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Show wmmmmmmmmmmKKmammammmmqmm B Y TELEGRAPH. Sl'teiul to tlia Oonrx Jumctiox tiy tlie and IV: i tic Telegraph Compimy. Eureka, Nev 20. The epizootic is traversing this secto its Atlantic tion of the country rapidly, equal Horses Eastern in the States. progress and mules are alike affected by it. Every kind of business is at a standstill. All furnaces are shut down except the Suicide and Foul Play in San Francisco! Interesting Account of a Balloon Ascension! Murder at Stockton! Congressional Proceedings! The North Fleet Collision! Oil Works Destroyed! AMERICAN. Washington, 24. In the Poland Credit Mobilier committee Kelly was Oakes Ames. by Kelly was ignorant of lie fact that Ames held any stock for him. Ames said he held stock, and the amount was to be equally divided. Said he never asked Ames to invest for him, but he took C. M. stock. Didn't recollect receiving a check marked "W. 1). Adams." Never banded him checks or money in financial transactions. Ames says Kelly knew he carried stock for him. Dillon examined regarding a check marked V. D. and S. C," but couldn't say who received the money. Brooklyn, 24. The work on the buildiug of the anchorage for the East river bridge commenced yesterday. It will be a stone tower, 120 feet square and 80 feet high, and will contain JJ30 yards of masonry; will be 130 feet high by 110 feet. Tiie base will be 80 feet above the river and on a level with the grade of the floor of tlio bridge. John Smith quarrelled last night with James Williams at the house where Smith boarded. A cut from a razor in the hands of Smith causing a deep gush will probably cause his death New York, 2o. Smith and Titcron, director. and stockholders of the Atlantic Mail Co., met lately to decide an immediate action in view of the embarrassed condition of the company's affairs, and it is the general opinion that a decision has been reached, but whether in favor of continuance or suspension is not known, but. will probably be announced iilany persons are compelled to walk a long distance because of the blockades on the various lines of the streets. A mist singular and boll robbery occurred on Wednesday at the office or i lie Texas Central Railroad Company, whereby 40 or 50,000 dollars were lost, perhaps beyond recovery. W. E. Dodge, president of the Railroad, had just complete 1 signing a number of bonds, when n map pedlar entered, nnd w hile Dodge looked at his maps, two Btrangers entered, one of whom contrived to convey a package of bonds, which lay on the table, into his pocket, unobserved. After a few business questions, the mrangers left. The bonds were soon missed, and all corners of the room were searched, but without avail. They are from 62,700 to G3.000 of the Houston and Texas Central K.iUroa I. San Francisco, 2G. Last evening a girl who lives at the Five Mile House, on San Jose road discovered the body of a man on a small rocky eminence near the house. Oa the matter being reported to the coroner, the bdy was brought to this city, where it whs identified as that of George W. Ray ley, the lawyer who had been miss ii:g liom Martinez for several weeks. The body was in a ntting posture, the right bund grasped a Deringer pistol, :i open knife was in the left hand and h bullet, hole in the right Bide of his ln'ad. It is generally supposed that he committed suicide This morning the body of a man named Arnold, employed as a watchman by Kimball & Co , carriage makers, was ' fuund in the yard of their factory. The the body gives rise to the of appearance suspicion that he was the victim of foul play. Two Frenchmen, named Challcnfuve and Mott, got into a fight last evening, when the former drew a knife and stabled Mott in thp left side in the region of the heart, inflicting a wound which w 11 Challenfore was probably prove fatal. arrested and Mott was taken to the hosto-da- y cross-examine- d I to-da- y. ' pital. I'rofessors Lay and Coe and Messrs, Hull and Bunker, who uindc the balloon ascension on Saturday, had a pretty hard time. When East of Redwood City the balloon sank rapidly toward the bay, nd in order to rise again the occupants of the basket were obliged to throw over all their ballast,' thou the box of scientific instruments, then their luuch ard overcoats, and last of all a whiskey bottle, the fluid, having been saved. The balloon rose slightly and