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Show BY TELEG11APIL A.fire early tin - morning destroyed dwellingsr loss not stated. This afternoon Frederick Jcsctnw W the Atlantic. Oci 'Martin, r.rin tond the lw while attempting to get on an eastern t'aciftc TtlcgrpJ Copaj.J bound train, at Wadsworth." lost his hold Off aud was thrown on the track, almost the entire train passing over him, cutiiugoff -. luarLjItt arm mid smashing his right fool sj badly us to require amputation. New Yrk, 23. ; .Considerable nnxiely is felt at the of& fice ot the Vacifio Mail S. S. Co., here, over the nou arrival of the steamer "Alaska" at Hong Kon, for which port she sailed from Yokohoma. The sailing time being seven days. The "Alaska" has beeu out 11 days. . The Tweed trial wa resumod Garvey being .examined redirectly by l'cckham in reference to his departure tor Km ope. Garvey stated he weut away under compulsion; that he was visited by a friend of Tweed's, and told him he would come to grief if he did not go away, from which he understood ' ho would be assassinated. Johh Young testified that in the Spring of '70 he reAnti-Slaver- y ceive 1 a package from Iugersol to go to Albany. .The package contained money. Social to the Suit Lake Uenild. Cueyenne, Wy., 23. Theodore Myers, the murderer of Geo, Bonacina in August last, is to be executed at Denver He made AMEltKUX. a long confession, pleading self defence, New York, 22. The proposed rapid transit Railroad lie displays no fear, There was an attempted murder near Company of this viij is recoiving great who Those Georgetown, Col., on Monday last. Mrs. u:teiitioti among cnpiialists. was shot twice by her husof an Telegernicg the underground building javor road to' Enst New York have had t e band. The ball took effect in her shoulder and side. TJiereare no hopes letting, and appointed ai committee to canvas the city to .soli-- it subscriptions of her recovery. The sheriff and armed to build a road to Flatbueli, under n citizens are iu pursuit of, but have not charter which was legalized by the yet captured the murderer. two , j Terrible Disaster English. Coast! the " No Differences "between Great Britain! Russia Quick Trip Across the Atlantic! Death of a Prominent to-d- aj Politician! , Interesting Items Irom , California! Enthusiastic Meeting in Madrid! . . Troops En Route for the Modoc War! , , . legislature. " ' ' FOREIGN. , Iirookljn, 23, a- woman case in wherein a Liverpool, 23. Yesterday, A anuounced that a of wife the as deceased, dispatch yesterday Specr claims, ie steamer "lialiic's" last trip from a decided his of amount estate, large st usatiou was created by the appearance Sandy Hook toQueenstown was made in of the first husband of the claimant eveu days, twmty hours, and uine whom she deserted thirty years ago and miuutes, the quickest passage ever made between the two continents. : tiipposed him dead. . ; Albany, 23. Hon. Win. Cassidy, of ibe Argus, died at half-pafour o'clock this nioruiBg. He was Secretary of the Democratic State Committee. ; San Francisco, 23. A few days ago the boius of a skeleton were found at the foot of a precipice I'UO feet perpendicular, iu the rink of a valley of the Saul a Anna Mountains. At the top of the cliff, iu a crevice of the rocks, was a hive of wild bees, leading to the conclusion that a man had slipped and fell while bee hunting. The uifair otherwise was a mystery. . A private cable dispatch received here this evening announces that the Hon. 0. L. Shafer, formerly Judge of the Supreme Court of California, died at 8 p.m., in Florence, Italy. Thos. Griston.cut h throat end the surgeons at the hospital think ' Y he cannot survive. ' ' Yreka, 23. Hendricks arrived this morning from the Yainox reservation. There , . ; : st ; to-d- ay to-da- y, wereap-prehensio- ns at that place that the Indians would try to get away and join Captain Jack. GeneraMVheaton was preparing to build boats for the purpose of guarding the lake shore of Lava Bed, and keep the Indians from coming for water. The troops were lying quietly in camp. , , Sau Diego, 23. .Gentlemen interfiled