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Show timation of the 'terrible i i rtragedy these Later. uiCU received, ucrore noon The fire is still going on, twenty-liv- e they found the bodies of the murdered men bouses have been burned. Loss not less A.W .1UKCTI0K by tb. Attune stripped of all clothing. At different than $1,000,000 at this tim. poiuts within a few miles of the house New York, 9. 00they also met the Modocs, Hooka Jim, Church, of the Court of Appeals, Judge Long Jim, is preparing an elaborate opinion to the Docior, Jii HAVE OPENED IN LOGAN &- - OGDEN, BRANCHES OF OUR WAGOV Mose, lUck Dave, Hungry effect that women are not citizens, and H Jerry and MACHINE DEPARTMENT, so that the people of the Northern and Mrs. Hooka Jim who were cannot vote, as the Constitution of the Counties cau purchase without coming to Salt Lake City. implicatThe ed in the crime. While the Modocs went United States, racognizes only male citito the house to find, more male victims zens twenty-on- e years of age as voters. & the women escaped, traveled day aud It is understood that the Court is unaninight and suffered mnny hardships and mously of that opinion. This will settle Supplied to those point m Wing the bef, after much stililynud experumco,untl know that Puroii.v. m Tho Modocs reached Mr. Van Raisp's, at Lost River, (ho case of ou thi lnouiun udutiou. Lucy Stone, Susan B. An- (au rely in an exhausted condition. The General and others. r received the women kindly, heard their thony A Sandusky, 0., 9. ! hard story, assigned them a tent, aud Acollision occurred yesterday on the promised them to assist in the recovery Lake Shore and Michigan Southern K. of their stolen goods. This morning It., four miles east of here, between a Hooka Jim and Steamboat Frank, who stock and Chief gravel train. Six men on the had just returned from a scout after 1VOOHS, gravel truin were badly injured, on of three or four mis.sing Modocs, were ta- whom has since died. Tho engineers ken to the tent occupied by the women, and firemen of both ; engines jumped, off and Hooka Jim was identified by Mrs. before the collision aud were uninjured. Boddy a9 oue of the Indians concerned About 150 head of cattle and 2o0 'MACHINES SCLKY IMKKS. sheep in the massacre. When questioned about were killed and injured. the robbery, he said Long Jim took a New Orleans, 9. long purse containing eight huudred Th CVlobratod THOVf AN NMOOTHlXi II A It It OW, warrants M make tl. The Matanioras Vot Iltpullie, a Gov- t St J dollars, and he took u short purse. The erameut organ, in an editorial headed Bed amt to tie the bit cultivutur for gnus, gruiu, corn or lotutoes, yet invent!. Our lst farmci t can Imvo a Itturow ou trial. women here became excited, and at "Invasion," comments on the McKeuzie will al" eive infurmutirm niul receive orlcr fr TURBINE WKBKI.., SMI T Thw) last they lost all control ever their expedition into Mexico in of the MACHINES, UUIST and SAW MILLS, or other iirlidm imt usually kept in st.xk. pursuit feelings and commenced crying. Mrs. ICickapoo Indians, denouncing the act as Schiera drew a pistol and started au aggression committed upon a nation MOSES THATCH EK, AGENT, LOO AN. for Steamboat Fi ank, and Mrs. Boddy that is too weak to resist, and intended Great drew a knife and dashed for Hooka Jim. to serve as a ItAUVAKO WHITE, AGENT, (MP EX. pretext for additional terriGen. Davie stepped in and in a moment tory. The Government of Mexico is 30if H. B. CLAWSON, Superintendent. secured beth weapons. During the urged to exact immediate reparation for ! Davis received a slight cut this violation of her sovereignty. The struggle Gen. in (he palm of the hand and near the article concludes by eayiug that if this is thumb. Hooka Jim and Steamboat not complied withit will be fouud that, the Frank stood like statues, neither spoke Mexico of is not the Mexivoof '46. nor offered to resist. It galls Jack and It is supposed this article reflects the his comrades to see Hooka Jim and sentiments of the Government. AMERICAN. Frank traveling to and fro at will aud New York, 9. Toledo, 0., 7. armed. He does not