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Show The JZorfoc War. Undertaker's Experience. Ywka, Jan. 20. from (leneral 1 to ,n ('anhy report a battle wilh the Modoc on Friday (lom-Tii- f.uht Whcn-- t ' fV"in 8 a.m. to dark. The were entirely concealed and .scarcely one aimwj: the rucks, to the troops loss v,is seen. The wounded. The was t'ortv killed and to to retire Were cuiupelled t roups will now only their camp. They Modocs from raiding the to keep try 77 1 1 r until reiuturced. From an interVreka. .Ian. -view with .Mr. Ticknur we gut the iMlowinn' ji itt'.culars of the battle with the .Mud ;cs: On Thursday afcomBernard's ternoon Captain mand had considerable lighting with the Indians and drove them back within two ;md obtained a In this skirmiles uf. Jack's camp. mish Lieutenant Kyle was wouud-- d killed and anil several suldiers atthe wuunded. Friday morning the west on by tack was comim need JVirv and .Maso.i's counnand, toother with the ()reg)n Volunteers. Tiie battle opened by a few shells ir uu the howitzers, but owing to the dense four thev were afraid of their throwing away JJernardrf men who were attacking fro in the ctist company stood in the front of the lighting fur a long time and sutlercd greatly until Captain Ferry ordered thcin back and put his regulars ahead for a distance of a mile. Tin; troops made several attempts to ehartre the line along the lava bed. but only uiet showers of bullets from the unseen enemy in the chasms. Captain Perry was severely wounded Several men in the arm and hip. some killed. wounded and Wei'i! where was Fairehild's Here,- too, men were wounded and two Oregon volunteers (Frank Tremble and J. Jl. Ihvwii) killed. Most of the men succeeded in reaching Bernard's line before dark, hut many were obliged to hide in the rocks until darkness would let them escape from the Indians, who fought with desperation, jumping from rock to rock and pick-ini- r off cverv soldier thev could see. They fought as is their custom, stripped naked, with nothing but an ammunition sack swung from their shoulders. Lieutenant Kobcrts, of Fairehild's command, received a terrible wound in the head, which will unl lubtedly prove fatal as the brains . on pu.-iti- Fair-child- 's - jTotudcd. Much excitement has prevailed here all day in consequence of the light. The officers are now satisfied that Captain Jack intends to fight it out where he is, and consider he has the strongest natural fort to bg f'und in the cuntrv. Up to the tune i u kaor left there were ten whites known to be killed and thirty Wounded. Asleep for Xinc Years. he I'ictoii AVr Xntion prints the following, and Kingston p.oplo want to know who the lady in question is: "A lady in Kingston has lately invoke from a nine year's sleep. She lell into a stupor, awakening at noon well day to receive refreshment, which had to be fed to her, she not ni:g able to move hand or foot, nor T'oak during the whole interval. If her attendant was not there when Hie, awoke, she immediately wont to sleep atraiu. not awakening until the iivxt day at noun. I'pon her recovery die ealled for her clothes, as if awakening from her usual rest; and upon her friends coming; to see her jlie would remark: 'How old you jve grown! How gray your hair i!s 'I ll'.w wrinkled your fate is! etc. lcnicKibeiing that she had been ;is'eep for nine years. Her son, who quite a hid when eho went to Y'ep. and who is now a man grown, "ttorly disclaims, saying he is Kherson :it all." 1;'t w-- A New York street car conductor, who '"'I "yes tmuUni," to a laiK hus been 'lesente.l with a new overcoat, and they Ia'K of a Maine of him. A reporter of Lewiston, seeing some -- "r'on,l'in5ce' wcnt nnd ?ot haa.es and ages, so as to save u" e when they got drowned retires $:!8,0Xl worth of twine P annum to tie up the jead: letters en the postotlice departmsnt fails to D7i 'lir Very llemarkable. A Scene in a Southern Court, Singular Murder Case. In the course of investigating the A curious ease of mesmerism, 'says The Criminal ' Court of Waynes-burA correspondent writingfrom Toris "dead reelement of the Homeward Greene that atiects India, Mail, destroying County, Pennsylvania, ino (Miss.) to the Memphis Ajictl. bodies. Mr, Peter Craig, undertaker, ported by the civil surgeon of has been trying a remarkable murder describes a thrilling scene betme a A young woman named case during the past week. The case colored Justice of the Peace, as folperceived that oxygen, was the element that caused decomposition; it Nunnoe, aged twenty-fouwas mar- is that of Thaddeus Younkin for the ly ws: struck him that if this clement could ried some twelve years ago; the, how- murder of his father, Charles Youuk-iu- . I