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Show Indication of a New Dispatches received by the dijilo-iriati- c corps confirm a report which litis agitated political circles in the American and European Capitals, that Count Corti, the Italian Minis- ter is to be recalled, lie was for- merly a member of the Dominican order which has been suppressed by the Government of Italy. lie withdrew from the monastery twenty years ago and discarded the garb of ;i capuchin friar, for the more honors, though not easier field "Well-borof diplomacy. accomplished, and thoroughly versed he was sent to the United States as Amen-tici- particularly, is the gravest interest taken iu the movements of officials at home and abroad, when the attitude of Russia is menacing the peace of Europe. England will discountenance the aspirations of the Orlean-ist- s to the succession, and lend its great power to return the Bonapartcs to the throne which was subverted at Sedan. A new alliance will be formed to resist the agressions of the Muscovite. In any conflict that may arise can the Great Republic remain neutral? TUESDAY, 28. Advertising n C cards aud handbills, but their to-da- pvcudo-Kepubli- r, c. ideas of regenerated Italy, and that he is manocuverin for the restora-tur- n of the Napoleonic dynasty to the throne of the Civsars. The King of Italy owes the unification of his country to the victor of Magenta. Europe is indebted to the 'mau of destinv," who now slumbers the eternal sleep, for the preservation of the balance of power over the continent. The world has paid a just tribute of gratitude to the ruler whose frown made potentates tremble, by S'.ckuowledgirg his genius ia adjust ing the ditfereuecs among his coun- Epizootic Cured in Five Minutes. born. The first, uUe shows the number of persons in the country born in each of the States and Territoiies, ineludiu-white- s, colored persons, Indians auj Chinese: NATIVITY OF T1IK ATI X . with. the Montana Trade. t. m J.-'.-- T.'"XI1S J,..oto4 A ill 1,: njvi ill'. Vir-.n- ia Wi. Ari.ima Culiiraila M'.i.STl lKk..la JMM. ol 1,U.'i.I77 n. ii : i 'j ( im .,111111. C7 ."47 1.4'C 2:X New aa.'i; Washington s Y''"" 0.'j74 - s. Nut staled :;'i7.:;n 4oiil,:!4S Carolina 1 J.;u.i40 mm-im- c New Vin k Nui-ll- i '., l gj,) Indian Tcr. Montnna l:W,o:il "oj.cs-- l ; i-- M;i!k :'i7(i,!l' N.,,Vi,'" 2,l',r,213 ;V4,!i.S7 1.4v4,''n7 N.Ua 4U.M) 4iU'j;s i,ni Ala-k- a 74,0'.H) ' K;n l.t;Il'Wj it (.ft Virgil, i:ci!i,nV. 1,470.-111- 1 , i7o4u Tenure t C' 1! ' bill-board- ojn-r- s Hi '. : 4 bill-boards- J'f' ) 3..r.fi.- i .V.HI j e- -t "dead-headed- -- iA-'l j i S,y-- When these disappear the bill-boar- most powerful blow will have been given to the ancient, offensive, useless custom of defacing the streets with posters. And we hope that the Common Council will pass an ordinance fbrbidditnr the erection of all or other framework for street advertising, the effect of which is to obstruct pedestrians upon the without sidewalks, doing any good to which the advertiser he could gain, at much less cost, through . the legitimate agency of newspaper. bill-boar- ds fr Lower Tim: "What does mean? Why, it means "corn," an' wine," an' 'hoil," an' roast beefs an' plum puddings for the hupper classes; for hus, lower downs, it means these ycer leaves an' prickles!" Sweet-tone- d U- m Great Britain and Irc'ind. Kncland ft;iit,!"24 Ireland l.S.Vi.S'J" Scotland Males (treat Britain, not pscllietl 14n,K' Total 74,iaa Total 2,S2C,241 5,.'iC7,22D population foreign-bor- n 4.122 In the above table the islands of the Indian Ocean, except Madagascar, are included in India, the Ionian- bles in Greece, CorMea in France, Elba and Sardinia in Italy, the Kclearic Islands in Spain, and the Channel Islands ia England. - 1.M HAMMOND, Main Street, Ogden, Poxk. Cris-ma- s - IMPLEMENT AGRICULTURAL AMD WAGON