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Show - - . ""j p,fi6 ?fcial t, lll.ntir Telegraph. TbeKicaPoSDifacnlties! Murder in Nevada! to The Creeks Opposed Consolidation! A Young A Case A to-da- y, ady Shot by Revelations About Tammany! tfew Francis Gillen, aeed 28. a lUimfiii.. of 131 .Mulberrv Street, thi. : met his wife Ellen, aired nint.n whom he had been married fivs months but with whom he had never in front of No. 33, Crosby street.. whr she was walking with a friend, and after a few moments converaniinn hn.,Ut her up Broome street, near Elm, where he stabbed her five times in the breast, causing instant death. Eureka, 15. J. H. McCoy arrived from the front from whom we learn that Gen. Davis was at Boyle's Camp yesterday morning. All tue prisoners had been sent to Fort Klamath under a strong guard. Boyle's Camp will have to be maintained for some lime, twins to a number of the wounded being unable to be removed to Klamath Faircbild's Camp will also be kept up until stores can be taken to Klamath. Washington, 16. Pleasant Porter, one of the chiefs of the Creek Nation, arrived bete yesterday. He has come to Washington to see the becrctary of the Interior and the Commissioner of Indian Affairs on mat ters ot interest to his tribe, lie states that the Creeks are opposed to the pro ject which was brought forward in Con gress to consolidate all Indians under one treaty organization. Columbus, O., 16. The remains of late Minister Orr ar rived here this p. m., and were met at the depot by a committee appointed by the Government, the Masonic fraternity, and the United states ofheers stationed at this post, and a large number of peo ple. 1 he remains were escorted to the State House which was draped. The body now lies in state upon a magnificent catafalque. An immense throng of pio pie have viewed the remains. of Yellow Fever Mysterious Death! AMERICAN. Washington, 15. to The recent proceedings with regard to Indians the of Kickapoo ,he return are in accordauce with the United Slates .1.. .Minn of the Mexican Government for 4ndour own in April of last year, It was the realiiatiou of the pr ject. that the Government of the United Stales appoint new ogeuts to the Government of Neueva of the lime and place on the frontier where the themselves to the agents could present inJians. (he Government of Mexico would in such cases provide that the au thorities who represeut it in that region hould take part in the conferences, and if ike Indians should freely determine to leave Mexico and settle on their own reeB Mexi fetal the xervation in the t niled can military forces would escort them to fhnmiiit on the frontier where the American troops might receive them. The Mexican Government further ad vised th'it t tie agents suggested to treat with the Indians be persons other than thse who made the former attempt in order to avoid reviving suspicious and mviudiees wrainst these persous which miehl exist in the minds of the Indians, and the Mexican Government promised that none of its authorities accused of leiD2 ocnosed to the removal of these Indiaus should have any part in the execution of the plan suggested. Geuerat 0. (J. Howard, noticing re cently a published article concerning his management of the ireedniens bureau and certain papers in that connection submitted to the Attorney General, says: The sum between three and four thousand dollars represented as short in the disbursing officer's account was unuvoid able and in no way wrong, lie immediately paid the amount due the government as seon as ascertained. As to the thousand, the disbursing officer sent in the money as well as the receipt, and as soon as the second auditor could cancel the vouchers, he says all his transactions can be satisfactorily ad-ti- se Pittsburg. 16. residing in Two women, both married, different sections of the city, hanged themselves this morning. The cause not stated. account of serious trouble recently aris. ing with his brother. . FOREIGN. Berlin. 16. Emperor William continues in a weak condition and requires absolute quiet in order to eSect his restoration to health. Z. 0. M. I. -- co- JE HAVE OPENED IN LOGAN k OGDEN, BRANCHES OF OUR WAGON and MAlHIMi DEfAlUMLM, so that the people of the Aortueru Counties can purchase, without coming to Salt Lake City. On the way Home. Among the passengers that arrived yesterday from Europe by the "Wiscon sin, were a nurobor of the Mormon dignitaries returning from their visit to the land of Jacob. They left Salt Lake City last October, joined one of Cooke's tourists' companies in London in November, and traveled through England, Holland, Belgium, France, Italy, Corfu, Egypt, Palestine and Syria: called at Constan tinople and journeyed through Bavaria, Austria and Germany about twenty thousand miles in seven mouths. Among the number of the returned "Mission" are two of the "Twelve Apostles," Geo. A. Smith and LorenioSnow. Gaorge A. is Brigbam Young's first counselor and the gentleman whom the Prophet re cently raised to the dignity of Trustee-in-TruHe of the Mormon Church has taken up his quarters at the St. Nicholas Hotel, and is accompanied by the eldest son of Mr. Jenuings, the The "princely merchant" of Utah. Apostle