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Show BY TELEGRAPH. Oott-- s JcxcTinx by the Atlantit ami I'aciflc Te!egrph Company. Ppwul to th Another K. Y. Swindler. Something Rotten in the Frecdman's Bureau. Respect to the Remains of Minister Orr- Railroad Accident in New Jersey! Arrest of Witnesses for tho Stokes Trial! Stabbing a Man's Eyo With a Pitchfork! England's Speculation on tho Geneva Award! AMERICAN. Washington, 13. T!ie 1'resident hag submitted to the of Justice a Btatement of the condition of affairs found to exiat iu the division of the late Freedmen's liureau. charged with the settlement of bounties to colored soldiers. The statement sets forth that the claimants for whom treasury certificates hare been issued, and went to the Freedman's Bureau for payment, have never received their money, although the amounts marked on the records of the bureau as jaiJ. and so credited in the settlement of his account. Fortius fraud the Secretary of War wiihes to know the degree of responsibility under the law, of Gen. 0. 0. How-mand his disburing officer, Gen.jl'al-loclWhen the War Department took piweesion of the records of the bureau, unpaid claims were found amounting to $ 30.000, and $ 3,000 were found unpaid, although entered on tho records nnd reported to the treasury and there credited as paid. Montreal, 13. The funeral of the lae Sir George E. and dirtier, baronet, took place was one of the most imposing demonstrations of the kind that ever occurred in Canada. Fully 10,000 people followed the remains to the grave, including nearly all the members of the House of Commons and the Senate. The proces-t!o- n was an hour and fifteen minutes in pasting a given point. New York, 13. At two this afternoon, all the municipal offices were closed uu a mark of respect to the memory of tho late U. S. iMiniotcr Orr. Among the visitors who culled at the Government room to view the remain, were Major General Jfaocock, and staff, who also accepted an invitation to participate in the funeral ceremouies. 1'residtnt Grant tele graphed, from West Point, his regret luut Ins engagements would not permit hi being present. Twenty Masonic have at the City Hall, reported Ilge taU morning that they will join in the funml escort. About forty more Lodg i from this city, Brooklyn and Jersey city, w ill also participate. The , funeral will be one of the most imposing ever witoessed in New York. All the Mason. 10 and Knight Templars will participate, beiides the mayor and common council, :vl heads of departments, foreign min-- i tiers and consuls, governor and lieutenant governor of tho State of New York, governors of States and Territories, of of the army and navy, officers of Cie civil service of the United States, jiH$es of the Supreme Court of the Unite! States, judges of the State and city rums, members of Congress, and Legislature, and citizens. V.eforo o'clock this afternoon, a great number of persons had assembled i i the City Hall park and its neighbor-h.ud- , U witness the removal of the body of he late Minister Orr, while the City Hall was filled with prominent Free Manons, members of the Common Council and others, who had come to participate in tbe ceremonies. Grand Marshal F,l-K. Thome, in a brief address to Mayor Haremeyer, assumed charge of t ie remains. He thanked the city for t IV'p.-irtnien- l, t. to-da- y, to-d- ay ol tie interest the corporate authorities 'iad taken in the remains, and expressed hi thanks aud those of the family of the deceased to the Mayor and Common Council. Mayor Haven.eyer in reply expressed his acknowledgements for the tnut reposed in the city, and conveyed hi sympathy to the bereaved family. The procssion wa one of the most ever seen here, including, be side the large representation from nearly all the Masonic bodies of this city, Brooklyn and the vicinity, a largo num. ber of distinguished persons, officials mi others. The body was escorted i the Cuurch of the Disciples, where t 'io religious services were held to the foit of Kleventli Avenue, when the coffin wni placed on a revenue cutter en route for Jersey, where a train was ready for i's reception and removal to South Car oi:rta. Tbe steamers through which it patted were lined with peeple. .; New York. 14. The extent of the operations of J. H. 1 oft on. whose swindling exploits are the latest 'eenation on Wall Street, is mat greater than at first supposed. The amount of his swindling instead of 1 being $33,000 is now believed to be about $75,000. Senator Windom, chairman" of the visiSpecial Committee on transportation this ted the produce exchange p.m., acand bis Secretary, by companied private inspected the statistics of the inland trade and commerce of this port. Pittsburg, 14. The jury in the great oil case case of Dr. llostetter ag.iinst the Standard Oil Company, claimed to have been stored with them and unaccounted for, brought in u verdict for the plaintiff this morn, ing in the sum of 