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Show tWrnlioiiH of the Monopolist. A syndicate is a corporation italists, mouopolista, venders of gold ind stocks in a word, speculators. Thrv buy and sell railroads, dabble in bonds, and in anything else, where min-titl.oy can make thousands in a To day they may be engaged in e. RK-iIIS- The Onlyi'uln llemedv , l)v-- cut, com- Tt J y, conse-;uene- Health! Beauty! 'Dobic-ma-ker- the actual possessor, after the payment of the pending liabilities of the Gov-- i y g"t 2-l- bination of millionaires, whose purposes are wrapped in profound mjs-t-rhave been permitted, by the Treasury Department, in making their settlements to give due bills or tertitioates instead of gold, as requir--- i c by the existing law. The is obvious. It is a known to-da- Arroi.NTME.vrs. rep- Whitehead's in operations pork corners, t' the 'bulls' and 'bears' who frequent the multi tudinous boards of trade in our large cities. . A stringency in the money market Gold is advancing, aud prevails. prices on all merchandize there-- f r advancing. Why bo ? A reason can be given in the fact that the cel- ltet that the Treasury tho arrivals this morning at the Union Depot Hotel, are George Routlcdge and wife, publisher, No. 50 Russell Square, London, England; B. F. Lacy, Fitchburg, Mass. ; Wm. II. Johnson, Cleveland ; John P. Robinson and wife, Boston; John E. Myers, Washington, D. C. ; W. D. Wheeler and 0. F. Kirkpatrick, Salt Lake City, and Dr. Benj. M. Payne, of Cleveland. rtiisoNAir-Amo- ng The following named Elders are requested to fill the appoint..NOT ONE HOUR after readier thu advertismieut need boot and shoe bouse of San Francisco, is ments ns herein indicated, on Sunday yoM SUFl'KR ViTltt PAIS RADWAY'S HEADY la A CCR? tu, in town, on business for the above firm. next, June 22d. KVKR PAIN. Tabernacle Joseph Parry aud Thos. He is courteous and gentlemanly and we It wis tl- - first und to Walbcc. hope will find lots of custom. That inntantly to). the most excnicktinir Harrisville F. D. Richards, Walter S. F. allay Innainniatn and mrw Coiiin. v'l"i, and Richards Phinehas Thomson, whether uf the funs, Stomarh, Howel wmt!'''' glands or orgi, by one afplicatiou, i'f,m , Good Boy. The Laird U in town, not llichard. til twAlltr miviltfiS. n nuittr K South Weber C. W. Penrose and It. the Laird o' Cockpen, bat the "Laird" t l&in, the Rheumatic. Bwl.ri.u ' cruciatins Ballantyne. JEST Sec G. He himself. ana of Brigliam City, Johnnie Weston Lonn Iarr, Joscpu rarr y Advertisement. is as lively as a kitten, and dressed in Austin C. Brown. RtDWAY'S READY RELIEF W ill aOord Huntsvillc J. J. M. Butler, Winslow mutant ea.e. Mills. from at the Picnic Farr's The Brigham homespun The Picnic of the Kidncyt. Inflammation Inflammation Farr aud Ephraim Crawshaw. i theWadder, Inflammation of the Uoweln ? Porth Ogdcn D. M. btuart and Jos. Grove on Saturday was very successful. ge.tion of tho Lungs. Kore Throat, bifficuw Palpitation of the Heart. Ht,ri. hose who attended enjoyed thedayand Taylor's Men. The men arrested for A. West. and Mariotsville Jos. Stan roup, Diptheria. Catarrh, InfluetiA Ueidaeu' Lynne of those the shade Toothache. Neuralgia, Rheumatism, holding the Richmond mine in contempt ford, Edwin Stratford and C. C. Brown. evening hugely under told OhillH, Ague Chills. music sweet of the and old fine trees ; I of Judge McKean's commands, tire held The application of the READY RELIEF to tli F. A. Hammond and Slatervilic in $5,000 bail to appear before the A. Brown. urdy's string band and Fowler's bras pari ur pans nere me paiu or difficulty exim and gave life to moving feet. Order Twenty drop in half a tumhlerof watr m Third District Court at the next Septemfew moments cure Cramps. 3nama. H,mr Fu wo have and and morning Obsequies. Yesterday harmony prevailed, ber term. ach, Heartburn, Sick lleadiuiho. Diarrhea. n" ana all Interna.! neral services were held in the Tabereard of no complaints of any kind from rains. ""jiw"1"! 