OCR Text |
Show As to A CoHliStWklilKiQncgMon. Three years apro & railroad corcpa-1- 1 V contracted' t6" deliver to certain al merchant 'jin New York 5 SO') tun of (val;' By' this they were to use eyory effort to; fiirnirtTtln5 coal, but excepted them fvlvcs.frbm performing it in full in ie of storms,' disafturs, or strike. They delivered a few hundred tons tnd then the strike on their road oc-- i irring, failed to cblivef the rest. Suit was commenced against the enmpany, the plaintiffs tueing for tin price of the coal. The defendants I 'it in a counter claim on account of the breach of contract in a failure by The plaintiffs to deliver a balance due. the failure The plaintiffs replied 'con'--tra- ct .predion about the j , ; , MONDAY, 0. FARM KIt'S : , Polygamy, all that the "Mormons' ask Appolntiheilts. is fair play and their constitutional rights,' jrisHiomlfy and if in the legitimate conflict between The following named Elders aro re heretheories the social system and popular quested to fill the appointments as and practices either cornea off second in indicated for 8unday. June 15th. Tabernacle, Ogden Walter Thomson best, they will submit with as good a Thoa. Wallace. is and which grace as anybody, no matter Harrisville F. D. Richards, Richard victorious and Phineas Richards. as Calliintyno We' have heard prognostications Weston Lorin Farr, Joseph Farr and the or about aid Austin C. Brown. positive as those of the JI M. Stuart and North Ogden-Davi- d downfall of many things connected with Crawshaw. ".Mormonism," and they huve failed as Ephraim Faston F. A. Hammond and Joseph signally as we believe the Herald n will Stanford. South Weber Joseph Tarry and C. W fail. And as an offset to the Drs. proFenrose. phecy we will Tcnturc the assertion that Huntsville J. J. M. Butler and Wins-lohim to looks now "dark" the pot which Farr. and niillious of others, will grow brightRiverdale F. S Richards and Joseph er as the years roll on and the scales A. West. Slaterville Edwin Stratford and Chas. fall from the eyes of the people, nutil C. Brown. that which now seems darkness will be Lynn and Mariott Edmund Ellsworth light to them, and what they call a Mor- and Moroni Brown. mon heresy will be advocated as social It is published in the Dcseret Eccning ' salvation. Xaet that E'ders Lorenzo D. Young, H. The Attorney General's views Regarding Belli ATTENTION We have just received a consignment of the Celebrattd Iron Clad Mower and gerents. the best Reaper, which is pronounced Machine now in the market by all who have used it. We would advise all who intend purchasing a Machine to see the It Iron Clad before buying any other s fully warranted, and should the Machine not give satisfaction after fair trial your money will be returned. Having used almost every kind of Machine iu the Utah market, we can fairly pronounce the Iron Clad as the cheapest aud best now offered. It has all the best point in common with other first class Machines, and many exclusively its own. To be seen at Williams, Scoville &. Co.'s, Main street and Fifth Btreet, ', Og-47-- ' D.C. The following yallin?,o. is the ni,;n; .r i . al J 4 I den. ' , , fvd s - -- Su-j'-ri- or To-da- : re-bl- ts v. couse-i.uphi- a. ' 2-l- ' 5 v-h- i n. - devour-ingflame- , Ty-rell- 's ol . Trma e . i rrphctlc. rR. -- I i : x- - t MONUMENTS lt STONES, Leuvitt'H 1o-ar- be-tre- Ihe press all ever th nation. They aru a patient people. "Job ia UQwheri? iii Job got terrRdy mad over Comparison. s boil and blit(H baiiha -- MormehV' leave the mud rt to ' thir would-bJotne out at the little end Je"trt;y(;r,ho of the horn every time. This Uluiue seetas lo worry some folk exceed-injribut cientes no nnamnnr the 11 j fcui-ih-- w y, - MoraicnS.1' they tae few .boil, though, iu the thape of Federal oracible, which arC cttuing to head and tnuo U.