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Show b? The Court charged the jury that Golden Gate, has refitted His ice creams Hth. defence' wm of a' dnd natore-- H the DollarNind Boticed lunch saloon in a tasteful manner Look. Hare yoa without time f extension Sstore, lately. Mr. Shiells bas continuedljtt is now c!ean, pretty, cozy and attracusury and r.iliior.wg asgent 0f the endorser ; that it o add to his stock until he has a largeBtive. Tatronise John and cool yourself. tasteful selection of u9efulKuie keeps iced summer drinks, they were satisfied that the aeienaam jcollection and rtWfw'tfimftfoil.' 0 7tt vv vjm(t fi C'liurlCM W. Penrose, oaniar. M of tbeJJ II. Kelson II VmtNbat.- -J. FRIDAT.14. accommodation 'without consideration, and first purpose to which the nut wns nn usurious one.' iu tjiiote itself was tainted in UTAH. an was WEDNESDAY, JUNE 18, 1873. endorser jarticles, which he sells very cheap that the Take a look at the Dollar store. note wa?i Firk Water Again. This morning then the A Crazy Man Loose. About twelve o'clock, Wednesday light, a gentleman who has been 8tayinga in the Iintlif The Liquor Decision. he young man who, while intoxicated. .it St. Mark's Hospital whosoev-who is and ard, suffering from somt last Sunday week lisorder of the brain, climbed through The decision of Chief Justice Mc- Rcr's hands it tni ht come, and was struck Mr. Maddox came before Alderman Thomson, and the window ofbis room, on to the roof ol Kean on the liquor question at SaltM d fc .f fc . that believed was fined S7.50. tuildinr, and there com , . . anda in adioinintr ,r1fii.;n(nriiikv , tf 0 p,, OB Lake will be found in another col Ifl the mosi nmeous nioiins anue. Rmenceu v.aA of'l maninj; l,;KtT. -., ctff cv. wo-, ... ,., ,i i plaintiff granted an extension a i j. mi 1i.L'y . if unin. inesuDjcctuBpuieauu. m p note.-thelia h the were aroused of the hospital charge . 1. P ! ( , lieu any more ii.man it wu . ;r f , , , Beautiful Flowbbs. Mrs. Theodoretv&en tey mea 10 secure me maniae , that they were about to ipproacb the decision was rendered. II is Ilon-t- f Smith hoi mi IhnnVi fnr ft hniinnet ftseeing (Shim the crazv m.in leaned off the roolfi legal obligation and responsibility or considers the amount charged for were created on his uvwem. iuu jciauiui" "Htnd rtn up tue streei suouung "fliurpart; but if theyR ocsuiuui Ithe finest we hare seen this season. Mrs.tl lerl" "Murder!" at tbe top of bis voicf license assumes the form of a tax. believed that no usurious interests frightening people who but the lino where, as he views it, was exacted and no extension of time Smith is the daughter of a famous culturist, and must have learned some fjof gentlemen early yesterday morning licensing ends and taxing begins, is were drafts the and that granted, of her father's tricks trade, we mean.HlDCniy tnem taken to the city iail where not drawn. He thinks the sum ee collateral of in he was confined until the hospital author nature the imply pJitip ciillpil for him. charged fur a liquor license at Saltp urity, the plaintiff was entitled to a Pebsonai. Among the arrivals atM The gentlejian, whose is Hamp iake too high, and that tendered by ft. the for found The Union be this to from seems the hal-i- i he Hotel, morningljton, 'pjudgmcnt. jury Depot suffering the dealers too low, but does not some one is that P.Hiucination D. II. San Francisoo.O. were Thomas going to kill plaintiff, according him costs andn - '. . '!. iiS.u a. . 1 n 1 ' - "t,, K -- .. X - HoTi-H- Fl " 8 nae 1 ate what, in the opinion of 'siijama (to a mean the is proper Mightiness, A Muddle. tween the two extremes. The qucs 1 Ml j uoii is sua open ana provoeauve oin The Fall Matt Gazette ht ' i. migauon. . rr ii- - nonor ms . Hn 1 quotes lv. rob i An some- - . 