'nun m ma G. Mr. Thomas Travelers should always carry a fcottle of n. any quarter. A Bargain. Mr. Wallace Fonlger has nacle over the body of WAV'S READY BELIE with them. A aI " Foreman and Recorder late Odell, City on water will prevent icknc or paim fr.,M a. splendid bargain for somebody. A iimiisB oi wier. x. is oeiier man irou!h Kmi. i. house and lot situated in the west part of the Junction office. A very large FARMERS, stimulant. ATTENTION Bitters as aAN1 FKVEK A;UK cured for fiftv r. of town, with a number of good out. congrsgation was present as well as the There is not a remedial agent in this world that de of friends the and immediate received a We have just consignment win turn rrer aim Ague, ana ail oilier liilnrios houses and other conveniences. Call family Bilioun, Scarlet, Typhoid, Yellow and other Kevfri and see him at his store on Main street. ceased. After singing by the choir un- of the Celebrated Iron Clad Mower and (aided by Hudway's Pills) so quick as RAbWAY'g der the direction of Professor Tugh, Reaper, which is pronounced the best READY RELIEF. Fifty ceuts per bottle. Sola Dy Druggists. Elder C. W. Penrose delivered a dis- Machine now in the market by all who Who Wants the Job? course on life, death and the resurrec- have used it. We would advise all who carpenters, builders and mechan- tion, followed by Pure Rich Blood Increase of F1h Bishop Walter Thom- intend purchasing a Machine to see the Stronpand and Weight Clear Skin and Beuutiful ics, read the notice of the Trustees of secured to all.. son, President F. D. Richards and Fathron Clad before buying any other. It the First School District, then go for the er Phinehas Richards. All bore testifully warranted, and should the Ma work. That school house is wanted in name and works the to good chine not give satisfaction after fair trial good mony a hurry. OUl?iUiUllll.lU IVVKUliCIU of the departed, and made consoling the moKt atouiNhiug cures, so quick, no your money will be returned. Having Has made rapid are the changes the body undergoes, under remarks to bereaved. the in Machine kind the of used almost There is one tailor in Up to Time the influence of this truly wonderful Medicine.that every VEUX VAX AN l.Nt'KKAaK IN FLKSUA.NU A long procession, including the City Utah market, we can town who does work in the season therefairly pronounce WEIGHT IS SEEN AND FELT. the Iron Clad as the cheapest and best THE OKE.iT BLOOD I'l'ltlFIEIt. of, up to time according to contract. His Council and the attacbees of the J cue Every drop or the cAKsAPAUlLLIAN RESOLfollowed the hearse now offered. It has all the best points VENT office, name is Ilehher. He is a good workman tion communicates through tho Blood, Swpt, and other fluid and juicos of the tycteni and his place of business is on Fifth St., to the cemetery, where flowers were n common with other first class Ma Urine the vigor of life, for it repnim the wasti of strewed upon the casket enclosing the chines, and many exclusively its own. body with new and sound material. Scrofula, near Kelson's Golden Gate. plulis, Lousuinpnon, uianaular disease, Ulcers iu remains of our friend ; and after they & To be seen at Williams, Scoville the Throat, Mouth, Tumors, Nodes in the GluuU other parti ot tho system, Sore Eyes, Strumwere properly interred, the procession Co.'s, Main street and Fifth street, Og and ous Discbarges from the Ears, and the worst forms Moke Axon. It is common talk in . of fckiu Diseases, Eruptions, iever horcs, Seahl returned to the Tabernacle and dispeis-ed- den. 47-- 4 Commodore Vanderbilt town that Head, Ring orin, Nut Khuum, Erysipelas, Acue, Elder Joseph Parry and Marshal Black SpoU, worms in the, Klvli, Tumors, Can has bought the Central Pacific railroad, cers in the Womb, and all weakening aud painful W. N. Fife conducted the arrangements Actor. discharges. Night Sweats, Loss of Sperm, and all through his agents 'he Bank of Califorwastes of the lite pnuciple, are within the curative with commendable ability and discre movement will be to purnia. The next of this wonder of Modern Chemistry, and A story to smile at is this which range tion. The whole community sympathises few days' use will prove to any porsou nsiug it fur chase the Union Pacific, thus giving him : is There either of thuee forms of ditease its potuut power to with the bereaved, and regret the sud- cornea from Indianapolis cure them. a