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Show OQITUARYH satisfactory, punctual and thoroughly at llyriini, Vite SATURDAY, 14. ' jefficient. Cache Co. As some ladies were recently going; hrough a penitentiary, under the escort f the superintendent, they came to ooiu in which three womea were tew- - Picnic. The city has been "all alive At one o'clock (Tuesday, lOtl He wa3 an affectionate husbandf c in consequence of the h nst.) the sheds, stable, sheep pens, hoj Farr's Gro?e. Carriages and other Tehi jens, chicken houses, together with bar 1 laV in C0D ".....avuvi, vmciui, ccuuoraicai aautK oles "Dear are !'' one of the visitors whishave been plying from Main Btreet less and all farming and gardening im kered, "what vieioua-lookinwas en ci creturei icutcvi iinvmu,iiiiUWui) aim j,,,., stricuy auen what are tbey here for?" T .'ray, of G- OJell, who expired thismivo to all his obligations as a citizen. Bt0 tbe scene of the festivities, the swee the George ilements, property Thomas "Because they have n other home. , . Ifstrains of the Weber Brass T5a.nl re i ;.!,. were Yard, u by fire. destroyed u ue iu . unu win This is our sitting-room- , iutk ieic dv and they are mornin"' wwij nisa ueepiy th an rods were four d"' The sheds wife long, two nnd office ny the th,r,0Ufhh hst evening family, who have our heartfelt daughters' blandly When he left . . J folks th uiswercd the superintendent.1 . he corrals feur rods square.and so rap n , , , If , w auu tua cuuuuicnccn 01 iucs3hadv retreat orf the river bank to en he apprareu w d was the work of destruction that th' ana utwawu genera yenerai public, and his services willpjoy the recreation provided. W e shouh Hhole were destroyed in forty minutes and spirits, and yoithfube notice by bis pleasant greatly missed by the community Bjudge that the affair is highly success i Through the prompt action of the citi AND ' betwo hours when it is conclu 3 '.ens, the fire was kept in bounds. Ha can About tell better ful.but The funeral will services be con appearance. CONFECTIONERY, ded. took ptaeMlucted at the Tabernacle t not beea so tne nouse ana moiass fore the sad occurrence MAIN STREET, OQDEX. nill and neighboring property wouli went into another aparvSunday, at 11 a. in. A general in jie arose and A Fracas. At 11 o'clock, last nigh AT PURS or Relail. lave shared the same fate. is extended ment to obtain a drink oi water, while two men were playing billiards, Mr. Ward estimates his loss at betweei BHEAIl, PIE.S, CAKEM without complain-inat one of our saloons, a difficulty arose turning to his bed nd PASTKY of Every Deiicrlptlon wo and three hundred dollars. The fin The exiated old an sickness. that only sign of any grudge regarding GROCERIES nl CAnnod Oo.nl. vas caused by his two boys, aged 4 ami Correspondence. 32tf J. M.STLNOER,Propriior. two parties conn 3 The them. between a sudden few was of pain any he "ave years, playing in the stock yard witl 1873. Hto words and blows. Mr. AVhelan pro Ogden, June 14, before he breathed his last. natcbes. In company with Kev. F. A. ltigein,offLrio,n, f th. on1 risps just DnABBVnr.. in qpn Mr. Ward returns his sincere thanks in her arms, buttj Evansto, I left Ogden Thursday, JuneEr , His wife raised him luc After about hours "b" ride three weK,ai" to his many friends who assisted to savi llh. he was gone before any other assist arrived at Echo City. There we had theKand while acting as a peace maker was his C. S. property. auce could be rendered. Mr. J.Huss. pleasure of an introduction to Joeph A.Rstruck on the head with a billiard ball Wung, Prest.; Bishop Cluff,Supennten-lThiwonndiflic ted M, whelMl the nearest neighbor, was called in