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Show J mmmitimmikm r JK year. ;jt troccrcritii, (WBDXESDAY and SATURDAY.) Zrrife jZjCTJ 1 rexes?), .nftau BY TELEGRAPH. $1.00 im:u ik. qU;i OGDEX, UTAH, WEDNESDAY, 'JUNE II, 1S73. I t ' l1 nJoii More Postal Card3 Wanted! 1 - ',' Tragedy in Missouri! Pires in Canadian aty, lTTJl. 1 Woods e Affray at Hamilton! " . Fatal Railroad Aceident - - ii- in Indiana! Indian Depredations in Kansas! Attempt of a Boy to Poison his Father! 0-- Out-id- c Trains I .VOt. IV f 0. The Company's bid was 'unusually low, and the impres sion at the Post Office Department is that they have discovered there is no money in the contract, and they are in no hur ry to comply with its terms. Another f.ct in connection with this matter is, that the last supply of cards received is said to be below the standard. It is probwill be able that the Postmaster-Gener, the contract. annul to compelled Chicago. 5. In the third billiard match of 800 points, in which Lbassy proposed to discount his opponent, he was defeated, 215 to Bessengeis' 300, though without the discount. His runs amount to e 155. There were innings. About thirty thousand people attended the great Jubilee Concert St. Louis, 5. A dispatch from Jefferson City gays tew day, Governor Woodson will, in advertise the Missouri aud Pacific rail road to he sold on the 19th of December next, to satisfy a State lien of 8,txlu,' 000, the release of which by the Legis' lature in 1808 was declared by the Leg islature last winter to have been incur Jhehr displeasure. 6. Cleveland, Vienna, b. OCDEN This is the second di y of the National The American Department of the Ex Brewers' Convention, the same officers position was opened this morning. Ste.ua Office: (Special to the Owes Junction ty the Atlantic and presiding as yesterday. After the open-iu- g was applied to the renchinery. The Nov. Pacific TtAcgrapU Company. CLOSING OF MAILS. of the Convention, Mr. Louis Schade, elties surpa"!) those from other countries. ARUIVAL AND ' ARRIVALS. of Washington, delivered a long address President Ntntoof Cornell Lniversitv, 5.4.) p.m. 7.40 a.m. 5.1. bk oty, in hngbsh and German, at the conclu- and Edward Morgan of New 6.41) ij.iiu sion of which the speaker was loudly 1 ork are Chairmen of the Bureaus of E 1.R1M11TIEB. cheered, and a vote of thanks adopted. Education and Commerce refptclivi.lv. .3) p.m. anl,. r.u Pitv. rtuulile daily 6.JU p.m. N. lleuter, of Boston also delivered 8.40 a.111. an address, after which a long series of resolutions was adopted unanimously. 7.0D a.m. Alarms. .. and tllO KiUSt 5.00 p.uu he resolutions proceed to state that as JCvantor via yonimall. the brewing interests of the U. S. ins'ead The fire alarm bell, at the City Hall, ! Kir k County, !' and kuvo thn Utter rla.-- (or ef showing a dimuuition, are steadily in- was rung on two different occasions this p.m. creasing, Congrtsi should repeal all morning, The first time w as about halt' i.00 p.m. Shot-Gun unnecessary and oppressive laws relat- past seven o'clock. Smoke was seen to HOO p.m. .. ," ri.sJa and Thurs lay .30 p.m. ing to fermented liquors in order that issue frm the upper part of the premi4ayn Sutur the brewers and the Government may be ses occujied by Batavia and Horu, . w vl!le, euuo'j" lint" T.30a.m. The and dressers of hair, oa Secoud brought into perfect harmony. ,VUItf3rhiuCifV and PKtewville, fourth resolution extends of South street, .opposite Walker Brothers' the thauks i..19 p.m. ,',,lsiv and Thursdays the Convention to Hon. J. W. Douglass, store. Tho engine, Hook and Ladder sat.rilavs 't.00 pan. i....a. Vlw: Wednesdays ' commissioner of the Internal Revenue, Company and a force of the Fire Brig-adti .,.rvillH ami lt.30 