coutiuuous Hue to the Atlantic by the actor such an bcautitui there oi pro If the patient, daily becoming reduced by the den departure of r tried, valued and wastes Union Pacific road. and decomposition that is coutiuualiy prot!ic" is known he as that efficient publio servant. Peace to his portions gressing, succeeds iu arresting these wastes, aud Apollo Belvidcre. Lxhibiting his repairs the same with new material made fri'in ashes. blood aud this the SARSAFAIULLUX in limbs the streets tKe beulthy exquisite Sen Struck. A. gentleman in town will and dous secure. was attacked by a tex Not ouly does the Sarsaparlllian Rosolvnit ex was prostrated by the heat, he Sawed Fingers. Last Saturday Mr. other day, he cel all known remedial aireuts In the cure of Chro ncr upon whose tail he had stepped me, Scrofulous, CoHstitutional and akin disetiMt, was carried into Driver & Kellis' store, Flygare came pretty neur losing a couple and and bitten in the calf. He walked bat it is the only positive cure for KIDNEYWomb where ice was applied to his wrists and of fingers while working at a circular BLADDER COMPLAINTS, Urinary and on easily, and did not know that he diseases, Uravel, Diabetes. Dropsy, Stoppage of temp'es, and the greatest attention paid saw at bis steam saw mills ia this city. was Mater, Incontinence of trine, Bright s Disease, nipped until somebody told him Albuminuria, and in all eaiws where therein to his necessities, and he recovered so As it is he has two nasty gashes. His brickdust deposits, or the water is thick, cloudy, Did blood now ironi the wound ? mixed with substauces like Uie whit of an e?it, far that at the hour of going to press he fingers were not tawed off but are very a drop! What did flow? Sawdust or threads like white silk, or there is a morbid, was considered out of danger. detore, and he looks as though he was car A thin stream of it from the mangled dark, bilious appearance, and wbito posits, and when there is a pricking, buruitig home dolls for the a of couple rying rag u when passing water, and pain in the small rotundity of the leg! The fact was ol the back ami alotig the loins. 1'rice, il.i" children. as a stated of loca &c.-bit Fire Works, Wallace.thc no interesting WORMS. Thu only known and sure Remedy . i i news in me local newspaper, and for Worms Pin, Tape, etc. ted confectioner of First South street, Go am See For Yourself. If you Tiuuor of 13 Yrnrs rvrth Crcd Apollo undertook to chastise the cd Salt Lake, announces a large vtock of Resolvent. by Itntlway'g want to see the handsomest glass case in itor. 13ut what can even an KtTtm.T, 51ms., Jiriy 18, 1S09. Apollo fireworks, &c, and other necehsarirg Dk. Radwat: I have had Ovarian Tamer in the town, go to Parpe und Bocsscl's store, with sawdust calves do in a rouch ovaries and bowels. AH the doctors said "thero fer celebrating the Glorious Fourth." as no help for it." I tried eTerything that win Main Street. An J if you want to see t and tumble fijrht? He wasijznoniiu recommended; See ad. Wallace is a straight man to but notlring Uelpud me. I saw jour fine stock of genuine jewelry you can be' iously kicked out of the sanctum Resolvent and thought I would try it; kat had no deal with, and will give good terms to faith in it, because 1 had suffered fur twelve ytar. uolu Dotu at once. .Mr. uoessel is an Sic semper to all who desecrate it by I took six bottles of the Resolvent, and oue box of dealers. country iwenv rei Pills, and two bottles of yoar accomodating tradesman, whose word violence, whether their calves be o Radwav or lief; and there is not a sign of tumor to be seen felt, and I feel better, smarter, and happier than I concerning his wares can be relied on; sawdust or of genuine muscle ! have for twelve years. The worst tumor wm in UsKtTL Wobk. Howell's Amtricuti he will not sell you a shuifi for the real, the left side of the bowels, over the groin. I wrf this to vou for the benefit of others. Yon can pirt Xtwrjtaper Directory for 1873, has come genuine article. He has a tine stock of Never reveal secreta to a relation llsh it ir von choose. HANNAH P. KNAl'P, to hand. It is a neatly bound vslume of watches, clocks, guns, pistols, etc., al