in the establishment of a colony of silk growers, at Santa Barbara, are now, availing the arrival of the "Montana," which has on board a number of immigrants expressly for that purpose. Two whales were killed yesterday at ' Ballast Point. The survey made by the Crawford party of the Texas Pacific Hailroad, from this city to Tcmasca, by San Luis Key valley, drmonstratts the route to e niucti more WMChcalile tuan was first believed. The engineers sent out to survey Hie line from San Gorgiono pass, returned yestmiay, ana report good line. caving run successfully A fierce north-wesnow storm has been prevailing here since daylieht. If it continues it will cause another rail ' road blockade, Granville Kimball, an old and wealthy citneu, jumped or fell into the lake yes terday. He was rescued and taken home but died in a few hours. Reporters claim it was a suieidr. but his friends declare it to have been an acci dent. Gov. Oglesby, who was yesterday elected United. States -- Senator of this Slate, resigned the office of Governor to Lieutenant-Governo- r Beveridre day. wns sworn and assumed the duties of ' Governor. A .: ... ' lrgnna, Nev. 23. , A man named Spencer, last nigh shot his wife from whom he Lad been separated some time. ,,Mrs. Spencer was supporting herxeU by keeping a 'board, ing hruse at Mnriposc Mill. Spencer tiled throui:!i a partly open door, while the wife was tins at the nipper ta lie in company 'with her mother ana t'oarders. The shot took tffect in her head stid probab!yfwiU be fatal. Spen r is in the Cnui.iv jj.il to await the re of the wound and the action of the st - - . ; . f it 'grand jury, r " A .'u', in'vfe'itio;Ncv:!28. . 1 ' company,. of h cyhhr, frm Cant t.alUtk lett this moraine en routt f Ibf fctat of the Modoc wari . l ' arrested." Some of those who arc implicated occupy high positions in the financiat world. Among them is said to be an of high rank. j Madrid, 23. A grpat anti.slavory meeting was held at the Royal Theatre yesterday, under the'auspiees of the Abolition Society, ; i To the Country Trade, H. WALLACE, TeitultU and Tiogressi Clubs.' Brilliant speeches were made and the enthusiasm was intense. The committee in the Cortes on the abolition of slavery in l'orto Rico estimate the iuderanity to be paid the slave owners of that island at one hundred and forty millions of reals. The Diikede Moutpeusier has written a letter discarding the Alphonsists and disavowing any connection with their intrigues. A decree has been issued granting a concession 1o Los Carte for having a telegraph cable between Spain and Cuba. Ofl'ers have been made by the Govern, inent from British companies for the purchase, maintenance and management of inland telegraph lines. The Spanish Court goes into mourning nine days for the death of Napol- CONF1XTIONKK, SALT LAKE CITY, i II THE AS MOST COMPLETK STOCK OF' , Ever offered to the Tulilic of Utah. Candy Toys of all Kinds; " Plain and Fauoy Candies. Prize Candy, Pop Corn IIuIIm, No are nut. lonjr unwell, provided their ilorttroycd by mineral poisou or other meniis, nnd tho vital orgaus wasted beyoud tlis iKiint of repair. 4 or Indigestion, I) KX'psiii l'aiii In tho hhouldors, Coiisrh. TirliN Hood-iK'h- Chewing Chewing (.inn, etc. vie. , Sntl in ymir Orders at ouce , mill get lliu Holiday. II. Lisbon, 23. News hisbcen received here that the dowager Empress of Brazil is ill, and her life despaired of. WALLACE,-JJi- ness of the Chest, Sour Kruru-tion- s of the KtoniHdi, l!nd Tiiste in t!u Month. liilioiiH Attacks, I'alpitntion of thi lletirt. laiiaimnatidti of the Lung, rain i.i the region of the Kidneys, nml a hundro other painful iyiiiptoiiiH ure th oirHuvluvc f Iypejsi:i. in thee roinplaints it ha no equal, aud one bottle v. ill prove a better puavantw of ltd merits tltau a lengthy advert isement. in yonnir l'or ftViunlc CoinpInintK, or old, married or ritijjie. ut the duwu of womanhood, or the tarn of lifi these Tonic Kitten display ko dceided an liiilueiico that a marked Improvement a food percept it le. j our g0'.-fo- r 1 tf W. Teaucb. R. J. Fowler IIabkas CoRrrssEn. 