WAREHOUSE. THE FAH-FAMK- SCHUTTLER WAGON Sulky Horse Rakes, Buckeye Reapers and NOTICE. Mowers, Corn Shellers, Feed ANNUAL MEETING OF THE Grinders, Mills, Cutters, Emery Fanning THE of the Ogden PublishA large quantity of ing Company will be held in the Tithing Office, Ogden, on Friday, tit 4 p. in. and Fittings of every bind. January ol, lt73. Molasses, Mills, WAGON TIMBER 47-t- ESTRAY NOTICE. I HAVE IN MY POSSESSION TnK FOLLOW-in- s ilrtrriliud miimHii, which if not claimed ami taken away within ten days from irerent date, will he sold to the highest refj'oiiiiil'k' bidder at the Pictrict Stray IVund, at Ogden City, Moiiliny, Fehniarv 3rd, lT.'i, at J n.tii. OXK l'ALK-UKCOW. VOI R VKAKS OI.P, white in forehead, tip of tail white, itiare oft left, branded W on crop oft' Ictt ear, uudt-rMleft hip. One Idtie and white STKKR, two years old, crop ofi'ri);ht car, liimrin hind lrjr. One rod and white STKKIt, two years old, utar In forehead, hind leg. white, illegible brand uu r, pas.-cnge- right hip. Jan. Ti-kx- Dtrict 2.", IhTd. X. HFK, roiimikccptr, Ojden Citv. WILLIAM S- f 110 X1 ACRES OF LAND, V ATLK- - riirht complete. 2.) acrci fenced, and under cultivation. A good Orchard in lieariLg condition; between three and four arre eminently a ll'ted LlOt'ft', for a vineyard. AL.i a Urauary, Stable aud other improvements. To I e sold entire or in part to suit purchasers. For particulura apply to TMOS. READ, Hooper City. Mm don.hle-rooii.e- W. 1'karcb. d It. J. Fowler. PEARCE & FOWLER, Horse & Cattle Doctors, MACHINE SHOP i w 47.1i!0 Suiilli Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi 3,404 .jg Mmi ( Total To keep these boards covered Ohio ijjV-BiUil,U2 Of which 2S.O0j,ji;) ,:e whiles, with showy and. of course, expensive 518 4,RT0 "Ci color.-d- , ".inee, and posters, is an outlay of between thirty 24,5'.I5 latter the Indians, only including and forty dollars a day for each the civilized Indians who do nut belou" theater remember. And this is far to tribal organizations. from all. The worst remains behind, NATIVITY OF THE To Ki(,N - li. IHN in tho form of free admissions to the 2.i'i'C Austria i! "a..'iis persons before whose premises the Africa Mi4 Asia I'clirium are stuck up. As those Atlantic Islaiuls 4.4:;i Itol.ca,.! 3.11 S (lil.tailar nuisances stand there upon suffer Autiala,ia Kill ") e. t M'( ill L'ential America ?,l J ance, the gracious occupants of the China Cul.a .r.:;i'.t France ."OJIlV premises exact at least two free ad- Dnnnmrk Poland K.4:,6 u.HI Porii;'al i.Ul missions to the theatre each week; Oivi-- e i. ....I it lilHMa 4.f4t and so there are (on the basis of two ii.,iian.: 4l'.,MiJ Sali.luid, M'"N o,7 S'Hij An. 1'. ica y hundred at least f'ur S.761 Spam 37,1 "7 Sweden hundred free admissions to each I'aiy 97,;ii 7;; Sw.tei!a:id ;;i,u:; theater floating about town. 1'rob i.'ux!-- itmr" 5.S.I-Tnil:.-lKd:01 ably a maturity of the people who ?'alu At sea ;.4".f use these tickets would, it they were Xorwav t04 114J4ij Not stated v ,' not their way juiy British A wrci. into theaters like others. If the!,, , 414.'J1'J liriti-l- i America 13.4CD .t;?7 net theaters dispensed of newspaper ad- - New itmnswiek Newlinindland and depended on posters Niva .coti:i Tutal 33,.4',4CtJ vertismg, ard's alone, that would be a reasonable l'mxe ltland l,:m:! .1 m. item 01 expense, but tney are ouiigeail Germany. to advertise in papers all the same. linden 1 0,26, l."hi,:;Ci6 OldHiiburj; PnisMa flavaria 2i.4,1PJ is adverIt only the newspaper liriinswick 47ti Saxony lambin g Weimar 7,sJH tising; we maintain, that Las done IHanover i,: PU i:7,yi9 Wiirteniberg for the theaters. If they Hesen any good lol.AJi tiermanv. not 2!.C32 J7! epeciliid drop that or curtail it too much, they Lnbeek 8S,fi7() Mecklenburg houses. well shut up their Nassau Total might as l,f..i,W3 mc-ruins-. . ,1 1 