a.m. for his uniform politeness and attention were on the spot in a few moments, 6.43 p.m. to thebrewersandall who have culled on and the fire, which was only incipient, - S.15 a.m. .. TVIiwrv. him in his official capacity. A resolu- was soon extinguished. Sandav, 5 p.m. t (Uill p.w. KWSI.STKV DJEl'AItT.MKNT tion was also adopted reciting that the The twa dressers of hirsute appenda3 p.m. tViiTii 9 t.m-t- o (Hu DJEl'Aia'MKMT. manufacture and sale of malt liquors is ges appear to be imperturbable gentleM0XKV Oi'llCli from i) m. to 3 p.m. , a legitimate aud honorable business and men. It seemed to be next to impossi Duor opon from C a.m. to 8 p.m. that the position of the temper ble to convince them that their premises JOSlil'U HALL, Poitmastei-ance party alarms the brewing inter wero pn are, they New York, 5. remaining in. bel till In the City Court at Brooklyn yester est, the said temperance party having they were roused wiih water from the - - 7.40 a. m. C V train arrivei day Mrs. Mary Lee recovered a verdict constantly misrepresented the business. hose as the fire was being extinguished, AMERICAN. ; p.m. u. P. " of $41,82.5 against m. loung and otn These attempts to influence laws relating which they probably thought was a bar- (i.20 p.m. Hannlton, 5. " leaves ers. The action was brought to recover to the trade are stigmatized as malicious Larous way of hinting to a man that it C. P. A shootinir aiTray occurred at Mineral money loaned to the a.m. " U.P. " clothing house of and dishonest, and members of the con- was time to get up. Benefit W. a.m. It. when Hill & arrives Win. At ten 0 clock the fire alarm was aga:n C. Co., train yesterday, X. Cit, xoNnjr doing business in vention are pledged to use all fair 5.i5 p.m. wns Bliot and instantly killed by a man New York and St. Louis. The firm be and lawful means to counteruct perni rung, the gasoline in the anil " of 8.40 a.m. a tied Crary. It seems there hud been came bankrupt a few years ago and Mrs cious influences. The impropriety of Walker Brothers, at the rear of their " leaves -6. SO p.m. some difficulty between Benefit's wife Lee s husband was a member of the . aad classifying malt with spirituous liquors is store, having caught fire. and Crary's sister yesterday, when Mrs. firm, and the defendant claimed that the shown and it is urged that a distinction Luckily, a couple of good pumps, ai e Benefit went to the house where, Crary's fuoney the said she loaned to the firm should be made by the Natioual and bandy to the premises, to wl.ica ho e ISelisious 11 anl sister was T!Trv Sim.lav, in thcTat!rcl, at The Convention pipes were attached and water was State Legislatures. stopping, and commenced to was put in as his share of the capital. Schoul-h.njn'llie Seciin.l Wrd Silioolh.iusu Farley' beat her, and would not leave until e at 5 y.iu. then adjourned. Isew Haven, o. mid Thir! Wa'd streaming upon the small building in u her. She went at 11 a.m. ami 7 p.m. C. Yale Col and Marsh of Etiincopal CtiniH-lfew seconds from the tine the flame forcibly Crary ejected Prof. Washington, party, Vcthortit Chrch at 11 a.m. ' and 7 p.m. home and told her husband Crary had lege, will start The Department of State is in receipt broke out. A Babcock extinguisher the West, to for Lecturer (Child Hull J, at 7.30 p.m. v struct ber, ana uenent armea nimseiiti' continue the geological explorations of of information from the U. S. Consul at was also brought into requisiiion and a revolver and started for Ike bouse the previous year. The party will spend Havana to the effect that Mr. Santanora, did cood service. We : understand a Ogdcn Cily New Deinrt. Opon with whero tha difficulty occurred. At John O. Chaml' Crnry the summer in the llocky Mountains, an American citizen who had been im quantity of caibouio acid was put into the saw him coming and fired at him from aud the autumn probably on the Pacific prisoned in Cuba, has been released, and water ejected , from the extinguisher, wj av, Sundays exoeptod. the window with a shot-gafor rew 1 ork. sailed blowing the Coast, and return Last, in December. wli h helped to subdue the flames. A telegram was received San rraiicitco. 