--t uiuvu logger wl.tiiut laiillcj. V Main Street, Utah will shortly add another testimo5 aud 8, about 15; and between 1 and 5, about Sly. Persons who desire ny ta the superiority of the narrow to scud for friends in t lie eld country guage for mountain countries and , OGDEX. Fountains, Vases, iStc, nevly make an estimate of the cut from Hilled districtsThe Utah Northern is , .Crr TO ANY DESIGN. the abovo figures. Now U tho lime to . ... . going ahead, and will he a great success, send the cash. but uot before it make Ogden the dart- CUTROCKFORBUILDINGSj&C I!Eiv.A:!fc,--Eldfolia A. Lewis is JAMF.3 FOWLER. All the leading men of the leaved lrom the Presidency of the Ul;l. ing point. morgan Conference, on account of fail- - road are comiug round to this woy of mg health, with pmnusion tu return t thinking, and we w ill venture a guess liau wnu any etuigrntiing company bAr that before snow flies again, the Utah FlllST CLASS SAWYERS. NONE may preter. Central and Utah Northern will shake TWO need apply. ArroiNTMEST Elder John KceV is . appointed Preeideut of the Glrtiu.:gaii hands together , across the great to BARNARD WHITE, LumApply Stur, .V y 2t'(A. ,, , (i, ber Urdj Fourth Street, Ogden... highway. u,( . Ciin - . . rt er 44-3- WAITED, trans-continent- al C.ufti-ece.-.l,4.7- . 40-tf- aoi it me .juuoc wno "era concerned i the murder of Gen Canbv nn,l r ' sioner Thomas and ordered to be TeU it a military tribunal. After dacidinrr tl facts m the case, and differ ent quoting points of law bearmg upon the case ,u Attorney-Genersays according to U of laws war, there is nothing ,n0re , ered than a flag of truce despatched n good faith, and there can be Vrtwttw act of treachery than the asaaMinMi' of the bearers afier they had been knowledged and received by U,ose whom they'are sen',. No statute of the V. S. makes this act a crime and ibe..t. fore it is not punishable under the rulis and articlf.s nf V!)1 linn- lF ..n! .L.li ... ipuuiau in a nt an u must ucuirougu me t. s. WarDep't While the United States were ai Li with Mexico, several officers of the army were tried by a militarv com, mission composed of officers of the U. j; army, convicted and sentenced to be shot and executed for breaking their parole. A number of other trials of a similar tui turc took place during the war of tie rebellion, but there are no statutes cr provisions whatever upon this subject and tho whole power of the military authorities in such . cases is different from the usages of war. On the 2Gth of Aug., vs. Stop it. Complaint is made that the insulators on the Deseret Telegraph was caused (by an excepted rea-- f line are frequently broken. It is supoontract-- a strike, on in the W. Naigbitt, R. F Neslin and George posed that idle and mischievous boys Xoi X Collision. ll'he .case was given to arefLree Teasdale will hold two meetings at throw rocks at them for sport. Parents, evil- praco if this prnnt io favr of whc Hooper City, on Sunday ncit, the 15th caution the boys against this erroneous state; ,.The following very while line save and the telegraph tice, F. D. RICHARDS. the plaintifTd biitVcrtitied in m nd-- i ment appears iu ihe Salt Lake Ihrald of inst. to how the children show respect you was May J8th: the rights of property, and check the A collision occurred last Saturday ij.s of the fact, jtfwt .the strike Death of Elder Joseph XV. spirit of destruetiveness which leads to c iusjd by an uterapteij reduction in night, on the Union Pacific Railroad, trouble and disgrace. Young. between an emigrant traiti and the regu' tha pla'mtifc. an Upon vvfpje by j lar express train at Como. Through Last Saturday, at 3 p. ra., Joseph W. ! to jj the Correspondence. ,tak'e.p srnie I misunderstandiug the two, trains if poal beinj Lorenzo D. Young, and of son same the at were Young, time, Bishop switching ilccision Court,! the o( the Brioham City, June 8, '73. met on the aide track. The passenger died at Harrisburg, Washington County. Junction t Ogden Editor referee was reversed. The Judges cars before being checked iu their speed, Deceased was well known to the people 12 in., while the men were y at with and rushed into the eniigiant train, l.eld that an exception of laworking on the branch line of the U. N. such violence that three coaches belong- of this Territory as an indefatigable R.R. to Corinne, several of the boys were caused include" a strike Co:$ npt by ing to the latter train were almost en- borer for the public good, a wise counand swimming in Bear river, bathing of locomotive and the selor