for blood will tell. COS pages, and contains inforinatioiitSta ways on hand, and does cleaning and PERFECT PURGATIVE PILLS, Perfectly Uusteless, elegantly coated with seti tistioal and otherw ise. concerning every repairing in the beft style of the art, gum, purge, regulate, purify.cleanse and strengthen. Radway's Pills, for the cure ef all disorders in the Uniitd All of which is strictly correct. For fur paper of oftba Ktomarli. Llvnr. Bowels. Kidneys. Bladder, States. G. P. How-ti- l & Co, publishers, thcr information apply on the premises Nervous Diseases, Headache, Constipation, O'"'" iinin. Biliousness. Bilious New York. iijspepsu, T HAVE IN MY POSSESSION TUB FOLLOW iirss, luuigesuvf, Dvmif Boweta, Piles, and Fbox 'FttRco. Mr. J. F. Iteilly, resenting Kustin Bros. & Co., the of cap- ebrated Syndicate, a powerful SPECIAL XGTICE. MONDAW 16. is u Dr. EADWAY'S rnmpnt, including accrued interest to date on the public debt, of about t v millions, and the question naturally arises, whether, by virtue of the iyudicate, a large amount of specie has not been withheld, appearing Uoii the records of the Department cn!y in the slmpc of due bills. The assumption of the truth of this statement may explain the rea-twhy gold has been advancing, t'v- m Troubles of an l'urther,why large operators have kept confidingly absorbing the coin which they could command at the prices that prevailed during the past lew weeks. It is said that these operators have becjme suspicious of possible financial and political complications in Europe which would cause a large shipment of gold from tur shores. The 'bull' operators appear to be fully satisfied, and content in the belief that the rue of gold will laruibh them with an abundant tid y Iot bene-du- H. . J Him- - L. Orr, The tribute paid to the memory of Jamce L. Orr by the Kmperor of Kuvia is as credible to the Cxar bud his subjects as was the touching fxhibitiou of respect by the people t'Ntw York. Mr. Orr was comparatively a young man, and before fifty w niters had frosted his head he was robbed of a life of usefulness, and Itft in bereavement a devoted family There was a heartfelt deraoustra-t'.oiu remembrance of the distiti-imbed statesman who formerly oc- ipied one of tho highest positions iu a coordinate branch of the t, aud whj lately returned a t orp.e, the remnant of the Ambassador to the Court of one of the first powers in Europe. At the beginning of the lute fratricidal war, Mr. Orr was an earnest defender of the rights of the South) and left his scat iu Congress to espouse the cause of hi own section. At tho time of the outbreak he was a member of the organized Government, and met the effieers of the Seventh Regiment at Harper's Ferry according to appoint-i:euHe there implored them to mum to their homes, but declared h.s determination to adhere to the fortunes of the country iu which he As a cuiuuldeiice the Was raised. Feveutu Regiment was detailed by the Mayor of Xew York as a body fruurd at the obsequies of Mr. Orr. n t Gov-rrrrnen- DR. RAD WAY'S lonm-quenc- e Estray Notice. Open. Silus Minter has opened his place of resort opposite the his friends and who is hot airieudof Minter will dedicate llie establishment over which he has Charge, The building U nal mid cotufor'able although not completed. In a few days we are sure of seci ng one of tho most tje lect and elegantly furnished places in this city. It is enough to say that Si presides and has ever a smile for his friends. tl Run. g We bad rain this morning. It about four o'clock, when most happened of our readers were tn sleeping, the sleep of tho just, all but those who have not paid for the paper, and who dreamed ugly dieams, if they had their desert. Some mny thnk this a canard and that we Lave chosen the above named hour as a time whoa no one was likely to be able to dispute it. Not so. It is bona fiilt. We are not prepared to state accurately bow many drops fell, but there were a least a bnker'a iLifeo, if not one or two more. Wo hao not perTwo Q orgift printer hjtve invented n ceived any material change in the temjn t which will priui buiu aide of a Of ot once, at the rate of 10,000 perature rxcept a pligU increase cf heat. wtper