and L. A. Smith, conductor on the pjlent; Swas Jack Cauicrs Kcsidcnco S.T-1860--X severe, a great gash being made up and Dr. Williams sent for immedi Kaummit to. II. K., wno were nere in Lost. aid consultation with Mr. Charles Duell, Su ha the right side of his head. Dr. An ately, but he was beyond human perintendent of the Rocky Mountain derson was at once called to attend upon On Saturday Jack Canter, the count Coroner W. N. Fife on hearing the Coal Company, at Lvanston, as to new finished his ten years' sen to we learn and are lerfeiter,, Whelan, glad for the transfer oi jMr. in mournful news, empanneled a jury md improved methods tence Sing Sing, and was turned loose the patient was so well cared for coal from the S. C. to U. P. cars. world a most unhappy roan the upon nnd investigated the case, hearing present it costs the Company seventeenm.h&t he was able to atten the c at Jack Canter, although only ntty yean-oldJ ...At. J. enu per ion '.o iransier tuetr coai. Mthe Grove evidence from the family of the de has served twenty-nin- e years in the csnteraplated plan it will be only ohck has con been lie Sing prison. Sing and Dr.tL per ton The plan is to elevate the?, ceased, and from Mr. lluss victed of nearly every crime in the cal A fight occurred yes C. track, by grade and trussel, to thejj At thk Depot. endar.. His last offence was the making Williams, when the following of the U. t. cars, and then dumfftcrday afternoon between two cons of of counterfeit fractional plane currency in : rendered diet was m.u. rm...u Tai. nnailk the T)pnnt Ci Mount Vernon. Three vears aco Jack. Mine wuoie cur atuuue. " reacn uoamue Dya,, , . ,, , who in all his former terms was clerkN Tfhuitprt of Utah 1 M JJinamg we couiu -1in the prison, was assigned to duty in Ogdex Pbecixct, I rjan evening train, we iook a raniDie overfg'-bruised. tithe mountains, which had the effect toKbadly Weber County. room. Aa clerk, Jack had Mi Ml he wubh not re sets of muscles several Mr. T. G. Odell, createdKS harge of the lime book of convicts, of The death talevtlop THE holden at An inquisition Ogden City, and math whrilt an and expert all penman sensation being Profound among Veber county, on the H.h day of June.ft, ' ffif(thMhl' lin n t0 thi erar,i-H- a ematician, he performed nearly all the CELEBRATED A. D. 1873, before William N. Fife, Cor and although we enjoyedHere acquainted with him, and his Iosk luties of the chief clerk. fjratory glands, of oner of said County, upon the body ii a BlimmSt nfWla ilaonlv lamonf oil Mrhfl viAiv i PCnvA iia It eventually dawned upon the mind ii uinnn TIT a n1 VOfTilloil mirBolvPS lTltl 3 T J j . uuuu t,ucio iiiiik uvuu.a w t h a fninnkin " Ai0W uas " of the warden and the clerk that con. ir0IU reueiY,ru Aureu 7.75-V-J-"J'0U, three jurors whose names are heretoKT! ... . ... irViH . were going out of the prison more! victs stonesand which m08S the said 6Sate subscribed, toP" jurors, upon theirH, rJa r,arnA a Wt,' .hin thM$ than they were coming in. In rapidly .uh8 do say, that the said Thomas C ni1 They were vesication showed we found that "Time and are worthy of examination. again, Hcity that Canter had for AND Odell, according to the testimony premrains wan tor uv uiuu, uuu c uau iuc: prepared and polished at the celebrated years been systematically shortening! to his death from came setted, apoplexy, J pleasing alternative of remaining over the terms of convicts on the books at lapidary establishment in Laramie. between the hours of 4 and 5 o'clock a. J&cno or cauiugimu ruquisinou in uigni terms of $100 each. The average re m. of said date. our pedal extremities to the tune of five' made in time was about one