Snow is at the Astor House, as is also Miss Eliea R. Snow, the distin guished poetess of Zion. Elder William C. Staines, Brigham's representative and emigration agent, arrived with them a steamer ahead of the beginning of the Mormon Emigration. He reports that three or four hundred British Mormons will arrive at this port by the steamer "Nevada" on Tuesday or Wednesday i bout the same number of Swiss and Europeans will leave Liverpool in the beginning of July, and a week later 400 Scandinavians will sail from the same port. Mr. Staines looks for a very large emigration from the Old World to Utah this season. Last evening quite a num ber of Mormons from Utah now visiting New York, met with the newly arrived in the parlor of the Astor House, and among the two Misses Clawson and Miss st WE GUARANTEE WAGONS & MACHINERY twin the tiett, after much (tudrand exptirieuca. and know that Purchawr Supplied to Uifsa poirtta can rely uu Uii Tttcoiniueudurlon. It A I X ami KTUDEKAKElt WHITEWATER, WAGONS, CUAJiriOX, WOODS, EXCELSIOR and WORLD MOWERS, Droppers or Seir Rakers. THRESHING MACHINES ami SULKY RAKES. The Olebratwl THOMAS SMOOTIUNd HARROW, warranted to make the KM the Wt cultivator lor grans, grain, corn or potutooi, jet luvnntod. Our Uel i'Mrui can haw a Harrow on trial. Thw tVpartmeuts will almi eirn Information and roceivw ordor for TURBIN'K WlIKKtiS. MACU1NU9, U1UST aud SA W MILLS, or other articles not unuully kept iu utock. Bed Hud to d 1 MOKES THATCHER, Ii.lRXAKD WHITE, AGENT, LOGAN. AGENT, OGDEN. 30tf H. B. CLAWSON, Superintendent. u C. BI. I. GROCERIES, HARDWARE & lillUUKEKV; Brooklyn, 16 At the clo?e of his sermon at the Academy of Music, this morning, Rev. TOOLS, IMPLEMENTS & STOVES; D. Dewitt Talmadge surjrised his vast congregation by uniting in marriage a couple who had asked him to perform NOTIONS, GOODS, the ceremony there. It will "be remem bered that during the Tabernacle Fair made by travelers on the older Mormons at the Academy, Talmadge married a of Utah, the young ladies are certainly couple and cause! criticisms from the good looking. JV, i. Herald, JuneMlh, press throughout the country. GOODS, Hudson. N. U., 10. A young lady named Ella Wood was A Child's Attempt to Poison euot by a rejected lover, Henry Jcwctt, this morning. Jewelt is twenty. five The old. young lady is a daugh years Christian Bangert, a tailor residter of Mr. Charles wood, of this city. BrookBecoming desperate dunag an inter ing at 161 .Leonard street, before E. Justice a iroin Jewelt D., appeared lyn, view, puiieu his pocket and fired, the ball entering Semler on Wednesday last and prethe forehead just above the eye. The ferred a charge against his son Charwouud may not prove fatal: Jewett, in eleven years of age, whom attempting to run away, was caught by les, only the father of the girl, but after a strug- he charged with attempting to pois9 It appears that Bangert gle, escaped. The indications are that on him. he intended to murder the whole family. and his wife did not live happily toHe came to the house a week ago. He gether, and she left him more than a has be en arrested and locked up. year ago and went to live in New St Louis, 16. York. She also took with her their Henry Wing, principal proprietor of eldest child, a girl of about fourteen the St. Louis Daily Times, died at bis explained. residence last night after a severe ill- - years, leaving the boy, Charles, with Changes are soon to be made in about ness. He has been connected with the his father. This boy frequently vistwenty consulates, in order that South Timft since 1SG9, and was. held in high ited his SCnUTTLER WAGOXS, BOB and she, it is charg mother, trn men may be appointed to them, the esteem his brothers of the press. by his father President having recently expressed his ed, iuduccd him to poisoti New York, 1C. desire to give oitice to a in MACHINERY IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, &C, &C lead and number phosphorous larger A new chapter in the history of the by putting 1 whig Southern political friends. tacts hav' coffee hese his beer. and Tammany frauds are about to be made Boston, 15, W. llice & Co. bring suit ing been stated before the Justice he The Medical Commission appointed by public. L. the Comptroller for more than issued his warrant for the arrest of the Governor to investigate the present against $200,000, alleged to be due thera for Mrs. Bangert, who with her boy are mental condition of Smith, the Westneld etc. The affidavit of Henry now confined in stationery, murdei er, report that they find him sane, separate cells in the who has been engaged for & year past TO nd of fair intellect. The Governor and he boy is a Kinsrs Countv lau. and Council thereupon declined to interfere, in examining the claims of the city lad. but hardly realizes Regard- brizht-facc- d ana lie will be hanged on the 2th inst county, are published ot & it which he is placed claim in Co.'s llice the position $210,733, ing Palisades Nevada, 15. Merchandise in the several Departments of and in firm the to was county city On being visited at the jail jesterday Will find the Largest Assortment of fce seen paid Last night James Oldfield. a blaek can as M. in me esi, nna