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Show Aii Amazing Statement. Barefaced Robbery. Statistics ba?ed upon official returns arc isuggcstive of the wonderful advance the United States are luaking, in covering the whole nation with a network of railroads. At the present time, the eutirc length of the railways in this country is in thousand round figures seventy-on- e miles, more than double the number in the rest of the world. Besides, miles arc in forty-tine- s thousand The Owyhee Avalanche man is in corrigible. We jogged his memory some time since about clipping edi torials from the Junction and pub lishing them without credit. Every issue of his paper contains clippings from various papers, inserted as his own. In his issue of the 18th inst., he publishes au editorial, stolen from the Junction," entitled "Risks in Usury." This is quite as much bare FRIDAY, 24. . from Various stages of iucipiency, and will faced robbery as to steal money in make an aggregate, when completed a man's pocket, and then shake it to of nearly one hundred and fifteen face Wonder if it is possible ? thousand miles. Thewholi co t of hanie the Avalanche man seventy thousand miles of roads is two billions and a half of dollars, A Place at ilic .World's Fair. inid the roads now in process of An organization has been effected in will entail an additional Salt Lake City for the purpose of secur i cost of two thousand millions. ing a proper representation of the procon-mucti- oii . The magnitude of the capital in enterprises which contribute ,not only tu the nation's wealth, the enhancement of value in property, and the development of oiir resources, is at first sight startling, and bewildering to the imagination. But the array of glittering figures it is that foreign capital has becu mainly instrumental in promoting American railroad enterprises. The European market is flooded with our railroad bonds. A fruitful field has been offered to speculators .on,, the other side of the oceuu for. safe, investments, and ihey have proven to hi quick iu seizing an opportunity which promised the realization of large dividends.. lledundant means Lave been poured into the laps of cur railroad princes for the purpose of furthering tho projects which are contemplated and in actual execution for the purpose of intersecting every part of the country. It must how ever be well considered, that while tho capital invested in railroad cor porations, in this country, adds ,to the intrinsic wealth of the nation, on the other hand, the interest paid out on loans made to the various com panies withdraws a great part of our circulating facilities. Interest must be paid punctually, find as the ex portations of the United States are overwhelmingly counterbalanced by imports, stringency in the money markets necessarily folloAvs. A con federation secondary to none, is that the proprietorship of our rail-tho- r is uot flatterinir, when con-s'.dor- ed . : ducts of Utah at the World's Fair, which is to take place at Vienna. The Herald of this morning publishes a list of com inittees appointed nt a meeting held on Thursday in. the office of the Eureka Mining Company as follows: Committee of arrangement, to whom articles nre to bo forwarded and who will provide packages, &c; Ilenry T. Sclby, JoaJ Luwrcnce and John T. Lynch. Mr. Selby is the chairman of this committee, to whom articles should be consigned. Committee on Finance: It. C. Chambers and R. Mackintosh. The following gentlemen were selected as committees for the purposes and districts named, to secure specimens and forward them to the committee ot ar- rangements: Committee on miscellaneous produc-Uousuch as coal, salt, sulphur, wheat, vegetable, cereals of all kinds, kc : Juhn T. Caine, II. S.KMrclgc, Dr. 0. II. Con gar, Wui. Jennings, Dr. Volluih. ' j In addition to these a number of committees "were appointed for the various mining districts. The object of the organization is a laudable one, and we Lope that our.flourishing Territory will hac a good 6how at the great exposi' tion.' .'. 3, - Railroad Connection. Mr. Thatcher, Secretary of the Utah Northern Railroad, and Mr. Smith, Superintendent, with their attorneys, were in town to day, with tbc contract ngreed upon by and bet ween the two commit, tees heretofore appointed to represent the town of Corinnc and the company, signed on the part of the company by John W, , Young, President, K. Thatcher, Secretary," as l'rcsident and Secretary, and, together with Messrs. Merrill and Smith, us members of the company's committee.' It was held by members of our that it was pot exactly what; was agreed upon by and between the two committees at their final conference, but on the nhole, it whs concluded by those includpresent at the conference committee and the citizens, many ing that it was brst to accept and proceed to complete it on ourown part., , .. It binds them, in consideration of cash, $2,000 city warrants, boar-inj- r 10 