0, from The gi -' oue is a small brick buildtop of his head off and instantly killing him. Accounts differ very much, some The first new barley of the season ar General Scbofield, wbich will doubtless ing, with au iron roof, renioveu. a short G. murder, others rived from Moore's Lauding, San hasten the solution as to the disposition distance from the main premiss, ) calling it a most is above the The Gen. Schotield is of the that there was but little danger of the of the Modocs. Crary. justifying Joaquin. reliable account that can be obtained at Frederick Baker died suddenly at ht, opinion that those concerned in t be fire spreading to tho other buildings,lui FOURTH this was here believed to have murJer of Gen. Canby and other United had there not been a current of air brought present. Crary Mary's Hospital W and lodged in jail. On the dungcr of un been morning ednesday his part States officers, should be tried by a mil through the poisoned. Tour Doors from Z. C. JI. St. Louis. 5. ner found a note saying: "It I am not itary commission, and those under in explosiou would have been very great. A special from Eooneville, Mo., details dead when you alrivee.ld for Jennie dictment by the State courts should be As usual, ihe fire brigade was on hand GENERAL ' which occurred at a for to authorities over took the he turned State in that is believed iu It Uillmgs tragedy quick time, but the mimes, which wero poison IS on Sat- bottle with a small quantity of lauda trial and punishment. from miles few remainder The a Boonville, ville, to the interior of the little buildconfined BOOTS A SHOES, to b9 kept in confinement at some safe ing, were subdued by the means on urday last. It Hppears that Tat McXa- nuni, as some was found on his bed. 1.1:11111:11 mara, a squad boss in a stone quarry Bushville, Iud., C point, except women and children, who hand. The alacrity of the brigade iu near by, discharged three men named A train on the Cincinnati, Hamilton should be placed on reservations. Uen. being promptly on the spot, however, At the Lowest Prices, rroduce Tom Ciarvey, Jos. Mason, and Pat Mur and Indianapolis It. 11., ran over and kil Sciiofield's views were communicated to was none (he less commendable and Taken. phy. These men were immediately era led five head of cattle near Griffith Sta the President, and doubtless will be is praiseworthy. It is thou glit, that the fire originated ployed riy another boss named O'Neil, tion, this a. m., throwing the engine an sued in a day or two directing wnut which fact was reported by McXamara five cars on the track, ihe eugmeer shall be done with the prisoners. from a leakage in the apra-ratu- s. deci the worksnund was killed and the fireman and brakes to the chief engineer The Interior Department l)e.ieret Kmuiwj Xtn t ilh insl. ' ded that lands containing borax or those O'Niel and the three men were dismissed man iujured. REPAIRS NEATLY EXECUTED. East Aurora, N Y., 6 on Saturday evening.' O'Neil and the containing bitumen, could be patented The Indian question "White man, The Cheese factory at South Wales, as mineral lands under the mineral act, discharged men assaulted McXamara a d beat him badly in the melee. Mc known as the Bravton factory, contain The asphalt or bitumen case came up got any runir Xamara shot