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Show . . Orer mid Over AgaiMu W&rl . !n , i,? 9 turn, ,'ke.ny turnBttUem.il, outthesolnKrain tk with work at my 0ver aud over agoiu., vfalmot.n6Surth9n.ed Lf vca th" tmient flowei . . a resolute will , dew must tall, rmrt and j,, juaJthirover agmu. It all pw-fon- t and over again through tho meadow flowg, The hw ..ioveriiildovi-raKait- i goe not suffice, fc not m vain, Tliuush doitiK us once or twice, ArJ a blessing, failing Maycwubii WK try ugam. Tiif Ik mill-wlic- t"at has once bfteu rlh uevor so rouh to leer, trotl tiid the !eson we once have learned never to hard to repeat. Tliuuph snrrowliil tears may fail, the heart to its depth be driven With norm and tempest, we need them all lleaveu. Tj render us meet for 1 Ku-- i An Alcohol Explosion. Yesterday afternoon, about half. M3, considerable excitement was vrfiweil in the vicinity of Third and Stevenson streets by the explosion of a barrel containing a small quantity of alcohol, near the rear of Bennett's jru,r store. 1 he accident resulted in injuries to four boys. It apbarrel had been rolled pears that the on out from the fire which occurred No. 21 at Third Monday morning, .street, and contained not more than a A number of boys quart of alcohol. were playing about the barrel at the time, and one was sitting on top, when another, in a playful way, lit a -t put it through the bung-h'jlThe nest instant a tremendous explosion occurred, and the boy who had been gitting upon the barrel was jeti to ascend at least twenty feet in the air and fell at a distance of about the starting point. tifty feet from Another boy was thrown .into the street agaiust a wagon, at which the. horse attached to it broke its halter match and e. aud, running away, kuocked a down. Two other boys standing the barrel were knocked down man near and As soon as their clothes set on fire. n took place officers ' and Haggerty rendered prompt assistance in putting out the fire on the boys' clothes and conveying them t their homes. A Chron icle reporter visited the locality soon.after the explosion occurred and ascertained the names of the lads to be as follows: Patrick llennessy, living in! the' rear ofXo; 243 Minna street; George 142 Natoma street; TimSpeller, othy Coakley, No. 59 Everett street, and William Burke, whoso local habitation was not discoverable. Patrick Hcnnessy's house was first No one apsought by the reporter. peared to Le at home, aud ufter knocking several times he a.scended a iliaky pair of stairs, and in a room which contained nothing but a few blankets in one comer, found a boy under twelve years old, who proved tj b Pat Hcnuessv. lie was all alone, and seemed to be sadly fright-cueAt last, ho made the following statement: "We were all. arouud the barrel and I was on top. AVillie Burke said, a 'Light match;' and I wid not to do it. Then looked up to the corner aud it went off. I don't remember 'anything after that until was picked up by a man. I ain't attch hurt, but my legs hurt some d my stomach feels bad." When ed if his parents knew of the mat-- , he said that they did not, and he wa.ke4 home alone, lie had come norae after the explosion and crawled wo bed, to avoid being Veen. ' The boy Coakley was next called namatu leSs were very r?i burned, aad hi hair was siag-- H close to his head. His clothes had uht fire, but thef timely assistance a man J . WQo threw a coat around ,,lai and thus smothered the M him from further injury.flames, leo. Speller, living on Natoma wet, was suffering more .. from .his Jjunos than the otliers. One of the ' the cask had struck him in JCS nd Mi'ct-ea serious I! i to Mm"? arpeared have shinVHis hair was buW iniuf'4,11'18 hands andfce dly ?r ln tlirown across the st wU1 S v- n, Prably recover. the explosion Ma-lio- d. j t,ch Train. F. peu-rdh- 1 13 founded in 1761. on - A philosopher says : "The noblest sight on earth is a man talking reason, and his wife listening to him." Undoubtedly. But who ever saw it ? man has talked reason to his Many-and wife, thought she was listening profoundly, until she burst out with 'Dear, what kind of trimming do you think I should put on that new poplin f Ought it - to be lace or fringe?" The nun usually stops