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Show peal to the supreme court, and both of firemen. More hydrants of the Lowry A heavy wiud storm this morning such courts shall give such cause or are recommended. The general reached this city this afternoon, und i patent rns Ity tlif Atlantic. causes precedence over all other busi- use of fire exliuguishers and still blowing hard from the North. ness. Adjourned. '5l Cou.j.u.v.j iu every large building was recommendami I'Kiflc From the San Bernardino Guardian of The Seriate has confirmed Austin Sav- ed. 2oih: Mrs, Mayo, of Jnruoa, saved the age collector of revenue lor Idaho: J. M. New York, 28. Congressional her child from dm wning Uy descending Ilioriiian postmaster at Wall Walla- A mgs: Early yesterday forenoon while ladies the well by the bucket rope, and sns- ., 1. :.. .... 1'. ...,. i iniinwiu vice Jos. L,an- - and gentlemen were leaving the si tained herself aud child until assistance nan retired; Commndnre J. L. Warden, at the pier in North River, Mrs. arrived. rear admiral vice Jus. A. Winslow, re- Lavinia Edward Smiley, formerly wife of the noconvicted of rape, is tired; and Com. Geo. F. Knuimiis, 'rear torious Kill Poole, who was murdered sentenced toPoole, seven years iu Slate Prison. admiral vice J. F, Greene, retired1. here Confession of Moses Guess, from the newly discovyears ago, fell from In the House Ulaggett introduced a the nearly twenty Cms! and was drowned. ered gang plank tin mine, twelve miles northeast bill granting ihe right of way over (he A Washington Poland's of this place, reports the ledges inspecial says public lands in the Territories, to rail-- Credit Mobilicr committee, in pres nting creasing in width and the ore iu An o ids, except over the military and In the report to the House, will not express "ivlassacliusetts! diau reservations. Passed. am opinion of guilt or innocence of he FOREIGN. On motion of Farnsworth, the Senparties implicated, and will base their Naples, 27. Philadel-phia- ! ate amendments to the House bill, nasoh for So doing on the fact that thev There were slight eruptions of Mount c10w the franking privil ge was taken were not . appointed to pass judgment, hut Vesuvius lately. No damage was done, up aud agreed to, yeas, 143; nays, J8. to investigate. It is not probable that though some alarm was created. The TELEGRAPH. j) Y hand-pump- s Proceed j - I- - l Report Regarding the i ia tame-Armen- j I a Thief in Santa Elopement in t lich-nes- I Storm in abol-ishin- g Xo lVraoii run lake llieo Hitaeeoriliuir to directions, mid remain ter amendments make the bill lake ef- the investigation will be closed on TuesLoudon. 27. Ion unwell, provided tlieir bones are not fect the 1st of July, 1873, provided that dost roved by mineral poison or other means, The latest report of day. no allowance for the postage shall be aud the vital organs wasted beyond the There is every indication that the At- troubles in Central Asia is that Russia made to Senators or members. point of repair. Thev lantic Mail Steamship company must bus proposed the eiub:ihing of a neuor Iiict ii;c.t ion. JtyfclCsiii also strikeout that portion of the House soou l'aiii in tho Shoulders, Coughs. Tightpass into other hands from its tral xone, guaranteeing the independbill providing for the issue of stamps to ness of the Chest, Ihzziaoss, Sour Eructapresent management, if the line is not ence and neutrality of Afghanistan. tions of the stomacn. Had Taste In Ho; cover official correspondence or public discontinued. 10 Some The Russian Duke Nicholas will particialtogether proMouth, bilious Attacks, 1'alpitation of the the a bill documents, making pure and cesses, alleging debt, are said to have pate in the Khivau expiditior.. Heart, hiiiauiuiatioii of the Lumrs, Pain in the region of the Kidwvs, and a hundred simple repeal of the franking privilege. been prepared against the company, agA meeting of the trustees of the fund other painful symptoms! are the on'sprinjM The bill now goes to the Piesident for raised for ttie relief of operatives durgregating $IG2,000. of l)yspeMa. In these complaints it has his signature. A Washington special states that the no equal, and one bottle will prove a better ing the cotton famine was held at Maniruaiaiitoe of its merits thuu a lengthy Ilawley, of Illinois, introduced a bill ease of Phelps. Dodge & Co. was settled chester last night,. The amount on hand for the appointment, by the IV sident. there on for the original oiler was reported to be $;"20,000. Saturday Earl Tor IV male t'oiupluiuth, in young of three commissioners to inquire into of $200,000. or old, married or stuirh', at theda'wn of tll0 amount of S13,0(X,0()0. Derby offered a revolution that the fund womanhood, or the turn of life, these Tonic La Cross. Wis. 27. be applied to the foundation of a hospiStewart olfeivd a resolution directing general arrangements of railroads enlhtiers display