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Show tm gunctitw, She J tht Oai! OG In PullLjhe.1 every WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY Tt'BLISHLKa COMPANIT. II "B111C IS. I., G. . A writer on physiognomy sagtdy Fays; "A human faee without a nose doesn't amount to much' whereupon another writer observes that "a human nose without a face doesn't amount to much either." LOGAN, CACHE COUNTY. DEY GOODS, RADWAY'I" READY" RELIEF! I KKH THE iVOKkV I'Al.VS In from One to Twenty .Minutes. n 1 1 wetl any one v ItiaiKF Is'a EKUY J'AIX. KADWAY'S KKAHY ami .Shoes, Ifiats and Caps, most and cure CoiigcutiotiH, ine iinifr!, stoinurh, Jl.nvciH, or other Ktandu or orpins, by one iliation, in liom one ff twenty minutes, nn mutter how violent nr ex- rruiiarm tne pain, tlio lilieiimatii', Jntinii, (Yiuj'U'.l, Nervoii, Neuralgic, or rated uner "tm ,rt -,. ill iitiord inslimt ease. Inflammation of (he Kidney. Inflammation of tlio Jltaildor, Inflammation tf the liowelx. n of the Luns. Pore Throat, DifhYult Kreiithhip. Palpitation of the Heart. Hysteria, J'roiip, IMptheria. Catarrh, Influenza, Ileailarlie, Toothache. Cold Neuralgia, lilu'iitiiatisni. Chill-i- , Acne Chills. The application of the READY RELIEF to the or parts where the paiu or difficulty exists will afford eao and comfort. Twenty drops in half a tunilder of water will iu a tew moment cure Cramps, Pjihmiir, Sour Stomach, Heartburn, Sick Headache, Diarthea, Dyseu-Jc-rColic, Wind iu the Bowel, and nil Internal IaitiH. Travelers should always carry a bottle of R4D-A VS H HA DY RE LI KF with them. A few water will prevent Hirkiiefw or pain drops from Jhanpe of water. It is letter than French Iiran.lv Hitter as a stimulant. V Kit AX l Aii UE cured for fifty cent. Tnere is not a remedial agent iu thin world that w.!l cure Fever and Ague, and all other Malariom, Riliniis, Scarlet, Typhoid, Yellow and other Fever ( tided hy Radway s Fill.) no quick as RADWAY'5 KEADY RELIEF. Filty cents per bottle. Sold prt JVotions, XCXtWa?tr't0 Savase s GallciT' Main Street, Suit Lake ALL KINDS OP MArMIWFRV Orders addregsed fo will receive prompt attentioa. I tsTOtf DIIDrUACtn rn M. THATCHER, gan, H. B. CLAWSON, tuadc the most atonu.hinp cures, go quick, go rapid are the changes the liodv underlie, under tl.e influence of this truly wonderful Mcdicine.that a. 1MUKASK IN FLKSIl AND "1.WIIT Ift m:k- AND FELT. TEEHTJNE'S PATENT PENTAGONAL SHOW CASE! Metal Corners. Tatentcd August 8,1871. z. TIIK MOST ELEGANT AUD DURABLE SHOW CASE Superintendent. i.itui l EXTANT, M. TERI1UXE, Sole Manufacturer, z: iiii-iri- ) 4(5, T i'iwu, cj't. CABINET OEGAIS GOIiBIOl 7 H. W. N1ISBITT. lWV'&WW . ' V. s "i .. i' "L" If .. r T, l ... ' iii v' "iwii.i v Will purchase any kind of Merchandise not usually kept in stock, including 3? lit'i.tii n t if i. vvmrn ri'.si i i.tn iJhi 1 Si?. Ji IV ( Engines, Snv mlH9 Circular Saws, Bolting Clot h, JLcilel Water Wheels, Cheese Factory or H : 2 I li PI s o t. . r h r r u I. Hachinc Extras, Force or other Pumps, Belting, Sorghum 3IiIIs, Evaporators, ( iit'th in it, because I had suffered for tweive years. 1 too k six bottles of the Resolvent, and one box of K olway's Dills, and two bottles of your Ready and there istiot a sign of tumor to be seen or fel t, and I feel better, smurter, and huppier than 1 l ave for twelve years. The worst tumor was iu the left side of the bowels, over the groin. 