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Show ho lenrose, IMitor. UTAH. WEDNESDAY, Shuck, her firsthusband; Mary Ann, Edward, George W. and Ann Eliza her four children ; Frank and Ada, the children of her third husband. JANUARY 20, 1873. IHIMWMMniMHMMMnHHMHMnHnMHnHlM Thomas C Durant. Tlie Union Pacific R. II. Company was origiually projcctcJ as a national movement on tlie plea that military necessities required the extension of railroad facilities across the Continent. Prompt measures were taken to span the chasm between the Atlantic and Pacific seaboards, ostensibly for the purpose of establishing rapid and immediate communication with the country wTest of the Rocky Mouutains, in case of the outbreak of hostilities at home or abroad. It was urged as a reason, to prove the expediency of forming au early connection with the extreme confines of tlie country, that complications with foreign powers, arising from the issues of our late civil war endangered tlie peacG of the nation. At the time, the Intervention of Nipolcon in the affairs of Mexico and the establishment there of an empire in violation of the traditional policy of the Georgo Sherman ; and. lastly; Sherman himself. "Whenever any of her family became sick, she felt "discouraged" and helped them out of trouble with arsenic. She then felt more None of the relieved and cheerful. celebrated physicians who attended on the patients at whose death she assisted, had the least suspicion of her handiwork, till Georgo Sherman died. After a lung trial and the most determined efforts to prove her innocence and to escape the penalty of the law, she was found guilty of murder in the second degree, and sentenced to imprisonment for life, in the Connecticut State's Prism. She has now determined to give herself "wholly to Christ." She had told ''all her heart," is now 'contented and perfectly at ease," and wants Christian people to know how she The wat How. Mesir. Carroll Dee have overcome the horse disease, which has afflicted the animals in this section of the Territory. They had from the horses twelve epidesuffering mic and all have recovered through prudent and gentle care. They were lefi standing in the stalls during their sickness, and not rut to work, being fed Dlankets were put with bran mash. over them, and the doors of the stable kept open during the day, and closed at night. Messrs. Carroll and Dee promise good sleigh riding now that their horses are in good order, and the ground well covered with snow. Children i vy for MeLainV Caihlifil Cattor Oil mid (.'audied Vermifuge ami Tliry lire delirious mi'diniiL-lniim)--tents. For alo hy 1'i'iiv Z. C M. I. mid all tlniisti). limi-Iidii- i . biJS-Ci- u Snow, Snow, Ssow. A heavy snow We are not storm is prevailing as badly otF as our Eastern neighbors, who are compelled to forego the luxury of a cushioned seat in the street cars, and take the sidewalk, to reach their homes, miles away from their places of business. Three inches of snow here, while iu the heart of New York City, seven and eight feet of gentle flakes whiten the ground. to-da- y. On Marriage. Happy relief fur yuiinj; nnm from the effort of Eithi-- aivl Aloises in aily life. Manhood restored. Impediments to inarriao reumvud. New method of treatment. Now atl-- l remarkable remedies Hooka uud circulars eut free, iu sealed s Addro.M, HOWARD ASSOCIATION, No 2 South This remorseless murderess is now Ninth St., l'hilai'.elphia. I'n an Institution havinj; allied reputation tor honoralde conduct and proHer fessional kill. a pet for gospel United States j the misunderstanding Travki.. The roads are clear of snow piety and patience will be themes on account of the Alabama depredafor Christian congratulation, and Ivor and the trains arrived in due season, tions, and apprehensions of au be smoothed to the immediate though the cars contained few passenin the subdued States, wore path gers. Heavy storms East and West are presence of tho Immaculate One. s advanced as arguments in favor of The are called She will travel in triumph, for has reported. into requisition, and they clear the the enterprise which has opened to sho not poisoned persons? and docs track as smoothly and brightly a$ gold settlement the once sterile prairies. not modern theology teach that the dollars. We are not disposed to review the greater the sinner the more glorious fiarSoe U. Whitehead's 1 history of the Union Pacific Railroad, the conversion ? And has she not A tl vertiscment. 