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Show She (Dgtlcif gmtctuw; h;u l. W. Penrose, Editor. nd HutftnuiM MituAifer. OGDKX.'UTAIf. WEDNESDAY, JUNE , 1873. 11, Gold and Cotton. nt killing of Canby and Thomas as justifiable retaliation for previous perfidy of the conquering race which is annihilating their tribe. The rules of warfare recognized by civilized nations, are unknown to them ; they fight in their own way and take revenge according to their customs and traditions. Is it just to treat them as murderers, to try them by the laws that govern the whites, and choke them to death for what they do not understand to be a crime ? Capt. Jack and his band are prisoners of war, and the Government should treat them as such, boldly tak ing a stand for justice, in which all the circumstances of their peculiar case should be considered and permitted to have due weight, uninfluenced by popular clamor or by mere questions of timid expediency. Simultaneous with the announce went that there are apprehensions of ii great rise in gold, Ls another that in the Southern the cotton-groweStates have determined to plant cer: eals in lieu of cotton. The planters cannot afford to sell their cotton at present rates, and they think their lauds can be devoted to the more profitable use of being made to produce corn for the feeding of their herds. As it is now there is a superabundance of breadstuff's, so much so,that their value is greatly depreciated. There is no demand for them from abroad or at homo. o Until the last few years of A Live Paper. legislation, cotton was sellThe Salt Lake Herald closed its ing at nine cents per pound, and the producer realized remunerative pro-tit- third volume on Wednesday last. It is customary with some folks now, when it is seventeen ccuts, the planter suffers so great a luss that to don new clothes on their birthday; it becomes necessary in crent part to the Herald took time by the forelock reduce the number of acres hereto- and put on a fresh dress a day in fore devoted to its cultivation. advance. The Herald has always Why this should be the case is been a good looking paper, but it imeasily answered. The planter then proves with age.' No journal in the could feed and clothe, his Jianda at a Rocky Mountains . surpasses the exorbito small cost, compared5 the Herald in enterprise circulation and ardemanded fur now tant prices all general excellence. "Wo congratuticles that may be considered as late its editors and publishers ou necessaries of life. Coffee, tea, cloth- their continued ' success, and hope ing, cutlery and machinery could bo the fourth volume will prove as useful purchased at inoderato prices, and and profitable as its predecessors. We should have been pleased to the laborers Bupplicd with the comforts that were essential to notice the improvement iri the new estates. Our exports, which, issue at an earlier date if the paper in IStiO amounted to "cotton, two had come to hand before. hundred and fifty millions, tobacco fifty millions, and rice twenty-fiv- e Kidnapping a Squaw. ; contributed tho to millions, largely This is the way Indian difficulties maintenance of the balance of the While , the red trade in our favor. A draft drawn arc manufactured. considered4 to have no rights in New York upoa London or Paris folks are as late a3 1G0 was worth a premi common to civilized people, we may um."-- ' there is a discount at expect, outbreaks ; and scalp-takinThe perpetrators of this outrage the rate of six or seven per cent. The immutable laws 6f 'demand should be hunted up and punished and supply control the. cojumerco of in the same manner as if they had the world. Labor intrinsically com- kidnapped a white womuri. " mands its value, and he who cams V Special dispatch to the 8. F. Chronicle. Yreka, June Oth. Last evening about his bread by the sweat of his brow, dusk two Scott Valley squaws came runvhose children look J to him and to ning dtiwn from their camp on the refit Fort Jone3 and informed the authe fruit of his work fur their sup. serve thorities that some wen were there tryport, will rieccssariljrcsort to the ing to entice1 the Indians to drink, for the purpose of carrying ff a squaw cheapest market for buying his R'hichone.of them claimed. Deputy