and an honorable man. He Was William .thdefendants themselves, and that tirely, demolished, Henry, aon of Bro. W. Wright, the former suffered great damage. Two 41 had lived a life of toil, of this place, aged about 19 years, was of years 10 reduce wages' is net ''to m ike every men weru age, badly injured and several perand succumbed to an affliction of the caught by a whirlpool or the current in ffort" as required by their contract sons received severe bruises." ' The abtve article is false in every chest, from which be had long suffered. the river, and drowned immediately. All In these days 1 deliver the' 'coal.; efforts to rescue him were fruitless, and particular. Thero lias b cn no accident, The funeral took place on Monday morn- his body has not yet been discovered. an4 with connected either no one trains, ft' strikes and revolution, when the in He of lives the the ing. memory AC. just. Respectfully, pussenger, emigrant or freight, been innubilities of companies are cpstion-d- t jured at Como, or at any other point on this decision h of .no little Personal. At the Union Depot Ho- Purpose of the Rattlesnake thj Union pacific. Railroad, between Rattle. Laramie and Green river, in the past tel, were registered: Wm. T. P.arbee, , six months, naither has such a thing as Salt Lake City; Chas Perley, Ontario; In the American XaturalUt, for Februa collision as stated in the above article, If he Fifteenth Ameiulmcnt. occurred on the road within the past John M. Pinkerton, Hon. X. F. Saffdrd, ary, Prof. Samuel Auglie gives tho of hU observations upon the use year. Will the Herald pleusc to make J. K. Fuller and wife, Ben. F. Tnil and Jnde. made of its rattles by tho rattlesnake. comctions. the jMramie ncccsary A negro was murdered in Virginia wife, Boston; Major Geo. S. Wilson, T7. It is the vulgar opinion that the reptile pendent. cn the last day cf May, in Had the editor of the Independent look- S. A.; D. P. Jenkins and wife, Phila- sounds its rattle for the purpose of enticat the article a little closer he would delphia; and Miss Mary Morgan", Canai-d- ing birds, and some naturalists even are ed ensur.d u( an altercation that c have seen that we bad clipped it, giving ,, di.ipxisdJ.o find here a mimicry of the icvm a ti.pute ovet a (Ucrence of due crcditi mi were no more sound made by the locust, or reSp0nsi. JS-- : See O. Whitehe.tcrs cicada. Prof. Aughey does not undereven cents. A he niurdr.rtr was "a pie tor u man any paper is xor an aru- y A d vertiwciMcnt. cle to clipped and credited. But we take to explain all the purposes served liuin and a brother." The scene of take his in by the rattle, but he fully agrees with great pleasure Mysterious Conflagration. Late in Mr. F. W. Putnam, in Rejecting this tbu tragedy was iu Hanover County, correction, although it might have been a little more mildly put so far as the the afternoon yesterday a fire broke out mimetic theory. Does the ratti, then, re there is not a Justice of the Iltrald is concerned. in the upper part of Mr Joseph Tyrrell's serve any useful purpose ? In reply to I atie nor it constable who cau read this question, the author tells us what We take the foregoing from the Salt residence, on Franklin street. Mr. Thos. he has himself observed. In Jury 18b;, t r writ. Thos who eujoy tho right Lake Ihrald of yesterday. The clipping Budge, who lives near by, hastened to he woi ift Wayne County,- Nebraska.and, iff' the (iuUtutWal amendment referred to was taken from the Joxc-tio- assist in extinguishing it, and fortunate- as he was one day investigating the natWe appreciate the delicacy of the that .ive uuqualided liberty to all ly the conflagration was subdued before ural history of that district, he heard the familiar rattle of the snake.