1 write this to you for the benefit of others. You can publish it if you choose. HANNAH P. KN 11 , :- .... - - - iwu5-wvvss- i Combination Meclianical populatiou. Send in your orders and we will do the. host, tn fill crs prices with freight added, or ou a slight percentage. ti,, Organs, ilist.lv.tnli-tlivn- SCKIBXEirS PATEXT QUALIFYING TUBES, PURGATIVE PILLS. lcrlectly tasteless, elegantly coated with sued, An invention having a most important bearing on the future reputation of Reed Him, purge, regulate, purify, cleanse and struments, by means of wUicli the quantity or Volume of tone is very largely en. Radway's Dill, for the cm t f all strengthdisorders creased, and quality of tone rendered ot the Stomach, Liver, svs-let- above-name- R',AD1'iiIshihI True." Ie' . Inin- Our celebrated "Vox Colore," "Louis Patent." "Vox Humana." "Wilcox Patent "Octave Coupler," the charming "Cello" or "Clarionet" Stops, nnd " ine factory IL 3,n All the Late Improvements Can be Obtained Only in these -- STOCK Quality a nd Volume of tone Unequnlled. ; not 500 PRICES, WARER00MS, AND MICHIGAN. Established in Dollnx-H- . COR Crn & CONGRESS STS., DETROIT AGENTS WANTED IN EVERY COUNTY. ISoO. : Address,. Simmons k Clougii Ohoak sOS-l- y Co., Detroit, Michigan. and n B- - Haying just got fairly running since the CLA WSOX, Superintendent. TIIE BEST Organs. Styles, Thirty five Different For the 141 rlor tintl the f!hurrh. Thc Best Material and Worh mavsh ip, well-know- tA SCHUTTLEB WAGOI," EQITAI. TO THAT OF TICK BEST PIPE OKGAXS OF TIIK SAME CAPACITY. FACTORY r o We are expecting an immediate shipment of the FITTED WITH THE NEWLY INVENTED V Ac, Ac e., Or any artich from anv State. t,W. lle-lit- Grand G01S' Th,.eIi,.R Machine, oI the viu'k'onnd bowels. AH the doctors said "tln'i'0 "as no help for it." I tried everything that was rw om mended; but nothing helped me. I saw your Resolvent and thought I would try it; sut had no DEI ABTUHNT. IN CHARGE OF s Tumor or 12 Years' C.'rotvth Cured Kcsol by Iluriwtty'N Mivss., Hkvkki.v, July 1, 1SG0. Dr. IUpway: I have had Ovarian Tumor in Rowels, Kidneys, Rladder, Nervous Diseases, Headache, Constipation, Costive-i-'CIndigestion, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Bilious l i'HT, Inflammation of the Rowels, Piles, and all Derangements of the Internal Viscera. Warranted to effort a positive cure. Purely vegetable, containing no mercury, minerals nr deleterious drugs. Observe the following symptoms resulting from Disorder of the Digestive Orgaiis Constipation, Inward Piles, Fullnes of the Blood iu tiie ilead, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, liisc-iH- t ol Food, Fullness or Weight in the Srom-nrSour Eructations, Sinking or Fluttering at the. Pit of the Stomach, Swimming of tint Head, Hurried and Difficult Breathing, Fluttering at the' Heart, Choking or Suffocating Sensation when In i..ung losuire. imnncss oi visum, lots or Webs before the Sight. Fever ami Dull Pain in the Head, Deficiency of Perspiration, Yellowness of titie Skin and Eyes. Pain in the Side, Chest, Limbs and sudden Flushes of Heat, Bnrning in the Flush! A few doses of Radway's Pills will fir'! th n from all the d disorders-Price So ceijls per box. Sold by Druggi.-tr-, Send one 1c stamp to Radway k Co.. No. fT Maidea Ixine, Tort, Jufuiaiat-ioworta VUwtfuds will I tsetiiyou. CHICAGO, ILL. ANT) u OR .RAnWAV'R 40, IMPItOVED . PERFECT Stale Street, formerlj 41 --Dm SIMMONS & CLOUGH ORGAN CO.'S n.... j. City. 0 RDER. ! STAYNER'S MUSIC STORE, Wheat, Barley. Oats. Tearl Barley, Flour, Bran, Shorts. E iTfis and i CITTIIMLMI MV 1!,, VTX JUIAJ. llAIV'li KJA oe CllUlil frrnnm xUIlLJ. uiiui, cjui 1 J,! XJ ITa Every drop of the SARSAl'ARILLIAN RESOL-AENconimuiiicates through the 111 nod, 1'rino and. other fluids and juices of the Sweat, the vigor of life, for it repairs