BO UN A M III! ICAN8 - niimje. bill-boar- bill-boar- VK- iViiiiM-lvHii- dead-wall- run-uinc- r. . t, y It will be seen on relcrencc to the following statement relative to our trade with Montana that despite the disadwe labor under as compel itors vantages liny your wife one of those elejant, ciy iiiiUcIi-VI"TOU Sewing Machine-- , which against St. Louis, Chicago and Eastern are lmw comforting tiioiiainl of household, and citfes, we are rapidly gaining ground nniking happy wives ami mother. in that direction, and holding what we Vim omi M'e one at Mr. I'idi'ockV Storr. set. The following shipments of merCIIAS. W. STAYM:il, tl 11 chandise have been made to Montana Hatty Evkxixc The soiree given from San Francisco during the past by Helper Lodge No. 2, I. 0. G. T., year, viz.: Sugar, 400.000 pounds: syrup, 20,000 passed off brilliantly. Mr. Strong's address on the "mission of the order," gallons; coffee, 1"0,000 pounds; tea, 110,000 pounds; dried fruits, 200,000 was a fine piece of composition, and well pounds; green fruits, 100,000 pounds; received. Songs and music gave tone California cannedgoods.including pickles, wines and liquors, to an occasion which was one of the 20,000 packages; 20,000 gallons; beans, 150,000 pounds; most pleasant and happy to all who took rice, 200,000 pounds; cigars. I,o00,000. Besides the articles enumerated, there part. is an increasing demand for w oodenware, Mountain Hist. Several deer and trymen, and rearing an Empire powder, quicksilver, paddles, harness, which stayed the march of agrariau-is- mountain sheep were killed by a party buck gloves, boots, blankets and clothing of mountaineer?, who went out on a of California manufacture. and Communism. The Montana merchants transact their hunt last Thursday and arrived in Ogden business on a currency bafis, and if comThe Prince Imperial and his moth- last night with their pptils. Old and pelled to purchase here at gold rates, er have a powerful party to eupport experienced hunters assert that when the difference in value of their exchange here in payment, may their pretensions to tho ermine which the deer and Eheep make their appear- when remitted G or 4 to amount cent, less than when per inon is ance an the mountain sides, it the. late Emperor of Franco wore. the purchases were made. This notable Eut a turbulent element, whose ideas dication of a Ung winter and tardy extension of our trade with Montana is principally due to the inducements held r.f government are confined to an un- spring. forth by the Pacific Railroad Company bridled license in the exercise of Blockadeh. The Union Pacific failed in the matter of low freights, and t lie to reach Ogden last evening as the train same thing is true in reference to Utah. their individuality, politically and soSan Fruncitco Xetrt Letter. was snow bound at Bryan Station. Four become have influential cially, among locomotives and a snow plow were used the races of Latin origin, and demand to clear the track, which is now restored A Wiieh-JIarric- d Woman. a recognition of their claims to the to good order. The train will be hre There is a woman in Wasdiington who erection of a mobocratic sovereignty on schedule time this evening, aud the has buried five huhuiid. liecenllyehe on the ruins of the Empire. Count second section will arrive two hours married a six'h. Upon the day cf the afterwards. The Eastward bound enrs wedding a man called at the house of Corti, as wc have said, is a strong ad- which left last that gentleman, night were detained at the groom, aked vocate of the restoration of the and then proceeded to measure his body Evauston until this with a tape line. The infatuated groom dynasty. He well underan idea that this might, perentertained Another Sure Cure for haps, be a man stands the necessities of an emergensent round by his tailor. in