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Show mother Fraud Upon the Xo provision is made Country. for the emi- Bid Boots. Geo. Whitehead has put up in front of his store, as a cign, a bojt that would fit a giant. At the same time, Bead and Tyrrell placed another in front of their establishment, almost next door. Take a look for yourselves and decide as to which is the best and biggest boot, and where the best leather is found. who desert their own fathergrants United States land to find an asylum on the shores Tn the Senate of the of the Great West. The conditions been introduced to grant a a bill hafi and Amer- of the act of incorporation offer ample charter to the "European opportunities for encouraging the emican Land and Emigrant Company." are some igrant to buy land at advanced prices, ihoii2 thj unfamiliar to while unscrupulous speculators, who vliosc names are n.t receive a large donation, may watched the course reap a those who have whom have been plentiful harvest. Is this not a new of the land sharks to reckless lavis- attempt to defraud the people of their ceded, through the untold millions, heritage, and to bestow gratuities unhes of Congress, nation. Another warranted by law ? Is there no analthat belong to the between the disreputable gambing job is ogy stupendous and and fostered by Conwhich the patrimony den, encouraged proposed, by and tho Company that now deas a common gress, the iucii-porator- s land-grabbin- News from the Troi ics. Mr. John Uolden, formerly a resident of this City and popularly known as "English lack." returned last Friday night from a six months' trip in South America. He reports that railroad enterprise is fat developing tho resources in Feru, g Chili aud Venezuela, which abound in mineral, agricultural and commercial country lu'lontriii'-- r to mands aid in carrying forward a pro- wealth. A connection is to be made by withsurrendered been has heritage, that has the flavor of the Credit rail between Callao, Lima and Valparaso. au- ject out the semblance of legitimate Mobilier iu a new form? If the ex- The work has been commenced and is of Missouri, James Craig, rapidly pushed forward. The contracthority. perience of the past is a lamp by tors are Americans to whom in the mentioned name the char is the first which we are to be guided, and by ters have a of been is contemallowed. It the incorporation act proposing which we arc to form a judgment, plated by the is similar to many projectors of this movecompany which will ment to maintain form that communication with San public opinion other cunning and Francisco in are conceived sin. directly by rail. identical, tney K'hi".nes for the purpose of robbing born in iniquity. The Victoii Sewixg Maciiink. Mr. inherit- and the people of their rightful Chas. W. Stayner called this afternoon. ance. He is President of the St. He is agent for the Victor Sewing MaMONDAY. 27. and j1)Scph and Hannibal Kailroad, chine. This machine claims several was a member of Congress when the points that other machines do not possess. same proposition was made by his Among others, a At six; o'clock t hia morning a disasiniluence their used who needle that cannot be set wrong. coadjutors, trous conflagration took place at Green straight A shuttle tension. The and encourage River. The U. 1 R. It. depot and ho to compound a felony shuttle needs no lacing, and is carried on This was in the tel were entirely destroyed. A larc a irigantic swindle: shuttle-carriea r that prevents the soilwhen a amount of freight deposited at the de h.ileyun days of our country, the of thread and wearing of the is estimated that ing prevailed. pot waa consumed. It lujrh political morality shuttle. It is also the easiest running, the loas will reach the sum of $23,000, The authors of the project were ro- and makes the least noise of any shuttle Wo have not full particulars. .1 1111 ftAllt'l 111 IWF TMM machine in the market. It has taken the first prize at a number of State Fairs visions uiukr a specious title on that for four years in succession. Mr. StayOf F. D. Brown, when last heard subject was scornfully, indignantly ner intends establishing an agency in Several other names are from he was in the employ of the U. P rejecU-dthis city. In the meantime he has them mentioned in the act to incorporate It. It. Co. He is about five feet sixinchc9 on exhibition at his stand in Salt Lake this institution, which, ligh, slight CuiM, thin in the face, City. and very much freckled. He is after a trance of twelve years, has Pbkpaiii.no for Summku. Wright, generally witty aud talkative, and easy and life renewed awakened to Co. are fast filling their ken King Perry, to enter into friendship, is tolerably well with the purest ice from Ogden of vi"or. Louis Dent, brother-in-laeducated, and also something of a ma On river. Saturday they put away tons, lWitkut Grant, is another of the chinist. and to the quantity to expect 'Board