the waste system of the "iij nii new aim souna material. Scrofula, gy. 1'hilis. Consumntion. (ihinrfnlur :.. tc.e Throat, Mouth, Tumor. Nodes in the Olands aim inner part- - oi the cystcm, Sore Eyes, Strum-mi- s Discharges from the Ears, and the worst forms " cmu r.rupnons, tever Sore, Scald Head. Ring Worm, Salt Rhoum, Erysipelas, Acne, .u ix norms hi cue Mesa, luiiior. (Oncers iu tllO Womb, and all weak l.M harges, Night Sweats, Loss of Sperm, and all w anes of the lite priuciple, are within the curative oi this wonder of Mwlem rar.iro ci ......... ' r j , aitllllforit lw days , use w ill prove to any person using ri.i.vi oi iun itn iM m uiseu-s- e us potent power to rt.re them. If the liatient. daily hecnniinc iWnfml i,v i. v aries and decomposition that is continuallj pro-miccku.is in arresting tliesa wastes, aixi (.fiiip, i'airs i ne same wun new material made from l.ealthy blood and this the SAltSAI'AIULUAN win umi nous socure. Not only does the Sarsanarlll eel all known remedial agents iu the cure of Chro- i :c, LoHHtitutional and Skin diseases, ecroiuioits, I vt it is the onlv nositive cnr tor Klnvt'V ..wi I'LADDER COMPLAIN fS, Urinary and Womb oeaes, O ravel, Diabetes. Dropsy, Stoppage of .iter, Jiicoutineme of lime, Itright's Disease, ni.Himiiitu ia, aim in ail cases where there are Lrickdust deposits, or the water is thick, cloudy, mixed vith substances like the white of nu egg, or threads like w hite silk, or there is a morbid, dc' tlurk, bilious appearance, and w kite bne-du- t posits, and when there is a pricking, burning w hen passing water, and pain in tlio small t.f the back mid along the loins, i'rice, Sl.iKl WOUVS. The only known and sure Remedy fir Worms Din, Tape, etc. Ironing Machines SINGER'S SEWING MACHINES. frrong an iM & Price 850. All for snip at Chicago Schuttler Wagons. Health! Beauty! rure Imreae Flch Dr. NirsaEADWAY'S narii inn Kesol von t Patent Mangles UORS. .') Druggist.. i Examine. Wasters and FMigeKj Price Only $0 and TOYS. ft: Coin-i'l- aiad ANOTHER LOT OF THOSE gn.ENDID A LARGE AND VARIED ASSORTMENT OF NEW k Kich lilood ol arid Weight Clear Skin and Beautiful xion secured to all. Call o Carpets and Trimmings, Window Curtains and Blinds. RADWAY'S READY RELIEF Please Musicians, Low! "Wevy $1). Brands of Imported WINES and LIO "iu-i.'kto- i THE (iREAT Itl.fton Selling CL'ltE FOR The Only l'ain The Rest ltcmcdy the excrnciutin? win, Th;it irixtniitly utop i'!:tvs Inflammations ENTIRE NEW STOCK OF AND MERCHANDISE. GROCERIES, stoves and Tinivarc, and Medicines, Etc., Etc. Irugs NOThid ONE HOUR mlvertimiient I AN WHOLESALE d RETAIL DEALERS IX Crockery, Iloo srt'PKU WlTir HAS JUST RECEIVED MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS A very little girl was learning to read, and her lesson ran: "The cat had a rat." She thought for a moment and then exclaimed, "Cat's don't have rats, cats have kittens, but sister Susan has rats in her hair-- " fliler rra.lirifr MUSIC OF Notice FURXITDRE J0SEHI TO iiiMinV f 1 MrSORAVE, WILUAM LK710Y, i ............ I t.WM AliU JfAltKK I1BH You will jilouse take untie thnt liil'iT linn (l,,m for yon, (ici'iiriling t rontnwt, ou the Cnion Stur jilino, CottiuwinI Kanyon. Kxwleior District, Storgim county, I'tnh Territory; nnd you nre liprcliy .iiotifieil M xif your sliars within ninety iImv from data of tins ftotic. TIMOTHY OXK.L. 1S72. sOTlm tintah, Weber co. Not. IN UTAH, t... l.lvniviiil lllfUARD Al.I.KX. 1i .1 At JOELSON'S, BUILDING, 2so SOUTH STREET, f au lake crrx. I 1 Im'-- Grocsbcek's NEW ! h 2, Mngmvp, $r; Ji.$12; W. j Uate.", M m. $2f,j Loror, $ai; Jhn KKhr.l AHi', Cns-sid- $. |