1 T many acts of Inn's M. Corp., Sec. 191, concerninggpracticajjy uselcsgj bccausc realiy u a license on usciui traues, JimiUBg u$intelli".blc .. vi 1 ! .1 ,1 . to -- a Jee ior me license ana me n ia w re i no us iHr attending issue, jut onepuligUt the 8amfl tnIng be truly gaid ? wdl call the liquor traffic a "uscfuljjAnd shall we ever have an intelligi-H,uauc or vjupiujiuKUb, uuu mco system 0f statute law, unles. himself docs not consider his quota-Rhcru adoptcJ a condcnsed code ofj tion applicable to the point in dispute .Htbe iawg of the Unitcj gtatcs? It is conceded that the City ha IMoclic News. power under the Charter to restraint! i. iiiciueni i a. m ,s brick-machin- i e. e 0 uugQ 1 e .v8u., P , ,' . to-d- e. 1 . - - gd of-j- i ? i and Endorsers of i & " J. s.weei-naiure- & lat cofflissM- hard-workin- mmv g i Shipping a Specialty -- . J, . tf , "J f . " .u euteroa z Knocked Offe Track. . Thk Tic-ni- c the grand luu-iesi- . . N 'or pio-ni- c, v: i i To morrow is the daylL trlcily pure blood iind pedigreed. when the city iBji'ui tio desiring nyirticuinr nn .VACUUM notiM As the morning train was coming fromEf oxpected to be in a bustle of life jljautin agreed towOsden, yesterday morning, a man named beauty drawn from various parts was sitting by thea oxtetia tho time of pavuieut on re at U,e on iH.Mit.iai. !..x.. Dctame uue tlie . in the andta COI.OK Artemskxoii at rynth fcjwiu pioiite wr toecn-Hrw- o reti-abl- or Indigestion, ljsicpia Pain iu the Shouldcra, CoiiglLs, Ti"ii. ErnTia-tto- e, For Female ns in yomur Complaints, or old, married or single, at tliu dawn voiiianhoMd, or the turn of life, these Tonic so Bitters display decided tn intlueuee that a marked improvement in soon perceptible. For IiifliiiiiuiiWory and Chronic RiieiimutiMin and (.nut, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Bilious. Remittent and Intermittent Fevers. Diseases of f lie Blood, Liver. Kidneys and Blaiblcr, these Bitters most tdiccessful. Sui-- Liseases lire caused by Vitiated Blond, which is poncniily o produced by tleraiiKeuient of the have-bee- Bigc-Uv- uivans. 1'or Mt in Diseases, Eruptions, Tet- ter- salt uueum, itimcius. Spuis, pimples. Pustules, Boils, Caibuaclis, ihi.. SeuI(,.Uenar sure Kyes, Krysipt-ias- , - King-worni- Scurfs, Discoloratious of the S kiu. Hiiiiioih anJ Diseases of the ikln, of wluiifver name or nature, are literally thiR no uml carried out of the system it a uliort time by the these Bitters. One bottle In such case will convince the most Incredulous nf their curative cirects. ( Iciimsw llio Vitinlcil Blood whenever you liuU itsimpuriiiPS bui;lii? ilircmTi the skin tu I'iniples, Eruptious, wr Sortur cleanse it when oti iind it olxstnicted aud Klufiglsli Ih the veins ; cleanse ll when ft j foul ; jour feeling, will tell yon when. Keep the blood pure, and the health of tii systsm will follow. iipp-o- f and otlser Worm,, Pin, Tape lnrkiujr In the system of so many thousands, are etrectuully destroyed aud removed. Says a distinguished physiologist: 'i'lictL scarcely au individual oa the face of tje earth whose bodv Is exempt from Uie pres ence of worms. It 1 uot upon the healthy elements of the hody that worms exist, but upon the diseased humors and slimy deposits that breed these living monster of disease. Ko system of medicine, no vermifuges, uo nnthelmiuitics, will free tho system froui worms like these Litters. Jtleclianiral Iiscasos. Persons cn- ., - gagea m I'aint ami juuierais, bh'.u and numbers, Typesetters, Miners, as Uu-- advance In Kfc, are subject to paralysis of the ISowcls. To pnard again this, take a dose of Walker's' Yineoau HiGold-beate- tters twice a wek. . . Itilious, Koinltleitt and Inter in it tent Fevers, which are so prevail in thevallevs or our rlvcw tliroiigh-ogreat ut States espcciully those or Ohio, Missouri, Jllmois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkansas, Kcd, Colorado... the United Bmzos, RioCraude, Pearl, Alnbani-.Jtohiie- .. Savannah, Koanokc, James, aud many others, with their vast tributaries, through- out our entire country during the bummer and Autumn, and remarkably so during seasons of unusual Lcat and dryness, aru indevariably acconipauied by extensive and rangements of the stomach and liver,treatother abdominal viscera. In their TlinTlf a ttunrali-nvf.rtin a nmverfUl iU" fluencc upon theso various organ Is esseThero Is .no cathartic for ntially necessary. the purpose equal to Dil J. Walker's ixe- uar. uiui.n.1, cu, tuu,t r lit rvvi.j WhiCu tllB vlwid in:(tlrr