per cent, interest from date until paid, and $1,000 in goods, all to them in band paid and delivered. i . i i First. To build a road from theirs into Corirne and establish suitable depots in Ooriuue, , prior to July 1st, " " com-mitt- to-da- y, dughfares, will p. 88 into the hands of the alien stock-holdeunless be taken to keep American measures horn?. How this can' be capital at dune is a matter of conjecture and is now engaging the attention of "our 1873. Second. wisest statesmen. rs $2,-00- 0, To run their regular passenand ger freight trains, or trains connecting with them, to and from Corinne until their road shall have been completed to Ogden. if ever, and as much longer thereafter as it shall jay them to do so. Albany Third. Not to move their present junction with the Central Pacific until The last of the famous Regency they do move it Jo Ogden, if ever. The city warrants, and goods which ruled New York for a period were ttmoney, be turned over to them The city also leases them ground ownof thirty years, has disappeared from ed by the oity between Front St. and the the stage of life. William Cassidy. Central Pacific and Third and Fifth sts., editor and cne of the founders of the for depot purposes, at a nominal figure, '' Pean indefinitely. Cvrinn Beporttr. 'Argux, died The Regency. to-dn- Albany yesterday. Richmond, President of the N. Y. Central Railroad, tiied fiveyeais ago l'cter Cagger was ".killed 'in Central I'ark, by the upsetting o his car riage. i..Th Convention that noniiua- tvd Seymour and Blair, was in ses- ion at Tammany Hall at the time, rnd ('agger had just left when ho met with an accident which ended three men were pow jatally.- Inc-eirful in the direction of political, affairs in New York. 9 They were known as the Albany Regency, and their influenec?wus supreme in shaping and moulding th legislation of the greatest State In the Union. l , e - " v Hy Telegraph. Jiscriox by JtMrt Telegraj.h. ' Briglinm, sl!4. , fAt an informal meeting of, some ofth directors of the Utah NorThertrRailrbad Company, the subject of the extensiou of the road to Montana was considered. The sentiment was unanimous, that if Ppevtfcl to the -- sufficient encouragement was given by the communities in Montana, that the with the company would in in Montana extension 'the companies of the road to Helena at an early day, and a correspondence with' the Montana National Park and Utah Railroad Company to this end was determined upon The are encouraging for an early railroad connect ion with" our northern neighbors an event ef moment to Utah and much to be coveted, by the ,co-opera- te prot-pect- pe!w s VVV pEBSosAt.- Thomas Scally - jias re- Correspondence. turned to this city, after spending some days in Pioche, his friends are glad ' that he proposes to remain. ('apt. I. S. Bryant, U. S. A., passed through here this morning on his way to St. Louis, where his father is now at the point of death. are mouldy for a little fun. By w,,we mean the people of night, Ogden generally. Well, we are to have some. Messrs. Gu ining, Dowdell and Moore, with their celebrated Troupe of Minstrels, will give an entertainment in the Ogden Theatre, TitAVEt. The trains arrived in due consisting of songs,, dances, comic sketches, etc., etc. See bills, and go time this morning and departed at the and get a good laugh. regular hour. There were but few passengers. Travelers on the U. P., yesterElopement. A woman working at day evening, report that their journoy Elko, on Saturday last, received a dis- was pleasant, aud that the track is elcar patch from her husbatd, asking her to of any obstruction. On Wednesday, at She was Brownson, six miles from Sidney, D. meet him at Hot Springs. loved Donelly was thrown oil a hand car and who when a paramour, starting to run his leg crushed. well, bot not wisely, induced her Along the C. P. route everything is He reminded the away with him. quiet. It is stormy West of Corinne, woman of the dresses and jewelry, he and snow covers the ground, but travel had presented to her, and in glowing is unimpeded. It is expected that in a few days travel will be iucreaed. forhis share to her language besought tunes. The unhappy husband arrived "Whoa, Haw ! The days of at the Springs, expecting to meet his are revived. are at a prewife. Cut she was gone with her per- mium. Salt Lake has to return to Buck fidious lover. As soon as the husband and Bright or business would be almost discovered the flight of the idol of his swamped. The; epizootic is what's the heart, he took the stage for Piochc, matter. Fancy an express ! It where he ascertained she was resiling. is no a slow and in but Salt Lake, fancy The denouement is unknown, but there solemn fact. How soon Ogden will be were pistols aboard that stage. reduced to the same" extremity, no one can predict, but all should be prepared More Coots and Shoes. Mr. George for such an extremity. the by, we Whitehead has opened a branch business