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Show Mt fldcii - tf musio: BRiiKCH la O G- ilBI gmicttou, PijUisked rwy WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY tin Oouek rciusBtna Compaxt. GE AB. W,; ST ATTMEH Kpiootie an Old IMScase. ; ; has dug up a copy of Somebody the first edition of Pryden's tion of Virgil, in which there is an engraving representing men drawing ii loud of hay, while all around are the sick, dying and dead horses-thi- ngs, in fact, looking pretty much The translation of as thay dj now. the, third book of the Georgies gives tho symptoms of this ancient and they are quite similar to those of the present disease. ; epi-.dean- V? i V,' transla- LOGAN, 'CACHE COUNTY. WHOLESALE & METAIL DEALERS IX CI.OTIIIXG, SIARBWARK, Crockery, Boots anil Itoes, ana NOT ONE HOUR fulvfrtiwiiient-live- after reading tM any one KL'Vt'KR WITH I'AIX, EADWAVS UKAlV IS A CUKE FOR KVEIIV 1'AI.V. ( It win tli fiit and is tais o : J Stoves ami Tinware, Drugs and Jleilieincs, Ktc., Etc." Brands of Imported WINES and LI Q VOUS. Tlio Only lnin llemedy The Best di-'- ill utlurd infant Inflammation of tho Kidneys. - tho ISladdor, Inflnnimntion of of tho Lnni. Sure Breathing. I'atpitatiun of ih W cae. Infliiinniiition of tho liowel". 'fli rout, Difficult Heart. Hysteric, Headache, tni, I'ipthoria. Catarrh,liillucnza, Tih'thiK he. Neuralgia, KliouiiiutiMU. ' fold' Con-i.vti- ' ' Chills, Ague Chill. 71u ni pliiiition of the READY RELIEF to tho 3 art or r"" ts where tho pain or UilHcnlty oxisn Will afford eao mid comfort. Twenty drops in half a ttimMcrof water will In ft lew liniments euro C'rumns, Snasmn, four Stuni-nil- i, Ilnutbuni, Sick Headache, Diarrhea, Dysentery, Colic, Wind iu the Dowels, and all Internal j i'uiim, Travelers tdmuld alwavi fnrrv ft feottle of KAD-Y.'Y'is HEADY KELlKr" with them. A few droj on water will proveut sickness or jmiM frorn i!i;iii;:t of water. It is hotter than French liraudy cv Hitters lis n stimulant. I'KV i:U AX I ii l"E cured for fifty cents. Tlivu w not a remedial agent in this world that will eu.o Fever and Ague, nnd all other MalartoiH, liiluiiH, Scarlet, Typhoid, Yellow and other Fevers latn.nl 1'V JtidwavV l'lll) no quirk as IIADWAY'5 JiEADY 11 E LIEF. Iilty cents per bottle, Sold i ANOTHER LOT OF THOSE SPLEXDID Washers and; Wringers ! Patent Mangles t Carpets aiid Trimmings, Curtains and Blinds. i TOYS. : Chicago Sclmttler Wagons. lexioll secured to nil. Dr. RA.pAyVY?S Sarsaparillian Resolvent Wheat, Barley, Oats. Tearl Barley, Butter, SIIHTED Flourr Bran, AM 10 M TO ... S&d-a- lt .,;:., -."-- : ': City. 'i- :'-:' ': I'ATENT m,:- PENTAGONAL SHOW CASE! Metal Corners. Patented August 8,1871." MM) Shorts, Eggs and H ORDERS i. ; PURCHASED TO ..... .;: . Orders addressed to wm receive jironipi autuuou ISan Ms THATCH ER i , s79tf - , ... . Hi B. CLAWSON, ? ' , Superintendent. ; , 40, State Street, formerly SIMMONS & CLOUGH ORGAN CO.'S --. . z . CABINET ORGANS , AND Will pnrehasc nny kind of Merchandise not usually kept stock, including , Engines, i. ... : fW m; 1 ft ?, i H " .: I ...1,J5.: - i Grand . ; ; Combination : Organs, - ', An invention having a most important bearing on the future reputation of Rod by means of wlrich the tiantity or Volume of tone is very lartrflr vrvaefu, mm ijuiuhj m lone ITIHICTOI ..it.::....'- i i , -v in- - '.'.,''; Thirty-fiv- e ' . .' ', ' u i' Qrg.inSi ... r,t !.. . ... ... .,. ; i well-know- and n Tho Factoryhaving just got fairly running sinca the , J. ; r; ILB. CLAWS ON Super hitwdeiit Obtained Only in these Tin: ' best Notice ! Different Styles, STOCK OF. FURXITURE For the Parlor and the Chureli, mo JOSErn MrsfiRWE, william The Best Material aud Workmanship, 1 JOHN CA.8IM' CUWAKD MATKKK Volume and Quality of tone Unequalled. KfeilAKD ALLEN. Yon will Mie ,tl' " . ' Ac. ; SCHUTTLEB WAGON," Our celebrated "Vox Celeste," y Louis ratcnt," "Vox Humana," ''Wilcox Patent " . ; "Octave Coupler," the charming "Cello" or "Clarionet" Stops, , and ' ; foe ' . ; . - - JBvaporators, ' m..-- , arc; expecting-- an immediate' shipment of. the EQUAL TO THAT OF THE BEST PIPE OKGAXS OF THE SA35E CAPACITY, .,j ;,'; , SCIUBNER'S PATENT, QUALIFYING TUBES, ... - ,'f".i';"',.lf Or any articU from any Stale, tliat may be needed in an ' ' Meclianical popuktion. . : bend in your orders and we will do the best to fill them at Manufactur ers prices with freight added, or on a slight percentage.;; ,r ;,.' FITTED WITH TKK NEWLY INVENTED All the Late Improvements Can . ". Force or other Piiihps. .. Belting, Mills, Sorghum v, : ; ' " i 0 ' ...PRICES,,, OO t " ;.,;'(. I' ..." fJOO XollavH.' ! i . . !AlIfiESS, SlMM0K8& CLOUGH OrOAX Co., I)etE0I1 illCIIIGAN At JOELSON'S, NEW - )ns l.ein 'd..n for ?m, nwu contrmt, on the Union BtdiMinaK Cotton Kijuyon, Excelsior district, Wgnn cownt.v, BUILD IHG, 2nd SOUTH STREET, ' 9V'-- ?'2 i--'- i iakk Jrag w tltsvt liilK.r : cm;' wJ ven arp lk'ieIs,nkVitieI " J" Territory; ionr within isihetr'ski.Wtrftit' : let- ter stamp to Radwuy Maiden Lane, Co., he. hew York, laforaiatiou worth tliowauds will bo ( , -.- , Sfnd one -- I FACTORY AND WAUEROOMS, COR 6rn & CONGRESS STS.. DETROIT, ' 'MICHIGAN. AGENTS WANTED IN EYERY1. fcOUNlt. disordors. frke : True."S7 aiul k i;-..- , Threshing: Machines jriaeliino dxtras,-'- Ilfsss, Why I h. DHsgisto." . , Circular Saws, , .r si.-'; Boltinj? Cloth, XcIIcl Water Wheels, ,' Cheese Factory or Dairv ood9' V. : tasteless, elegantly coated with mej, fcu.il, rego'.ite, purify, cleanse and strenh- u. liadway's Dills, for the cure f all disorders if tho Stomach, Liver, Dowels, Kidneys, ltladder, Nervous Diseaej I!eiiivrh, Cmstliation, Ctwtlre- -i cx. Indigestion, Dyspepsia, itlliousneos, lldions l ever, Inflammation of the Dowels, Tiles, and all Derangements of the Ititormil Viscera, Warranted In e ffoct a positive cure. Durely vegetable, eon-- t ii'.iirg no niorciliy, minerals nr deleterious drnjw. tic" 0terve the following symptoms resulting frciii Iiisordet s of the Digestive Organs Constlwi-tioi- i, Inward Piles, Fullness of tho Blood in tno Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heartbnfn, Disgnst of Food, Fulluess or Weight in the StOm-?Sour Eructations, Sinking at the l'itof the Stomach, Swimniing f tho Head, Jluffl ied and Dinlcult Ifreatliing, Fluttering at the Heart, Choking r Sntt'ocatlng Stfiisation when In a Lying I'osture, Dimness of Vision, Dots or Webs before the Sight, Fever aud Dull Tain in tho Head, Deficiency .of Inspiration, Yellowness of the Skin ad Eyes, Pnin In the irie,T'eM, Unit, tuiAfcuddeii Flushes of Heat, Darnhifr in the Flesh. -- A few dosi4iSif 'KMd way's Tills will free the sys- - : ? Ro-):- , , 1 ciit pi'rbot':'"pol-dh- . Saw Mills, 1R. Rhway: I have had Ovarian Tumor in tlie ovaries and bowels. All the doctors Mid "tliprc was fi help for it." 1 tried everything ilmt was recommended; but nothing helped me.'l kaw your, and thouaht I .would try it; ut had no huh in it, ltecaue I had suffered lof twelve years. 1 t'Hdt six bptties id the Jlesiilvent, and ono box of liailway s r. Us, and two bottles of your Keady '; and theis is not a iign of tumor to be teen or felt, and 1 feel l etter, smarter, and happier than 1 liavo for twelve years. The worst tumor was iu liio left side of the bowels, over the groin. I wr'te t his to you f.,r the benefit of others. You can . HANNAH P. KNAl'l". PERFKfT"'PURGATIVEPILLSi in s sen-uti"- DR. RADWAY'S DEPARTMENT, II. W. NAISCITT. I Hosolvont. CHICAGO, ILL IN CHARGE OF H- by Rnuwa.r , a m. i. ;. GOMHSSION ces Growth Cared Tumor of 12 Yoars' u , 40, n n; c Uk'iu. t ; EXTANT. TEBBUXE, Sole Manufacturer, JL 1 If the patient, ihuly reduced hv th v n:eiiind decoiuptVit'u n that is continually pro-f ros.t)j.'