villi the bowels are loaded, at the B;nne time Ktlmulating the secretions of the liver, and or generally restoring tho healthy functions the digestive orgaus. rlurk-coliirp- fl or KlngN UtII, Scrofula, Swelled Ulcers, , neck. Ervsipelas, Goitre, Scrofulous lnllainniations, ludolent Inflammations, Mercurial AKcctions, Old Sores, Eruptions of tho Skin, Sore Eyes, etc., etc lu these, as in all other constitutional Diseases, Wai.cek's Vinboab Hitters liavo shown their great curative powers lu the most obstinate aud intractable i cases. Dr. Walker' Cullforiii-i UTAH. a car lEilterN act on aH these cases In a the Rl""1 winilar manner, liv - in the hands of the plaintiff who ex J actvl two and a half per cent pcii S Rert'f iK K Bess of the Cliest, Dizziness, Pour or the Stomach, Bad Taste in ih Mouth, Biliona. Attacks, Palpitation of th Heart, luilamniation of tho Lungs. Pain in tti refrinn of 1hr Uk.lnnvd anl . hnn.ii other painful symptoms, are the offiipilncs I of Dyspepsia. In these complaints ii hs no equal, an 4 one nottie win prove a bciur puarantee of ltd merits than a lengthy advertisement. s .1 r i the horse goes round, ten brick are turn m .1 01 iiie is.oiiiaiiiic ed out. So Jonathan Browning say til JLost Atlautlc.9' . 1. his new For concerning The body of an Americas woman, see ad. If you want about twenty-fivyears of age, one of know how many times the horse goe cditie victims oi tne "Atlantic disaster, . BH l round, ask Jonathan. He wants to sell was ptcuea up, aressea in regular sail or's garb. It transpires that hhe had omebody a million bricks. served as a common sailor for several voyages, and during that time her sex Nkw Blinds. The City Hall is being had not been suspected. She was theN American sailor on board of the pi fitted with new Venetian shutters. Good. Jonly Atlantic, and there has been no reason ... If wants to keep out the sun discovered for her singular conduct.Sj anybody Tbe foiiow5ng item8 are condense( liquor trafEckers; and how can thisKrrom the j.ioche Rtcord t0 the 10th inst. shine in a convenient manner they should ahe is said to have been a good andH the Venetian blinds made by lanniui auor; come mea may De lorm power be effectually exercised betterfl A man was picked up near the Eight patroniie Red of the esteem in which she was bald & Sons, Third street. House last Saturday in a state ofj Sawyer than in the amount charged for oy me lonowmg iriDute to ner memoryss oy one ot ner brother tars wno survived and He died after. "ihaustiou, shortly censes? It appears that the Salt the calamity : "I did not know Bill wasEJ IttrrcRNED. Mr.fS. n. Higginbotham Lake Charter is cot quite so broad in perished of hunger. His name was not of a woman.' He used to take his liquor a.M Higginbotham Bros., returned last he came from Pioche. "Deregular as any ot us, and was alwaytja its provisions as the Ogden Cit) ascertained; ceased was a man about fire feet and evening from the Fast. During his ab begging and stealing tobacco. lie was n Charter, which, in Sec. 31, gives the eight inches high, middle-agedhad sence he has visited the eld homestead good fellow, though, and I am sorry he was a woman. to lark chin whiskers n Virginia, and taken a tour to New auburn hair, red corporation power "license, reguTbe rage for ending female names !n late, prohibit or restrain," etc. The md goatee, and was poorly clad wear- York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Niagara and a has come to a disastrous conclusions! ie" and one boot a Chicago, making pleasant journey, one, shoe, word "prohibit" is omitted in the ing shabby ' white hat with a broad black ribbon and transacting considerable business. in Oregon. A farmer named Ake chris alt Lake instrument. tened his eldest girl Belle. She, adopt iround it, and coat and pantaloons sc He is in good health and lively spirit! the of the We should liko to see this troubleMollies, Susies and style ing tattered that they would hardly stay onSl ind happy to be back again among hi.S Matties of the region, got some card. some question decided. Uut then he it printed "Bellie," and now appears to ai body. His face presented