nually dropped in the mud flats, where it bounced two or three times and finally came to ft sUndst.ll on a sort, of mud island, four miles from Redwood City. They could not stir from this place and were oHliod remain there till 3 a. m. jesteniuj, uu fi ;bol .reached thoru and they rcMirned to hi city on lh? juorniug train. Ruby Consolidated. An effort was made to reduce the wages of the miners in the finploy of the. ilureka Cot sdidated, in consequence of which the miners have very generally quit work, and probably will seek other There are localities for employment. of prospects getting freights from the railroad by bull teams, swine of which have already commenced running. Stockton, Cal. 20. Mr. Keefe, from San Francisco, accompanied by a police officer from Oakland, reached this place in search of Mrs. Keefe yesterday morning. She was found boarding at the Eagle Hotel in company witli a man named Clark-so- n Clarkson and passed as his wife. Keefo entered passed her as his wife. the dining room and found them eating breakfast. He drew a revolver and made an attempt to shoot Clarkson but the cap snapped and, upon the second attempt, the ball missed his mark. Clarkson escaped, and when hist seen Keefo was making for Copperopolis. and his wife bocamo reconciled and left town together. New York. 20. The owners of the steamer "Erie," lately reported burned at sea, have received a confirmatory dispatch to that effect from the purser of the vessel. Accounts of ravages by the late ice flo.M and floods in many of the tributaries of the Delaware River show that largo amounts of lumber have been carried away, dams destroyed and roads obstructed by the immense deposits of ice left by the receding water. This evening Richard Kelly, colored, seventeen years of age, in passing through l'ark Street was assaulted by nn Italian named Chauncy Levi, without provocation, aud stabbed in the right side. The Italian immediately ran afterwards away, and ten minutes stabbed another boy in the heart. Roth f the injured lads have been sent to l'ark Hospital. Levi has been arrested. It is understood that during the recent interview between the Postmaster General and ..Representative Farnsworth, chairman of the committee on PostoHices, the former intimated that he would revoke his order 'requiring double postage in cases where partial postage only has been paid, provided he would be sustained by the Attorney General whom he would consult on the subject. If, however, the Postmaster General should not do so, the committee will accomplish the object by the passage of the bill heretofore agreed upon. Washington, 25. In the Poland Investigation Committee Ames stated that ho thought he promised in the latter part of October, ISliT, to let persona have block. The stock assigned him by the company was to carry out engagements previously made. lie thought he had promised to some gentlemen in Congress, stock prior to December, 1807, as lie had been trying to get persous interested in the Union Pacific road and Credit Mobilier. lie had sacrificed some of his own stock in order to fulfill engagements he had previously maJe, aud when he found he could get more stock from the company to fulfill those engagements, he did so. He could not remember if he had any conversation with Colfax in refer ense to letting him have Credit Mobilier stock prior to December, 1807, and did not think he had any conversation with Wilson. Patterson said he had spoken to Wilson previously, but witness could not He thought he had a conremember. versation with Ringham and Scofitld, but did not rcmcmoer as to Garfield and Kelly. connection with it, were as follows: You came to me one day, knowing that the want of means was a chronic evil with me, and said: 'Patterson, if you like, I can let you have thirty shares stock in Credit Mobilier, which I think will be a profitable investment and be a good thing for you.' My reply in substance was, t tint if you had anything which I could properly invest in, and out of which I could make some money, I would be glad to take it, but that 1 hail not money at that time and must defer until I could get it. Your reply was, that you presumed that I could have it later, when it would be convenient. You regarded it as a perfectly legitimate fifty-seve- foir-hundrodt- hs t C03I1IISM 182!) the The Queen has subscribed fund in aid of the survivors of the Fifth "North Fleet" disaster. MEUCHAAT ! $S00 to Strtol, Smith k Side u. c R Hoard From. o&ii:x - - - UTAH. - eon-tribu- City road, named in Stevenson's resolution, lie testified that he knew of no members of Congress having received slock in the road as a gift. 