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Show errrr, -- Trii zarirzTTu jh.ilmi.ij jmi'tjriW-w- BY TELEGRAPH. Special that has won for him suoh a remarkable UUUUSci, uuu m vuiupvwwv " the decree allow notoriety. His complexion is dariCinu bv which the clause in """" divorced rs wife, was the to him Take look. ing alimony to th Oonp.s Jcscrwx hi the Atlantic his face has a pleasant all in, all he is. a striking man. Place him stricken out. In all other respects, howand I'aciflc Telegraph Company. stand. Dealers in among a thousand Indians and he would ever, it was allowed to Cleveland, 0., 7. be thought chief by any observing stranis a short synopsis of a The following ger. Those who havo seen him marvel ! the Brewer's Nabefore delivered And Modocs. not that he fs chief of the speech Contrress. in this city, yesterday, tional brink of the on and chains in though The speaketernity, he is yet feared and respected by II. H. Renter, of Boston. that it address his er saying by opened by the Indians about him. OrHis nearest companion in chains, was wiiu mucu uumicuve iuui. ut icmui- Schonchin, is fifty years of oge, and srl In oHrlrogitlia Cnnvpntinn. it bciUC ' wrinkled, and has villain depicted in doubtful whether he would add anything ' every line of his face. He wears his to the many good things already saia hair short, and stands about five feet He went on to speak of the political po STATUS sition of the brewers of the country nine inches in his moccasins. Boston Charley is about 23 years old. He said that owine to political barter Win fan! is einreHsionlpss. 'Mose and and reciprocal agreements between mem Sam are very ordinary looking Indians. bisrs of the ruliuc party, aided by the Jack would attempt esc:.pe if he had a circumstances of last year's election for o chance, and even risk being shot down. President, it has become possible for a 1'rohably he never realized death was faction without political power in itself, inevitable until irons were placed upon to so shape legislation as to place our his feet. Scarfuced Charley says Jack State under a most stringent prohibitory told him he could get clear when white law, which puts under the same legal men were asleep. This ,was before ban all distiWed and fermented liquors .and other Goods in wrmwirin, the irons were put on him. General except cider. Cider, with b to 10 per Davis is satisfied that Jack did try to cent of alcohol, is left to country people riease give ua a call before purchasing elsewhere. to drink, while beer and ale, with from last the of and aid night, through AMERICAN. confederals on the outside, fur upon ex- 1 to G percent, alcohol, are taken from Sun Francisco, G. amination of his shackles this morning the citv dweller and iDut under a nrohih A dispatch from Boyle's Cump, Tu!e one rivet was nearly filed in two. His itorynil law.so thatn virtuallyt r we have a Ilaw Luke, June vO(k, says there havo been lull finKibnta linn nil niti'tan confined. are legs only ii i;eiv operations Bince the surrender, for which Driaonment law sano another Col. At three o'clock this afternoon tack cays be surrendered because he could hold out no longer. An opinion Mason arrived here from Fairchild'B liouH and protects another citizen of the same estate, a law so partial ana so unamong the troops lhat Davis ranch with the infantry force of the excan never find support by the people and just Modocs the who will hang or shoot Jack, Boston pedition seventy Charley came at large, and without this support it will in there a few days since. The mi l chouchin, without waiting for any not remain in operation as it is. i o a AXD were Indians escorted hither by Camp hsijeHiions or ueinanuj ol ttie cira auana Company (J of tnp Tw elfth Infantry. great extent, at this moment, in Massathorities. chusetts, history has made it evident The llulli tin correspondent talked with Thus we have here 128 captives. lSimon Charley, who said the nmjority Late yesterduy afternoon a detail of that the only wiso and safe course to pur-suis the middle course between comot the captives will be prepared to die men belonging to the arrived artillery liiic men. Jack cares for. nothing,, and in camp from the Timber