. uccea in arresting tnawa wstes, ut repairs the fcamo with new material mnde frem this the SARS APAKILL1AX he,.;t!iy blooil-i- n.J wiil and does swure. Not only duet tlio Sarsaparillinn Resolvent ex- cel all known iviupmhI agents In the cure of Chro- iiic. Scrofulous, Constitutional and Skin diseases, I M it is the only iHwiiive cure for KIDNEY and BLADDER COMPLAIN I S, Urinary m.d Womb (1 ravel, Diabetes, Dropsy, Stoppage of i!in;ios, n uter, iiicoutmenco ot nne, Jii-- irrit ( Dikcnse, where tiierenr AiMiiiiihiuri.i, and in all Lri' k diM deposits, or the water is thick, cloudy, i.iixed with subftauces like the white of an ep'p, i.r tiirenim tine wtnte siik, or there is a morbid. i.'ark, bilious appeal aura, and wldte benslust ii pi ::s, ami when there is a pricking, l'urniiig wl'.en water, and pain iu tlio small flhe back and nlons the loins, ,1'rlc, il.W ; Vi'OUVS. The only known and sure Kcmudy Kir m vrins rin, xnpo, eic. , ....... , ELEGANT AF5D DURABLE SHOW CASE FvlOST Kv,-r- VENT com inn uicaiM through the DIikkI, Pweut, I'r.no and other Uuids and Juices of the ytteui thv vi(;or of life, for it repair the was ton of Die o ly with new and ound material. Scrofula, C(liniiuptiou, Clandulur dUeafe, I'lcertln the Throat, Mouth, Turnout, Node in th Glands mid other pai't-- ot tho fystem, Sure Ky on, Strum-- o l)iehari:eiii from the Eur,Rnd the worst forms of f'kiii DieaH, Ki iiplii im, Fever Pores, Prnld Head, Kin,; Worm. Salt Kheuui, Erysipelas, Acne, ldaek Spots, vrrms in the Flesh, Tumors, Cin-rei- n in tho Womb, and all weakening and painful Nijr'ut Sweats, Loss of Sperm, find all liie prinriplr.nr within the curative vastoi ot laniiw of t'.iiif wonder of Mtslern Chemistry, and a tew days' lie will prove' to any person tiding it for eUher of thu fofnn f discatw iu potent power to TII1rj ,. ; moon ri itiniK. Tin: drop ;ki:at of tho f AltfAI'AUILLlAX KKSOly l! ., ON SIIOllT JS0T1CE. 1 made the iiifmt utonifdiing curt, so quick, so i (t;id aro the change tho body undergoes, umler li.e influence of this truly wonderful Medicine. ihnt KVKKY DAY AX INCH E ASE IX KLKS11 AND WEDillT IS SEEN AND EEI.T. cents ( SINGER'S; SEWINO MACHINES. ; IIn " ' EUGSC STORE, lUM.i ALL KINDS OF MACHINERY n:nJ Dure Rich Blood Increase ol Flosh Hv and Weight Clear Skin and Deautiful Coin-- i . at xitlc - Health! Beauty! :g piu-ge- Ironing Machines Next Poor to Savage's Gallery, Main Street, Salt Lake A LARGE AND VARIED ASSORTMENT OF NEW : i'cntvtly '& Price 930. All for ' : i A ly I'mgiDK Exainine. STAYER'S " . Please Xotious, KK-LIK- Tliat iiiktantl.v ktujis tlio iiiifcxcriwiatinxi"i'ii!') Iiillaiunuitii'iis and cure Contortion, whfihorcif the Limps, f toinach, lknvelw, or other glands or organs, by. one niiiliatkm, in fioin one tf twenty minutes, n matter how violent or tlio iain,. the Kheilinntic, Iiiiirm, Crii;il(!d, NVrvous, Neuralgic, or illustrated ' with innv itt(lr READY RADWAY'S RELIEF 'Xow ! Selling ITersr Call and Musicians, 5japs, . AND MERCHANDISE. ; DRY GOODS, GJOCEPvIES5 - i MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS' c, READY "RELIEF! RADWAY'S ! MOtCtf Till: liimtiH. In from Oii to TwentylAl.ft HAS JU5T RECEIVED AN ENTIRE NEW STOCK OF ' Votk. hf mt v , , TIMOTHY i I'intuh, Webor co. Not. Joe. Mnsgf nv, Kd. Idy, m $12; Mater, 2, lS72.-- XZuror. liklmr4 Wto $8t ; 0t.i JM r' AKcB, ; -- |