have had numerous applications about ' Why don't our drugnt Diddle & Lloyd's harness shop. HirrocnASTUS. send to G. F. Culmcr & Co., Salt gists George is spreading out. Mr. Joshhlnl Lake, and get a few bottles tosuppiy the Small will manage the branch but it demand. ; must not be understood that it will be a Query. What is the price of beef in tmall concern. Corinne at this present date? Eh? Sweets. We have just seen samples a pound for prime Axswek. Two-bitof candy manufactured by J. II. Stinger, cuts off your own fat cow is what they of the London Bakery. We tasted it for beef at Corinne bvfore the also. It is good. It i pure, lliere is charged late arrests. no terra alia or other poison in it. It is A Ciusok op- Base. "Othello's occucheap. Stinger will compete with East ern markets. He will supply it whole- pation's gone" up on the banks of Bear. sale or retail. Call, and see him and Othello S. Wright finds. hiS jlittlo gme all Wrong now. He resorts to llabeat get some candy. Corpus instead of SrooxKY. On last New Year's day S. L. Itbms From' the Deserti EveJohn Czachert lost a silver fork, also a decanter containing a certain crimson ning Ktiet ef 23rd inst. There is a very bad case of small-pofluid, which is a somewhat p pular bevin the Eleventh Ward. The patient is a erage. Ths decanter was returned by twelve year old girl, daughter of It. express some days ago. This morning Canuteson. Yesterday, the quarantine the fork was restored to its owner, all physician visited the house where she is the way froni San Francisco. Ben But- and then called in Dr.. Anderson to give medical aid. Dr. Clinton not having time ler is not around here, but his disciples, to attend to the case medically himself. who know a thing or two in the matter Dr. Anderson stales that he never saw a of purloining silver, were felt constrain- case where the skin of the patient was ed in this case to return the stolen prop- more closely covered than in the one in question. The girl had been sick seveerty. "Honesty is the best policy." ral days before the quarantine physician knew anything about the case, and then Z. C M. I., Ogdem. Z. G. M. I. wbolo-fal- e he was only informed of it accidentally, is well a stocked with by pcason who had heard that it was gendepartment to be a case of small pox. supposed eral merchandise for the country trade. When a person is taken sick, and there Everything that is sold, ordinarily, in is the slightest reason for believing the various stores of the Territory can that the malady may bo small-pothe be found in the large and varied assort- quarantine officer should be notified ment of excellent goods at thi establish- without delay, so that there may be ample opportunity, to adopt all possiblo ment. measures for preventing the spread of The retail department contains an im- the contagion. . e understand that sev. eral have been exposed in the mense variety of articles in the dry persons instance. present goods, grocery and hardware line, and Large notices have been posted, by purchasers cannot fail to be suited, par- instructions from the quarantine officer, ticularly when waited on by such cour- in the vicinity of the house where teous gentlemen as the Z. C. M. I. clerks the patient resides. The stove department is thoroughly Thomas Home; jr., a teamster in the stocked with all the standard patterns employ of Messrs. Walker Brothers, was of cooking and heating stoves, with the run over by a wagon yesterday. The vehicle was a heavy one, but luckily it nceomp mying utensils, and Mr.'W.'G. was not loaded, and his injuries, thereChild will take pains to find what is fore, were only slight. He was driving at the time, all the horses wanted. The entire branch of the an Z. C. M. I. buinets is in a flourishing belonging to his employers being affected with the epitootic. and satisfactory coudition. See adveri if ki We are informed that a few ( days ago,' tisements. ' a horse, belonging fo Mr. Geo. Strine- Sudden Dratiis os the Roai.'1 On hani, suddenly . dropped dead on the street. It was a case of epnootie. AnSunday an old man, about sixty-fiv- e imals with that disease cannot be safely years of age, whoso name is, unknown, worked, ; except very lightly, and a boy named I. Carrigan, aged thirMr. John Toonc, from. Croyton yesterteen years, were found doad in their day, Bishop Swann's children, seats in a car,' upon the arri- all ofreports whom have, had the small-pox- , reval of the train at 'Summit." They had covering. They received it from Evans-totaken passage together at Sacramento, Precautions were taken to prevent . .. and on the way eat together, a mutual the spread of the disease.. Snow is about "eight. " inches deep in been formed on a short that friendship having valley, cuttle' on the .mountains do acquaintance. No papers wers found on ing well and shaking their, sides with jbe person of the old , man, to identify fat. him. His corpse , was taken off;at The Fash io; The