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Show wSm plague, typhus, small pox cholera, influenza, pleuro pneumonia,' murrain, etc., the iuteniperatc, the dissipated, aud those whose sanitary conditions were bad, furnished the great majority of victims. We do not write to alarm any one, nor to make a sensation. AVe Etate the facts which all history attests. The readers of The Science of Health can judge for themselves what importance to attach to the subject. That tho conjoint perihelion of all the large planets of the solar system, one of which Jupiter, is a thousand times as large as tho earth, aust disturb our atmosphere and temperature very considerably, is probable; t'lat this disturbance must be injurious to health and life is certain; and that these periods have heretofore been pestilential, is matter of record. How much we shall suffer during the next dozen or fifteen years, depends very much on how nearly we live a life in accordance with the laws of life. Science of Health. Vulliipd rvpry WKTNKS1UY ami fATUJiPAY (Jumpanv. by thCH;DE! t'L'IILIdH'lS - Th- The (Joltleu Side. - ir a rtfn the rri1 of life, e woui.i on.;' it; , ' muTiT 11 , etojito Janil, iu,my lime tr'ini t)ie w ill ii' jiikI hi ike it! j.i6. tiiiu To tlie mntiv wml tliftth full of lxfe, A li J Uiiufd lulllilul tl'Usl Iw'er IHlk-tlChe g!iuif .! jrrix'ii umi the fl.'W:- Hi bright lliuiili ine Wiuloi' tuiiu jiievulletli. ,jiJ litir l, - to hope though tha rlnuiln hang low, Irtr An t.i rfM Ktill Iilleit; I . kfi-iktl- ur tiifuweet bliimky Will ikhiu pfOjitluou Whn tlw otninon clnudi" (ire ritfiJ lieie ,n wiliiuiit it cky, i evening without a morning; Ana (tie ke.t Imur, mi tlie prevut l goal, lit I lit) bvar liefoie ttMS (Uwu.llg. 'X pen In tho pth of life, (mKin our iille ilbuKiire. Til 'it t lar than the J wWod civw.i, Or tiie iniwr'i lioanleil trewtii; liitiu cii.ld, ItUla.i' tn liie Inw ol Or a inorhtir'i prayer t Inmvcu, Or only A lgj.'r grulefiil tlmnk If i cup of wator givcu. TUi W i iicli wfinyft rhi' I.f irer to wear In the web of life ami fld'-- flllniK, An to do Uoil'a wilt with retuiy heart, An., lnuidn tiu'urf rriMiy ami willing, .v, 1 Tban to Hiuip the delicate, minute threadi HI uur ci.rimiK live aunilr, kn'. tlin bUnio heaven for the tangled ends. ,.uil tit aU fci.evu, uii woiiior. LVrilitliou and resilience. If there is anything in "astrologic-i'- l etiology," wo are approaching one m' the iiiosstpestilentiut period.- in the , - cr.a'ei hi.itory; Since the eomliionce-ric.- it of the Christian era, the of the four great planets of tlie 8 system Jupiter, Saturn, pcri-l.Oi'- a Ura-iiU- oliiBi'Cohe Going -- ! ago a widow wowian About a week named (iathner, living in the Sixth Ward, met a male : c (iiaiutancc on Cratiot street, and complained to him that she was out of flour and He wood, and almost discouraged. to marry told her that she ought he at auction," sell "I'll you again. continued, "and we'll put in a bidder shall trin t the iu order that for a court you week, woman The you may know him." man and the laughingly consented, mounted a box and began C yiug out. A crowd assembled and he stated the facts in the case, saying that he had known her for years. Knew her to be industrious and of good character, and then he opened the sale. Bid' ding was lively and everybody in In the crowd was an gowd humor. old bachelor named Teter D. Joslin, boarding on Maple street, and he was the only one who took the joke as a real fact. He jumped the bidcents to five ding from forty-threraised it to eight then and dollars, dollars. The auctioneer cried "last call" on that figure, and the widow was "knocked down." Joslin handed her the money, agreed to the