llduction Iu testimony whereof the said jurors miles; but notning aauntea morning at the regular hour; the Union!!, half, some more, and fcuute less. Thui have hereunto set their hands the day this last thing we did. And as "fortune Pacific still coming by way of the Sioui 1 man, if he had $100, could? r8PUBELT A VEGETAELErr.El'AJlATION", and year aforesaid. favors the brave we were soon overtaten and Fremont route, as the Elkhorc setoff with only five, six, or seven City R O OT S , J. Weight, composed almplT of which kindly took Iby empty j Gilbert years, just as the prominence or obscuri nd FRUITS,'ml.ned wllhrvthfr Jurors. Tiieo. A. Smith, HERDS as in and carried us as lar as urass--i bridge is not yet rebuilt. ty of the convict might suggest. Un tbe I Jas. E. Cliston. properties, which tathrir nature ara ( Creek. Here we resumed our pedestri discovery of this trick Jack lost his situa- Aperient, Nutritious, Diuretic, Alterative ond fetched we sunset at up ani6m, and just William N. Fifk, Salt Lake Items. We glean the fol tion. From that time he filled a very The whole it preterrtd lu at the residence of Bishop Clutt, wno ai Coroner of Weber County. from our Salt Lake exchanges of naniAl nlafia in tliA nrieAn and veArnotl lowing qmntity of spirit from 'tbe Sl'tJAil rectcd us to a house for entertainment But for the expiration of his time. this to tee? tiieia in ny climnt, rbi' U CAXE im the name morning: from in derived its Thomas George Odell was born Coalville 3 when the great iron door closed behind makes the . The body of Francis Brown was recov I,mm wna ) beds in its vicinity. Forma. rnco iuu a ciang, vuuue i Bedfordshire. mense coal heighten Buzzard, erly it was known by the name of Chalk ered yesterday in Little Cottonwood. A in the busy world, he sat down on a stone England, on the 3d of January,1823; Creek, or Weber, being situated at the ind wept aloud. X. 1 . bun, function of these two streams. It num log led to the discovery by smelling i T r i... it. - ni l w j impuwu inw ui vuureu between 350 and 500 inhabitants, around a certain spot in the enow whieb sus Christ of Latter Pay Saints, inllind is the metropolis of several eettle-Baamelted so far that some wagor miking the rope. : ... 1 id i. The L. U. M. i. nave a Draucuij wheels had mutilated the corpse. De-laments. me xiouuua, in year eiuigmtBUM There is also a tabernacle A singular fraud has lately been jneoftlie most desirable Ten irs arv' ceased was an old and respected resi to Utah in the fall of 1861, and set-i- n at which present there is a in Uis'vAld. i ?bQj IM the I of and member was a successfully practised in Home on tied in Ogden city. He was a printJjof pupil under the tutelage of Mr.Ithead dent of Utah, Mormon Battalion. Consignor llassonn, lermcrly ratri- - jtriot'.yuH r by trade, and went to Salt Lak.e33.ujEe9) miles up the Chalkl Said Bey. Two men, in charge of the Richmond arch of the Armenians. this grade iel. t he son of the late Mehemet I'asha City, where for some three or fouifcreek canyon. ' A part of who Mr. Taylor. flaiO feet to the mile, more than twice thaiE Mine, in the interest of . , , ,. Police at Minister of Constantinople nis proiession.K90f tDe highest grade of the U. r. With was imprisoned a short time since by jears ne ionowea his own only to be mihI m a medicine, aud lwaro head of 8leam they ca? carry three but in the summer of 18G9 returned!! McKean, were sleeping at the titer some dimcultios in cortiing to ciircciiona; JJudge . . ,ior four empty flat cars up the grade.and country, left for Home. He intro . , , n an when last mine Thursday morning, io ugaen, wfcen He was of tho ftHpsnd Xl,py w tb luced hinself