When it rains some more we will inform ftrliwir. Tbey vre nj'pljing ftr and Luropean ntv.ua. an expvtuut pulliw of the downfall. t. Gose Back. Tuc Salt Lake Journal has gone back to its old proprietor. Judge Toohy having resold it. We hope it will not be needful to quote in this connection the old Scripture saying aboufihe dog to its vomit, and the sow to its wallowing in the mire." But we will say that during the Judge's proprie torship the Journal has been & decent, as well as a spicy, newsy paper, and we hope that now, having been trained in the way it should go, it will be wise and not depart from it. The Salt Lake Times is to be the Judge's nest journalistic en tcrpiisc. The Observatory. Mr. W. D. Wheel er is at work with men iu his employ surveying the ground for the erection of the National Astronomical Observatory The plan of the structure is a plain Ital ian composite, now very common in this oountry, fifty feet in length and eighteen in depth. The building will bestir mounted by a cupola where will be placed two telescopes of the latest pat tern approved by the Government snd several instruments necessary t observations meteorlogical making Apartments will be set aside for goolog ical and surveying parlies for Utah, Ida ho, Wyoruibg, Amena and Montana. X ing described utitaials, which, it' not claimed within ten days from I'rwn date, will be sold to tho hichoftt rcHDim'Kilifw bid. der, at the Diatrlct Stray 1'uund, at Richmond Saturday, June 21st, 1ST it: Two STEKUS.3 yrarsoM. one red. white on rump: the other white with bl.ick'pam, hole nlit in right ear, branded T. B. ou luft hip and L on right hip, ann 1 on rigiu norn. Two STEERS, 3 year old. rod. white in fa. o. under bit in riht ear, branded K on loft hip and P on lcltHide; one with W 11 on icfi horn. One STEER, a yearn old, lined buck, upper awjic in ten ear, urantieu l ."s on lett tup. One JTKKK, 2 years old, white under belly, crop off riirbt ear, branded II on left ulioulder ami T 8 on Kilt hip. One red and white Rpcklod HEIFER, 2 yearn or , am in ieu ear, iiruudL-- 11 on left ude and miU taken away Fe'er, Intlammatiou of the Derangements of the Interjial Viscera. Warranted toefteet a positive enre. Purely vegetable, containing no mercury, minerals er deleterious drugs. Observe the following symptoms resulting & fruin Disorders of the Digestive Ownn"Co",t'llH tion, Inward Pilefl, Fullness of the Blood in the Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, StomDisgust of Food, Fullness or Weight iu the at ach, Sour Eructations. Sinking or Fluttenug the Pit of the Stomach, Swimming of the neaa, Hurried and Difficult Breathing, Fluttering at the in im- Sunomtiiir .Sensation .vhen Ili.art. riioU-iiif- f a Lying Posture. Dimness of Vision, Dots or Webs Iwforo the Sight, Fever and Dril Pain in tn oi Head, Deficiency of Porspiration, Yellowness the Skin and Eyes, Pain in the Side, Chest. Limr. and sudden Flushes of Heat, Burning iu the neu. ' A few dosos of Radway's Pills will free tn disorders. ir'c" d from ail the on neck. One red STEER, 1 year old, upper and under S5cnts perlox. Sold by DmggixU. c uu " MrRiMf aufi True." uir in leit ear, oramieu . on left tide and V ou terki.au s tamp to Radway A Co.. No. 8T Maiden wne, left bin. will New York. Information worth tliousau-tOne HERMAPHRODITE, 4 yearg old, red, white lent ton) you. in nice, Hlit in lett ar, brauded li K on left horn, and L ou light ide, illegible brand on left hip an Tho world i full snouicier. a. K. STEWART, rrj'ioK for Children District Poundkeepei - uliove-name- v t nicuiuona, juno n, iisj-swtv;- : Candied Castor MONUMENTS CRAVE STONES, Lcavltt's Co l Main Street, nor, CM; 3erraKUTkiib not inil'iiired Crr JAMES FOWLER. r- Pi ice 36 1 tw cents. uovtuw "-- Sale by Z. C. M And all other druggists Take Soi fee. ef nl,hes. Brushes. Ao.. ard a srlend.dl..t at Driver Lead, in! im Store, Ogdeu. vvd - Wlt;' ovar. - tiroly catiianio Crea Arc elegmt aud effect ive. They resemUe Bonbons kept in confectioners' ct. per w lTilove them and cry for them. TO ANY DESIGN. CUTROCK FOR BUILDINGS, &G an 4 harmless. The pulsive of the Castor 0.1 McLain's Yerniifngo ror Fountains, Yascs, Etc., Oil. it is delicious, |