- The Herald in abstaining from mention of the tho house became a the privilege tf prey to tho clufStn, tati eierei sound was repeated at intervals, and from which the supposed erroneA large piece of the floorof intclli-p-u- t piper whil6 the proceeded from a rattlesnake that was laws, interprfetlng ous item was copied, but maintain that the room and ceiling of the lower calling his mate, which soon came in anupper audiponsible citizens are com- - the account is true in every particular, fell in, "but no one was injured. The ori- swer to the summons. Prof. Aughey had a similar experience the following to subwrt to the edicts otho the Laramie Independent to the contrary gin of the fire is a mystery. The last and from these facta he is" dispose i year, uiagletrUc? tvUo but lately were sing- notwithstanding The Independent is a pa- person who went up stairs was Mr. to th'nk that the purpose served by the daughter, who took no fire with ratt e is to call the sexes together. ing to the taue of "Old Virginia." per in the interest and under the con"of the V. T. Company, and tries to trol Another purpose may be to paralyze but loose her, let murderer was the merely went up to dress for TLq upon iU victims with fright, and to inspire cover up a noio'ious fact. Thellailroad Sunday-schosome hours before. its natural enemies with terror. As an luuiiuunity on the pita thut there men of Ogden know that our account of illustration of the use of tho rattle for was no provision in the Coustitutien the accident is true, and was obtained Sebioi s. This afternoon at one the former purpose, the author says that, of the United Stau that intvrfertd from Railroad men and followed through the woods of Trivr r ti,;. passengers who nVWk r Dakota County, Nebraska, a Baltimore with the right of an individual to uf-- were present when it occurred, one of Mrs. Dunbar, wife of one of the proprie- oriole, he heard a rattle, and at once a. deadly weapons, and that ii whut Whom was injured by the collision. It is tors of the Salt Lake Herald, were seri- saw the bird as it were paralyzed with tUt y titi l.;w,; i . i t i cf he Ufe for Railroad papers to attempt ously injured by being thrown out of a fear, an ready to fall a prey to the serThe writer shot the rattlesnake. to cover up these mishaps by, barefaced pent, carriage. They were beiug driven up He adds that he once witnessed an atfabrications.' Too thin. the bench, when the horses became rest- tack of seven on a rattlesnake. hogs less, and as they came around a curve Soon after the battle opened, the snake The Mormons wert Colfaied nearly to Cost or The Emulation. steamship were throw n dtfcib a 6W lime, . and out of the carriage on ac- rattled, and three others came to its aid. thjf ai o But trie were victorious in a few 1'iftineJ over aud overajiiin. Ut.t of all "Nevada" was to sail from Liverpool on count of a quick turn of the horses. Mrs. minutes. hogs ttu Colfjiing and BhuueiTig we ouch the 4th inst. with a company of Saints. Popular Science Monthly for Driver was badly hurt in the back and April. HSa.ll pract:cl results' that Hrigham The Millennial Star of the 20th ult., pubMrs. Dunbar who held a ahoulders. bis thiid birth' celebits Young teventy lishes the price of passage to Utah, as lay with as much power over 'Lis own child in her arms was clinging to bcr 10 Utuh'as lie ever had. but h enhoul follows : babe and when she fell it was found that THnoroii avert the dooih bf rlyg4iny. Tia,pr. IIKRKEY PKRSONS ALL CAPTION she had her left collar bone broken. for to Frqm adults, Literpcol 'Ogden, furea and causes beyond Amman omro , uxaitii't mi optinj; or negotiating forttny mitt .will retrieve that dai k spot on tli Utau ilti HOThe sufferers were taken to the residence hn'iil ty Hamilton ftnurt, ImYinx my uiime 8 and 12,' 11 4 0. For between its I bnv already (mid aiU note, aud will those a the that v religious nysteiu ! ureljr of Mr.' Driver where they were attend- not be rexHtiMlilt for tliem in nuy way. ft XH Between and 8, 10. world ibtil stuud. h f Juno 1st, 178. Wcllnvilte, Cache Co., V. ed to i t i with care. 1 JL'3 0 0. Between and 5, great i'KANC'lS ot'N KLL. MMt I TLe above Js from theLiWahv. Hcfgy. Under 1, jfl 1 0. tte "Mi Tinonb" are bound to become N'aibow Glaok. The Omaket. Herald TROM OCbB.N TO HALT ti A K B CITV. uioufl. Anything rltii3 to. th4m i is in favor of the narrow guage railroad, Adult fate, over 12, 0 5 8 . Their. enecvicjmay "pocL! Hlf fare, between o k 2. 