'There was nothing corrupt in the management of the road. John B. Alley was called, and corroborated this statement. Adjourned till Tuesday. A It a City, 25. The epizootic has reached here, stopping the stage and almost all teamin Snow is eight and a half feet, deep and still snowing, though quite pleasant. Savannah, 26. A destructive fire at Darienga, occurred last night in the court house. Public records aud other property were Pratt's Astral Oil 2S. liutter, Chickens, Flour, Grain, Beets, Turnips, Onions, Tomatoes, Potatoes, Apples, Xlums, readies, Cabbage, te ALL IN THEIR SEASON. Orders Solicited and Promptly On tlie Line of the C. 1'. aud U. 1. tt. Filled 11. Shipping a Specialty! UINTAH COAL Py the Ton or Car Load, for Sale. Orders and letters of inquiry will ceive prompt attention. J Hhx 24 O. g. m. I., 28-- gden re- tf CSiiy. Wholesale Department. 2.000 l7T!flT! SPRING FRITS! Knapress Mot lis, 3Icrinos, Alpacas, Armnrcs' Wool IH'luincs, (Ginghams, Ticking, Tweeds, Denims, iPonicsUcs, etc. Cassimei'cs, 121 c9 YAv. oi(onaclcs, Jeans, Grouts' Cl23.d 3303TJS' CLOTHING! READY-MAD- E . Hats axad Caps, OOTS AMD SHOES! Of Every Variety, OF GASTKIIX and CALIFORNIA 31 A X UFA CTU 15 E. A General Assortment of :4 INCLUDING Cutlery, Locks, Carpenters' and other Tools. New York, 20. Works, occupying a block bet we n North Twelfth and Thirteenth and First and River. Williamsburg is almost totally destroyed; loss, $50,-00Sis thousand barrels of oil were consumed. The tire originated from a leak iu a still. Wanted and for Sale, m pig-iro- A LARGE STOCK OF 0. Flows, Hoes, Rakes, Scythes, Forks ETC., ETC. FOREIGN. t , General lrotluce to-da- post-morte- , Jn. BBo IE. IP. vet-as- London, 2G. A steamship has been discov. red sunk at the scene of the collision off Hunger, ness lighthouse ' on Wednesday night. in Patterson but it handwriting, signed bis presence. Witness here handed a The opinion is becoming general that letter written to hint by Patterson. He the vessel which ran iuto the "North received several others which he de- Fleet," also went down with all hands stroyed. "This letter was writien since before the "North Fleet" nan k: The this investigation commenced. He want- owner of the Spanish steamship "Mur-illo,- " who landed at Dover two; hours ed iue to make my testimony conform-tit. 1 had lots of con versat iun with Pat- before the col iaion occurred, btlieves it was his vessel in collision with the terson." Tho letter read as follows: .. 187(& "North Fleet," and that both were, desj ,,,, .,, .Washington, i, i Oak its Ann:, ,. , ,., ,i n troyed. Journals report th My Dear Si v: The facts in regard to Legit imatist the Credit Mubili.T, as far as I had any words of DukeDe Nemours, announcing , with the eldest line of the House of Rourbon is complete, and the several Princes of the Orleans family have recognized Count De Ghambord as the rightful King of France. The Dowager Empress Amelia of Brazil died in this city aged 01. She was married to Emperor Pedro I iu Mr. Greeley litis been heard frona transaction at that tirno. You did not, e could not, anticipate that you should by tlie Manner of Liyht (spiritustie.) furt Iter legislation from Congress in lie wants his last will, made when he respect to the road; you never did, ex- was not strictly sane, declared void, cept when it was forced upon you by the and the former one, made in 1S71, Secretary. lie is very thankful that After this conversation with me you to .stand, is that a there an have had impression may way provided for the free take stock some, time, but. for speech of the dead an intimation some reason or other, perhaps for want calculated to make opponents quail. of funds, I never .took any stock. If I To some friends who want him his of I never had any stock in the company, could not, as I did not have dividends. to inilueuce his children in religious If pressed to know if I purchased at any affairs he replies : ''I decline to do it. time any bond3 or stock of roads, you They are in a better positiou in these can say I did at the time they attempted matters than these same friends are, to embarrass you, when the