witnessed au amusing trial before be moved from the colliin. where the ever, did not go to her husband's The prisoner is a young man a colored 'squire in this place Af- twenty-on- e or twenty-twbody was incased, that preservation house for two years afterward years uf Two of the citizens here got iuto a would be certain. How to accomplish ter staying with him for eight days age, and the father was aged fifty-si- dispute. One of them, with a this at first rather puzzled Mr. Craig, she suddenly became insensible, and it is claimed by the common shotguu, attempted to but not to he baffled by trifles, remained so for two or three days. wealth in the trial, that the old defend himself, the other having a the subject great Consideration; She was taken back to her mother, man was shot while he was quietly The Deputy M:.rhal and knowing that combustion was and soon got well. Then follows a sitting by the cooking stove, await- spoiled the fun by arresting the parcaused by the union of the carbon of very remarkable history. The defense admit ties and taking the shot-guand the ing his supper. five four the material and the oxygen of the or next the was a father that man. the before for the trial. During dangerous years pistol 'squire air, he tried the experiment ot'usimr she never entered her husband's He had given his wife ten minutes The 'squire called the Court to order up the oxygen in the tvsket I v tin- house without falling insensible and to get supper and furnish warm bread, by saying : aid of a lighted candle. He bad an remaining so. lie was very kind threatening to kill her if she failed. "All you negroes take off your bats casket made, and placed a and attentive to her; she liked him. The allotted time was h iu Court." Then, leaning back in up. w but he into candle henever came her had for cellar She to he to run the his screwed cream, chair with all the dignity and presburning therein; down the lid perfectly The ence she at once sank into this state. and had returned to get flour. The pomp of a Ca'sar, sang out t; one of candle continued to burn for eight This went on till she became emacia- deceased had followed her and struck the parties: "Are you gilty or not hours, it then having consumed all ted and exhausted, and at last her her with a dipper. Decerning still sjSty?" the oxygen in the interior was "Of what ' said the party. parents applied to the court for a more enraged, he threw aside the This proved the theory separate maintenance ibr her. While dipper and ran for a butcher-knife- . "Gilty presenting arms with intent and satisfied him that he bad an he was in court the husband enter- Not succeeding in getting this, he to kill, said his Honor. excellent discovery; but to carry his ed, and she instantly became insensi- endeavored to snatch a large iron "Not gilty," wad the answer. ide-iout effectively, he obtained the ble, and was carried to the hospital, shovel. The mother was in the mean"Whar is de proof'" attendthe dead case was and 1'roin where a time The of The witnesses came forward and the Coroner son, man, carefully body screaming crying. and placed it in the coffin, with the ed to by Dr. Culleu, in March, this to save his mother, thereupon shot were examined by his Honor. Not a charge in the indictment was provlighted candle, as before, screwing year. "While in this state her pulse his father dead. down the lid, ect. In this case the was even, breathing soft, her body ed by the witnesses, but alter he got candle burned for five hours and a pliant, but she could eat nothing. through with the examination the The Mormons. half, and then became extinguished, Experiments were carefully made to 'squire folded his arms and said: is of To test the case Mr. Craig see if there was no trick about it. of as before. 1'tah, Delegate Hooper, "Now, gintlemen, l's hereto spuse had the body removed to a back ro- m. While she was in bed her husband opinion that a kind Providence watch- of de law. but I doesn't want to be where it remained for three weeks, was muffled up, and made to walk es over his peculiar people. He says hard with you. I think passion in a perfect state of preservation. through the ward. She said she felt that when Congress came together caused you to violate de law. I can't This satisfied him, beyond a doubt, lie was near her, and she was by no things looked vcy black for the decide dis to be salt :uid battery, ibr that he had succee ded in discovering means well, but had not seen him Mormons. The President leagued you didn't light. I can't decide it a new art, whereby bodies could be anywhere about. Next day this ex- himself with the Methodists, and manslaughter, for no one is killed; I embalmed without the