a fright-- old friends. is little prospect of this while a cerworld as Miss Belle Ake. distracted , fully emaciated picture.' tain class, who live by. the traffic in Utah potatoes were being peddled onW Safes. We had a call from A very dis Careless Ber-utMr. cents the streets at a liabili-fclthree from D. W. J. and desire to evade its Greenhood, just pound, Covert's, liquor, to our Chicago, who are general agents for igreeable thing happened ties, have reason to expect supports! the cost of their freight from Lelii. . The Nevada Central narrow guage U.U. Diebold and Kienzle's celebrated safes isinena itosin, last week, lie wafl in their quibbles and turbulence fron. a button on his trowsers', andl is completed from Pioche toBuilionviile, That safe at Wells, Fargo's.which passed jewing officials who should be the first u laid them down on a chair without hereai the Piochers rejoice exceeding- through the fire at the It. R. depot some down frown the spirit of lawlessness removing the needle. His wife en ijiy, and speak highly io praixe- of the time since, is one of this make, and it tered the room. ' She sat. down on and to support laws and ordinance? iarrov guage system and the 36,000 now being used as safely as at first he trOWSnrS. Thft firsr. intimafinnS ome little repairs having been made framed in the iutcrcst of order and pounds locomotive, the "J. F. Carter." byjthat Roslri had of the fact Wa3 fronj A load of oranges, from the manufacturers. a Mr. Greenhood wagon society. gpittoon,which he gracefully caughtf Southern California were being suckedR .era noerai terms to purcnasers. the bridge of his nose, ltosin is tieijon . . . . "3 ; f Ba t ill go to Salt Lake this evening ' the pos iny i locucrs, i a aouar a aozen. andjjis happy as a man can be-iMakers Last Sunday two men going to Pioche hen proceed to Montana. session of a broken nose, two black raiiriousXotea. in a carriage' from Butlionville, saw yes, and a devoted, loving, and I i i u aiule without team a driver run against wne Au action was entered iu the Ma-- I Accident. This afternoon at three! ' A little distance further clock, Barney Williams entered Mr. rine Court of New York winter cedar tree. they found a man lying in the middle off John Ilorrocks'. saloon, which he is en regarding the responsibility of an the road, face downward. He was taken r f arging and improving. Williams wai ..." endorser of a'note,'anda verdict was1 t o General Produce the offico of the Alps works and a doc intoxicated and ascended the ipartly and rendered that will' have an impor tor procured, but he died in the evening! scaffold to assist the men who were plastaat bearing upon the settlement of after talkinz incoherently. His name tering. He lost his balance and tum t a question that is mooted in commer- was Edwin Olds, he was a ,. .' bled from the scaffold, falling upon a ! and leaves a cial circles. The endorser of a note temperate, intelligent man, trowel. At first it was supposed thai wife and three ohiidrtn. It is supposed itis skull was fractured, but on examina sought to ayoid liability upon the lie was in the wagon,' 'fell out and' tion it was found that his dozing injuries were1rIftl1 Street, South Side IT. C. It. It. gi "und first of an usurious contract truck his head on a rock, producing! flesh bruises epot, and wounds. He wasll only of which the note in 6uit was tho concussion of the brain. . taken at once to Higginbotham & Co.'silOCSDEN - - A man signing himself Cook complain representative; second that there was iUug store, where Dr. Williams waited! 82-Q, Box 24 nn agreement to extend tho tiruo ofN''1'' "ie tad been acting as watchman for him with the kindness and greatest upon 1 NllTTlTK. ayment by which the liability offif Vigilance Committee at Pioohe till hi skill. The flesh on the forehed wasBl lhey "fu3t' peeled leaviug the bone exposed,, but the tl.o eudorecr ceased aud dcteriuiucdfibi11 amoun,cd to $355 m .. him after putting him off with Dr. carefully Hto replaced and strapped it PiireThoronslibredSliort-lion- i J hv endorsement it was alleged wa.N pay . ' . , Rvepeatea promises. He threatens to up, and after awhile his patient" wats .JJurliamliulls & Heifers! able U walk away with the assistance clj SHALL ARRIVE ilJtXKIDKN ABOUT THK iw purpose oi taking up an old- - noteU.u his little bill. 1. 