1 y nor to lift the curtain which vet confessed and repented, now she is Appreciated. We see by the Salt the mysterious operations of Lake papers that Carrie Carter, of Ogden, deprived of the chance to do any those who conceived the gigantic unwas warmly received in her more poisoning? Awd is not one and East the at the Salt Lake City Theatre last of chaining dertaking confession and repentance more than night. In the chaaacter of Grace Hark-waWot with links of iron . Our pur- a set off d against eight Carrie elicited great applause, and pose is to demonstrate the danger murders, according to popular Chris- received compliments from the press. which attends the country by a union tian doctrine? X of ice. with huge monopolies which have Boots and Shoes on Imnd, mid repairing done ai Wonder if this "discouraged" poi- Kiddle" s Harunss Shop, Main street, Ogden. Probeen fostered by the Government. soner of innocent children and trust- duce taken. Coui'.uctod by J. Small. (i. WHITEHEAD. Thomas C. Durant was elected Presing men is not playing a deep game rF.asoxAi.. Mr. John Barns, of Evan-stoident of this Company, and to his for Christian sympathy, and pardon was in the city yesterday. He was genius and perseverance may be at- and liberty as the ultimate results? formerly a resident of Ogden, and is tributed the inception and complc-tiy- n Salt Lakk Items. The following are now doing a thriving busines as a hotel of the- road, although the means at Evanston. from tho iJeseret Evening Xewt of the keeper to which ho resorted are unquess. up-visi- snow-plow- -- con-coa- ls y, cold-bloode- n, - tionably disreputable. Mr. Puraut is on examination as a witness bef rc the Committees investigating the Credit 3Iobilier thefts. Among the questions asked of him, was one relatiug to the influence of the Union Pacific Railroad and Credit Mobilier iu procuriug, by fraudulent means, the election of members of Con cress. The answer was am-biguj- us llegavo of tatir ofiuial nd g cou-esa- - - -- sup-pot- ablija-piaa- i. i s. Can Can. Ogden is marching apace with the advance of the star that takes its way 'westward. Robert Wilson has closed his bowling alley, which will be converted into a saloon, after tho manThe Grand Jury for the Dec. term of ner of the fashionable resorts of Broadthe Probate Court were discharged on way. inst , after a session of about the two weeks. They found eight indictThe following are from the S. L. Herments, mostly for larceny. There was ald of this morning. one again.st Mrs. C. M. Irwin, charg d An Jack Biegan is again in (rouble. with keeping a house of in the 12th Ward. Bail was fixe nt $.',0O0, indictment has been found against h m which somewhat disconcerted her. The hy the grand jury for forgery on the amount was reduced to $4,(100, when Ol- First National Bank; and he was arrestiver C. Obey and D. M. Hartley became ed yesterday. Mrs. Irwin engaged Iter bondsmen The reported case of small-poin the Gen. George U. Maxwell for her de- Sixth Ward turns out to be measels, of fense. which seven severe cases are in the Hth, and PJth Wards. Parents should 7th, W. Mr.- Geo. Psnse, of Franklin Grove, Lee County, Iowa, wants the address of bo exceedingly careful this changeable one Gilbert Morse, formerly of Franklin weather, to prevent, if possible, the little sufferers from taking cold. County, Iowa, also of Gilbert's sister, Wm. E. wife of Bridge, formerly the Yesterday William Brandon was senand afterwards of a man named Carpen- tenced to two years imprisonment, for ter. The parties inquired for were at grand larceny. It will be remembered Xauvoo, during tho trouble there, and that Brandon was committed for trial afterwards at Winter tjuarters. They for a general appropriation of clothing were (he children of Dr. Wm. A. Morse, and miscellaneous articles; subsequently who, the inquirer says, was killed made his escape, stealing a vnluable thrown from a runaway team near mare to help him to succeod; was capthis cty in the year of 18o3. tured in Provo Valley and returned to this city, where he was committed for Jn.K.sin-Rand U. P. R. R. The new the stealing of the mare. roid, in jroc?ss of construction, from Langley was on trial yesterday on a Julesburg to Denver, is completed to charge of arson. Golden City, a distance of twenty miles from the place of beginning. Tin road That was a good though rather seis intended as an offset to the Kansas vers pun, which was made by a stuPacific- Railroad, which wakes its terdent in one of our theological seminminus at Cheyenne. The U. V. R. R. one- of the offered to buy tho charter uid franchises aries and he was not when either of the class, of its Kansas rival, but failing to make brightest to a is the build dutertnined he the purchase, asked, "Why Prof, branch road, winch will make a itect greatest revivalist of the age ?" and d eonnec ion from Denver and it is on all "giving it up," said, "bocauso that the train on tb now road at the close of every sermon thero U will be rvaning by the first of - the election of a friend at a dUcbi-- jj aro-mate- x time when a spirited contest for senatorial honors in Iowa. Ifcyer there Wii a true Ion mot, it was that of the astute statesman, who stated that ? language was given to man to Thorn C Duhis thought. rant haa veriEvid tho adage, and his testimony will go far to confirm tho .accusations brought igaimfc men, yoiition and great name should be a fTiirnfef of good faith and komr in ika The Credit Mobilier investigation gets worse and worse; the more it is stirred the worse it 1 not cognizant of the fact that the prominent gentleman to whom allusion is made!, was a candidate for reelection to the Senate. An addi tioml .statement was made Jby Mr. Durant, that he used every exertion to secure riiKw! is rumored in (he case of emall-po- x The quarantine Nineteenth Ward. was to going physician investigate the case this afternoon. Henry Grigg. of tho Detroit Postof-fice- , wants tlie address of Mary Hughes,' who emigrated from London to this Territory lately. Mr. (irigga "1ms Korno things" f.r Mary, which he seems anxious should be placed iu her possession. A ill-fa- two checks to a Senator from Iowa, for the sum of 63,08 J each, but his testimony was qualified by a statement, that he was fricmk 24th inst. 2-- and prevaricating, lie denied any knowledge of persons connected with these corporations who used money for unlawful purposes. However, he had furnished large sums of money in many cases for advancing the interests of political A .Shovel K:i Tom n II. C. Furler, in a letter to the Scotsman, says he is able to prove that vaccination is not only a pre ventive ot the disease but a cure. It is, he says, ascertained that when a person liable to take the small-pois exposed to the infection, the poison circulates in the blood for eight days before producing any febrile symptoms then commences headache, sickness, pain in the back suffused eyes, and a peculiarly white furred tongue a group of symptoms that belong to no other disease, and last for three days. It has been acted on since tenner's great discovory, more than eighty years ago, that it is not only wrong but iatal to vaccinate any one during that stage of the disease, or the subsequent one when the eruption makes its appearance. But Mr. Furley says he can show from ease under his care at the present time that if you vaccinate during the febrile stage, the fever is The Litchfield a "Great Awakening," if . nnrl envelope. pap-feeder- Inoculation a "Cure" for Small-po- x. Mrs. Lydia Sherman, the wholesale poisoner, is a devout Christian. She has confessed to having killed eight persons with arsenic : Edward PubliskH Tery WKDJf ESOAY wd SATCRDAT, by the Oaorx t'vni.ismxo Compakt. TV'. and linniiieii Manager. Charles SATURDAY, 23. Converted Poisoner. A 0gdcu gunrttou. x says (Minn.) Uil : About two weeks ago a Swedo bilbo uame of Torgilersou, who reside in Swift County, was proceeding to a neighbor's, some three miles dTst from Jus home, carrying a shovel on his shoulder, which he was return ing to his neighbor, from wh0111 had borrowed it. He hud u;Cl)m. plished about half his journey, anj was passing through a small gie he heard a crashin-- in tl, ' derbrush. aud turning around, saw a stalwart deer of the buck making at him with every demon! stration ot hostile intentions. There was but one course to pur. sue, and that, wan to fight for his 1U0 and being a powerful made man, lj anticipated an easy conquest. Mistaken man ! the deer charged with antlers lowered even as an enra"cd bull would lower his head when dash, ing at his foe. Nek grasped hi slightly increased, but the eruption shovel and stood stoutly on the dedoes not make its appearance, and if fensive. As soon as the cnrared you vaccinate during the eruptive buck neared him he aimed a desperstage, the eruption is immediately ar- ate blow with his shovel right at his rested. The mature lymph overhead. takes the miniature poison, and the It struck one of his antlers with disease terminates. If the eruption such force as to break it, but the conhas gone the length of having white cussion was so strong that it forced tops, there is damrer ot infection; if Nek backward several feet, and Mr. not, it oies away in pimples. hurled him breathless against a tree. Furley fads confident that if every Just how the fight went after that, doctor were to vaccinate each case of don't Nek remember, but he knows small-pothat comes under his that he fought with all his strength care at once, many hundreds of lives of and at last the deer desperation, would