understand the rea m. fire broke The Herald y At 10 o'clock this p. publishes a full colThis umn letter from its special correspondent out in a trunk factory, which burned sult of turning States evidence. A high wind prevailing, morning he became agitated aud gave in Rome, dated May 15th, like tinder. purporting to He give reliable information wiih ihe flames spread rapidly on every side, vent lo his rage in a fiery oration. respect to rose in his chains with Schonchin, and the Pope's health, and alo to the condiThe tire nnd the scene was terrible. had no control of the spread-in- " in a strong and impressive manner re-- tion of affairs in Italy in connection with The purpoit of the Catholic church. The correspondent flumes, and the destruction of. the cited his grievances. is told by Scarfaced Char- states his visit to the Vatican was hot to he said what Goods was threatened. one at time city were being removed from the stores one ley. He said, he says: "Charley, see that see the Pope but to interview his Miniswhite man no serve all alike' While ter of State on the subject of the Pope's square distant. The fire is now supposed Jack was in the midst of his oration, his health. The Cardinal stated the Holy losers The TOOLS, IMPLEMENTS .STOVES; control. under be to principal Several blocks of stores fellow captives were warming into sym. Father now could not be expected to are insured. were destroyed. pat by with him, an ofheer. of the guard bear up uuder the disease and affliction came in and compelled him to desist. so well as one younger. He has had a DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, Halifax, 7. At 2 p.m. the fire 3s still raging in the There are now 131 Modocs under guard. severe attack of rheumatism and sufferGene al Davis proposes to take the ed muck. He had never during the enwoods iu all direction, the rain Wednesto sufficient extingnot cavalry, light battery of fourth artillery tire period interrupted his ordinary being day night uish it. The town of Mcnton, Queen'e and infantry and march to Klamath, to manner oi living, and maintained Warner, to Harney and Walla Walla for throughout his customary good spirits. county, is in danger, the firemen and enthe the from purpose of intimidating bad Indian?. He has heen consideiably weakened by Liverpool protecting gines town. Preliminary orders" for the movement haviug kept iu his bed; and a few days have been issued. Richmond, Ind., 7. previous, after giving audience to the Fairchild b Ranch, June 8, 2 a. m. A G. Assistant Oen. late Smith, Maj. pilgrims of France, he had incautiously At eight o'clock yesterday morning taken a fresh cold which brought on a Postmaster General, and General O. N. John Fairchild and brother Burgess, to- slight relapse. He has not given audiJones, short horn Durham cattle breedand Lewis have ences for some time ; but, said tha Carthis of Hicks, gether with Bogus Charley, thex-Sher-if- f ers, city, and Shack Nasty Jim, left here with dinal, he is now recovered from the repurchased a fine stock ranche near San care he may Jose, Cal., which they propose to stock the Modoc prisoners, captured in this lapse, and with moderate with the finest cattle and sheep to be ob- neighborhood, for Boyle's Camp on' the soon be declared convalescent. The There are other Indians correspondent learned from members of tained in the United States and Canada. Peninsula. Zanesville, 0., 7. lurking in this vicinity, who will most the Vatican that the Pope has a conMrs. Sarah Webb, the mother of a likely be captured in a few days. tempt and disregard for all doctors, reWashington, 8. young girl who was killed by lightning fusing to take their potions, and dis-- 1 Williams has made carding their prescriptions " in favor of; Attorney-Genera- l on Wednesday evening, died yesterday. Mrs. Webb has been very sick for weeks public his opinion of the disposition to those made up by the doctor monk of the He trusts to the efficacy of past. It is supposed the shock indnced be made of the Modocs, and remits them Vatican. : &c.; by the sudden death of her daughter, to the action of Gen. DaviB. Their