wares. Sheriff Luttrell, in company with three :,, The value of gold is enhauccd, be other gentlemen, immediately started for the Indian camp for the purpose of cause, while the favored children of. arresting them. When they reached fortune are importing costly fabrics the camp they found everything in a wild state of excitement. Squaws and from foreign shores and treading on children were ducking and hiding about velvet carpets, und indulgiug in lux- the brush like quails. Two men by the name of Clausou were attempting to caruries from other lands, for which the ry of a squaw by the name of Sarah. precious metal' has to be exchanged An attempt' was "made to 'arrest Yheiu, but failed, the whole posne comitalus, in payment, we are unable to lnain-- i with the Deputy Sheriff, being compelled, to' retire. The Ulausons retired a liu an equilibrium' ia tradc; short distance and then returned and sueeeedod in carrying off their captive. i The community are much excited over The Modoc rs . retro-jrressiv- s; , well-regulat- . , To-da- g. y, . . i - iui" " , . - EleiIinniy Catching a Modoc, with all its difficulties, seems to be far less perplexing than disposing of him when ho is )xkcd. The Government want to turx over the captured reds to tho civil authorities, as the easiest way to wafh their hands of blood." and tumble at once. But this appems to us an" unworthy , shrinking from a disagreeable task. The Modocs have not been treated as citizens of the United States.," Ju' peace, treaties were made with them, in war they were recognized as a bel- the subject, aud an effort to bring them to justioe.i necessary for The meeting was organized by appointHotel The boarders. City of the comfort ing L. M. Stuart Chairman, and E.Stratand well is a neat and appointed house, ford Secretary. visitors can depend upon receiving every On motion it was carried unanimousashis and Raw-soMr. Fender from attendance ly that the resignation of Wm. C. the of access sistants. It is within easy as Trustee, be accepted. railroads, and in close proximity to the Edwiu Stratford was nominated and no of know we and the of main part city, unanimously elected Trustee in place of for place more generally convenient W. C. Ttawsun. boarders or visitors than the City Hotel. Mr. C. W. Penrose said he wished to it. Try make a few remarks in justice to him a I5ilIe. for WtH)Cr Co.. il self. At a late meeting, it had been Good1 OHOYKIt Clianecr.f Huston. l.,,l A neat for Utah of the Pictorial Polyglot Family stated that the Trustees were not able Bible. A mat,'nieccrit work, look out for him to render a financial report in conse til 1)0 of the sickness of the Clerk. It Railroad Man Sick. A man named quence was represented that he was the Clerk George Johnson, in the employ of the referred to. He wish to say distinctly U. P. II. It. Co., as brakesman, is lying that he had never been appointed Clerk at Mrs. West's bouse Main street, in a of the Board of Trustees, never received dangerous condition. Ho is suSering books or accounts to keep, and nevfrom erysipelas and is quite blind. Dr. any had er any official documents of the P. L. Anderson is attending on him. district in his possession. Being unable The assistance of his fellow workman on sickness to attend the former the road will be thankfully received. We through school meetings, he had not an opportudo not know anything of this case pernity till now to utterly deny the statesonally, but are informed that it ia a ment that he was clerk or secretaworthy one. The man comes from ry of the school District. vided every appurtenance n, . ",-Su- r aro not a vile of Poor Rum, WUhkr if7, Drink, uuuie jsmcrs Spirits ami refuse Liquors, doctoresnii1 and sweetened to pleaso rii 'Tonics "Appetizors," . IioStS,.fTa that lea.l the tippler on to anmkenn, an i ruin, but are a true Medicine, made fron the native raots ml herbs of tlir(rnu free from all Alcoholic Stimulants. The"""; the Great Wood PuriUer and a UIt4 IZ viZ? rrinciple, a Perfect Kcnovatftfniid ator ol the System, carr.ylnsi; off all mml) Z matter, and restoring the blood to a ticaii ill condition, enrlehini? it, refresliiux tud 1. viuoraUiu; both mind aud bod v. 