and instantly killed Oarvey, ing four hundred boxes of cheese, w.i from Los Anrelos Co., Gal., and the bo WHOLES LB NOTIONS, and mortally wounded Mason. .Mcrsa totally destroyed by bre tuia morning, rax case from the Surveyor General of M'mc, Lucca has had luck enouch G-Nevada. mara gave himself up and was discharg Loss about $00,000. to make $SC,O0l) in the last fix tl'ootens. Under the recent action of Congress cd on ihe ground of justifiable homicide Wichita, Ks , 6, Largest Stock West of New York. received been has a board of emigration, the Sec month. The xsorth German Government is just creating Intelligence Monroe aud Tranklin CHICAGO Cox's G. attacked Sts., lookinz for one 0. Glaves, charged here that ihe 0ages herd, retary of the Treasury has made the fol "How onft thing hrinps up anothwith swindling a larie nunber of Mor en route for Montana, near South Cald- lowing appointments : Dr. J. M. Wood said a lady, absorbed in a phaser," nion's by selling them worthless Wnds well, while it was in charge of three ward, J. B. Sanders, J. r Myers, Luas M. 11. and and them and "Yes," replied and western lands on the representation men, killing Barnard, ing retrospection. Colling, J. scalping Piper, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER,- the bonds were a valuable invest stampeding the herd. The remainder of the latter being well known as it Wash- the practical Libbs; "an emetic, fur that ler in Watches, Clocks. Jewelry, Silver and ment, and the lands were eligibly loca Dr. Woodward iastaucc." ' the men connected with uie uera were in ington correspondent. I'lmul Wme, MAIN STREET. OtiDKN. search of the lost cattle when the attack will be general supervisor of the Atlan Heiwiriijg neatly done aud all work warranted. ted and fast increasing in value. ' " tic seaboard. " was made. Halifax, 5 tvy A Bangor clergyman al uded to to San will while Cham in in commissioner woods Last Another the Later. are fires go Saturday raging Heavy the spi ing I on lets as "those incomdiflereut parts of the provinces. The bers, Earll and Traitor were out hunting Francisco to investigate the condition of prehensible huddles of finery and T? YOU WANT A TH0MSOSIAX DOCTOR OR woods in the vicinity of Liverpool have for strayed cattle on New Ellsworth trail, the Chinese and Japanese immigrants, io lr volity wnicli Iatlie3 place upon their and while watering their horses at the and others will be sent to Europe heeii on fire for two days, and last even Thomsouion MediciMP,,' ' -' rea were and Much full a in make heads." branch CALL ON DR. ravine, they sudden'y prepare inquiries ing the town was in great danger. tb of Black fifteen in done Pictou attacked been has county. Osages by port; roT office, main st., Uiiuiage ' Earll JrOllKlG.N. . 0(i PEN. Tue fire has swept from the west branch Lodge, and Chambers was killed ' Fee. Jl.oo. on the the on ;.' and fired and Taris, 5. turned Indians, killing of river John to Black river, , has The arrived Jerome All and WittitjulT Prince Earll distance ia a Traitor for John one. of river frti Napo'eon escaped. east branch day. to S20 clause which causes of here workiug people, of twelve miles, destroying everything. General Produce Ii this ctiy. His prcs-ncIndians scalped Chambers, after 'ftitli SOX. Tnmii? np itlil niaL'A m.irA tn.kiiAV ut rifle to his head and sent a much agitation in the lobbies ci the a fire " fir uk in their which the woods AND The put passed through they or the all spare moments, ' ''we, than at. ball crushing through bis brain. This National Assembly. ' are the most valuable iu the county. anything else. l'rtioular free. COMMISSION MERCUAXT ! 