Motiutaifi, near pulsory abstinence aud excess, the golden: middle wav of not onlv allowing bm v ill not speak to any person but his Bi- the peninsula, with O J tweuty juniper logs, evenfj favoring the reasonable and proper ster Mary. clean and strait, evidently not intended use oi stimulants, mat malt liouors Charley pays twelve Modocs are still for use in the erection of tents or of at large. Colonel Green's command is Drisons. Manv marveled for what mir. are eminently well adapted for this reasCHEAPEST COAL ! r onable aud proper indulgence the expehuming for them. pose the timbers had been obtained, this rience of tens In the Market, alwayt on hand. of thousands demonstratA dUpatch from the same point, dated morning the secret is out, Gen. Davis Juuc 1, says Davis' command, with all intends to erect a scaffold and execute ed beyond contradiction, aud every cantue Modoo captives at Applegnte's house, about twolve of the worst murderers did and logical mind must admit. To that is opposed to reason and judg. ALL would coiuo to Boyle's OF He deny t'arap that day. of the tribe at sunset ment. 'l ick Jim is one of the missing Modocs. feels that there is no need of delay, no The here read the following He ii the rascal who held Can by while doubt of the guilt of the chosen victims extractspeaker From a Je5harpta a Church Organ, as Cheap, or a letter from from a J;ck used the knife on him. Hooka Jim can exist, justice demands speedy and and influential business mau : "Suppose and Steamboat Frank are hunting the certain action. Even at this time he is Cheaper Utah. any where else warriors aud squaws supposed writing out a statement of offences that that not a drop of anything intoxicating existed in the that laws i State, liquor noiu mat vicinity. Sleepy Tom will be read to the condemned Modocs. nist come in from the Island in Little A slill later dispatch says Gen. Davis have been fully enforcod, and that the trade in the article was entirely stopped, Klamath Lake, with Jack's after having completed all arrangements what would ' ' ' be tlm result? It cannot be SHEET MUSIC, ETC., ETC. b uaw, and three children. for the execution of the Modocs, received denied that the if desire still A later existed it from an order from Washington to hold the dispatch Boyle's Camp, would be gratified. It is a.i easv tn Ww One door South of June 4, lO.SUp. rn., says: About e prisoners; this Ogrlea House. stopped the contemplated beer and distill spirits as it is to cook. o'clock this afternoon clouds woi'K. J ne iceiing in tue camp is one A Confederate officer who was in of dust were seen prison arising from the winding of profound disgust at the result. with, seven or eight hundred others for road east of the Peninsula and in the diG. a Washington, year, near Clevolani, Ohio, told the rection of Clear Lake, which announced An pnterprising individual writes to tiieapproaoh of tho captive Modocs from the Government from .Tiffin Ohio, offer- writer that the prisoners were all supplied with whiskey during the entire and soldiers and citizens and ing to pay sixty thousand dollars for tbe time that h was there, one who could spare1 a few moproduced by every of exhibiting Capt. Jack means of distills made from coffee pots, ments gntherod near the barricade and privilege the country durine sixtv and were not detected throughout I' watched the procession enter the camp davs. The showman by the Warden. .' nromi.e to korn If this could be done, how much easier a.id puss up the sandy stretch at tho base Jack securely, treat him woll and return would it be for a man to do the t the cliff, where the canvas same in prison is him to the Government at the exniration ins own house. The ' " then went belted. Lieutenant flianin. ' speaker of sixty days, provided n does not com on to Xeedle needs no , that it was their say, to Fourth battle was in duty 0, advance.next mit suicue, in wutcu case tno Govern Artillery, needs no lacing. against error whenever it makes an atcau.e the large wagons loaded with Mo. ment s is to rcceivQ only & thousand doi-tempt to outgrow and stifle trade, and two with baggage. The rank and , Makes no noise, per day for the time he remains in to employ all fair nfeans to achieve victile of Battery 0 marched beside the A the showman's hands alive. It is procan work One of these means and one of the voas, and forty mounted Warm Spring posed to pay thirty thousand dollars up tory. most important weapons in our hands is Xo no eogs, fcoiua held the flauks. The Warm on the delivery of Jack at Chicago, and to cut down one of the of .Springs supplied the lajk of music by a the remainder at the close Uses of two error, which manifests itselfoutjprings in the elecsoc and war dance. Ihc months. tion of oorruptand ignorant men, fanat-i:a- l 'Where's Captain Jack? Where's New York, 6. and liars. Our influence 'tptain Jack' was the cry among the A the Jlcv. Father Pres- at the caucus and but none had the gratifica- ton, special says polls have been idenof this diocese, tified with the tion of seeing the warrior's face. Jlo had who was and Bepublican very intimate with the late have reason to point wiih party,to the tue pride excitement THE LADIES NE V Ell BUY AX Y OTIIEIl AFTER SEEING his that unioipnicu Mansfield T. Walworth, and cnmvcil l.i. results it has achieved. But would create aud was crouched in this same Tullcst confidence, says that the obscene t lie corner of a wagou.and had complete- letters referred to bv the rrionpr nn.l llepublican party has, in my State of iuussuciuisms, annulled the doctrine of ly envelope! himself in his blanket. his friends as having been the cause of temperance as represented by prohibiNear Lim were the leading braves of his the murder, contained an accusation tionists into its mbe. When they art ivod at the prison platform, and the success Mrs. Walworth of indiscriminate against "uitu the wagons were relieved of their have won is only proniDitiouists and the assertion that Frank due to the affiliation of the temperauce Jack was chained with Schonchin, infidelity, is a bastard. The murdered man's friends ind Reference in Ogden, Mrs. M. Bowring, Dressmaker. 1 leave Kepublican Boston Charley with it to parties. Aloae. say that ample proof will be brought your.'elves to draw your own feam was manacled by himself. inlerencesi, forward on trial, if necessary, tc estab and whatever conclusions The men were placed on one side of lish the fact that Mr. Walworth had but bear in mind that it is you arrive at, the priion and the women on the oppo- too not my purpose good grounds for the charges against to wean you fiom site, with the exception lhat Jack's his wife. They Bay that, she suetainud and convictions, but it J.i'vie was allowed to tit bonide him, relations with bor husband for is my purpose to arouse improper utj l lay. her head upon his breast, and six months before ' their marriaim nn.l o a.proper sense and niy countrymen hi girl of three years had the freedom appreciation of that 839-a- lt this d3G would upon only their their ground . or' toe tent l y important power aud influence permission of the ofucer parents consent to their union. This within ihu llepublican r tf the cunrd. I enteral tlm Thespeak-e-v tnt party. tvu tiiu latter fact is the basis of iIia tl IIP iinan then said that earnest effort vJ i t ked ith Jack waw um,M U l through the medium of frank, s birth, which incited the young made te cleanse tho Republican party of :n interpreter. At lim h s reticent, man to take, summary vengeance upon uv oruus oi i U ict he did not ana intolerance.' deign fo noticft lue. its harly, in January, 1S71,, u i iuvj mioeramy sucn a purty is no sister Mary interceded in my behalf Mrs.author, lauea, Walworth s action for a separation longer ft nai perjuailed Jack to talk. His political body of which the the decree asked for was limited n element was a was in relation to the shackles. began, ta a divorce on the ground of cruel and The tpeaker continued ingreat He tiJ it made him feel ..mean, to be part. this inhuman treatment. Adultery was not strain a few ho bole I like a horse. Ho was not afraid moments and closed amidst charged in the papers nor any prayer great applause. His o ii and had no idea of speech throughout AUK HAVE . TIIE AGEXCV for absolute divorce. The summons and was listened away. running FOR, AND ARE SELLING OX FAVORABLE A he poke his to with marked