'iiiey 7,j easy or administration, prompt In th-- ir tloo, certain in their sale aud reii able in all forms of iliseaap. Ko I'ertion ran luUo thena Bit. accordiu!? to direction, tr their long ur .. provftted destroyed by mineral poison art IrPP man about six o'clock this he entered a restaurant and as morning, called for ham and eggs. ''Have you any ready cash," asked the proprietor of the establishment in which edibles ot every kind were temptingly offered. "Nary red, sir," ''Then you must go elsewhere and get your breakfast," was the rejoinder. The iutruder was a giant in stature, and threatened to "annihilate" the vender of groceries, but the appearance of a navy revolver, which was taken from a secret recess under the counter, dismayed the ruffian, who quietly subsided, saying that he was "only in fun." After calm had been restored ho pulled out of his pocket a wallet coxtaining some $5,000 in gold, and paid for the breakfast of which he intended to cheat the restattrant keeper. There is not a day passes but such scenes occur; that travellers of respecta ble appearance who have well filled purses do not. try to get a meal without paying for it. stalwart . . Oka Sprkf.. , , reckless youth, yes terday afternoon, on Main Street, desiring to show off his equestrian dexterity we suppose he lately visited the circus mounted a spirited horse, and borrow ing a pair of spurs from a Texas ranger, buried' the prongs in the flanks of the animal. Away darted the poor creature at a. furious rate, to the imminent danger of pedestrians on the side walks and those crossing the street The horseman, Brter reaching the cor ner of the square on Main Street, was returning in full gallop, when he was stopped by Capt. Owen, Chief of Police, who placed him under, arrest and took charge of the horse. The young man finding an opportunity to make good his esoape, ran awoy from Capt. Owen, but after getting out of breath he. surren dered, and will be tried on the charge of disturbing the peace. A well-know- n inof-fensiv- e, nead. lur t'eiHnle CoHipliiiiKs, luyomiir or old, married or siiiKle, at thedawuoC womanhoHd, or the turn of life, t lie Tonic Hitlers display ho decided nil inilueiice that a marked improvement Is soon perceptible. For luflititi and Chronic and (.mit, DyspetiHia or Itlieumnlismtaalory KeiMiuent," W.W.Galbraith's son, aged twenty months.got ho'd of a can of concentrated lye while its mother's back was turned, last Tuosday,ut 4 p. m., at Kaysville, and drank a portion of the contents. Medical aid was procured as soon as possible, but without avail; the poor little fellow died on Wednesday at 11 a. m. The parents were greatly afflicted over the sad occurrence. Too great caution cannot be exercised with such dangerous compounds. Poisoned with Lye. and InteIndigestion, liilious, rmittent Severs, Diseases of lite lllood. Liver, Kidneys and Hladder, these Hitters, have hcIi Diseases are been most xum'sMful. caiwed by Vitiated I'.luod, which is emnilly produced by derangement of the lijjL-siiv- j Organs. ' ig will convince the most incredulous curative effects. el' inch' Cleunkc the Vitiated IHood when- ever you Und ltsimpurities burst inj; tliroiiirli the tikln iu I'implfS, Kniptioiw, tr Sort-- ; cleanse it wheu juti Und it obstructed and HlutfKish In the veltist ; cleanse U wheu It I foul; your feelinjis will trll you when. Keep the blood pure, ami the Itealtli of ti.e system wilt follow. Piiif 'I'ai Hint otfccr AVormv lnrUlnsr In the system of ko many thousand, ore eirectually destroyed aud removed. Saysadistlui'trished physiologist: There scarcely au Individual tin tlie face of t.'ie earth whose body Is exempt from the presence of worms. HUuot upon the healthy elements of the liody that worms exist, hut upon thediseased humor s and slimy deposit that breed these living monster tf disease. Ko system vt medicine-- , no vermiftiKes, nv Jintheliuinitlcs, will free the system from worms like these Hitters. was Thebe! An editor might have been seen in fact was seen last night in a very undignified position, lie appeared to le desirous of Appearances, embracing a are however, frequently deceptive. They were in this case. Crossing the street rapidly, he stepped on the near the Ogden House, and not touching it exactly in the centre, a board flew up and the editor fell down, saving his