0. S. Wright and W. Shoonover, under indictment by & the grand jury of Box Elder County, for cattle stealiug, wer brought to town Horso& Doctors, last night under the habeas corput act, the writs having been issued by Jud,ze MACHINE SHOP Hawley. As our beloved Hawley doesn't believe in ; probate courts, nor in anything below the associate justico of the district court, it will be an astonisber ISoiler flaking and Illack-fSltlitllill- g should he not release them. iu vll its brancUeB. And from all we can learn, if these alleged cattle Office and Forge li Blocks South of the thieves.are released by our Hawley, we LtaLUotel. would respectfully intimate to them that ' Work done cheaply and they will consult discretion by giving a thoroughly.' tolerable wide birth to Corinne for a ime, as some people there are exercised Sick Animals skilfully over th untimely fate of their animals treated. PEARCE FOWLER, Gattle Vor inflammatory ami C'liroitic and (!m:t, Dxspepsia or ltliemntitixin. lndtcestiou, ltiiious, Keiniitent and Intermittent Fevers, Diseases of the lt!ood, Liver. Kidneys nnd Madder, these Hitters have been moKt successful. iuh M.vasiH ai.' emised by Vitiated Wood, which w produced by deraii'jreiitent of the li,?et I ve Organs. l'or Skin Dlweukew, I'.rupUons, 'letter, Salt Itlieutn, lilolclies, Spots, l'ii.iplos, 1'milules, liojls, Carbiuiehs. lliny-wo- i ins, Scald-ilead- , Sore Kyes, Krysijielas, Itch. Discoloraiious of the SRiu, Huinois Scurfs, end Disea.ses of ihe Skin, of w hatevir nanio or nature, are literally dusj up and carried out of the nyste ni In a short time bv the us of these lhtters. ono bottle in ahch eases will convince the most incredulous of their curatlvo effects. SIIOEIlSCi FOKGE, U. II. 3IpOXAL &- - CO., Drmrglstn A Con. Ajrts., Sun Kram-lseo- . Ca:., Auor. U'ashiujrtoii aud t'harliou sts., J..V. SOLI) 11Y ALL PWCGlS'ttJ & DKALKHS. . 01-- e, Dizzim-sn- , Stilt Luke City. Salt Lake Jferal J, 24th. Person ran tnko fhrun Hi- tters according to direciiinw, mxl remain Iioih-- Prise Corn Sacks, Pii-e- eon. London, 23.. The report of a terrible marine dis ster last night iu the English Channel has just been received. The emigrant ship North Fleet," which sailed from here sveral days ago for Australia with 412 passengers, exclusive of her crew, was in collision at midnight, two miles .1 n Gungeness, with an uuknown ' was to and the cut steamship, w .ters edge. Only cighly-fivpersons are known to have been saved. It is believed every other person who was on board has found a watcrly grave. No attention was paid by the steamship to the emigrant vessel after the collision, and she proceeded on her course leaving the sufferers to their fate. When the collision occurred las' night between the emigrant ship "North Icet" and the unknown steamer, the passengers of the former became panic stricken and rushed from their berths to every portion of tht ship where they thought they might be safe, and utterlyrefused to obey the orders of the cap tain. That officer as a last resort, to force obedience to bis commauds, was forced to fire upon the people. One of them was wounded. It was believed that if the passengers had obeyed the orders of the captain more of hem would have been saved. The 'Noith Fleet" was lying at anchcr at the imeofthe collision.. Her cargo con sisted of railway iron. TLiej hundred and twonty one persons were drowned ; NewY'rs Notice tf ; Win SliorMinml Xolos. FOR HXJJPL CIIIL1P. 1W 1CRKS OF LAKH, . A BOIT .'uu. .... dVlipirui.CU Mil ntc wns recently made in this S. WATKRcolumn of the statement put forth in u UOI t'ln Main St., Hooper Cdy Vint. A l""! urrjij-- l in lHr!i roiMlihoii: 'I bthalFof the Utah Northern Hailroad niiiTHUiin. three and acN l.mr Me.u Ul OCCl ICS. .miintly a.Upl.d;Ury UUOllS, Company, to the effect that as Foon irniuu-yana utrmr ic)iovtui:ot.. cmnH! as their road should be sufficiently ad Tlia Tr)f bM"t branil of To le iK.Id cutire or h Jiart to ouit t . fun vanced the coming spring, they would For particular! apply to Litiuois, Tobacco, iiml Cigars. " fix a freijrht tariff at a ranee which Mm THOS. HEAD, YlmxT City would