whose names are mentioned in His friends have not heard from him two hundred. increase Oiie thing sure, we will the act which should be properly en- since last April; any information as to have plenty of ice during the July and titled "an act supplemental to an act" his whereabouts will be gratefully re August days. Soiree The entertainment to be giv wholesale ceived, and all expenses paid by his to aid, abet and wcll-eonceiv- Destructive Fire. self-settin- g self-adjusti- Til The Cattle Case. Accidental Shot. Our Ilawlcy had an opportunity, yesterday, to inflict upon the assembled auditors an opinion, and he imMr. Smith presented a proved it. able lucid argument on the and very of the probate courts and their powers jurisdiction, but Mr. Smith might have saved himself the labor. Our Ilawley had decided, it seemed, before the argument was made, and jerking out the opinion which ho is said to have delivered at Beaver, repeated it in Salt Lake, sending pro- Yesterday afternoon a minor wa about starting on a prospecting ex pedition, when a friend of his picked up a loaded pistol, remarking playfully that he should not forget that. lhe weapon dropped out ot his hand and exploded, sending a ball through the cult of his leg. A slight wound was the result. The wound was ressed by Dr. Deal, and nothing serisus will result from it- - We have not learned the name of the wounded man. This circumstance should be bate courts to smash in no time. We i warning to people to handle fire regret it, but our Ilawley is one of arms with great care. Piuchc Pteord. those who never forget anything, and he stands in the same attitude of hosHell is exciting a great deal of in tility towarl the highest tribunal in terest at the present time. The Meththe country that he has done odists are discussing its horrors, and for the lat two or three years. And a wonderful report comes from Belyet he needn't, for his otlicial life is gium to the effect that hell has bro measured, lie didn't discharge the ken loose in that industrious little prisoners, though ; he held them in kingdom and deluged the the country 2,000 bonds, to appear before him- with fire and lava. A fissure in Arself at Coriune, on Monday, as a kansas is said to be vomiting forth Where did blue flames and brimstone, and tho committing magistrate. he get the authority to act in this ca- Cleveland Herald tells of a mountain pacity out of his district, is the next three miles from Bainbridge, Host; question in order? S. L. Herald. County, Ohio, which issue a constant stream of smoke, while on its .summit and general surface the veg.tation UxAi'iMtKCiATEi. A Boston gen- has withered and died, as if blistered tleman who could not waltz, offered a whirlwind of fire. bp Religious a young lady SI 00 if she would let declare that the genuine people mm hug her as much as the man did hell is about to reveal who had just waltzed her. It was a to a unbelieving world. good offer, and showed that moneywas no object to him, but they put Forty thousand throats were out in him out of the house so hard thut his Keokuk, Iowa, this season. Tho.y eyes were quite black. belonged to hugs. to-da- y it-se- s. c. I Information Wanted, lf m. i. . sal-oi- v, new-fledge- d GROCERIES, HARDWARE & CROCKERY; cS: w encourage brother. larceny. Jas. C. Brown. question empowers the company to buy and sell, and hold real estate to the amount of one million acres; aiso, to make and euforce contracts for the emigration of foreigners and their transportation to the United States. The company is U have power to lend money on bonds and mortgages, on real estate situated within this country, or upon hypothecations of real estate mortga ges for any period of credit, and re- -' payable by way of annuities or otherwise. Moreover, it will issue its own Eureka, Landen Co. n, Nevada. ing of an elegant and select circle. Bcv. Fatal Accident. Wo have received D. G. Strong will deliver an oration, and a letter from Mr. Wm. F. Fisher, from among the exercises, including vocal and instrumental music, will be suug a which wo learn of a fatal accident to one quartette by four of the most talented of his childred, that happened at Boun amateurs of Ogden. tiful last Thursday. It appears that while his little boy was playing in his grandfather's yard, ho climbed on a haye that stack and pulled out a was sticking in the hay. While trying to replace it his foot slipped, and he fell. the knife following him. It pierced his stomach, inflicting a gash about four inches long. Medical aid was procured hay-knif- as soon as possible, but all efforts to save He died about two hours and a half after the accident. of the value of its his life were unavailing. assets, and receive money as securi ties on deposit at legal rates of interest. S cxi) at. Doleful countenances are The capital stock, is to be 1,000, 000, with power to increase it as the worn by the officers of the single star. Every one in town is on good be company sees proper and expedient havior. No arrests, no quarrels, nothlhe principal office is to be in Wash ing, nothing at all to mar the monotony ington, with branch offices in tho of a quiet Sunday. large aud important cities iu the A Trouhlb Breeder. The MansI' Won. the people field woman has turned up ia Paris. n i ha ,1!.a uut uitqmm uie ngnt ot tne en- She appeared in a white satin dress, terprising persons, who have at heart blaiing with jewels at the Opera the interests of the to and attracted so much attention country, pro mote its greatness, aid in its expan that the editor of the Vert Vert noticed Unquestionably, Will a1. 