proviso, and then treated the whole crowd, none of whom had a thought that a marriage would ever take place. One did, however, take place yesterday morning, after the terms of the proviso had been faithfully carried out. And while it is quite certain that Joslin has found a good helpmeet, the bridegroom's friends say that he is sober, steady, and well off. Detroit Free Press. pro-vis- hio-hes- t C. Hi. I., - 2J. Wholesale Department. ; Detective's Story. curious case of circumslantial evidence has just been made use of in discovering the murderer of a banker of Florence, Italy. In making a post mortem examination of the murdered man the doctor observed that one haud was closed. He opened it, not without difficulty, and found it contained some hairs of a red beard. This was a revelation. It became evident that the unfortunate banker, in struggling with his assassins, had seized one of them by the beard. The next step was to discover what individual having a red beard had access to the banker's house. It was then remembered that his ?ervant had u lover, a dyer named IJergamaschis, whoso hair and beard were red. He was arrested, and his house searched. Under a stove nearly a thousand francs were discovered, and several portions of his clothing were found to be stained with blood. An arrest followed, and the man's conviction is considered certain.' A- - MSSi .000 PIECES V FRITS ! rt Empress Cloths, Merinos, Alpacas, Arainw ' Wool claiues. 4iiighaiiBS, Tifkini. etc. Cassi meres, THeplB eiilms, llomeslies, Coftoaiadcs, Jeans, Etc., Etc. 3.iacL 33o3tjb' Gonts' EEADY-MAD- E CLOTHING Mats and Caps, OOTS AID SHOES! Of Evert Variety, and CAEIFOflIA 3IAXUFACTII5E. OF e X Ogden City. EASTERLY A General Assortment of INCLUDING Cutlery, Locks, Carpenters anil other Tools. A LARGE STOCK OF and Neptune have nut been is coincident. But this about to occur; Tii.u, U th'ti Lugujgo of Dr.' Knapp, wh has meed the history of the trrorif gst epiumies that ever afflicted KTC, ETC. tho humau race to the perihelia, of ii.cn.'- piaiictb, there wiu suoa be George Francis Train appears more sensible than his iurjuisitor, the-tiun.s for doctors.' The i HARNESS AND HARNESS TRIMMINGS. i;cy and from farther th-i when or one the more cf insanity. t jy lurj pbnet is nearest the'smn, the The ladies of Utica rejoice in A Full Lino of atand condition our of also in and temperature showy "3Iodoe" hats, bo mcts styled "Scar-facemosphere are so disturbed as to cause Charley'.' anl "Boston Charley." injurious vicissitudes ot weather, extreme heat, executive cold, terrible An Illinois justice of tho peace Of All Descriptions. rains, prolonged droughts, etc., fine for to refused a man a kissing in tin destruction of crops All orders addressed to D. II. JPEERY, Ogden City, U. and fruit, famines in many places, girl against her will, because when ivdl recive prompt attention. the lass came into court he was ob'ig-e- d and peUiienco among human beings sS-tf to hold on to the arms of his chair II. K CLAWSOX, Superintendent iiiid domestic animals. Kngland will suffer a spell of Josh from himself. to her kissing Dr. Knapph'is collated a m.n.s of Jiliiings. keep pt:.tistie;il d.it.l, all going to show that i.'rihelion p(iols nave always1 beou marked by unusual mortality, and tu.it biektie aud death have invar' SIMMONS CLOUGH ORGAN j hi j ccrcponded with the number IMMIOVKI) of jilaiuts iu perihelion at the same ' ThS 1 icvolution of' Jupiter tiiae.; u oHiid the sun is ieeoinplished in a AND ' IN CHARGE OF imie less than twelve years; of Saturn ia ii U'gs than thirty veart: of Urauus in aUut eiglty-fou- r year?, and of about one hundred and tune in Aej re-jilti- good-tempere- d