aid of chem- periment was repeated, and she actu- Ringham, of the Judiciary Com- decide it petty larceny, as de law diicals. After having succeeded so ally became insensible, as before. mittee, was leading Congress into the rects, and finds you nnd costs.'' All husband the measures. at she the left When most well with his invention, he drew the One of the party remarked: "If revengeful place attention of Dr. Kdwin Uentle to the recovered. The experiment as to the once the Credit Mobilicr investigation your Honor please, I am charged in process, and that gentleman expressed influence of the husband's presence opens up, and Riugham and other ra- the indictment with presenting deadhis firm belief in its success. The was tried in all sorts of ways. He dicals were paralyzed in their efforts ly weapons, with intent to kill. Not new process is to be fully tested, with was made to pass behind her, and t to crush the faithful, though he a .word in the charge has been provthe body of Mr. (rowenhack. who died be near her, in a separate ward, but thinks that Congress is now in a good en. Jf your Honor insists on so iarire in this city recently, and whose body this had no effect, but whenever he position to attempt anything in the a fine, I shall appeal from your dehas been preserved in this manner. was brought to look on her face, way of indicative legislation, and that cision." The 'squire then remarked: "Now. The body can be seen at Corinthian though muffled up, or disguised as a the members may breathe free for a a of the In least. Mr. spirit , if you is 'sposcd to be Hall, where it will be brought pre- policeman, as a Sepo', and so forth, year at vious to its removal to the Masonic she was at once influenced. The ex- prophet, he says that this is no more fussy, I will bind you over to Court." Rut at this point the Marshal took for about a than righteous people need expect. Cemetery. It is the intention of this periments continue? Uis World conclusion and was the that Honor out. After showing him gentleman's relatives to have his re- month, the importance of reducing the fine mains taken to Scotland. This will the husband unconsciously mesmerMelancholy Death. to stop the appeal, iu order that they test the process, and should it prove ized her. The court came to the it could was that that is which not impossible doubted, pocket the costs and fine, his satisfactory, Captain S. C. Raker, of whose serious could and live she Honor with a him reduced the fine to 810 costs, Mr. Craig will have added a new separate injuries mention has already been ordered.c9 each. This the parties agreed to ', process of preserving bodies to science. allowance was made, died at 4 o.tlock on S.unday Thus ended this interesting Sun Francisco Alia. afternoon, having previously suffered pay. trial. the amputation of lm left leg. A .1 Cincinnati IJlaeksmilli, fatality seems to attend the family ol g, Hos-hundaba- d. r, to-da- y. double-b- x, arreled he-gav- r. n - air-tig- well-nig- ht air-tigh- t. ?-- con-elusio- Hi Fate. The Negotiable Value of the Cincinnati has a blacksmith who, embalmed iu heroic vers!, siftaild stand side by side with a Longfellow' village smithy. He has long loved a maid 'Mi, whom he has courted with fervor and heat equal to his own forge fire. But the was harder than iron. She wouldn't melt. lie called evening, arrayed in a manner go gorgeous that the lillies of the field His hair were not a circumstance. discounted the permd handkerchief fumes of Araby. His store clothes were of the primest puttern. bis beaver of sleek and shining black, and his necktie suiliciont to incarnadine the Bens end make the green-eye- d one red. So far it was all smooth sailing, but the trowscrs wag the rock on which he split. They were good high-wate- r trowscrs, and would have s of the made good modern for Rut timo. Revolutionary unmentionables thero was too much calfskin displayed between the southern boundary and his No. 11 soles. The lady was struck dumb by his appearance, and forthwith sailed out of the room with a nrz rttroassc. Then came the crisis. With a stage step he strode into the backroom; a flash, a report, a heavy fall, and all was over. The family came rushing in. The first word they heard was the cooing of the young woman, howovcr in the undistinguishable language of love, but in plain English, to this effect : 4iOh, you ugly brute, I wish you had shot "yourself !" The prose f the enso is that the .sou of Vulcan had prepared a pistol, loaded with powder and chewed paper bullets, in tending by the effect to bring his fair to terms. He didn't. He don't go there any more, either. Tiic measles arc hereditary in the family. . or the A new and careful