uu ai niir pnets. C. that Z. endorseabove, I., warrants which bear the firm's cmiih of this he made the following remarkable place, was stabbed and al- ment of these warrants. most instantly killed by u statement: "My'mother left the house stranger who f Worcester, Mass., 16. &y3 his name is Audist and claims to be H. B. CLAWSON, Superintended. feometiines father and from New Lon last June, train steamboat The from Portland, stabbed He Oregon. she used to quarrel, and I think he Oldfield ia tour different places, in the don this a.m., when passing near the breast and face, with a butcher knife, bridge, ran off the track. Ike engine, used to beat her. One time my fath1M . mere seems to nave been no provocatbaggage car and smoking car were er was sick, and sent me out for some ion whatever. Demonstrations were thrown down the bank of 20 feet bottom milk. When I came back my moth nade to lynch him, but the sheriff took side up into the water. The engineer am trno ivmnrr I thought he had TTUD VI J1UU.I was seriously injured, and the fireman "imtojaiL. been licking herj after my mother fatally wounded. Georgetown, Nev., 15. 16. New left the house she told me to get York, mterday morning Edmund Burke M found dead, about half a mile from One cape of yellow fever hts occurred some lead aud put it in my father s GROESBECKS BLOCK, SECOND SOUTH STREET, Georgetown. He was lying on his back, in this city, and terminated fatally to coffee; that was about six months "is Bands folded across his breast and the victim. He arrived here on the cars do that; I and ajro that she told me to his throat cut from ear to ear. The from Philadelphia a few days ag mother and see used to every two was taken sick go Coroner held an inquest and the jury shortly after his arrival York New in was has when died and he I where weeks, 'euuerea a- - verdict of suicide. The and died. The house AVE JUST RECEIVED A LARGE AND VARIED STOCK OF raxor with which he committed the horbeen thoroughly disinfected by order of I would stop in a plumber's shop on rible deed was Fifth street aad pick up a piece ef placed on a shelf above the Health Commissioners. ms nead. He was well known in About cne hundred prominent busi- lead from the this floor; I scraped the lead uiou or country and had several ness men, representing the principal and knife with a names- -E. put it in my fathcommercial interests, such as groceries, T. Monroe, E. B. Tuwilligcr used to make the -father er's met cup; my wouniam Tim, by the latter of dry goods, hardware, etc., AND the to as of himself. the for coffee conferring aicunHM commonly knovn. Durpose My mother told me of of calling a public meeting lire OffnrvuJ u J to do it." The buy further stated ijwhicu uuj vii a curt m o propriety and other business men to mercantile Ninth a .irM,near that he had put phosphorus, or as he destroyed s'aole belonging to Miss take action in the railroad problem and Gallagher, "some of that colored awelling house owned by her was also which is now agitating the country. expressed it, in his father's will stuff on matches," the of The object padly damaged. Another proposed meeting dwelling for His fath- Which they are offering at lower prices than any other house in tl;e city. measure this did once. remedyiug He be to beer. Mr' ?ned by euggfst was nearly comrailroad believe consumed. A horse inc"ikc, which 00 him once they abfcs er only caught the stable, putting lead the cenimunity; inflict now A upon Stock panies to was the and burned Geary in the coffee, then, bojsays, Loss about 552,500. and to limit charges for freight. The de51habout but he didn't say anything it, .Hudson, arrested for adultery, conference was strictly private. Y. World. X. coffee the threw away. released on bail this afternoon. 10. Baltimore. Mr?. jas 18 unJer Charles Mann, a farmer rePiding at OF ALL KINDS, AT arre81 cffl the same remains in jail. Elma. about 14 miles distant from this tob For Chuonic diarrhoea tliefiillowlnc li in the Yery New York, 15. city, was found dead, yesterday, , t(liuiii, iu uwuiy cn : put ttpouu-fn- l his with of wheat fimir in tumblnr of water. Uwt 8 his of dt-tithe house, rear woods at from tl fecial London, ed If tha ir u it foam, and drink immediately Freight added. ' ,iys E,uP,Tfr William con- clothes comnletclv burned from his body more water nmy bo added. Ii i thirnty, is sS3-lhotiM be taken fonr tiuit tent!! ??.ouri W.. Piivate advices nn.l a iriinalmt. wotinil in his breast. It day; Itfore fusal Orders from the country Promptly Filled. Lis condition that be committed suicide on titiul uai on tying to bed. alarming. 'fi.SS'uSlWi STAPLE and FANCY BRY CARPETS, OILCLOTHS, UPHOLSTERY CLOTIIIXG, HATS, His iuluer. ROOTS and SHOES; Wall Paper, Dorderiiig, Decorations; six-snoot- er Drugs, Chemicals, Patent 9Ielieinc; WIXES, LIQEORS, ALE and PORTER; singers Sewing Machines, in Variety; thirty-thre- e Despotic Root and Shoe Depart ncnt; Leather, Findings, Beltings, &c; PRODUCE, GRAIX, RETTER, EGGS, Arc; Wholesale Purchasers and Visitors I L-AJEC- S-AXj- to-da- y. T E city 8l-t- Gr. F.CULIER & C O,, SALT LAKE CITY, to-do- Groceries Window GlasiS y . ad-V- luirgc - or English Varnishes fr n.ff wn-t- il n. jm-tie- y . . |