iler physician stated that she mous six shooter, inquired anxiously rent. Mr. Ed. Wood, the engineer, gave the was too ill to be taken to the City for the editor. "With great presA General Assortment of following account of the accident in an- Prison, and gave a certificate to that ence of the fearless quill mind,"Jsays swer to iuquii ies of a Herald reporter : didriver, "that always characterizes us "I was talking with Mr. Carey. We effect. An order was then issued we spoke tf the water, but we did not fear recting that she 'bo removed to the when in the presence of danger, We thought it otio of the County Hospital and kept there until the bridge suddenly arose, knocked the intruder hrmpftt on the road. The engine went able to appear in court. When the down, seized him by the collar and INCLUDING duwu buck lid tirst and Mr. Caiey must officers returned with the van to re- nether extremities.aud threw him innave oeen caught at tiie nips, tie was Cntlery, Locks, Carpenters' and other Tools. move her to the hospital, she got up to the street. When last seen, he probably locked in and I heard Liui Winner bed and her prefer- was making 2:40 gait for expressed groan an awtul groan just as the wa out of A LARGE STOCK OF ter was closing round us. ne were ence of going to the City Prison. She mucca, on the railroad, singing: 'I our ana to necks, prouwtiiy up going; was accordingly' taken there, and want to be an angel.' The revolver down. lie u there yet. The water took afterward was released on a captured in the melee is on exhibime right off my teet right up into the shortly husband and a friend going tion at this office." her top of the cab. Of course I thought I bond, 8. F. Chronicle, Qlh inst. was going to drown. 1 had no thought security. ETC., ETC. of gelling out of there; then I felt around Mr. Rev. Two Exhortations. to see if the cab was loose in any pluce a Methodist clergyman at Frazell, and found it perfectly light. Then I Shot HARNESS AND HARNESS TRIMMINGS. 111., in a temperance meet-h- g ana Elmwood, studied my chances. I A lady at Hacnbroek in Holland latemy teeth thought the foremost window was of bn ly lost ber favorite cat. A gentleman of pointed a moral with the silver-plateA Full Line of and maybe I could get out of it. I did the neighborhood had killed it. She coffin of the late Mr. Leslie, to was manage was disconsolate and revengeful. She which he said was purchased with pull myself through it under water and then I thought I never procured a hundred mice, and shutting the sighs and groans of drunkard's would get out of that water. The time them ! up in a little bot sent them to the whs swimming tender there was the wife of the cat slayer, rho, with a wo families, the late Mr. Leslie having been a publican as longest spell 1 ever saw. man curiosity, hastened to open the in his Of All Descriptions. The aquarium car came text ahd box. The mice quickly escaped and well as a sinner. The relict of the wool down in the emit. It was occudistributed , themselves through the late Mr. Leslie then armed herself All orders addressed to jy. 71. JPEERY, Ogden City, U. T.t pied by Hon. Livingstone Stone, United bouse. A little notn was. found at the ' wdl recive prompt attention. with a rawhide and exhorted Mr. .State Fiuh Commissioner, and two bottom of the box; "Your husband has 88-Mr. Stone describes his pitrt killed my cat. I therefore take pleasure Frazell from the parable of the wid- II. B. CLAWSON, Superintendent of the terrible scene td & Herald report- in ow s mice." might. sending you my step-daught- i i1' n ex-rc- !' ie - Wholesale Department. SPRIK FRITS! 