so decided an influence that to inquire gaged iu transportation in the several The incendiary fire yesterday morning tal for convalescents. a marked improvement is soou perceptible. the Pacific railroad company Adopted. ; For IiilliuiiKiu tory mill ( lirttnlc the relations between the United States. Pending action on this bill, the destroyed three stores of the American President Thiers will, sign House adjourned. and (iout, lyspcpsia or relative ltliciiiuiitiom railroads l'acific and Western Union the and Express the new of commerce Telegraph Sutcs between treaty indigestion, laiior.s, Heinlttent' and InterWilson's Credit Mohilier met Ubjec-lioOffice. Loss, $20,000. i.j the interest on their bonds. France and Great Biiiam. Iusured, mittent, l'evers. Diseases or the lUood, I.lver, The John tt. Alley wr.s before the committee hein made, it was laid over. Kidneys and bladder, these lliturs have been most successful. Such Diseases are diseased, aud and examined as to the secret service San Francisco, 27. 1P.r..i.iiatiou bill was caused by Vitiated blood, which is produced i .. ,i;tv,...o..( money, alleged to have been spent by Roderick Mclvery, assibtant engineer UUiCHUl Tilvf. 10 leiUll' tae by (lcraia'onient of the Digestive orjrun. des- - Durant. He testified that he had no of the steamer "Colora!o," has been For Skill Kiuptiolis, Tedues on ar iclfs on French v vessels r tter, Salt Kheuiu, blotches. Spots, Pimples, lined fur the lintel suites .ovcmuer oiu knowledge of any money beinir paid to sent to the insane asylum. The coroI'ustules, boils, Carbuncles, members of Congress except SIO.UOO to ner's found that Amos E. Arnold, last. . jury Son; Kyes, Krysipclas, itch, comSenator Harlan, which did not come to watchman at Kimball's carriage factory, Scurfs, lUloniiioiis of the' Skin, Humor Also, a resolution directing the To and Diseases of the Skin, of whatever name mittee on l'acific railroads to impure his notice until IS months afterwards. who was thought to have been murdered, or nature, are literally dmr up und carried con'ri-butebeAmes When him told Durant had accounts the of was killed by falling from a window of out of the system iu a short rime by the use in:o the omdii iuti that sum, aud wanted the U. P Pi. the factory. of these Hitters. One bottle in glich cacs tween the several l'acific railroads ami will convince the most Incredulous of their II to assume it, Ames and the witness the out of 28. Santa United growing States!, Cruz, IV tue curative effects. Durant this done. said In the trial of 1'lakely, for robbing the SALT l.AKK CITY, being XI. II. JXrOOXAI.n & CO., provision of the act of lbli2, requiring oppose that alter the completion of the road?, the money bad been spent confidentially, county treas.iry, the Mortimers testiDrutorista A Cen. Ajrts., San Francisco, Cab, AS TIIK MOST COM I'LKTK STOCK OK A cor. Washington and Charlton Witness fied Mortimer drew a diagram Sts., N V. five per cent, of the net earnings shall and he could not reveal how. SOLI) UY ALL DKl'liHISTS A DKAI.KKS. be annually applied to the payment of said he dnl not beliee the money had of this town, including the the bonds and interest until they are been spent ut all. Durant had said the and the location of the treasury iu that Ever offered to the Public of Utah, money had been previously used among building. He has also related facts and pa id. That Thadeus incidents connected with the robbery, Cillldy Toj'S of all Kinds; Stewart asked the immediate consider members of Congress had Stevens received Kdmunds but some, but he did binding and of the treasurer. Candies, ation of the resolution, not know how much. which correspond minutely with the ami it wax laid over. Candy, In April 1S04 the U. P. directors au Corsi Kalis, A bill to require national banks to treasurer's testimony. He further stated Corn Sacks, Main St., JFoopcr City that he was associated in the robbery their capital when impaired and to thorized a committee to go to Washingamend the national currency bill, was ton to secure additional Legislation and with a person whose name is withheld, Chewing AM) (1KNKHAL MKKC1IAXDISK. to expend such proper sums as might a resident of this county. This man's Chewing dituii, ete. etc. passed. An item of $112,000 for acquaintance was made while confined Send in T'tir Onli is at oucr, huI As uufiuished business, the legislative be necessary. Th Tory best hriuiiU of gft your gx' appropriation bill was taken up. The such expenditure was put in and paid in the Slate Prison at San Quintin. lor tla! lUlil;tvs. Liquors, Tobacco, and Cigars. Mor-i.lWitness After the robbery the two men proceeded II. WALLACE, by the Co., subsequently. question was on the amendment of if Salt Luke City. of Maine, of Friday, which was knew nothing about the item of $120,000 a short distance from town, divided Ihe modified so as to provide that it shall be for special legislation. This was