talking reason just then, and well, you now how it is yourself. a - Pay your debts as soon as you get the money in your pocketi Go with' out what you don't need.' Speak your mind when necessary. Hold your tongue when prudent. . Speak , to a friend in a seedy coat. If you can't lend a friend money, tell .him want to,tell him why., If you' don't ' the same. Cut acquaintances who lack principle. Bear with infirmi-ties- y , liepe?t hones, -- " " duplicity. Wear your old clothes- till yon canpay for new ones. Aim 'at comfort and propriety, not fashion. Acknowledge your ignorance, and don't pretend to knowledge you haven't got. Entertain your friendsjjbut never beyond your means.- - tyf 'despise' - J One "of the' fruit 'dealers' of Portland caughVan urchin stealing nuts. to execute' The boy beggei to be released,; because he had just been vaccinated from a fresh cow. ''What has that todp with it V shouted the a' infrmaccd fruit and into hooking cowj my itgot blood,", was; tho whimpering reply. r" condign-punishmen- - Tab-a-no- o An-te-ro- o, frit-win-, r, Sunlight and Health. It rnst. nni aim n,i vr,vw n V mo mrvmain ..:....:,... uuauuu nnnAnottir .. iu Kin3 an For fottl and Wood, At the rear end of our parlor it One Mrs. "Wade fulfils woman's was not very dark. Indeed, we could missiou as a blacksmith at Ft. Seott, see to read small newspaper print at Kansas. the least lighted point. At that Mrs. Harriet Beecher Stowe is point we put a bracket agaiust the wall, and transferred to it a plant waiting for her brother to die before from the window, la four days it she publishes a companion to the looked sick; in two weeks it was yel- "Byron Scandal." ' low; in five weeks it was apparently A negress, speaking of one of her dead. Another plant was placed on children who was lighter colored than which was about the the center-tablrest, said, I uebber could bear half-wafrom the front windows to dat brat, 'cause he show dirt so easv. the position of the first plant. Attlie This is from the Augusta, Ga., end of five weeks that had lost its Chronicle: and was evidently failing. The green "Delinquent subscribers girls in our parlor, who were out not should not permit their daughters to more than an hour a day on an aver-- J wear this paper for a bustle there ago, exeept they! went to places of being so much due on it, there is amusement in the evening, were as danger of catching cold." pale, yellow and sickly as the plants, A St. Louis man recently commitand we think for the same reason ted suicide on account of the death a lack of full, strong light. Dio of his mother-in-law- , and it didn't LeicU. take the coroner's jury five miuutes to find a verdict of "aberration of A passenger on an Ohio railroad, miud" in his case. aroused from a serene slumber by the tooting of a whistle, exclaimed Queen Victoria's thief physician petulantly : "The train has caught says that "housework is admirably calculated to preserve a robust woup with those cattle again !" man, and to strengthen one who is A Michigan man has invented a weak. An hour in the laundry is unique, .poetical and- to his mind, better than a vial of iron." eminently practical mood of travel' ing rapidly on horseback. His idea ' - A fine of $15 and two weeks' is to construct a d balloon", imprisonment was the sentence lately which is to be laid on lengthwise up- passed by a London magistrate upon The animal a wretch who pricked out the eyes of on the horse's back. and, driver are to be weighed; and a chaffinch to improve its song. He the balloon filled with just gas enough boasted of haviug treated forty birds to lift all but a few pounds' weight n the same mrnner in one day. of horse and rider from the earth, iu Two members of the Kansas Legorder that ths frisky Pegasus may islature were rather noisily drunk on have nothing to do but go ahead. a railroad train the other day, and The possible speed of such a contrivwheu the coadnctor remonstrated, ance is as yet beyond conjecture. one of them asked, "Bo e, t. MUL, IVUMAM 1 unprotected female. . Which hiw 8itoU a Iixnmml through th TVrriforv, for lienuty and Kxi't'llHiioc, ewiiol ! . : i tiirpa'ocu. . All our Movoh lire kept nitd lor Kule by X. C. .11. I. mid all IU Iiruu-A No by