to the Patriarch as aD appointeaa,.an descend with any quantity necessaryM broke in and arrested them on a uron ainivd l'v r. mj t lebiliUted. revers-H- i and They ju brakes the on all Recorder of Ogden City, which posi-Kb- y putting from the Turkish Government stimulate to snob a degreo tliut a b!Uir cctia arrant from McKean. Men employed envoy tion he satis charged with a mission to the y Is t once brought obout. As a remedy to U h occupied to the entire son our return train, ana 10 say our by the opposing party, Dr. Smith, imme oi settlement about a to n Wom-sre especially' subject it is mipw.. bring faction of both the were never steady would be corporation' andKjtierves There is some the Armenian other stimulant As a Spring Iverv mild wav of tutting our feelings. 1 diately took possession. Church differences; every seding ue public until his decease. in McKeau's con Tonic ibcy bve uo r(pL Mummer fishy decidedly thing and of was mission said equal fdivided my optical powers pretty that the ibut he and mUd r s fcllv between tbe conductor and bis mo gentle Puwfive a w)l as They luct of this case. Having from his boyhood been itoo confidential a nature to be com Touic to They purify the blood. They sr a light Last night the demi monde were waited municated to the Ottoman Minister Htions, and some chosen spot connected with do to concluded Appetizer. Tbiy nuaie the w6 strccg. so, splendid we had newspaper and prin in case city officers and notified to it Rome. Said Bey produced cre- They partly and invigorate. Thi-- cure pvs- ters' work, he advocated the establbut thanks to the engineer he relieveo Baupon by the well known eave before the 1st of July or the full dentials written in due form in tht pepsia, Constipation and llea.liie.lic. Thty art ishment of a paper in this city, and lour fearful suspense by . !"ud brakes." Jpenalty of tke law would be enforced Turkish language on paper of tht as a specific in all spociesof disorders vLloU and break tlo a 1 when the Ogden While at the mines, and waiting for jlngainstthem. Some lively times ahead. Turkish Foreign Office. Monsignoi undermine the bodily strength Publishing Oom-pw- y animal tbo kind Smith Mr. spirfts. The Jordan river is swelling and Iassonn presented the special envoy was in process of formation. iihe loading of the cars, and conducted us into through' the, aJly Depot, 53 Park Place , New Ycrl . to Cardinal Antonclli, who presentee gave the Thtljthreatening bridges, &c. enterprise the benefit of his! ifohsatch, now run by Mr. Chapjel. Work on the Wahsatch and Jordan liini to the Pope. Three audiences main entrance is probably seven bun long experience and practical knowl- tne off and this lred feet, dip. Valley Railroad is being vigorously ;it the Vatican were granted : Said following ege. He acted as foreman ef the iriiili ia nhmit one foot in lour, are and will soon be completed to entered into negotiations with Anto Some have beenKj pushed, of various llrooms Oodev sizes.; uelli and the Patriarch, and a con ;nf; within five miles of Alta. om The vein is about UEJ A man named Sanders, while workmenr cordat was drafted. "When the time January 1st, 1870, when the ire iust- opened. s claim itu , .jwas for signing the concordat had oomo paper was started, , until his death Kfeet thick and this Company out gl)aniBh Iml minei' Bincham. ma Hi1 OlH .nr. " .!.. hesitated and said he should be w :w acres, waicn A tamping bar wa Said d j and to his mechanical skill and Thursday good ibout four million tons, which, . . to return to Constantinople , , , would requirt biown tnrougn nis siue cy au expioBioc johliged taste the tons 50 of day, per iverae typographical appearance' ito cenfer with the Minister of For- 200 years to exhaust the claim. 