0 2 10 and statesthat whenever it has been tried ;trHting. This will make an adult fare from Liv. it lias prove! itself a success, and recomj coh!'" this Kiatemut, bi.t ; its. truth i evident trotu rue fact that thVmost triv. erpool to Salt Lake City about $93 cur. mends the Farlie engine as calculated to CRAVE itic:deuts direct' jubllc attention Cox-nei-- , rency; for children between 8 and 12 remote the last objection to the narrow them, and elicit comments from years of age, about $G1; for those guage system. ' 1 1 k . . Mex-ica- ISlio, a military commission duly n ap". pointed assembled in Washington tir the trial of Henry Wirlz, who pleaded, among other things, that a military had no jurisdiction over his person or over the subject matter, cb&rgM and specitications.it not being a tribunal authorized by either the statutes or martial law, or well established usage, but th's pica was overruled and he was convicted upon several charges, one cf which was murder. In violation of the laws and customs of war, and after sentence, he was hung for crimes. All tho proceeaings in iuis cuso uerivca umr authority and vnlidity from the comuion law of war. Certain persons, it will be remembered, were tried and convicted in the same way for assassinating l're?;. Lincoln.. Attorney-Genera- l Speed, in this subject discussing says: We have seen that when war comes, the usxg'?a of war comes also, and that during a time of war they are part of the laws cf the land, under the Constitution. Congress injiy define offenses against these laws; but in default of Congress defining these laws and prescr.bing a punishment for their infraction and the mode of proceeding to ascertain whether offenses have been committed, and wbat punishment is to be inflicted, the army must be governed by the laws and usages of war as understood and practiced by ' the civilized nations of the world. customs cf All laws and the civilized warfare may not te with Inconflict armed to nn applicable dian tribes upon our western froatier, but circumstances attending the assasi-nion of General Canby and Dr. Thomas ate such aa to make their murder as much a violation of the laws of savages as of civilized warfare, and the Indian concerned in it fully understood the baseness of treachery acts. It ia difficult to define, the exact relations of tho Indian tribes to the United Slates, but as they have been recognized as Independent communities for treaty making purposes and aa they frequently carry on organized and protracted wars, they may properly be held subject lo those rules cl warfare Which make negotiations fcr and peace after hostiHties possible, which mike perfidy, like that in question furniahable by military authority. Doubtless the war with the Modoci is the"1 practically ended, unless some of should escape and renew hostilities, but it is (he right ' of the United States, as there is no agreement for peace to determine for themselves whether or not anyfhing more 6'ught to be done for the protection of the country er the he punishment of crimes growing out cf anwar. A prisoner of war remains swerable fot- his crimes committed against the captors' army or the people committed before he was captured and for which he has not been punished by his own authorities. The conclusion, therefore,-that a military commission may be to tf-- such of the Modocs no in custody as are charged with offences against the recognized laws of war, ao'J ihatifupotl such atrial they are fouti such guilty they may be subjected to or punishment as these law require jusPresitify: The paper is addressed to dent and signed by the Attorney Oenerat - cl. n Washington, v. Gem RoSecrans arrifed here Friday last from Jlexico via. New Orleans, aca left this evening for New York where te will remain a few days before going California. The writing desk of Capt. Hall, of the fey that Polaris," which was committed instrucwith officer to psqui'naux, Joe tions that in case he (Hall) should die, to deliver trt Secretary Uobeecm, i and brought in Safety to Washington, now in possession of liie Secretary. J executed the charge in the mo-- t manner. The desk contains Capt. Hall a official papers, which are considered exthe of invaluable link in the history .. pedition. 'With most men life is like a ' of backgp.mon half luck |