all th Stor In th " Territory. BllIGHAM CITY WO OLE NJ; ACTO R Y 3fmltlmv CaiMlInjj art in fucovsvful jratn,ji. y : WOOL WANTED IN EXCHANGE FOR CLOTH. , urIor Wool cur&ri into roll in the ttuJ well-kauw- a lr iutitx r E. tuck-l- tVixkr, exjerk-- r. , liriug on your woct! 3-- t , cone-shape- ArGerman Methodist preacher in HOWE SEWING MACHINE. IX rpJIE BKST tUAS HOWE, THE WORLD? Juu. Pr.ftKEtTKJi r. An HONEST MAC II INK and not subject to FITS. OF SUPERIORITY: POINTS and Perfection. Simplicity ' of Mechanism. Durability will last a Lifetime. Jiangeof Workwithout .'j.. a Parallel. Stitch and Perfection 'of ' . . Tension. Hase of Operation and. Management. Self Adjusting Take-up- .. Adjustable Head. Call tad Eikffiine T. W.JON Tliird ir Stylni and PrUtt itl W, Tinier, ikr froio tI SLC. , Ogdra. pompously SAMUEL MILLER, JUN., you not know, sir, that I am a mem-be- r ef the Legislature?" The conSale TlctMf. a few AIfo, hi tl ductor quietly replied, "You've get doers west of Z. C. M. I , .sV.t Lake ' the jymptonis!" r.2 lr ; City. the parable of the man who gave a supper aud sent out his neighbors to partake of it, the following version which somewhat disturbed the 'gravity of, the congregation: "Und when tern servants tey got out to invite te friends in, oue he say he can't come Main St.;0gdcn, 'and 'lllain St. Logan, Cache Co. pecausehe pin pought some lant und . a- -, : ' must go und see it; nundher mauvhe :la-.i 'I thk! aGext he for don't can come pin pought a yoke of stheers and he must dry dem, ! und de under feller can't don't come to supper pecause he hev yust pen married and haf to 'dryem' do." ' rriUS JUSTLY CELEBRATED W AGON IS MADE OP THE JBEST MATERIAL A'bit of ; antiquarian knowledge 1 " ' thrcagtout cd ia warranted. has been evolved from the brain ofj A'rcLi.4srppi.Y ALWAYS OX III. f,'t the editor of the Cincinnati Times, ' dealer in ; ,s '' ,,, and the country will breathe freely (. , '' once more. This is what that paper Liclit Wagons SueopstakoV Spring ; ?CWr-Jour.'- g 11 says: "It is "a mistake of the Mower ' unci Jflnclilnew, Kiicheyc !i to suppose that Colonel Husari Corn Vend M. D. HAMMOND, . . vices. but-net Free and EasyPnpcr. , for her benefit, kicking about and making a great disturbance. Then she said she would die too, aud took the rest of the poison, and after he Indians remain quiet, there will be con- s siderable building done and impro?e-menthad called in all the neighbors and made in this and vicinity four physicians she told him that the the coming summer. place "Mr. Jacob Clowurd has just returned poison was liquorice water. from a visit to old and and states that they say that SanAn Vngratcful Wprld. pete has no need to apprehend anything from them or their party, but they canThere was a meddlesome monkey not vouch for the Shiveretls, a.s they are and thieving set, consequent, that set out to reform the. world. a gambling are not to be trusted. they ly "Milk isu't good for you' he said to 'The health of Moroni is not the best, the cat ; and the cat scratched one of as the smnll-po- z has broken out nguin his eyes out. "You were not meant in that place,, there being four new cases to gnaw bones," ha said to the dog, within tbo last eight days. It was it had, disappeared altogether. and he ran off with the bone; but the thought I hear of no other cases in this valley at dog ran after him and bit his tail off. present." "How can beef be made out of grass, you foolish beast ?" he said to the George Francis Train is master of MONITOR HAS OAIXKI A KAR KAMKf tahim bone he the had rpilK ox, offering twenty languages. I. No hlirl'T encomium can be d.t- ken from the dog ; but the ox tossed Mowo.l upou Cooking Stova tlinu to say tlmt wants a nationa every hoiiwwifc who .ui it Kwakn in It in ait.