church, however, the After firm administrawhich a ceremony cy require Epizootic. the husband was surprised to observe F.STEY tion, and it must be inferred that Buy one of those Itcauliful, this same peison standing in the vestiORUANS mid on cum- iiiMnlni n l.v bule and winking furiously at the bride Victor Emanuel has yielded to popuCllAS. W. STAYNKR, as tho party came out to the carriages. Salt LukeCitv. lar clamor in revoking the commis- Addrc?, Box 5S7. Just as they were starting off the myshis head into the carsion of his ambassador, through apFirk at Ueno. Yesterday morning terious being putand window, whispered to the riage prehension that differences would at six o'clock a Src broke out in Heno bride; Got a ready-mad- e one that'll arise between his Government aud destroying a large frame building. Loss just suit him! 1'eautiful fit beautiful!" When happy man demanded the that of France, and their traditioua about $3,500. The origin of the fire is name ofthe the intruder, the bride blushed, unknown, but supposed to be the act of and said she believed he was pome kind friendship be sundered. Influences incendiary. of an undertaker. Then the man was have, wc judge, been brought to bear Tanolk Foot. An individual hailing not so happy. He was hardly happy at all, and a certain gloom seemed to overupon his ministry to supplant Couut from Salt Lake City, was arrested by cast the honeymoon. Perha s the unCorti, on account of lus affiliation Captain Owen last uight on a charge of dertaker was loo prompt. 15ut still, wc with the down-falle- n aud exiled fam diunkeuness. He was locked up for the like to see a man take an interest in his ily. As a strange circumstance in night, and this morning was taken be- business. liiysterious intrigue to which we refer, fore Alderman F A. Brown, who fined Mark Twain cannot repress his him $3 and costs. The fine was promptthQ offices of the British Minister hnmor even under the most unhumor- ly paid. ous eireunistanees. lie writes to the lit 11 :mio were relied upon to counHumane John Death. an Tanner, Society, recommendoperator lioyal teract any influences directed against reward for the Captain and some the Italian Ambassador. The agi in the carpenter's shop of the C. P., died ing of yesterday morning. lie of the crew for a ship on board which tutors who require his deposal from hadconsumption for rescuing some been working but a few days under he was a a and concludes sailors from office, as his views arc antagonistic to the wreck, charge of Mr. Turner. His remains observations: with the "If those of a large number of his coun were properly taken care of by his following service been of have towards I any and employers. trymen hive expressed displeasure friends rescueing these nine shipwrecked huat this untoward manifestation of around the or MoxEv.Gohl dollars and man beings by standing deck in a furious storm, without any friendship. greenbacks are abundant and freely ciran eye on things, If wo arc to iude of future culating. The U. P. paymaster left, a umbrella, keeping events from the relations existing bo- - pile last week, and the boys who were and seeing that they were done right, and yelling whenever a cheer seemed tween the retiring plenipotentiary, a recipients of his favors arc scattering to be the important thing, I nm satconclusion can be definitely Uncle Sam's shicplasters and gold eagles isfied. I ask no reward. I would tingle . V do it nsaiu uuder the same circum- arrived at, to determine the meaning xn a free and easy way. stances." of the favoritism exhibited by Great Mr. Cnthcart, of ; rKitsoNAt..