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Show Three Bugs. But XtBl'OuiatUre bun a laket, litt'e bugs IZ wdly in cnirobs for two; JtXn"on::a;HWe to what Aud do! wi., eat the brad, that in a basket Throe little bugs ATd the bed but two would hold; Ml lo qnarreliiig- jg,, hey " Vl white, the black, -a got under the rug, two of h bucold. And one wan out in the !. a, u that. ' !o ho in the bwkot, Without a criiinb tO withal, 0r . thiad to wrap lliinwll Whcu tho wind Hcrosn him blew. olt the bugs; Pulled one of the rnir from Aud o the uuurrol grewl basket And no there wag none in the An pity 'tis'tis truo! and starred, at laft, But he that was frowm strength from his weakness drew, Aud pulled the rugs from both of the bugs, Aud killed aud ate thorn, too! in a banket, How, when bug live Though more ttiau It can hold, It weiii" to me, they had better agree The white, the bluck.atul the gold And share what comes, of bod and crumbs, Aud leave no bug iu the cold! Princely Scandal. Some startling facts have recently become known in regard to the poisouing of Prince Frederick William of Prussia, for which the Jesuits were denounced in unmeasured terms. Although the German newspapers have not ventured to it is no publiBh a line on the subject, the that the at secret a Capital longer Jesuits had nothing whatever to do with the poisoning, and that the real criminal, and upqn openinz the door of the coach found, to his great alarm, that the Prince nan suuaenly been taken seriously sick. ne carried tne patient to the door of the palace, where he was at once taken care of. In a few moments the servants were alarmed, the Crown Princess made her appearance, the Prince was taken to his bedroom, and the Court physician sent for. They unhesitatingly declared that the Crown Prince had been poisoned. lte patient refused to tell where he had been and what food he had taken ast. Emetics were freely applied, and rumediate fatal conseouences were avoided. But the Prince remained in such a grave condition that his imperial father was hurriedly summoned to his bedside. The Emperor remained for an hour alone with his eon, calling, however, the physician frequently into the room. 'Itisprob ble that the son then told the father the whole truth. Next day the Prince was a little better, but still remained very weak. Two weeks t afterward he had recovered so he could be removed to the climate of Wiesbaden, but months elapsed before he was restored to full health. If the old Emperor tnew all about it, it must have been sorely perplexing for im what to do with Pauline Weigel under the circumstances. To have her arrested would have given rise to a ter rible scandal, and be could not even or der her to leave Berlin immediately without arousing very unpleasant susicions. And thus u is probable that she was not molested at all, but given to understand that she would have to marry Peltzer and leave Germany with him, or stand the conseouences. After the wedding, Pauline's house and furniture were quickly sold, and she departed with her husband for a foreign country. Where they hive gone is unknown. far-tha- tion within the hours allotted for that Fortunately, however, the purpose. fire wag extinguished before any dam. age resulted, except that caused by the water which poured from above, wetting the cylinder and types. The damage to the Chronicle establisement is therefore slight between $200 and $300. It is the opinion of tho Fire Department that the fire was either the work of an incendiary or the result of sponta. The building was neous combustion locked up on Saturday night and no fire left in it. Oiled rags, which are frequently left ahout printing offices, will take fire spontaneously if left in a damp place, and it is not unreasonable to suppose that the fire of yesterday was of this same origin. San Francisco Chronicle, tithinst, ve s '; " F,t " Hardware, Hoots and Shoos, lints and Caps, . Crockery, Glassware, Notions, Vc., Ac. Stoves and Tinware, & Drugs SleilieiueH Gents' and Boy's Beady Made Clothing. , IN