8tinon ft Co, Porthmd, Maine. eSO.ly ; The first reception of President Mc was done within thirty miles of the camp Chicago, 5. Postmaafter U. The took this and Mahon S. Indians, the evemuic. place of cavalry. A Washington special says the with committing these outrages, made forced a brilliant affair; all the men bers of the ster-General is overwhelmed ! FIFTH STREET, OUDEX, complaints from different parts of the marches and got out .f the reach of the diplomatic Cortw. with the exception of DKALF.R t!f , of postal friends of Chambers who pursued but Count Von Arnim, the German Ambai-country nbout the ruit9 were unable to overtake them and were tdor, were iu attendance also the Fifth tne cards. t appears mat morgan Street, South Side IT. C. It. It. Mass., .anv m , Springfield, of compelled to return and look after their Minister and all the conservative deu ail Depot, . Mnd of Produce. r furnishing cattle. The Indians did not rob Cham- puties in the Assembly and some mem irhich haa the contract - the cards, have utterly ail d to come to bers, as his money and watch were bers of the Left Center, with the Orleans G ARDEN 32-t- f time. The contract was lur 4,uuu,txw, found on mm and lus gun pickea' up in Princes and a number of the General, O. Jiox 24. tvery Variety- Admirals and otner omcers of tne army a id the understanding wa9 that they the grass near by. j . N?w York, C. and navy, editors of Conservative jour would be e"lied as fast ai reqmrid Unm!U,nAr,orlment of w K ASS SEEDS O X 15 A 11 K Charles Boreesf.,, aged eleven, and nals in Paris, distinguished clergymen, d is ireater than was expec The demai MITDIITV.-. were of ladies. his the torand bar members mother, Louisa been amount many brought Borgest, ".a.v. A M'ECIALTY. 221m ed, and bau us entire A special from London says the Govwarded at once the Department could before Justice Lowler this a. m. on the the of Mr. has decided to authorize the ernment father of the boy. probably have sold them. The contract. complaint N . S T It L E T , 0 G D I not to increase the circt MAIN live B have of ink mil Mrs. England and together about Borgest eight eu irom the (Tccts of ors have oa v supplied lounB frorVn.i. million mat latiou six pouuds, under restric CAN'M"ES AT PMImmT: ?r W r'y lire- Mh"l restored, lion. Tue Postmaster General in order for some time. Borgest complains ' ' son has attemrte' o poison him. tions not yet determined. re uoved. New method to meet the I)iBE or Hetail. vf tZr"1! would m"iape demaud gladly public ancr '""'M'kable remedies. It'and iit, The otlloers of the Spanish army are PIES, CAKES hut it arrears that The boy confesses that lie has done eo, .r.n.,1 led envelopes. A11re , Ro to PASTKY of euu and Every Description preparing pronounce against the the Morgan Envelope Company tsstrong-l- v .1. llie inVeStlgailOU tne mumcr unu Dawes and were bo h hold for examination before public, and t) summon the old Cortes to GUOCEIIIE? and Canned Good. indorsed by Congressmen ""rable coudm t and pro- 'OaftrtkilT rer assemble. C2tf J. II. Sl'l.NOEK, Proprietor. does not cars to the grand jury. Butlerj ttnd Cres-we- DIRECTORY. i'tir. ? i al Eire t, . fifty-fiv- uncon-etitutioual- im-poit- o . o.-i- 8.-5- 7.-5- 0 gas-hous- e 1 Serriccs w i. Scliool-houn- i to-da- ! y . Library n, to-da- y to-da- WHITEHEAD, cold-blood- ed to-da- y s- y STREET, to-da- y, I., se gas-hou- DEALER and shoe Fixwixcs, , ; CASil""PAID gas-maki- HIDES."'' for ' e--f to-da- y . 1 V v. .'N0.V-FARWELL&C- O., A DRY O OD 61-l- i t.r t . ; y J.S.LEWIS. . ! REMOVED. - (jaw-opp- ...... - MURPHY, osite il-3- ' m 1 A M r ft Ii 23. :p.: BiO"W-Lr, :i Ad-t- t. . CEO. W. TURNER, Shipping a Specialty non-delive- ry Vegetables, : iJutter, E.r ', oaiEX r. SEEDS '11 UTAH. It Y LOX -- CONFECTIONERY, . HOME-MAL- E - ? It-i;,l- 1 ll t I i 1 |