after results of their night's work, after which the duty of the President, to take such he had retired from the board; as to the Mortimer went to Sacramento, and his measures or to institute such suits as $30,000 for legal expenses paid at the accomplice returned to his home in this cuiy be necessary to recover from the time of the first "raid." Fullerton nnd county. l'acific railroad companies interest paid Tracy said the suit could be settled for Albany, N. Y., 27. it. adand United the Witness for sum. issued bonds on States that Luther Tucker, by opposed proprietor and editor the use of either of said roads, and fivj vised Oliver Ames to have nothing to do of I be Country Gentleman, and treasurer He learned afterof the State Agricultural Society, died per cent, of the net earnings provided with lhe business. for y law : and that the circuit courts wards it was paid to the counsel on an last night, aged 71 years. IS NOW LEADING TIIK 3IA1IKKT. of the United States shall have jurisdictWm. J. Cook, of the firm of Cook & order signed by Oliver Ames. Witness ion to hear aud determine such suits was subjected to a long examination as Co , wholesale grocers in this city, comto Ihe building of the road, aud in mitted suicide by hanging in a cellar of subject to appeal as in other cases. Morrill modified his amendment so as which payments were made. his residence at noon yesterday. No to direct the court to Uoston, 28 cause assigned for the act. Coroner's give these cases Nine members of the Legislative Com- jury reudered verdict, "death by his precedence. Edmunds said he had received a letter mittee on 'he liquor law this p. m. re- own act while laboring under temporary from (.'. 1 Huntington, of ported to the House a bill to repeal the aberation of mind." the Central l'acific company, which, in beer clause. Boston, 27. The death of David Duncan, of the It is thought that future developments Ilocaiisc it has a compliance with the request of the wriStraight Needle. the Shuttle needs no lacing. ter, he laid before th Senate. The let- firm of Duncan, Sherman & Co., is an- in the case of Appleton Shute, of the ter was read by the clerk. It states that nounced by a private dispatch from Can- Bxeler New Hampshire Bank, defaulter, IJoCilllse it does not soil the thread. the Central Pacific railroad company en- nes, France. ItCCllllSC it is the easiest running machine made. may iuvolve prominent citizens, who are tered into its contract with the Governit makes no noise. Iu the board of aldermen this p. m. counselors if not accomplices of Shute. ment upon the construction under the the commissioners appoin ed to investi The whole case shows an audacious deIlocaiisc it has no cogs nor springs. statute relatiug to freight and The bank's all motions JNov its aud are certain. fire of liberately planned robbery. positive postal ser- gate lhe cause of the great vice which was acted of it docs the most elegant work. the will loss wind the result Govllei'UlISC up probably savings ythand 10th, presented upon by the ernment for several years, aud which The commission began banks IJt'Oailsc it takes the prire everywhere. has received the sanction of machine. Great Falls, N. II., 27. I localise it coists no more than any other Congress; on the 27th of Nov., and 42 sessions and if they had understood it otherwise were held and 200 witnesses examined. It uses the Magic llutHer, Embroidery Attachment, French Trimmer, Chas. K. Pemberlou, the oldest of and all other attachments. they would not have entered iuto the It has been ascertained that the fire or- locomotive engineers of New England, contract at all. But the company is, iginated in a basement, but as to the died in this city yesterday. South Berwick, Me., 27. nevertheless, anxious to have the dispu- cause no satisfactory answer can be ted question legally watchman at New Chad-wic- k well Isaiah known itdid'nt is Earl, it wil and is adjusted, given, although Co's. woolen mill, was found shot ling to accept Edmund's amendment take place from the heating apparatus. The to in that end. looking The apathy of the neighbors regard through the heart on Sunday. Sherman said the only one barrel uis with was was found fire the bewhen odvincr alarm the In pistol IV. question neen me Uovcrnment and Pacific rail first seen is commented upon. Some of charged. lie leaves a wife and seven roads which he cared to have legally de those looking at the fire being engaged children Natick, Mbbs., 27. leniunea, wu8 whether the companies in criticiiing the department, nnd its U3G e59-al- t were not bound to The elopement of Mrs. Daniels, a very pay the interest on delay in arriving at the spot, instead of creW. A. their second mortgage bonds. with Cox, He be- adopting measures to put it out. The handsome lady, lieved they were. Mrs. here. talk considerable the ates in fire the of building spread rapid Casserly was of the epinion that fhesc first