estimate been has of pubthe globe population lished by two competent German statistician, who reckon it it J,377iOWM knee-short- tip-to- p . ot eouIs. n which deceased was a member. One Died. brother was killed by a railroad At the residence of Thomas F. Fisher, near Providence; another lost Ministerial remuneration in the his life by a steamboat explosion; an- Bountiful, Davis Co., Jan 2Srd, 17;;, early days of the Great AYcst was on other was among the lost by the wreck Thomas' Milo, sonofV.'m. F. nnd Linnip the worldly basis of all other matters. of a sailing vessel; and the deceased Fisher, ape 0 years o month nud fl As an illustration, there it the case Hi parents are residents T was hurried to a premature grave by days. of Jtev. Jacwb Patch, years ago of an iu Raker Cucbe Co. amine, Richmond, dipt. Northern Indiana. No purer, simple-minde- wasexplosion his where a native of Roston, man than he. Thoroughly mother now resides, and was about educated in literary and theological 57 ARTISTS, ATTENTION ! years of age. He was a nephew colleges under New England influen- of Mr. Raker of Raker, Stephens, rnnr. hoard oe ijikkctoi:? ok t r r to tces' he soon adapted himself so his A: 1 RKT A(iKK'l'.TL'ItAlj AND MAM Roston and San Francisco. of Co., SOCIC'JV ollr a new work of aiding in Christianizing Deceased leaves some stock of iHII.I. A tt.H to tlin ArtUu o! Lmlii. III IVv. mining few a resi. the West. After years' iet.ij.Mi l'nr a li.niim. l; unl 4 nominal value. lie was a member !m lli to Im) tlic Awurttinji 0.inruitfden ce in the land of prairie and for- of St. John Lodge, F. & A. M., Pawv right t withhold tho awiml if in tin ir est, he began the building of a house jiKltctiK'iit ni (1c1;.'n eh tttcic tstly moritoriuw i tobo and will interred R. I., tucket, fur coin t t ion. will In for himself. His views of paying until Aj.ril lit. Awuid iu hn anii'.uij' t it his brothers of St. John day by for shingles may be new to Reecher, at 2 o'clock, p.m. April Uith. ofPiochc, Lodge, l;y order of tli I'.nard. but was too true with our pioneer Konr, l. CAMi'nr.n.. liuche Record. clergy. The good people near the The chronopher is the name of the Hog Creak school house fa true name) having a shingle machine, and instrument which supplies all Eng-lau- d with the correct time. It is in using its products for their legal curservices of the and desiring direct communication with the Greenrency, Mr. P., contracted with him to have wich Observatory and with 1G of the him deliver them a certain number principal cities of the kingdom and id' sermons, at the price of a bunch precisely at 10 o'clock a. m. the hour l.llilO of shingles for a sermon. is flashed not only to those stations, e in the country, The preaching and shingles were re- but to every DISCOVKKY TV VKTKKINAKY mutual to the so that all time is regulated to the GiVXAT spectively furuUhcd, mkmcisi:. satisfaction of the high contracting twentieth part of a second. Time J,;isll parties. Incompleting the house. half guns are fired every day at 1 p. m. at In de- Newcastle and Shields by batteries a snxiKic yon the a bunch extra was required. reafter farewell his sermon, connected with the chronopher, and livering had been that the done, all good the prominent watchmakers in lating Cure tffoctcd iu ffuin 3 to 4 don?. Aiid speakingof pleasant relations as Loudon received the enact second alluded to their he and from instrument. same the people, pastor every hour Price - - - $1.00 per IJottle, contract, and gave an account which Under such strict regulations the wholesale, $iux I'Ki; lozkx. f bunch uniformity of time all over the kingshowed the balance of for. "And iu their favor unpaid dom is as pearly perfect as it can be ash roi: now. my dear brothers," said he' "I made. . am not "owing you enough shingles to come to a sermon, but. Providence It was at Evansville, Ind., ?o the to come over you Courier says, that a permitting. I will WinJet-aland RctoUfy and hold a prayer the portals of a entered man day at an early young . . " . i rtt F. CULL1ER & And lie Unl. I lie cur- decoctiou palace,ancvcniugor so since, meeting. was satisfactory. and, stepping up to the "gentlcmnuly rency for change barkeeper," requested him to mix VTA E, him a "red-ho- t toddv, fur h .was S.lEr li.lKK CITY, Bi' Orders frm a iHtnf e by latter or "Mp? Is a lamp at any time in a lad going to see his girl's fathr, and gr(.ti will iaininAial altBtia. M i mcaut busiutM," by 4MU temper? Yea, wheu it put out. (oicl. ac-cide- 1 d r -- : FAT-ILIU- l'l.-miii- Ti-- i i t 1'irei-tur- - i i Iii'i-ip- EPIZOOTIC! EPIZOOTIC! EPIZOOTIC! post-offic- Found at HORSE EPIDEPniC! one-hal- HIPPOCRASTUS! well-dresse- ft d C. CO., imfM-w- |