--Re- v.. Dritain to the King's representative San (ood Chimee for a liiblc. Francisco is in the city. He is on Judfie J. UllOVF.It,if Vjinton. Webtr Co.. In vhohaebecn divested of the robes of his way to Chicago, where he will take Agt tor I'thhof the i'ictoruil Polyplof i'amilr RiMf. A nmicnitccnt work. Luo nut for him lucli office. At this time more charge of the Congregational Church. i . tll'iO 1 the forthcoming census exhibit the birthplace tif the entire populutioa of the United States, native and forei com- The city is more active and bined attack upon that absurdity and than it has been for a few nuisance is the most lively important yet days past. A number of wagons and attempted. The shrewder merchants sleighs fire seen hitched to the posts iu long ago found out that the only front of our business houses, and things cheap aud effective means of adverlook brisk tising ia in the newspapers; that ten in that way is equal dollars well Travel. The C. 1 trains this morn- to a hundredspent scattered about aimlessing arrived ahead of time. The violent ly in plastering s and gutstorm which prevailed here during the ters. When so large a body of men last few days had not yet reached the as the association of theatrical manWest, although tbe ground was covered agers give their aid to the work of with about two inches of snow. Passen- reform, we may expect soon to see the last of and all other gers report that their journey was pleasant. They will be detained hprc, until modes of attracting public attention a connection is made with the U. 1 outside of newspaper columns. The statistics of the waste on this Travel at the present time is light. The U. ('. was a few minutes behind head by the New York theaters are Each theater its regular hour. Few passengers were something curious. on the train. The streets of Salt Lake elects, say two hundred at sightly poiuts about town, and the City arc enlivened by the sleighs, but carpentery canot be less the mini and slush are so abundant that cost ot that .1 man one tiiousanu 1111 uollars to begin the pleasure of riding in a cutter is Town. Mag., Vex., Dem., etc. The the Japan conjuror, who lias rebassador. cently returned from China, Japan and Tin significance attached to the throughout the East, will perform at the alleged revocation of his commis-mo- u OgJen Theatre to morrow night. He is that he is a firm adherent to will introduce astonishing novelties in the way of great feats of strength, necrothe imperial family of France, and mancy, denujnology and witchcraft. lias no sympathy Arith the The wonders of the black art and magnetism, such as have never been witHis opponents represent that he nessed iu this country, will be displayed. greatly marred. is not in accord with the progressive A treat is in store for all who attend. Trad-gefou- Xativity Mtntitic Poster. Mr. Johu Hooper, of n.mc by United States. some postmaster at Iloopcrsrille, who N. Y. Journal of Commerce time ago was severely injured by a fall From the of Native and Furaiyn-lorThe theatrical managers of New Birthplace on the ice while carrying a bucket of Population as Shown hi the Cauu, York are not the pioneers in the 1870. water, is fast recovering his heal h. movement against advertising by plaThe following tables, cupilej from Cos VAI.KSCKKT. ESTRAYNOTICE. SIIOEIZXCi FOKGE, IN MY POSSESSION THE IHAVK anitnali, winch if not claimed and taken away within ten day from the ireTit date, will l old to the kighett re.ponihle bidder at the District Mray Pound, Murpm City, Morgan Co., I'tah, Felt. 8th, at 11 o'clock a.m.: Onu Lay (ieldinp, 4 years old. Mar in forehead, right hind fetlock white, branded 3 on left shoulder. One hay Marc, 1 years old. Mar iu forehead, tm rnr,(i: m kin colt by her tide. One Iat eririiiK' wrrel Cidt, (tar in forehead, both hind fetlocks white. FKEI) KINfiSTON, IMack- Holler laUitt;; ami in vll its Lrnnebes. 1 t s9-- l Diptut Pnui..',ketifr. Slllilllill Office and Forge U blocks South of the L'tab" Hotel. lVork done cheaply and thoroughly. Sick Animals skilfully treated. 01-- tf |