value of for the are they living spirit of their stock was depressed, and I paid you the while these 1 friends are only full market value for it. paU you religion, seven thousand dollars for stock and living in the letter of theirs, and bonds. The stock I put into the hands hardly that. 1 am sorry to say it, of Morton, immediately to sell as soon 1 am used to but speaking the truth, as it should go up reasonably in the or otherwise." lie is market, which he did. 1 saw Morton learnin as on my way through, and he said he had in school in spirit-lan- d never held any stock in Credit Mobilier fast as he can. lie departs with u for any one, but he did not wish to have civil "good day" and benediction. his name brought into the examination absence The of all profanity, vituperif it could be avoided. I am going to n or farmOhio and will see you on my return. ation, or allusion to Don't fail to correct your original state- ing, stamp this communication as aument before the committee. It must thentic. Louis Napoleon is now in not be reported as it now stands. order. Sacramento Record. Very truly, etc., J. W. Pattkiisos." .' The Austrian, French and Prussian Ames stated, in reply to a question, are engaged in a lively newspapers that there were no members of Congress tied those he test. had to, controversy over the disclosures made except already except Logan- - He did not mention him bp the luke de Grammont iu regard before, because he was not a member of to the origin of the late war. Tho the House. Ames said: Duke brings docuni mtary evidence to "I want to say further to the committee, that I have been asked why I held support the truth of his assertion that this stock, and why I did not give it to Austria promised to assist France in the members themselves. The reason case of war with Prussia. The Duke was, that Credit Mobilier stock itself publishes an Austrian dispatch to the was not entitled to dividends. The French in which the Government stock was held by trust, and I, having is iu the following words: given signed a contract making myself person- pledge ally responsible, wa- the only one who "Your cause is ours; we will could draw dividends. Ames was then to the success of the French about the questioned Dubuque and Sioux arms." burned. The Secretary of the Treasury ha9 informed inquirers that the terms with the Syndicote are the same as heretofore, with the addition that financial parties have agreed to insure the department against loss in exchange. Arrangements will go into effect on the 20th of February. The question of the return of the three per ceut. tax to local express companies has been decided in favor of claimants. Roth the Poland and Wilson commitJudge Poland: "I understand, Mr. Ames, you have some further papers tees expect to close their testimony this which passed botweeu yourself and Pat- week, so far as the Union Pacific Railterson." road Company and Credit Mobilier are Ames: concerned. '! have." Ames then read the following reGeneral Dodge, formerly member of Congress, afterwards engineer on the ceipts: Pacific Railroad, has been telegraphed "Washington, June 22, 1S08. Ileceied of Oakes Ames eight hun- to come before the Wilsou committee. dred dollars on account of dividends re- His testimony is considered important. ceived b liim, as trustee, on stock held This committee make in consideration of the great amount o labor iuvolv d, the lor tny account. W. distance of headquarters of the Central J. Patteusox."' (Signed) Pacific Railroad Company .from WashPoland: "You saw him sign it?'' Ames: "I wrote the receipt and he ington and the short time remaining of the present Cougress, ask to be relieved signed it." Ames then read the followi from the examination of its affairs. ing 'Boston, May 0, 1871. Received of Oakes Atues.'lwo hundred shares of Uniou Pacific Railroad stock, n and aud seven hundred and dollars in cash, twenty on account Credit Mobilier s ock. There is still due on the transaction, thirty shares in the Credit Mobilier of America, and two thousand dollars in income bonds of the Union Pacific Railroad. ... J. V. Pattk.ksox." (Signed) Witness said this paper was in his that the union of the Orleans branch j HARNESS AND HARNESS TRIMMINGS. A Full Line of f Of All Descriptions. All ortlera addressed to JL PEEll Y, Ogdcn City, U. wdl recive prompt attention. f II. 13. CLAWSOX, Superintends I. sS-t- |