-- . him up into a tree. As he sat there, ,, Philadelphia und tt W nri(;hlHin ant tor oroiioiny, clcuuliiuw Hint reliability in ull iu minus an eye and tail, and plus a hymn for the Centennial. oMmtioun. broken rib, he moaned out : "How Ladies of txte. says a fashion-writeMONITORS now iu USE. 31,311 blindly ungrateful is the world to its make their own bonnets. benefactors!" ALfO, THE CKUWUTrD Oregon gave in a recent sermon on Good Advice. d A Titusville man, being jealous, asked his wife to get hiui some poison. She, obeyed, left him to take it, looked through the key hole aud saw him pour it out of the window. Then she came back and he began to die IJ.' ll. .in A Saspetk. Mr. W, P. Mousley wrlteg from Moroni, June 1, as follows Iq the The driver, or rather the editor, rf l)c3. Jce. .Wui : the Central City, Col, Cvark, gi?es the 4,Ve Lad a very stormy and cold trip following notice to subscribers. coming out here, and the weather still writing editor of the Coarfi carries his continues cold (nights especially.) The office in his hat, , and will be always wheat and all in nil grain look back- found at home. The fighting editor will ward, owing to the cold weather.- The be around every Saturday evening to people are generally through putting in settle all diHicult'es. The financial editheir crops, and ' are making prepara- tor has gone to the Vienna ' Exposition, tions for kanyou work, such h getting No bills will be paid until be returns.'' out lumber and fencing. Should the - Picture. An Imaginary and1-proceede- $hari for Him, , dealfry$bya ras .Too. The following is from the New York Times the 24th of April: The Special Court, organized for the purpose of deciding as to the soundness of mind of George Francis Train, resumed its proceedings yesterday afternoon. Almost the entire session was consumed in the of l)r. Meredith Clymcr Mr. Clark Bell. In the course of by the proceedings, a "boiled down" autobiography of Mr. Train was read in evidence, which recited, amoughis experiences and achievements, the following : Born iu 1830 ; in 1834 his father, mother and three sisters died of yellow fever in New Orleans; in IS42 had five years' college life in IIol mes grocery store. Lain bridge- port, Mass.;' In 1850 established the Liverpool firm of Train & Co., organizing prepaid passenger ' business and small bills of exchange throughout Europe and America ; in 1853 established the Melbourne shipping house of George F. Train & Co.; same year declined the Presidency of the Australian Republic, tendered by the Ballarat revolutionists, at the same time refusiug a seat in the Colonial Legislature, and attending the dinner given to Smith O'Brien and John Martyii, after the escape of Mitchell and Meagher; from 1S55 to 1S58, his voyage around the world, and publication of his books by the l'utmans ; in 1 85S received 100,000 commissions for negotiating the bonds of Atlantic and Great Western Railroad ; in 1859 aodlSGO built street 'railways in' Birkenhead, London, Staffordshire Potteries, and Darlington; in 18G1 espoused the Union cause in London, and xncoun-tere- d furkms opposition from the British authorities, had his city railroad indicted as a nuisance, and himself tried for manslaughter, a man having been killed by the street Cars. Then follow in rapid succession his ovation at Boston lectures, commencement of Kansas Pacific Railway, organizing Union Pacific Railway and obtaining original capital of $2,000,-00- 0 Credit Mobilier, capital ; and 810,000,000 , and Credit Foncier, with 100 millionaires as partners ; going to Ireland, and his arrest there; going t.6 France, 'and his arrest there; giving Susan B. , Anthony $15,000 to start the Revolution.; winding up, after innumerable perils by land and 'sham sea, witu a . ngut against w Christianity," and eettliner down amid his epigrams and prophecies, in Ms last lJastile, the city prisou. cross-examinati- Over The pond ions Oiwe t(.iipr will T A . How ot tliu gnldon roods w f heckrun the through a dnKl. hour. nt the mormns of Autobiography CJ. Sehuttler for Wgd n A :r i. ; . Thrhln Ileu'rN, B. Anthony's childhood was contemporary with the Phoenicians. 81ie and her brother Marc were born about 83 B. O.Y'and Susan made her first wo man's rights ratios j wbon MarcV rej J haired sweetheart. In Egypt took 'pi- Vc mus.t toniess, however, son. that we had not supposed Susan was as old as that, knowing that she yet retains her teeth." ; . Sulky Hake. Cutters, Kuellcr, JIUls Stubble Fanning ;Emery Grinders, . V AK I. nous, Shovel ALL '"' - MM V KINDS , MATERIAL,- A'. - lows,' CiiltiVators, O F .Complete' jFipf'A "C HIEIX, 'n's AJsbrtmenyt'f.'' HARDWOOD, ' IHO-- V AXD ST EL, ' V- ETC. , |