fashion editor of Tt uckee, and placed iu the hands of the the Albany, Oregon, Democrtt, says V proper .authorities. The boy was aci4'It is astonishing to see young girls companied by his mother, m ho is a resithe streets of our modest and parading dent of Elko, where the body was left unassuming town tyi'h a iuckupbe in charge of friends for interment.. An t larger thau are. But we it's the fashthey in s was but suppose ordered, inquc?t ion." And no doubt it is. we have no information as yet'of the "" f" a . There is one lady in Indiana who does result" of their investigation. not get dragged all around the room by i J the hair, of her head when her- husband has a assortfine Julius ,Kiescl j J&sy ment of Groceries andA Fancy Goods,. lie comes home tight. Patent hair restoratives have rendered ber free from playful deservessuccofs. police h,e advertise- tricks of tlij kind. ; Sue, i us laid as ment in another column; an ,1: lBt egg. :aifJj . Tiif.atb r.. -- AVe Bull-whacke- Al.MA P. 0 , near Evanston, U. pt Jan. 22nd, 187:" ' Editor Junction; Sir: I nm plea od to sar ,1,..., Saintu in this part of the couutr a neattuy conuuion. Our meeting , . ! crowded and an excellent spirit ,? p We have a good day school lier, .1 poitett by the county; also a Sun school attended by. from oOtoTocvf urcn. inis is presided over by Mr. We have ulso estublished a live stock and butchery association. W ' commenced four months ago with tal of nt $5 ptr "share. an?t quarterly dividend ha:J been tlcclaiej cash paid $1.77; amount paid for j,' inrs, etc., $2.4'.), making a tvn vm of $1.2(5 per share. The coal mines here nrc being developed, aud ou population is rapij. ly increasing in consequence. We are having lovely weather here Respectfully, yours, co-o'- J, Sam. Vizi. The YisaliaTiaKely. rs . ox-tea- - : s - , x x, An exchange eontains tliis notice of the hanging of James (. MeCntry: He refuscil to stand oit his feet or speak. He knew that his time bl Before the people got inside come. he told" the othar prisoners that .the crowd would surely get in and hm him "clean out of the jail," and iu" to fight it out." plored them t Ken toy told him that he ''would pray for him,"ai)d he did so, he say;, McCrory lyjng down and giving up doggedly to his fate. A rope had been prepared, ard as he refused to walk, was put over his neck, and he was dragged out. As the not so was being put on his nock he made some resistuitec, strikingwitli his hands and kicking, but tu t attempting to utand. The crowd new probably numbered two hundred. Dozens of men sizod the rope and he was dragged to the Court street bridge him-'pe- the-noos- in a.' moment. All his clothes were oil' down to his ankles. him dragged The end of the rope wa-- s tied to tbe railing and the body rolled off. Xo motion of the body was iK'rccptibie after the fall. It hung there for some time after he was dead and .was take a down and deliver ;d to an undertaker. Twenty dollars were raised in the crowd to bury him, who determined not to allow the country to be put to any further cxpeute on accouut of the desperado. ;, A boy ten years old, living on First street, and a girl of nine, living on George Etrcet, started out in the country yesterday to get married. They footed it out four miles, and then having called upon a farmer to ask if he didn't want to let them live in part of his house after the marriage, he took them in charge aud brought them home. Detroit Fnt V ' TRUSTEESTNOTICE. RKSIDF.XT 1HIE . Ptcoiid Selioot .') - 1 ; , first-cla- ss ogaen. i . both-case- T -'t ; ; - , l n tn, Jan. sS-- 1 dlOO-K- lSia. ESTRAY NOTICE. HAVE IN MY POSSESSION TITS FOUV-Inanimals, which if not clftiintd aud taken ma.v within leu dayefrom prewMit date, will he Hold to the highest feponille h;dJrt the Diitrirt Strav t'onud, at Og,n City, Jlul.' p I deR-ribe- February ONE Urd, PAI.K-RE- Wl, at 2 p.m.'POCK COW, YEARS OLD, white in forehead, tip of tail white, N:,r oa cnp off left ear, uuderhit oft left, Urauded lelt liip. One blue and white STEKR, two yean old, crop off rigiit ear, lame in hind ieg, One red and white 8TEEK, two years old, in forehead, hind l.gi white, illeihlo bruud ca 'r right hip. Jan. W, WILLIAM N FIFE, 1'ouudkeejier, Ojden City. M Ii5trict 173. : . ,3,'-tt'- THE Iitrict nit n. J OF S of Ogien City we hereliy notiliod that a meating will be hcIJ in District l hom, on tho firnt Mvndty in Krhniary eimtinp, nt 6.:ti p.m. (SJ proi.), lor th elpction of Sc hool Truutet1, mid the of nch other Imninos hi limy b dwniw liocvMarjr fur th welfare of mid District. " THOMAS POXEV, TrustuM, C. W.TUOnXTOX, : . TIIOS. EMM KIT, ) ox-tea- m ;,,,. lf M;D. HAMMOND, I Main Street, Ogden, i AGRICULTURAL t IMPLEMENT AND WAGON WAREHOUSE . ' THE FAR-FAME- . ' ', SCHUTTLER WAGON Sulky Horso Rakes, Buckeye Reapers and j , .u A.Mowers.r, Corn Suellerg, Molasses,' Mills Feed Cutters, Fanning Mills, Emrry GrinJer. ?t A large quantity B 33 K :WA GO n TIM luJaud i'ittinffs of every - |