GREAT VARIETY. . CELBBBATED SEWING MACHINES, SINGER Second Sam Patch. Wood's Champion and Excelsior Mowers and Reapers, About two o'clock Sunday after Whitewater and Studebaker Wagons, Bain, noon a man named George Watson, a carpenter, was strolling around the ALSO- ,assaic alls half drunk, when he and Nnriiig Wagons, suddenly took it into his head to outdo Sam Patch's famous leap from AND EVEIIY DESCRIPTION OF the I alls. So he deliberately climb ed up on the iron bridae which crosses the chasm, and before any body could prevent, had jumped off the dizzy height, and sped through Buggies to Order on Short Notice. a distance of fully eighty feet to the boiling flood below. A number ot and Concord persons saw the fearful leap and hur ' ried to the spot, expecting to see a dead body floating on the water, but Xicatliei unci Shoo Ifintllnjjw. to their astonishment Watson came and hastily up safely but sober, Point on the Shortest Notk-iclambered upon the large, square All Kinds of Produce Forwarded to Any rock below the bridge, where he sat .itf Orders Sent to M. THATCHER, 7?an, tedl Herein eowenng and shivering with affright ' Prompt Attention. at his ibolhardiness. He was too much unstrung to swim across the 11. basin to dry land, and so had to try .a i to clamber up tnrougn the narrow crevice near by. A large crowd soon gathered, with every appliance to ex tricate him from hiu precarious situation. Watson was completely ex hausted when drawn out by his milK BEST IN T11K friends. Patterson Guardian. i Democrat Uglit Winchester Implements. Farming Harness and Harness Trimmings. California . B. CLAWSON, Superintendent. . HOWE SEWING JAC1IINE. WORLD;-PERFECTE- -- I by KLIAS A Fellow Feeling. that the defendant had merely tne inveuior oi me shewing Juu. UOWK, amciua., An IIOXEST MACHINE nml not subject to FITS. An unfortunate culprit was recent ly brought before an Iowa Justice charged with assaulting and battering POINTS OF SUPERIORITY: salut- She Durabilitywill last a ed the damsel acainst her will I Lifetime, was in court, and gave her testimony milE MONITOR HA GAINED A FAR PAMKt without Work of .1. rt'pulAtiun. No higher w.nmtttm cut! b looking so beautifully that the Judge Range a Parallel than to y Mint Hi u a Cooking P!uv a was compelled to make Epecial rul who u it apMUi in lt prai, evry Stitch and Perfection of and fr- - iiil and rivummi'U'l it to bor uetghl-urTension. ing. He could not, he said, in con clrariliimnn and reliability ia all it for ' science fine the man for doinj what Ease of operation. Operation and was done: for said His Honor, "I Management. 31,314 MONITORS now in USK, have been obliged to hold on to the Self Adjusting Tnhetp; arras of my chair to keep from kiss- Adjustable Head. SANTA CLAtS (MIX!", STOVE, P ev ins the complainant myself, Price at our Call and Kxamin tylol er did a iudge give a more rational T. W, JONES', Tailor, For Coal and Wood, Third ditor from ZC. M. I., Ogden. decision. Which ha a iMniand through th Territory, for lieauty and Lvelli-nct'catbot Vt SAMUEL MILLER, JUN., ttirKLMu The clergy of England eeem to 4gent. All onr Hlovo ere niut for NmI have a bottomless capacity tor get Sales Rooms, a few Also, lit th by St. C M, I. mid lt t l'.rurli NtvrrN. Rev doors west of Z. C. M. I., Fait Lake tint? themselves into scrapes. Alto I)' all tha Cojprntiv um in tb (m v Dr. Hodges has been summoned by Ttrntory. j his clerk, "for spitting m his lace on Sunday evening, just outside the church door." Mr. Stewart, a Liv erpool rector, is at odds with his ves try for putting up an obnoxious Main St., Ogdcn, and Main Logan, Cache Co. cross, and at a vestry meeting there ' was a not. The V icarof Landulpli, AGENT FOlt THE con finds his to disagreements, owing gregation reduced to three, and has been publicly told by one of his recalcitrant flock that "he talked 0 which wasn't a handsome to his to a for shepJUSTLY CELEBRATED WAGON IS MADE OF THE BEST MATERIAL sheep say thing THIS herd. , ,'" throughout and is warranted. hotiiM-wif- e t u-- , 1 ltnt - M. D. HAMMOND, St., non-sens- o" Schutt ler Wagan -- are in aucceaful operation. .Sulky 1 3--ra " ; '. , ' OFF A K M WAGOX u MATERIAL , HARDWOOD, IRON CHI N K R.YV MA A Complete Assortment of CLOTH. well-know- n " Mtii'Kcye AND ALL KINDS WOOL WANTED IN EXCHANGE FOR Wool earned into roils in a nprior 'manner hjr and experienced Carder, K. Buck- lev. Bring ob your wool 1IA.I. A80 Dealer in Jlowera and IleajM'rN, Corn Feed Cutter, tilicllcrft, link, Stubble Grinder. Mills., Faaniug Emery JPlows, Shovel Plows, Cultivators, juacmiicft, WOOLEN FACTORY Cntlinj Machine " JJglit Spring Wagon, 8wcepitakt?si T!irftliin "... the ' , BRIGHAM CITY - A VVLL SUPPLY AIAVAYy Isle The proper place for spinsters of Man. . st "cpt Goods, Iry'Groceries, "How do you do, monsieur?" "Do vat?'' "How do you find yon find yourself?" "I never loses myself." "How do you feel?" "Smooth; you just feel me." "Good morning, monsieur!" "Good! No. it's a bad one: it's vet and nasty." A RETAIL AND English the sal- utations: - Great Hap pily Prevented, WHOLESALE The English Language. A French gentleman, learning to some purpose, replied thus to I. SS. JUL ,ii . prosecuted at all for the A Conflagration woman. The first suspicions in regard to this mysterious At about 6 o'clock last evening, one of affair were aroused by the appearance in January last, in a Berlin newspaper, the printers employed in the Chronicle that Henry Pelt- cemposition-rooms- , of the announcement iso 4z3 Clay street, ier had been married to Pauline Weigel. noticed a great deal of eraoke issuing Peltier was a middle aged attendant of from the upper story of the building No. the household of the Crown Prince, and 412 Commercial street, occupied by the Pauline Weigel, who ostensibly carried San Francisco Printing on the business of a milliner, had for Company. It being aunday, the build years been the mistress of the Crown ing was securely locked up, bo that it Prince. The Crown Frince, it appears, was impossible to gain a speedy entrance, forced the acquaintance of Pauline which would doubtless have resulted in Weigel shortly after his marriage to the extinguishing the flames before they oldest daughter of Queen Victoria. Paugained much headway. Messengers line at that time was a dashing, spirited were instantly drspatched from the Chronicle office to turu on an alarm, but beauty, a dark blonde, of slender, graceful form, an expressive, vivacious counfully fifteen minutes elapsed before any tenance, and engaging manners.' The of them succeeded in obtaining a key to Crown Prince, meeting the fair Pauline, open the alarm boxes. At length, how who was then but twenty years old, at a ever, the key of box No. 21, corner of populai ball, fell in love with her. A Montgomery and Commercial streets, week afterward she was his mistress, was obtained, an alarm sent in, and the and from the first she gained an ascenengines were on the ground in something dency over him which she managed to over twenty minutes after the tire was retain until a recent period. In the discovered. By the time the first hose- course of time she bore several children carriage rattled along Commercial street, to the Prinee, who provided for their uncoiling its supply of hose, dense vol wants. This liaistm did not long remain umes of smoke were pouring forth from a secret to the Crown Princess Victoria, the windows of the doomed printing of and it led to many angry altercations fice, while a lurid glare in the interior of between her and her wayward husbands the building showed that the demon of In 1800 a defiuite rupture between them destruction was making sad havoc among was averted only by the efforts of the the implements of the art preservative. Crown Princess father, Prince Albert, The second storv of the building adjoining who hurried from Windsor Castle to the printing office, on the west, was occu Berlin, and succeeded in effecting a re pied by the bookbmdery ofAltbof soahls, conciliation between his daughter and and ere the streams of water had begun her husband. The latter promised to to pour into