consumed was chiefly owing lo this Daniels' husband has told her if bhe companies were bound to pay the whole delay and to faulty construction of the ele- came to want, to draw ou him. of the interest due on Philadelphia, 27. the bouds. vator, which, like most others in Boston, has been raging Morrill withdrew his amendment for was sheathed with wood and destitute of A furious he pur; ose of with but little in since here The midnight, a direct on vote a delay hatchway. having 'he Edmunds' ameudmcnt, and that the arrival of the of abating. The passenger department, in the prospects amendment was then lints is ascribed railroad by aid of plows are run-niadopted, all the opinion of the commissioners, A brisk north-weSenators present voting iu the afhrnia-!c- , to the lack of horse Power this error rctrularly. . o " .1 except Morrill of Me , nnd sprague, being one great cause of the calamity; wind prevails, Dut me weaiucr is "mi.oiiw anil ltamltn. It is as follows: and another, the construction of the moderate. And the Trenton, N. J., 27. Secretary of the Treasury is di- buildings in the burnt district. The efrected to withhold all ratriek Moher, the young man who pasments from any forts of the firemen were greatly impe- 'killed railroad company, or its John St. John at Marshall's corn assignees, on ded bv the fall of water, especially in account of fr on a drunken spree, lias been while chief of the .or er, ight transportation of Summer street. The demand a"ylund, over he respective roads, te engineer for larger mains aud more hy- indicted by the grand jury, and was ar'tie amount of the raigned this morning before the Chief payments made by Ihe drants, and for more efficient Lowry hyUnited states of interest inJustice, and pleaded not guilty. This upon the bonds drants, has been unsuccessful. The of the United trial is set down for Monday next. The the felt at was water States, issued to any such sufficient supply of iudictmeuts, Company, which sh nil lint Iwvrt KiiAn ., IjOUACjil'LS, 1VASII outset. There is proof that some of the grand jury brought in thirty an ni cases being adultery 'ursed, together with five per cent, of cuginea that were early on the grouna. tbe principal e and Ihe case of n.1'1 earnings due and unapplied, as were not properly supplied with coal, case, one bigany case, man a young having borue provided by law; and any company may but there is no proof that there was any Moher, heretofore. suit character in ur'ng the court'of claims to loss of power from that cause at that a good Los Angele?, 27. the price ff such and freight, time, as in the place of coal, broken Arizona ays, from news importation, and. in. such suit the boxes and other wood was used. Later C.iAThe latest Mineral Park, IUkpr's furnaces, Pt and, to ,,1C rccor(i of in the night, when the firo gained prowell. The EL work " wine upon co,rany and blast full in are the Hw nnd facts of the portions, altogether beyond the prepara, bl! there der and Cover furnaces have not and also the tion made by the 'ermine.!, Trice Given, ft FLO UK. . FIVE IIUNDUKD A consider CST The IIi-li- o.t K'ts of the lVlIC,, in fmeltinir ore. gtfttcs upon lhe was in some cases an entire lack of fuel . of SACKS "Wanted Immediately. . , ,, t ble depth has been reached on several all points . 11 presented by the The apparatus was in general pood ormem it iuc among ai Ihe richest fire. the in ledges, o during to any such der, and continued cV? b,'!"C'1 I I'iease give us a call before purvhasicj; elsewhere. Fairfield uud Lone Star. aad either party to such may ap Tkc committee pay a high tribu'e to the pur, AMERICAN'. Washington, 28. Wileon, of Mass., Mr. Senate. In tho oi me imsnm ranee lviuonsi ii .,ifil the passage of a Tra ut i; r, . i... , r. ....t Kill tor lie repeat oi me uuiiMui. uu, me sime suojeci. a,o oihors onintroduced by Cragm, of weic General to Postmaster directing the iVe a couiract with the Me iterauean n for and Oriental steamship company pons, and tc mails to .said of bonds company to ondue ihe - Anglo-lhissi- un Head-neli- e, i i . 1 I .r car-j.yin- Kur-pea- to-da- n j' $7,-00- 0. .. i . . MewYrs Notice i Dcm-jim'- s, Hinji-worui- Hcald-Hca- the Country Trade. H. WALLACE, d CO 1 FI'iCTI OMJH, II to-da- court-hous- td ES e, lll Plain and Fauey s T. S.WADSWORTII, J'at. Goods, Groceries, Dry Prize Ioj re-Ko- re Prize Pipe, l, The "Victor" Sewing Machine! v ZEE vice-preside- nt Self-Settin- g Itccaiise Iloeause Itccaiisc first-clas- s Ladies, Don't liny till you see the "VICTOR, CHAS. CO Xo. 5 Main Street, Salt Lake City. JOHSJ BOITZjS snow-stor- SHfe-closin- STA YNEll, Agent, g CO., ne Dealer In st w - 1 . j Imported Furniture of all Rinds, MAIST STREET, OGDEN. CIIAIBtS, TAISIjKS. STANDS, KUItKAUS, liKDSTEADS', Spring nnd Hair ?Iat trasses. Kookoascs Made to Order. Cupboards and Cabinet Work and Kenairing Done. Wood Turning In all It Branches. er sue-eide- d depMi-iment- '"r , . . |