chief prayer and the ruling Providence rather offense cited is the assassination of the than tie skill or power of doctors. The ' caused her death. bearers of the flags of truce, a crime correspondent believes, from what he Trenton, N. J., 7. A terrible accident occurred at Barn-ridg- e which heretofore has received punish- can gather, that the future conclave will on Wednesday last, by which two ment by death. be held in some other city than Rome, SCIILTTLER WAGOXS, BOB SLEDS; New York, 8. men were instautly killed The posts and that either an Italian Prelate or ' The celebrated manufacturer of bill- Cardinal Bonaparte will be successor to supporting heavy beams gave way, al' lowing a frame to fall, burying nine iard tables, W. H. Griffith, died Friday the Pope. MACHINERY IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, &C, &C. He has been ill for two years, persong, two of whom when taken out evening. Boston, 9. were found to be dead. and was 51 years of age. Yesterday a party of roughs, who had 9. Ct Nor 7. walk, been beaten by some members of Mur-rayBoston, The excitement caused by the great circus at Hudson, made an attempt Yesterday as the steamer "Americus" Are last week has not died out. The entered the harbor, a little son of the to throw the train containing the circus, quest. on of the efficiency or inefficiency pilot caught his hand in the rudder from the track, on its way to Boston, TO of the fire .. department is discussed in all chain, and while his father was trying and attempted a riot. The roughs were circles. killed. was he seto men circus release the and The representatives of about him, surrounded by ()maha, 8. forty.five insurance companies doing verely beaten. business in In consequence of the late heavy rain, thistity, have held meetings, Will find the Largest Assortment of Merchandise in the several Dcpartmcnti of FOREIGN. Klkhorn river has been over its banks aitwoor which Chief Engineer Darrell. ' Z. C. M.' I.j as above,' that can be seen in the West, and all at fair prices. of the rire Department, was present. for several days. As London, 8. passenger invate meetings of leading citizens train going west on the L. 1. railroad" ' The newspapers contain the speech of Assemhare also been held to discuss f Hi D. CLAWSON, Superintendent. questions was passing over the Irestlework on the1 Thiers delivered in the National growing out of the fire. The myetery east approach to the Elkhorn bridge, bly. In the course of Ihe debate which attached to the origin of the fire is not the engine, mail, express, and baggaje preceded the change of administration . eolved, cars and one loaded with live fish for in France, he said, toward the close of Tule Lake 7. California went through into the water. the address what the country wanted Soon after the arrival of the Modoc M. Corry, roadmaster, is missing, sup- wa? not a party in the Government, but prisoners at this camp. Gen. Davis sent posed to be drowned. Jfo one else hurt. one which is inflexible in tbe presence of was ord to the settlers of the Tule Like Passengers from the west will be delayed disorder, and when' the struggle and and Lost River to show itself be ended calm, can No transfer impartial country that he'desired until tlrem to come aR,i If his administration had conciliatory. jdcnlify (,ne murderers made until the track is clea.. 8. the band and the Stolen been a party of the Government, Ihe : . San Francisco, GROESBECK-Sproperty. BLOCK, SECOND SOUTH STREET, ; the in Among those who responded to the call pffblic peace could not long have remaiu Afire broke out this eveniug Unere Mrs. Boddy and her ed nndisturbedj' A party Government' daughter, office of the Printers' Mrs. Schiera, two women 'who were ion, No. 412 Commercial street, near would be disastrous for the country. Our to made widows by the Modocs. Boddy Sansome. and the flames, spread with policy had a double task to fulfill and release 4nd Schiera took un three Quarter sec the make omce territory.'1 the cutire peace rapidity through AVE JUST RECEIVED A LAIWK ASD. VAKIEU STUCK UK tions of land near the mouth of Lost gnat For