Plows, Hoes, Rakes, Scythes, Forks d Z, - & CAB I NE T I G. M. CO.'S COreilSSM O R GAITS DEPARTMENT, H. W. NAISBITT. years., If it be true, theretho that fore, perihelia of thee plan-ci- s xty-lb- nr t'eeasiou atuiospherio conditions u.iUVuVubleto life, pettileuti.d peii-oil- s luuld occur oucc , iu a dozen yearn, and aggravated and still more wide spread epidemics at longer in tervals. In tracing tho history of epideuiics tor more than two thousand years, Dr. Knapp finds tho facts iu nil caes ti validate the theory. Thus, in tho sixth, and again in the sixteenth century, threo of these planets were coineidetitly iu perihelion, and tlu'so were the' most peitileutiul times of tho Christian era. Hut so in we are to have, for the firt time in two thousand year. all ib'ir ofthese planets against us. They vti.i be at their Dctu'ect approach to the suu in or soon, after lfSt, so that, for a few years, say from 1880 to 18P5, the vitality of every living th:ng on the earth will bo put to a severe aud trying orue.d. Soiiie per-- s .lis think they sej, in the "signs of the times, ; evidences cf greater d:ister ?n the inmWiato future. The excessive heat of lat summer ; the uneximpled cld ot latt winter; the prevalence ol fl .oils and disasters s.'a ; the general failure of the potato crop ; the "widespread chill-v- r among human beings, and ti c equal prevalence of epitooty among animals, are mentioned as among the p:emonitions of the rapidly approach; ...,.;. ing perihelion, el!, "to 1 c forewarned is to be fore.srmed." Accidents excepted,we know very Sbl that the persons of more vigoijao constitutions and more i yieuie habits will have the betttr ch rce to survive whatever adverse imu nces tlie extraordinary perihelia will occasion. It is well known to ...joicittus that, in all pctiLav.e,' EH .M IS Will purchase any kind of Merchandise not usually kept stock, including mm ' ill owe Engines, Saiv-Mills- , i Circular San s, ISolting Cloth, Ecllcl Water Wheels, Cheese Factory or u Iairy Threshing Machines, Machine Extras, Force or other Pumps, Belting, v Sorghum Mills, Evaporators, ' 5uA o U vrJ iTr i. "i i "' ; ? in &c, dr., tloods, cVf. Or any articli from any State, that may be necilcd in an Agricultural or ' Mechanical population. ' Send in your orders and wo will de the best to fill "them at Manufactur' ers prices with freight added, or on a slight percentage. , . - "Wo Grand Combination FITTED WITH THE . XEWT.Y - ' ', creased, quality "... Inin- rendered TO THAT OF THE KEST PIPE OIU3AXS OF THE SA51K CAPACITY. ECfciTAI Our celebrated "Vox Celeste," "Louis rntcnt," "Vox Humana." "Wilcox Patent," "Octavo Coupler,' the ch&raing "t'ello" or "(.'hirionet"' Stops, and All tlie - y ".-- late Improvements ':; ' ; Can bo Obtained Organs. t,.- - Only in these -- , U Different Styles, i ; For the l'arlor nnd the Church, The Itest Material aud Worltnamhlp, ' .. . i , Quality and Volume of tone Unequalled. Thirty-fir- e ; ' FACTORY PRICES, AND WAKEROOMS. COto oOO rollnrs. CORGth & CONGRESS STS.. DETROIT, MiCHIGAX. AGENTS WANTED IN EVERY COUNTY. Established i.x 1S50. gt)3-l- y . - fccrnis?, Simmons ClouoH OnoAN Co., Detroit, Michigan. well-know- and n ' The Factory having just got faJrly running since the ' ,i a v An Invention having most "important bearing on the future reputation of Heed struments, by mentis of which the quantity or Volume of tone is very largely, and of tone arc expecting an immediate shipment; of the inst.lv.frlfbr!jfv.l ' ' ' ''SCHUTTLER WAGON, IWKTPn SCIUCNtirS PATENT QUALIFIINC? TUBIS, J" ' J ';. ' ' o On.33j.T CEEICAGO PIRE! SS-6- II. B. CLA WSOX, Superintendent GET TTOTTXl. JOB P RINT NG ! DONE AT THE . "Ogden Junction" Office, |