1 . . Com-iqu- e, invito all who yearn to her iu his paper in a ftyle more funny The result was a duel withdraw from the thraldom of other than flattering. between the editor swords with broad "atians less bountiful, and not so and one of Mansfield's admirers in hppily favored as our own Colum which the editor got a gash in the arm bin. T,. ti..- vuuue. n i j iau aim sinew 01 our and bsth belligerents three days in foreign population an we indebted goal. This female is born to make 1' i wtue opening of our lately trouble "as the sparks fly upward." on, and - unset-tlodan- d uncultivated wilds, where wee it was imagined sustained, where to-da- life could not y the flow gay festive party of ' boys" started yesterday morning from the Ogden House, where they Jingling Bulls. ana the spire points to the gave orders for the A best cutters wet of the Missouri Itiver. A com The TT . !n 11 10 r'7uc"' uuuAueptiouaDie in plete outfit innerly and outwardly was ,w flails, aad is laudablo iu a hu- - furnished for the firft ileigh ride of the we Ticw. But the eason. The "jolly dogt" enjoyed simultaneously was themselves and returnod in good trim amendment appropria no upset, and K ono million acres of land tn rl in good time. There wm to contrary to expectation we mimd a Y8t the intereeta of tho Company, local item, "mens. fTwn this evening by Helper Lodge, No. O. G. T., promises to be the occaI. 2, sion of a happy and the meet- two IMPLEMENTS & Terrible Crime. STOVES; DET GOODS, STAPLE and FANCY NOTIONS, CARPETS. OH, CLOTHS, UPHOLSTERY (jOODS, CJLOT1IIXG, HATS, HOOTS and SHOES; en Care of K. K. Con. M. Co. The bill in bonds to the extent TOOLS, ice-hou- Wall Paper, Kordcring, Ilecoraiious; Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medicines: WIXES, LIQUORS, ALE and POIiTEIl; Singers' Sewing Machines, in Variety; Bespoke Root and Shoe Depart ncnt; Leather, Findings, Beltings, &c; News has reached the London Jew-s- i commission a the Chronicle of of ECiGS, fearful outrage upon a Jewish family PRODUCE, GRAIX, m Russia, in the District ot Micliae- SMUTTIER WAGOXS, BOB SLEDS; low. A Jew is landlord of an inn MACHINERY IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, &C, &C. which is solitarily situated on the border of a wood. The family con sisted of husbaud, wife, brother and four children. On the 15th ult., at TO about six in the evening, two labor for called ers came into the inn and some. brandy, for which they refused find tlie Largest Asoortinent of Merchandise in tho several Departments of to pay, and jeenngly asked, in addi- Will C. M. 1., us above, that can be Keen in the Went, and all at fuir ',. jrice. tion, for the loan of five roubles. As lend them the landlord refused to any H. B. CLAWSON, Superintendent. for demanded and payment money, the brandy, the laborers became abusive, and were ultimately turned out of the house, the landlord retaining the caps of the men, so that they might be afterwards identified when hu complained of their conduct. The laborers went away muttoring'omin-ou- s threats. When the landlord and his faaiily had been asleep but a short GROESBECK'S BLOCK, SECOND SOUTH STREET, time, they were awake by loud cries of "Fire !" and on rushing out of the house were attacked by eight men, among whom were the two laborerst who had come to the inn in the early-parof the evening. Tho landlord aud his family were thrown to the ground and bound. Tho men then OF THli VERT CHOICEST QUALITIES, set to plundering the house. Wheu Imported direct. the ransacked had place, they they COhis caught hold of the poor landlord, and wife, brother and three children, THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF threw them into the midst of the eldest tho burning building. Only son of the landlord, about 12 years of into the IV TUB TERRITORY; ; age, managed to escape others The wood. perneighboring Greco, Htsbj, ished iu the flames. One of the la- Ktalncxl Illne, yellow, Pnrple and O rau and the go. poborers had been arrested, COlice were in actirs pursuit of the Order from th Cooitrj and GlfrM CM BJ Mm k&J. other murderer. BUTTER, Wholesale Purchasers and Visitors SALT LAKE El-8- Ac; C.IT1T m THE NEW HOUSE G. F. CULIEE & C O., SALT LAKE CITY, CHINA and JAPAN TEAS -- GLt, - ptlr illl, , . |