face from damage at the expense of his arms. No bones were broken, but several by standers cracked a while others enickered and some grinned horribly a ghastly smile. It was generally voted that the damage should bo charged to John Mahon, but we have not heard what he has to say on the matt-rThe falling writer did not hit the right nail on the head, but a nail came pretty near striking him on the head. That bridge should be immediately reorganized. Wor SUIn Divrnscs, Krnptlnru, Tetter. Salt Khfiim, blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Hoilx, Carbuncle, Scald-HenSore Kyes. Kryslptlas. iKii, Scurfs, liiscolonillons of 11 ic Skin. Humors and Diseases of the Skin, of whatever qaute or nature, are literally up and carried out of the Kvstem 1m a short time by tle use. of these Hitters. One liottle in rhcIi rase Kiim-wwna- 0! What a Fall e. 1 e . Iiscato. Mechanical d rersnnstn-fage- in laints aud Alincrals. nucli a aud s Plumbers, Typesetters, iliners, nsthcvadvaitiv feiKlc, are suliect to paralrsls of "the Howels. To jrnanl acaiaist s this, take a lose or Walkek'-- j Viskuak twice a w?ek. Cold-beater- h, - Uit-tek- Intcn KilioiiN, Iteniiltritt arenud no previUei.. niitteHt l evers, which t , iu the VHllevs of our gix-alivers lhroKls-ou- t the Vuited States, especially those ef tlto Ohio, Missouri, Illinois. Teunes-BeArkansas, lied, Colorado, Brazos, KioCrande, Pearl, Alabama. Mobile. Bavaimah, Hoatioke, James, and many e, Mississippi. CumlM-rluud- . . others, with their vast tributaries, throujiliout our entire cotmirv during tho Summer and Autiiniu, and remarkably so duriuse-koii- s of unusual heat aud dryness, aiu Invariably accompauied by extensive and of the stomach uud liver, t, other abdominal viscera. Iu. their a jihrgative, txertin-- r u powerful these various onrans. U essentially necSHury. There la m cathartic forh tliopnrpiwe equal loDtt.J. Walkkk'Vise-galtrrniUi!, as Jhev will speedily remove d h id matter with wtilcli the tlie bowets Bro loaded, ut the f:tin? Um Bllmulatiuj? the secretion of the llrev, aud peucrally restorinj; tliu healihy lunctioasoi the digestive orjiiins. r KhiffN KvIIt VHil e fscrofuhi, Swellitursj, L'leers, Erysipelas, Swelled ueck. Coltre, HcrofnlouH liitlamiuatious. Indolent Ihlhimtuatlons, Mercurial AK'ectious, Old fcores, Erupt Unt ot tho Skin, Sora L.ves, etc., etc. Iu these, iu in nil other coiiHiiin-tlou- al 1j1T" Diseases. Walkkk's Yisku powtebs have shown their creat curative ers in the most obstinate and intractable ireat-meu- Sick. Mr. T. G. Hillicker, of the A. and P. Telegrah Company.one of the bast operators on the coast, we regret to learn is quite ill. His many friends wish his speedy restoration to health. dark-colore- , Warm. Phew ! Old Sol is waking n from his long rest. He comes out in h is strength and darts such rays of heat an light that weak eyes blink, and soft heads shed moisture till it drops to th ground. Shade is pleasant these times, and water good for (he mouth. , ,: . , Dr. AValkcr'f C alifornia . Vine-c- ar on nil these eases In a P,r purllyimt; the Vwm plinllar they remove tuo ruuxe, and by lesolvinjr away the effect of the intlainmattou (tc; tubercular doiMisits) tho affected parts receive health, und u permanent euro is act Ititlcr manner. 'An amateur ,whose neighbors complain of him for keeping onthe roof or his house defends himself by savin? that he ur ' :. Ctreeted. ... poses he can put any sort of tiles he The AiKrlrnt and nrfl lxa' Cirr Affairs. Driver & Nellis are pieases on his rooF, and that he prefers rropertles of Du. Walk Kit's Viseuak in easies oi tho lxKt daily receiving new goods. If they keep reptiles. maliunnut fevers. TluHrbalsatme. on doing so it may become necessary for healing;, ami HootUiujr properties protect the humors or the rauces. Their scthUve them to extend their building allny pain in tho nervcw system. Btoma:h aud bowels, either from inflammaWe are glad to say that Mr. James G. tion, wind, r olw, cramps, etc. Pure Thoroughbred Short-lior- n on Mlrcct ions. Tako of the Fitters Anderson, of the Western Union, is reUhI atiilithtfroiu a half to one ami U tills & Heifers! Durham poingto Eat pwid reri-foocovering from a severe rheumatic attack. , nmttou cIhP' Vlm" such He returned last night from Salt Lake T SHALT. ARRIVE IX OtWEX Xl?0CT THK und taKi aud roast beef, pon, vegetables, J. l.'