15th of Juue with hnefutUo of above breetltfriend. 1 ro rteai-ach- Miss Clara Sayers, Walla Walla, W. T.Mwhat at last accounts. Rev. Mr. Kirby a person yesterday afternooa to Clarence Kinir, and A. R. Parsons. Newfc3secured i taxe care oi Dim, anai every necessary complain: .: . : : i i ft I'lllClltlUU 19 paiVAj IV Ll. UUIVIIUUaiQ UlAli j, Parliament arc M fin ft T.nlr, 1lrnlrl in, J - . nf onv nn a lla.wnii 'rJit iha bhepherd, andWtJ tbt hospital and had Quieted cin-h- Ktt. Madison, Iowa, J. be-f- e ! Drink, made or Poor Hum, w"s "v Spirits and Refuse Liquors, doctored and sweetened to please he Tonics," "Appetizers," i? that lead the tippler on to drunkenness aa-ruin, but are a true Medicine, made fm the native roots and herbs of Callforni. free from all Alcoholic Stimulants. Tb the Great Blood Purifier and a iffevhT? Principle, a Perfect Renoratot and luvirnr ator t the .System, carrjrinsotr all pobonoiw matter, anA testoring the blood tn a healihi condition, eixriclting it. rvfresliiug ana u Vijroratli.R both mind amr body. They am easy of administration, prompt In their 0 tion, certain lu their results, safe ana e in all forms or disease. Mo rersou run uk Ihesn Rh. according to directions, and remain ier loan unwell, provided their bones are not destroyed by mineral poison or other ineaiH and the vital orjaus wasted beyoud of repair. ana, wKKKs,udi win deliver the w"t purirylng they remove tho cause, and by resolving away the etlects of the inflammation (the tubercular deposits) the atl'ecteij paru receive health, and a pcrmaneiit cure u effected. The Aperient and mtld Laxative Liproperties of Du. Walk Kit's Visf.ak d hi eases of eruptters arc the best tions and malignant fever. Their balsam c. healing, and soothing properties protect .ht. humors or the fauces. Their Sedative propsystem.n, erties nllny paiu iu the nervousinflauima-tloBtomach aud bowels, either from otc. wind, colic, cramps, Bitters or lit red ions Tako or athe night from tmtf to one flint goins to bed at l. Eat good nourishingniiiuou chop, veuifood, such as nn riMMt hppf. nn.l V0retllll3. aild take exen.se. Tkey sro compwed ot J om-'w purely vegetubio mgrcdieuts, ami U9 spirit. .. U. S3. IfIcDOXAM fc CO.. Cal.f Druggists k Con. Agts., Pan Francisco. . i . H nor. Washington and Charlton Sts., saro-gimr- one-luv- lf wine-glassfu- beef-Btea- out-doo- ... -- the riverr'r""n; lovely grove track, near Sessions. IIisHSe Sti.t is fart in n. Clan j ccr.it oi uddition.il interest and thus baok was turned that Messrs. Whelnn nnri'. to the line, und, boW We notice r 33j CUberal rrciliton good thai'ts on the hrm of the Pcfeudant partially intoxicated, he did not hear feSGlaytonre rushing round seruritjv lookKkfoenck W ithoit PraMissiox: Lorin Farr ri a t n in iSOLD EY ALL DKCCRISTS & DEALERS. j n j .u niMii'nnnni .. The whistle v n m. .IT.v.v """Mine pleasant with anticipation of a real Hjuen; Hon. W. M covering the amount of the note. :r...... inyton, Ike: oiown ana tne oraaes were put uown.Ej r IJiewer, Onmlio; Ccutral Nutloiml Dank, Trot.X.Y t Ve hope the wilil J'luintiif denied this theory and con but ii wn too late. He was struck by&tt,a dJ ' KOLLIN T. SAXE. fcj tended that there was no usury in iitbe engine aud thrown into n ditch unonFliave a rood time, a nil i tint PYervhnrK Khis face. Dr. Murpl.y was oa the tnun0win wj,h the promoters of the festi- none the inception of the contract, and K wwo niisr CLASS sawyers, Good Clinoc for a JL others need apply.. rfiiup j. UKU..K,of Khtou, W),er CoM il3 tli;t no agreement to extend the! ilt hon ft lu niidst of the f n of the oc-- l ABentlor Utah of tlm PirMritd Polyglot . ) ed thl no bones 0l)rJt'r broken. ta BARNAKD WHITE, Lummiin. n .imim.i.t'Ul nrwK. UooU. out tor hill ' time of payment was made Eve. XVr, 12. A in.'. 4G-Bcasion. dlOO . liiw 8 berApply Yard, Fourth Street, OgJen. ekleofthe " TM ... to-da- . t . . y "". -- 34-3- m pic-nio-e- rs ;; Illllc. Li wt-r- a -- WAITED, . |