the printing office, smoke behave himself in the future; but, al: began to issue Irom the windows ana though for a time he acted with more roof of the bindery. Ladders were rais circumspection, he did not by any means ed against the fronts of both buildings, break ott with Pauline Weisel, who. the pipemen mounted with their hose, knowing full well her great power over smashed in the windows and soon the Crown Prince, ingeniously stimula drenched the buildings bo thoroughly ted his jealousy of her, and thereby that the fire fiend was completely exor strengthened the meshes in which she ciaed, and an opportunity was afforded held him captive to look around and ascertain the damage Pauline Weigel's beauty was not sens- to property. ibly impaired in the course of time, and The Company, it was not uutil 18G5 that the Crown in whose establishmentPrinting the fire had its Prince made an effort to shake off her origin, were the heaviest losers. Near joke. The death of ins (legitimate) son, ly everything was either destroyed by sigisround, whijh occurred just at the fire or rendered useless by water. The breaking out of the war with Austria, presses were all more or less damaged by made a profound impression upon him. the fire, and a great portion or tee type when he returned to Berlin, after the was melted in the cases by the heat wher conclusion of peace, he told his mistress ever it was exposed. All the paper ma. uey must part. Pauline Weigel, who, terial was destroyed by water, and the oa aer part, had become passionately at belting and machinery wag a total loss tachea to him, succeeded, by dint of The establishment was worth between ars, reproaches, and threats of suicide, S10.000 and $12,000, and was insured m keeping him attached to her. The in the Home Mutual, and GermaniaCom rowu Prince succumbed but for $6,000. A policy of $2,000 again, paeies, thenceforth visited lipr rnnrn rnrlo in tho State Investment expired three l inally, in November last, he resolved davs aero, and was not renewed. The "." lie visitea cer one loss is estimated to be about $7,000. rupture, night in the earlv trrt of that mnnth The firm of Althof Bab! & Co., book "4 told her with Ilohenzollern brusque-nes- a binders, whose establishment, adjoined that their liaison must come to an the Printing Company, suf that she must marry; that Henry fered considerable by water, and a large itzer, who had frequently acted as nuantitv of eostlv aner material was for them, had consented to rendered unfit for use. The principal become her husband: that h e would lih. loss, however, is ten years proceedings provide for them, and they must of the Masonic Grand Lodge of Nevada, tlly leave Berlin and Germany after the which had just come from the printer, wedding. Vainly did she try te shake and the sheets of which were lying m determination. Tear nd timnliM. ready to be bound. The water has neartions proved uuavaili'ng. The thing ly mined them and they cannot be rewich she extortei from himonly was the nlaced short of$G,000. The bookbinder? Promise that he would visit her again wn.a insure d for &G.00Q in the JKtna of 11,15 following evening, but he teld Hartford. , er most that it would be The Chronide't new lightning press oc- w the lastemphatically i time. mntpfl th basement and first story of At half-pain the evening the the building in which the bindery is lo eight i rince arrived in a public hack. .What cated, and serious apprehensions for its Between him and Pauline Wei- - safetv were entertained when the smoke gel during this their last interview is a and flame became visible in the apart tbRt the Crwn Prince mpnin immediately above it. Had the tZv CUP of tea just before tftftvinor her. . fire lasted fifteen minutes longer disas o'clock. Whenhc trous results might have ensued, as there ,WB8after . . , . rriYed neo. 1,:- .i me nacK driver la not another press in San Francisco . tf,., i as 7be Jbad been ordered to do eanable of printing the Chronicle' i edi - I who was not offense, was a ogan .Branch, AND ' ; STEEL, ' ETC, |