.h urJuim with fino cuttlo oT above bi wihj outdoor f xerclxe. They aro coimI""'1 City, where he had gone to recruit his All vuteroil iu th purely vegetable; iugredietits, nud contaia health. A.Hr.llKMX 1IEK1 BOOK! noFpirit. Strictly pure LlooJ ami K),liKrJ. It. It. ?IcDOAO) & CO., tr ; Prsoxai. At the Union Depot Hotel Parties desiring nn- jmrttculur DnnrpWs r'Cn. Apts., S;n Franctsc'r, Caj. A cor. WuHhimrton aud Cuaritou Sts. AGE, SEX Oil COLO It among tho arri vals are : Joseph Trippett, SOLD ALL MtrGClSTS .t DniLLKS ".fyuthlana, Kjr, WITHIN ' ' ' ZA4)m Liverpool; Thomas C. Derln, Albany; U. twi?!?-?!"Hud I will deliver the Vu.no t tt fair Jiriro. D. Mayo and wife.St. LouisjWm. S.Hub-be,: skall.-nerc' ''This companygf Satisfaction Guaranteed. C. F. Crosby, Charles H. Guild,Bos-- , nn saiJ ' ' LiVrnl credit on good security. Tncnc-y,another ccttt of my !. on; Wm.T: Blaisfed for the last twenty "How. RKFRitiwu W.THorT rKKMstoNLortn TVr.' nnc:ry In fly on a railw.iy train. years Conductor of jhe Boston and Otrdc; Vm. Clayton, Klf lion. W. M. U3 asked will you travel" Oirniha; Cenirel SatinuM Jtm.k, Troy.N.Y. then, V Union Railroad. , "... swiS-3to fare you- snake-fancie- r, . put-tfu- . r til,', otisf-nta- to-da- borsc-laug- nitins o from the Telegraph, arrived here y north. He reports' the Utah Northern hurrying up for Corinne, and its prospects excellent. foot-bridg- orotlit-- Indigestion, ache, Pain iu tho Shoulders. L'oujrlist, THi. ness of the Chest, IdziiincsH, Pour Ernt'ta-tiot the Stomach, Had Ta.st(j in the Mottth, Bilious Attacks, Palpitation of the Heart, lnnammatiou of tho Lun-i- . Pain til the region of the Kidneys, and hundred : other pain mi symptoms, are the Of Dyspepiihu In these complaints it iuw no equal, an one bottle will prove a better guarantee of its merits than a lengthy advertisement. Called. Supt. Musser, of the Descret foot-bridg- ihi Iioihm iUv the vital organs wasted bevoud point of repair. Meeting adjourned nine d!e. Emvy Stratfokd, Skcketary. at thk IHtot. ''Give me liberty or give me death," was the cry of a Life und rrm unw.ell, n. Opposition Basd. Ogden City has a brass hand of which it is proud, and its services for midnight serenades are ever welcome., It is not fair, however, that another hand, whose discordant notes disturb the Elumbers of peaceful and citizens, should be allowed to compete with them.' The new band has its stand among the green waters that will be made half fill the excavations made for g ' ' ' , up tanks on Main Street. . iut-te- rs A Good Jokh Writ, Vtno.-wng drew a coin check for$7,00 on Wells, Fargo vt Co., yesterday, in the name of a party w om he knew had neither money nor credit in tle bank, and dropped it ou the street at, a A couple of Coraisujnen happened along and picked it up; they opeued it and read it; they then hurried around a corner and eagerly read it a Kocond time, and then, bright visijns of Merry England,. home and happiness filing their hearts with joy, they rushod to the bank to get heir hatful of double eagles. We wilt not attempt to portray their disappointment when they ascertained tho scrap of paper was wortJiloM; but mum suggest that the.wagcarr.iea hh humor ligerent nationality" 'TIuy liavoiuir. into oruoity when he- - threatened them rendered ns prisoners of war; nud wijhthe law for attempting togetmon-e- y under false pretenses." It a cnnA clearly should be left in the hands cf joke w cU played. Wta J! ' v . public meeting tax-paye- Published evory M'EDNESPAY und SAXCKDAT, by the Ogdks Pt'Buaruso Companv. C A Sciiqoi. Mketi.vg. G. FRIDAY, the military. They are guilty of of the First School Disof the now is from Hotel viewed CiTr Kotkl. The City treachery and murder, trict was held in Farley's School House, who C. Tender, Mr. from of whites stand-poiHopkins of the in charge at 7 o'clock, on Thursday evening, June ; the and proestablishment 5th, 1873. their own ground they look upon the has refitted the , X joke-breede- r. , I .. i safe-uuar- ai-- , erni-tionsa- nd d NOTICE. vnp-erti- ea , lf wfaie-glassfu- l. asbeei-steak- f ... - tr 1 : . ' i , r ' ... '' 1 w liOLLIX 1 SAXE. - conductor. "I'll pay my |