the liberalion of the territory ;iwe and the upper story of the building, l"Ter last August, and with their famil- which is of brick. Firemen were qnick-l- y have paid four milliards, and astonished ies settled iu that country. On the ort hand,' and in a little time checked Europe by our efforts, and the payment morning of November 29th, Capt. Jack-Son- 's the flames, which had threatened the of the last milliard will be commenced in the same within a week, To the charge that his command attacked Jack and his Chronicle party on Lost River and compellad them building, but which suffered no damage Government has no alliance, Thiers reAND 'o retire. Hooka Jim and his Merrill & Co., ink plied, that in ihe bfeseht condition ot i from water. except party were on the north side of the river from and urintiea? roller manufacturers, were the world, after the insensate policy Jck, but knew of his defeat. Mr. Bod-- also damaged by the water, but,' the fire which has broken up the European bal' Mr. Schiera, and two sons ;any of Mr. did 'hot reach Ihem.1 The loss must be ance of power, there are no longer Wy, were murdered Hooka Jim $12,X)0, panially covered by insurance. allies for any one. ' Alliances Consist in by nd his associates tije esteem which each Inspires, and Cincinnati, 0., 9. during the forenoon yf that day, while A disastrous fire about noon yesterday France has resumed her trus position by Which they are offering at lower prices than any other hou.e in the city. cutting wood, herding her steady and Consist, jwep, etc., within a few miles tf the in the freight depot of the Indianapolis her vitality; by, ' ' wfe are restoring our military Jious.e, and course ent , is It A railroad. danStock and Marrietta rtporteU utterly unconscious of Wv because without cbneealtnem, who fortes f , ,Ue "fcenl of th Yainox had prom- -' that the fire was started by boys, that any offensive movement carelessly were lighting matches at the do not wish France to ink from her the Indians should be made depot, which contained nearly ,ww propet rank. The bet alliance consists jSwust M'own to the Bettlers in time to afford barrels of oil. The depot soon became in the esteem which we inspire in . . . ; OF ALL KINDS, AT that which divides the Chamber is o re-- 1 ablaze, and the fire was communicated obtain safe tL0ppor,unitJ' fu ge, lbe sent by the agent to' the freight cars loaded with tan bark, the question of republic or monarchy, ' lea .o do u,e8seger his duty, and thereby facili-i- thence to a number of houses and a lum- but friends nf the latter peak of them ' '' " ; Freight added. niuS8acre. The arrival of Mr. ber yard containing 3,000.000 feet of selves as conservatives and do so because , ij s team without a driver and the walnut lumber, all of which were burnk.' they tn'ott tSSre 1? but one throne which ' ' s831y Orders from the country Frpmptly Filled, ; will not suffice for three aspirants; upon tho wagon were the first in- - The loss il estimated at 35,Q09'. ? . . ' 0. M .,, Toledo. pother rire in -- Curly-Heade- d One-Eye- d Woods Around Halifax Still in Flames. WE GUARANTEE WAGONS Left to the Military! WlKITKWATElt, II Murders by Modocs MACHINERY IX and KTITIHUMKEK WAGONS, Justice Church's Opinion of Female EXCEUSIOIt mul wonr.ft CHAMPION, JlOWIttlS,'. Droppers or Self linkers. TIIItESIIIYG and Citizenship! Accident on the U. P. Railroad! W-- fatal CollisionR.onR.!the Lake Shore t U'!u-Tmia- Fire in Cincinnati! Conflagration in San . Francisco , , Condition of the Pope! to-da- y to-da- GROCERIES, HARDWARE & CROCKERY; k STAPLE and FANCY - CARPETS, Oil CLOTHS, UPHOLSTERY GOODS, IXOTIIIXC, HATS, BOOTS and SHOES; Wall Paper, Bordering, Decorations Drugs, Chemicals, Patent ?Iediciiies; WIXES, EIQEORS, AEE and PORTER; Singers' Sewing 'Machines, in Variety; Bespoke Boot and Shoe Departnent; Leather, Findings, Beltings, PRODUCE, GRAItf, BETTER, EGGS, Ac; V f 's "Wholesale Purchasers and Visitors ; ....... CITY ' . to-da- el-t- ., , . Gv P. C IT L ' , IE B fc C SALT LAKE CITY, ; !J Groceries press-room- s, w , . y. - Large Eu-ropj- d; of English Varnishes - . wi m ; ; . ... , O., |