attention eyes snapped and he complaints were served on the murdered the justly celebrated fenns, . and 'V .1 loked a with frequeut demonstrations of apvery lion in rage. All questions man on me tn of 1871.. No proval. January, the to f.eruiuing tight he declined to ou. notioe was however, by the de' ' her. Mieo askel his age ho gave m fendant, ,andtaken, WMatogton, '., ho allowed the matter to lien. Sherman go said y isaierstani that he was tliiriy-six- ! no notion He then voluuttrily entered upon the by default, Shortlr afterw.irii TJnali. would be taken upon the request of Gov. ' ' '! ford li ,f 1,; in the case, report- - Grovcr, of f 1 ir r.ateiueiit of his grievances against tbe u. Oregon, for the surrender of .me decree at the special such Modoc Indian! as had been indict wliiK", nd dated his untir.Mtliv tn tl, termgriming THE; of the SuDerlor Court hfnr. in.. ed in r ice tvithe time of the Ben Wright Oregon, until the Attorney General lice James h. Spencer. The decree was renders an opinion on the point whether lie said the white wcu murdered confirmed, ud the divorce contained ' the action of these Indians is recoftikod Indian years ago, aud that what he had clauso which compelled the murdered as a, condition d.'oe was only paying old debts, die man t of, war between them and u pay his wife,, certain; sums of the .... Government. did u cuter into the 'details, but leit This nnrstin Jor her support and also for (he submitted to the money tlie iuierpreier, General yesAttorney carfce Charley, ta support of her children. Mr.: Walworth for his opinion, and until his de- plicij up the story. A critical study of seemed very niupU exasperated when he terday siBiuu 19 given tue inaians will remain corroborates tho impression heard of the Jck'vjceat liri-of 4he decree, for in the custody entering of ths military. t " he is tecivd a thorough the reason that h riglm ' ' compelled him to pay Indian. His head is large, quite Ont.;,: 7. Toronto, 1,'u --00square alimony to Mrs. Wal woi ta and also to A dispatch from Ft: Garry snys a Lu ft'U tcr he on pels Id ge firmly pKyfen) the children.j In, May follow. .tirchasevs in lllP North can Lid "eyes arc, black and vary support deputation of fricuuiy 'hate INSTRUCTIONS, lit. tbe Store Mrs. UOWRLNC,., ing! in order :to,jvvotd psyi from the west, wnited Ogden. 1'fijut, his face hfoad. with rlromihent his counsel, made n motion in upon IbVGovern'or (he Supe- General yesterday to ak Lim' for' a res', i he.tk 00his nose, i sjroi metrical andi rior Court to oren the rf.nfAnit -ervation of lands ' Large' of t..iu artuii;ne, lm lij s or lhiu 'and aside the decree. jThis Full lines of quantities motion wi can be Cotton, Silk,' Neediest an 1 provisions, clothing vt J trmlt w"Viv cut, and; votAlrtned VilV his ciijn, After mutters had rented awhile ' argued. aJkte that reioIutcTU'si of" purpose a presented thcra, aud they th'eri returned uppliel.' tvrre.pouJtuce, began,. .between the I borne. Captain Jack and his Warriors Imported Furniture of all Rinds MAIN STEEET, OGDEK CHAIRS, TAI.S, tOUGES, WASH to Hang Preparations them Stopped by ders from , Offer of an Enterprising BUREAUS, Ri:iivlKil)s Showman! Spring and Hair Mattrasses Cupboards and ISookeacs Made Order Cabinet Work and Repairing Wood Turning; in all its Rranches. The Beer Convention. Speech of the Brewers' President. JUST RECEIVED, 100 DOZ. CIIUh Tho Walworth Murder. cs-c.i- dl-3- - m J. m. TMOIMJkS, Coal & Lime Office 1 s pit-tail- MUSIC STORE, e " Main Street, . . THE - AND LIME KI1S " Ogden. MDAL INSTRillfS! far-sight- mi-tin- than g Tee-IIe- in Violin Strings and other Fittings: e, half-thre- The "Victor" Sewing maiiiiiit;: ; AppU-gatc- , '.. ' ; ' setting. Shuttle dot-hr- s child it. wpring. all attachment. First Prize at every Fair. " Takes law-give- hpi-tutor- r . ad-ve- m The Victor! con-tont- t. . One-eye- d CHAS. W. STAYXEIl, General Agent, Xo. 5 lain Street, Salt take City. long-cherish- - '- 1 ewin g Machines re-mu- rk uerruun-Anienca- : - Singer 'Sewing iSSachine, . to-da- . Hice,-refere- AT mas-sur- e, And at our 1 - r CENTRAL DEPOT, In SALT LAKE;.':-- ; - In I.OCVK and , OGrDEJST. : . ; -- f aw H. Attachments CLAWS ON, Superintendent. |