2.000 PIECES Ielaine, Jeans, dixca. Boys' CLOTHING Hats and Gaps. BOOTS AND SHOES! Of . Every Variety, her--lyin- CAEIFOKIA g Plows, Hoes, Rakes, Scythes, Forks d CHOICE GrROCESRIKS 1 life-tim- e tf er, as follows: Three of us were in the forward end of the oar. It true fitieJ up expressly tor our use in this enterprise and had in ii two tona of ice in cakes of two bundle J pounds each, and a doteo or moro link weigh ng from one hundred to one thousand pounds each. We were just taking dinner. I had readied out tny band for a cup of tea wheu we fell a shake and a crash. Then water began to come into the tor and raise up the cake of ice and other articles in it That was oar salvation. If it had not been for tl e wa'er we would have been crushed instantly. The par had to fill with water before it could ink. and that gave us about five seconds to get out. ' We went out head Z SIMMONS & CLOUGH ORGAN CO.'S IMPROVED CABINET ORGANS 9 C0B11ISSI0M AND H. W. NAISBITT. ' Engines, r in the car, and 1 felt the water closing up around my faee. Then I thought 1 was lost, and fully expected to drown tLere. Then I saw a gleam of light the door opened it was my only dance; acid I took, it; Tue water was deep, far over our heads, and we three escaped by swimming ,aiouid tbe car, and climbing on the engioe. The motion of the car also helped us or probably we would not have been able to out ko quick. The account of the lift in erron us in this and o her particulars. 6 man oould waue ashore. Saw 31111s, Circular Saws, Cloth, llolting 'JLeflcl Threshing Machines, Machine Extras, Force or other Pnmps, Belting, Sorghum Mills, Evaporators a ' g FiiKhiouuble Cltristiittiiiy; jJV. r 'i llvr - iff- - i i lr' i ill VA ' cJtit m i - Grand . ciis-tom- Unnn.' 1 ut " Combination justly-celebrate- Organs, SCRIBNEira PATENT (QUALIFYING GREAT Inin- SS-C- II. Our celebrated ;'Vox Celeste," "Louis Tatent." "Vox Humana," "Wilcox Patent," "Octave Coupler," the charming "Cello" or rClariouot" Stops, and , , All the Late Improvements Can bo Obtained. Only in these ': Orpins... JyiferHit Style, For the Pnrlor , toul the Church, . The Best Material and Workmanship, Quality and Volume of tone Uueqitallett. ;' J , ' ' , YOTJ3Et JOB . PRICES, FACTORY ' AND WAREROOMS, MICHIGAN Established is COP6th Dollar. DONE AT CONGRESS STS., DETROIT, AGENTS WANTED IN EVERY. COUNTY. 1850. ' 'AddrissSimmcs GOto nOO & & . ard 02aCIOj3L&0 IISR. CLAWSON) Superintendent. GET - ' well-know- n d The Factory having just got fairly running since the KQUAI, TO THAT OP TIIE 15EST PIPE OHC2ANN OF TIIE SAME CAPACITY. Thlrtu-fii- v - SCHUTTLER WAGON," TtBIS, An invention having a most important bearing on the future reputation of Reed st rumt-nts- , by means of which the quantity or Volume of tono is very largely creased, and quality of tone rendered ; o- We 'are expecting an immediate shipment of the FITTED WITH THE NEWLY INVENTED , S:e., Ac. Ac Or any article from any State, that may be needed in an Ajricultural cr Mechanical population. Send in your orders and we ill do the best to fill them at Manufacturers prices with freight added, or on a slight percentage. -- half-pas- Water IVliecls, Cheese Factory or Dairy CJoods, , gt st ' O Will purchase any kind of Merchandise not usually kept in Artlf 1.1 ill. llln m One time the door closed while I was st DEPARTMENT, IN CHARGE OF tirst Fashionable Christianity in Ioadon is growiug to be very amusing. I'eople are now invited to prayer meetings pn eisely as they are iaviled to' a ewcul soiree, or evening party.-- The Newcastle CArontcZ prints," with the exception of names, dates and plaoes, the iollowinf transcript of a card which it has received; -- Mr and Miss propose (D. V.) to hold a Bible reading" on -- evening; at half-paseven o'clock when the company of fnends it. requested. Subject i Kev. xi. Reading from half-paseven t to nine., Morning dress." Under such a prescription as to . one c&n faintly imagine theeonstcr-natio- n which might! ensue if a. guest should arrive in a business coat or an afternoon gown. It a so suggests the possibility that evening, end. perhaps, even fancy drees, may yet be allowed at prayer meetings. A . Writer is ttse broad Churchman also slates that he recently got cwd of invitation, which,' as far a the body of its was1 ooncertied. might have applied to a dance or. card party, but in the corner were the Characters "Tea and P." After a long study be discovered that the cabalinio sign Hood for tea and prayers. He went and when be found them handing Kibles round on truv. he left disgusted, without wait'ne for ile the prayers.i-Criu- m I O M! , s93-l- y Olovoh Oigan Co., Detroit Michigan'. : j J MAIX STKEET, OGDEN". ' |