5517,310. Defendants will take an appeal from the District to the Supreme Court. A special to the Kvininy Leader, from states that Tortland, Oregon, Seuator Mitchell was married in Oregon on the 25th of Feb., 1862, to Miss Mollie Trice. The wife whom he abandoned in Butler county in 18C5 had not obtained a divorce from him until 1807. Baltimore, 14. The Governor has signed the death warrant of Josiah Nicholson, appointing tbe first day of August as the day of execution. Nicholson and Hollahan will be hung on the same scaffold together.1 Jersey City, 1. The coal train, with five cars and about thirty passengers, left New York last night for this city.' While passing through a Bergen tunnel it ran into an obstruction on the track and almost at the came time a locomotive with no cars attached, also plunged into the wrecked train. The shock was great but no passengers were killed. It took a long time to clear the track, and many persons coming to New York this A. M. were obliged to walk from the tunnel to the ferry. , Boston, 14. At the session of tbe Master Car Builders the principal subject of discussion was the use of axles for car oil boxes not larger than CJ inches in length, recommended as the best. In view of the importance of the subject it was referred back to the committee with instructions to report the specific use for the standard axles. Suit wus commenced in the 8. Court by 0. B. Lamar against A. G. Braunere, Jr., and JV. A. Beard, of New Bedford, to recover damages for an alleged conversion of 1,800 bales of cotton on or before Jan. 1st., 1P66, in Georgia. Defendants plead the Statute of Limitations. The cotton had been taken and captured as abandoned property in the insurrection district, aud defendants plead that they acted under the direction of special agents of the Treasury. New York, 14. An order for the arrest of the boys Redmond and Hart, hall boys at the Grand Central Hotel, who saw the shooting of Fisk on the stairs of the hotel, has been issued They will be detained as witnesses until the new trial of Stokes, unless each can procure bail. Washington, following telegram was received at the Indian liureau confirmathe of some East tory report telegraphed Mountain Reservadays ago : tion, by way of Santa Fe, New Meiico, 12th, Mr. E I'. Smith, Commissioner of Indian Affairs : On the morning of May 12th First Lieut. Jabob Alray, of the 5th Cavalry Company U. S. troops stationed on this reservation, while attempting to arrest an Indian at my request, was brutally murdered by Apaches belonging to the Chairnago band. Although excitement prevailed for a time, it ia believed that none but the guilty parties have left the agency. Every effort will be made to arrest and punish the murderers. The Apache interpreter is in military custody. C. C. Larabee, (Signed) U. S. Special Indian Agent." The Modoc l'eace Commissioner arrived here last night and gave a full account of the occurrence and cuuso of the troubles with MoJocs generally to Secretary Delano and Commissioner Smith, lie pronounces untrue in most qualified terms the statement made by Captain Jaok to General Davis that ha did not shot General Canby. Com missioner Meauham says there is no doubt that the assassination was planned by Captain Jack aa it was executed by him. Mr. Meacham has notyet filled a written report, but 'will do so in a day or two. The Attorney GenTa office is ioformed that all processes against the defendants in the case of the Credit Mobilier suits have been served papers. In the injunction which the Government counsel propose to ask the court to grant against the U. 1. U R. restraining thein from disposing of their property during uugauon nas not neon completed, but will be in a very few days. It is not expected that the trial will be begun before the 1st of September. Information received from London today, states that the British Government Acting through the Bank of England, has decided not to send the fifteen and a half millions of gold to Washington to pny the Geneva award, but to purchase five twenty bonds for that amount and send them to the Secretary to be redeemed in gold and turn over gold certificates obtained for the amount to the Secretary of State as provided in the treaty f Masuingioa. Dubuqut Iowa, 14. During a quarf el between two farm era in Paine township Blackhawk coun ty, ouo or them named Wlrtk atabbedhis opponent named Ureter in the face with a pi:chfork, putting out ona eye, and to-da- y, to-da- y, t. to-d- ay to-da- y. 14-T- y, to-da- y serious injuries.-- Wirth then causing . . n Urnrn lllV set 1118 clogs on ureuer uu be called off Greber was bitten n hadlr that his injur ..tw., iKa KaH ies will pfobably result fatally. 1 1 A Spirit-Guide- .v,.