1 et thitgof g;ant p0wjer 01 the loin Affairs with reference to some Daner ia dnp- cna rmo rf flirt . , Hamnbell. Only 50 Cents per Bottle,' u, mine is the Daresi ume 01 iu0 Esa..' Snnerinten 1 , ' : m lie of clauses the of the n agreement, l. Erectors of the Company for th , J jH.l.ntnfSi.l.nnU.hiui returned from an borrowed six thousand francs from It promotes the GUOWTII, PKESEUVr.S If annnlv is the measure 01 uenanu.H' lUe COLOR, sind increases iae i iur . joars 1871 and '72, and was elected l visit to Utah, Juab, Sanpete, Mil- - the 'Armenian and left llome these facts suggest time and prelate and BEAUTY f the UAIXt. , treasure? for 1873. ments which we nave scarcely uiciiicuird and lron oountie8, for lit Constantinople, ostensibly TwraTT Tear am I.tok's Kathjiho of. This mine has at present a workineM mm, in either Ottk since lias ite was a charter member of the' pot CIuflf Av Ocrden irirl has cresented her fel- of twelve men. From Bishop the negotiations in exclusive of theBL JJeseret wjth a handsome boutiuet wcven ot city. During Typosranhical Union N - t learned that this road,cost a tbapopa-xnV- f !f4,UUU persata,hprs clucked from the birds of the Home he was entertained at the tfa- Tbe for it bssMceived. andand r rfr--iron and rollin stock, Uo, and was well known to all the unpr.lonVd it hM.bUind.i(i dene and is all nice veryRjblcs 0f Antonclli and Mousiirnor . t. i,,ore Smile, but, if well managed th (IKOVTH and bEAlH of hi a'gcky Mountains. Thisafter she has woG&IIassonn. Aew York Sun "atcrnity in Utah. He was zcalous'he right time of the jear, would costMpoetiealf ii;deed-b- ut. Mndrnff. It prnanU tba Hair f r.wn tarninc irrmT. wed him, she will present him with! iind d I" LTwishing to enjoy a bolidaj t hLiilrAl ttiArn tia vwn hnni ;ndefatiSahle in the discharge , of rirne. It is tbe am in QtAMrirr r. Ilia i and profit. fcl A villain and? here is no more interesting v.u, n uign were onerous 11. Journal. arraigned for highway rob Waw. lab nriA,. .liJ4.h an j1.ce majl Mild sou 1, tt uo' 1113 MntiemanlT men than naiy manners anda.:;Aw!-;.n- rt ' money from his accuser. r,Dr;0ne-have been uainful. .C0genial spirit gained for him thelithe parties above mentioned. Woman's Glory is Her Eair. . v G. D. na.r ne siue Stboso.,, any tlUistrict Attdrney: "borrowed the money: aspect and good-wi- ll of the business How did you induce mm to lend it t r '" a of Aw city, with whom he wa been y has regulars Warm. ;.. 1 tnea . moral suasions Lenaon the of staff 7imeHvouI' literarv Tbe "Well, sr . r. the n the mcKt at increases heat the tfscorchcr. If , , . ?rnAU. embraces three hundred persons, thcrllirst, but fiually nad to knock bim dowel K KOLU ratin HiAre will be no need to flchief editor receifing a stvlary as . .1 largeijind hold a pislsl to his ear." Thin re founts and transactions With , v.. t.rw.pi United the of uuu ue can Tresident Statea.ply prejudiced the jury against the pris tyfLs the .Kbuild fires, our cooxing Uiuin,.;,...! .1 uuluor were alwaysHuunihine. rhow: John Walter is proprieier. yoncr. The Junctiov is in to-da- mourning to la to-d- y pic-ni- g - 1 auic 1 -,, 7 "T f' LODO. BAKERV ... - " n Ahat pic-ni- to-da- - ver-gj1- . 1 . r. 3- i f-- m I i TOHIC 1 !- - APPETIZER, tnd-a-ha- li ten-ye- ar coal-wago- At 8tb:-rti.'- m.ffl-oic- AntI-n;lioii- 8. 1 "Pr, tj- nt 1 1L4ITATI0I MTTES8 d io, , H day-scho- ktc-t.'.ti- . , Tciiipcraiiee ihflct-snrh- ati-ca- "Eiiim or n up-"lio- y ' .7 .Trv-PTTA- .... v bis w m ' "H, poiQwis.. improve-SSofScia- -- -- . B 1 fi it 1 vd""i 1 mt it, To-da- ... . " r.i . .. .... u ii if p LYON'S 1 i ! |