be spared and many thousand himself both fell to the ground, ands of pounds would be saved. Iu and Nek lost all consciousness fur a the meantime he invites members of the medical profession to accompany time. When he came "round to his soul him through the patients he has deer was lying stark dead under his care, and thus possibly again," the near by him, and he could barely stamp out the epidemic in a few weeks. crawl away. Ilia clothes were iu Kk. left cheek torn open, a gash his rags, on the right side, where the deer had G'ruslicti by a Falling Tree. inserted one of the prongs of his anA singular and very sad accident, tlers, and three fingers of his left resulting in the loss of four lives, oc- hand jammed up. The shovel was a curred Monday afternoon near May-vill- total wreck, and the carcass of the deer was pretty well hashed arouud Pa., on the farm of Stevens, of the Oil Creek Railway. the head aud shoulders. The blow that caused the animal's Mr. btevens had men employed in filling trees on his land, near the death, was inflicted by a sharp corner main road, and while so eugaged, a of the shovel remaining on the hangentleman named Crane, accompa- dle after most of the blade had been nied by his wife and three children, broken off. The wounded man sucdrove up in a cutter and stopped op- ceeded in crawling back to his home, posite where tlie men were working. which he reached in a terribly exA large tree was nearly cut down, hausted condition. It is thought and supposing it would fall in the that he will survive his wounds. opposite direction from the road, did not drive on. American Diet. Suddenly, and when nearly chopped off, the tree swayed toward the We are a greasy people; from the road. The breaking noise so fright-ene- d to the ham pork fat of New the horse that he would not fat of the South England we wallow in groasy move. Crane, jumping from the cut- food. This becomes rancid in the ter, undertook to seize his wife and stomach, and superinduces what Dr. drag her out of the way, but in his Urquhart pronounces the sum of all fright he stepped beyond his reach diseases dyspepsia. Wc drink tea in an opposite direction, the horse at that would frighten a Chinaman, and the same time moving a little for- coffee that would serve as an antidote to ward, so that the tree, in falling, opium. We pour down doseB of alcosmashed the cutter, the three chil- holic fluids which eat into the coatings dren in it and Mrs. Crane, the latter of our intestines and e destroy the standing by the cutter. Mr. Crane We bed to overtasked, juices. go jumped to one side and thus saved body and mind, sleep with sluggish his life. Mrs. Crane and the three blood in a state of stagnation, and get children were instantly killed. They when the broad sun is star-in- g up only resided near where the accident ocin angrily at us through our bed curred, and the sudden affliction, it room windows. Wc are reckless in is said, has affected Mr. Crane's rea- our pursuit of pleasure; we strain our son. The accident has cast wlum r x e, gas-tri- a deep mental powers to their utmost tension; in the over the people gloom locality, and end, eld men and women before as the family were well known and our time, or die, or fill a cell in an highly respected. insane asylum. An absurd mistake led on one occasion to the temporary confinement of the late Lord Chancellor of Ireland in a His lordship had received an unfavorable report of this particular asylum, and, being anxious to judge for himself, he drove up in a close car, without having sent any information of his coming. When the porter rofused him admission, ho said at last, "I am the Lord Chanmad-hous- e. cellor." "Oh, Lord Chancellor, eh?" said the porter, with a grin, as he opened the gate. "Step in: it's all right. We have seven of you here already. One got loose bust week with the Emperor of China, but I thought both of you were back." Ry this time his lordship was within tho gate, aud a batch of warddr summoned by the porter took him in charge. It was not till he had Bent for his secretary that ha obtained Bees do not like bad breaths, esThose pecially whiskey breaths. having whiskey on the breath, who do not belcivcd this, should go near a hive of bets and see how it is for themselves. An Iowa buzz-sa- a saw mill aud ran jumped out of mile withchaw up on half a out finding anything V its path. ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE. LLrBRSONS KNOWING TIIKM3EI.TK3 iidnltPd to tho KsUte of U fota W M. SkCW ST, of rioopor, or who hold aceosnw gniust Mid Ktate, n hereby oti8oU tttPif iuuutdiftUl; for tciUemeut to the uuderiign- MOUONI Btttfw, J. SECRIST. to, lSTI, AjB1IlUtrK. 1 |