-co- CO., Dealers in Devotee. d A man calling himself C. X. Hudyears of age, a native son, tliirtj-si- x o". Vermont, a carpenter by trade, was locked up in the county jail at White Plains, yesterday, under the : On following singular circumstances callWednesday or Thursday last he ., ed at the Greeley homestead at and, obtaining an interview with Miss Ida Greeley, told her that a vision had appeared to him, and informed him that he must marry a young lady now attired in mourning. On further inquiry of the spirit who the lady was and where he would find her, he was informed that the lady referred to was Miss Greeley. Whereupon he at once set out upon his mission to find that lady, and had walked more than 1,000 miles in pursuit of his object. Miss Gree ley was naturally much amused and astonished at receiving such a visit, but gave her visitor to understand that he had come on a foolish errand. Mr. Hudson became more demon strative in pleading his cause than was agreeable, and she soon found herself under the necessity of send ing for Justice Hyatt, of New Castle, who took her complaint and held the Vermonter to bail in the sum of $500 to keep the peace, which not being forthcoming, he was sent to Imported Furniture of all Rinds, MAIN STBEET, OGDEK. CHAIRS, TABI.ES, WASH STANDS BUKKAUN, BEDSTEADS Chap-paqua- Spring and Hair Itfattrasses. Bookcases Hade to Order. Cupboards and Cabinet Work and Benairin'crH Wood Turning in all it Branches. ' ae 100 DOZ. ClIAim JUST RECEIVED, and other Goods in proportion. Please give us a call before purchasing elsewhere. J. -- ML Hhfa THOMAS, Coal & Lime Office AND MUSIC STORE, Main Street, . . Ogden. THE CHEAPEST COAL AND LIME jail.- - iV. Y. World. ! Id the Market, always on hand. Atmospheric Motion and its JLUccts. MOM ALL KINDS OF INSTRU Dr. G. M. Ramsay lectured last night at the Liberal Club on "AtFrom t Jewiharp to Church Organ, as Cheap, or mospheric Motion and Its Effects." He claimed that there is no such Utah. Cheaper than anywhere else thing in reality as an east wind, the fact simply being that when the wind seems to come irom the east SHEET MUSIC, ETC., ETC. there is a slackening of the real presof sure the atmosphere in the oppoOne door South of Ozden House. site direction. He asserted that the diurnal motion of the earth is caused by atmospheric motion. All the usually received notions about monsoons are wrong; they blow from opposite quarters to those supposed. In speak ing or the great changes in the earth's surface, ho asserted that it was demonstrable that the Lake Su perior region was formerly the north pole, and afterwards the Salt Lake Xeedle needs no setting. Shuttle needs no lacing. , region became the pole. It takes i about 30,000 years for the ice to so Makes no noise. accumulate at a pole as to make it A child can work it. It then gives such a "So cogs, no springs. lurch, perhaps m a moment, as to I'ses all attachment. send the tropical seas rushing over Takes the First Trize at every Fair. the poles. The ice and snow is swept down into the tropics on the other side. Hence the Noadic Deluge and the droves of elephants, &c, found SEEING to have been suddsnly frozen at the THE LADIES NEVEK BUY ANY OTHER AFTER present pole, which was a tropica! region when Utah was the pole. N. ia Violin Strings and other Fittings. The "Victor" Sewing Machine! , -- 0-- top-heav- 1. y. The Victor World. Quarrelling by Telegraph. Jack Hurley, formerly a tclegrapl operator in this city, is in the Wor cester jail for a little indiscretion, il lustrating the peculiarity of his bus incss. Jack was receiving in th FramiBgham office and once or twice had to ask Worcester to repeat ! Reference in Ogden, Mrs. M. Bowring, Dressmaker. CHAS. W. STAYNER, General Agent, - Salt Lake City. No. 5 Main Street, d36 s89-a- lt Worcester did so, and volunteered the lnlormation that was a fool on whom Iraminjrham it would bo de lighted to put a head. Straightway the wire irom frammgham spoke, "I'm coming and, unable to wait for a passenger train, tho impetuous sender took a freight train aud pres ently arriving gave Worcester a great drubbing, lor which he was impns oncd as above. Now, however, from all over JSew Enclaud comes to Worcester the anxious inquiry, "How 13 your Iitad ( SpnngjidtL Uqm lican. A Sewing Wiachines. -- 00- WE H "AVE THE AGENCY FOR, AND ARE SELLING ON Terms, the justly celebrated FAVORABLE Singer Sewing machine .... In SAXT LAKE, AT THE CENTRAL DEPOT, Pleasing Experiment. 4 at our .. ' ? And The Detroit Free Press says : tarruer went out ot a store in that city the other day. leavinsr his do behind, and the clerks got an oyster AaST can and a string and thought they would hare a little fun. The dog oosmelt snuff, and after taking a mutat tbe Store ton chop out of ona of the young Mrs. rurehdscrs in the Ifonh can iate.IN'STRl'CTlONS BOWHLNG, Ogden. men's legs, went through a pane of glass with extraordinary facan bt Full lines of Cotton, Silk, Xeedles and Attachments cility. The clerks figure : 'Four clerks :nto ten dollars worth of glass, supplied. . Superintendent. twenty shillings each.'" BRANCH STOKES In LOG and OGDEN. -- ten-doll- ar H.B.CLAWSON, . |