insure the Moutana trade continuing in ita present channel viz the Pacific railroads, and against be- ins, diverted to the Northern Pacific c. The statement is now made that the shipments of merchandise to Montana from ban rraneisco during the past year have been as follow, via: IS NOW LEADING THE JIAKKCT. Sugar, 400,000 pounds; syrup20,000 gallons; coffee, 150,000 pounps; tea, 20,000 pounds; dried fruits, 200,000 pounds; green fruits, 100,000 pounds; California canned goods, including pickles, 20,000 packages; wiucs and iquors, 20,000 gallons; beans, 150, 0U0 pounds: rice. 200,000 pounds; cigars' 1,500,000. Besides the art ItcoailKC it has a Straight Needle. icles enumerated, it is reported that If ecatlKC tLe Shuttle needs no lacing. there is au mcreasinsr demand for licenilKC it docs not soil the thread. Jlc.'1'tltlNC it is the easiest running machine made. wooden-warpowder, quicksilver, RecHllNC it makes no noise. saddles, harness, buck gloves, boots, ncludmg the captain of the Ilccaiisc li has no cogs nor springs. vessel. The name of the steamer which blankets and clothing of California Dceuuse all its motions are positive and certain. ran in the ship has not yet been ascer manufacture The San Francisco ISccnu&O it does the most elegant work. tained, but It is believed to nave been a Commercial Herald explains that KconilKC it takes the prize everywhere. The s mnchine. Spanish vessel from Antwerp ISccailHC it costs no more than any other Board of Trade of this city has offered a "this notable extension of our trade It uses the Magic Ituffler, L'mbroiderjr Attachment, French Trimmer, with Montana is principally due to reward of 100 for her discovery. and all other attachments. Later. the inducements held lorth by tho The steamer which ran down and sunk Pacific Hailroad see Company in the the emigrant ship "North Fleet," off low the same and of matter freights; Dungenees is now believed to be a 1 or in is reference to Utah." true thinr be The name cannot as' tuguesc craft. Sac. IiccorJ. ccrtained until she reaches port. IV. The St. Petersburg official Gazette ?A New "Orleana confidence game states there are no important differences Xo. Main Klrccf, City. Russia of lintaiu and Great the views in as consists iu disguising one-sel- t d3G eSD-a- lt in rrtrard to the present movement in common laborer, taking a teat Central Asia. a somewhere car a or in ' ' in position Taris, 23 around and after oi groping General Monteaffel in a recent speech crowd, at Meta, defended Bazaine from rcceut the' ground to exclaim: "1 have found ttacks on his military fame. He dwelt Ui course the by gold ring! in termR of generous praise on, the bra- slanders arc anxious to see if it is very of the Marshal, nhich he declared ircnuine. and a party, capner, of was quite equal to that of any general in a the German army The pasMons of the course, who pretend to be judge, .'A.-i.-ihour prevented an impartial judgment at once pronounces it genuine, an In would in the case, but he believed history worth $15." :ih finder, "being justify Bazaine. poor man, will, however, fell it for A -' T. f'.t.. for-ig- , e horror-stricke- WADSWORTH, ImM-r- ti-- tf The "Victor" Sewing Machine! u Self-Settin- g e, ill-fate- first-clas- Ladies, Don't Buy till you . '" CJfAS. , the "710X01?," STAYNER, Agent, 5 Salt Lake - ad : JOHM BOlTIaE CO., Dealers , The Assembly last evening paseu bill tirescribinir scviro tenal ie ,for $5." And some innocent, thinking he is making a bargain, at onec . drunkenness., Ten members of the International so buys, aud it Hold, he finding up:n ciety are arrested iu Fraucc iu addition presentation at the- jeweler that the to those previously reported. is first-cla- ss rin imitation, with Legitimist deputies say that Count eighteen carats stamped cleverly Paris will visit Count Cbambo'd in aud In currency valued at about few days t compromise iu regard to the ' ' cents. .. , white lias. It is anticipated that Luam twenty i: ' ' '. , - in-sid- bord will insist on retaining the white ling as the rcyal standard, butfwill con tent to allow the armv to keen tne tri ' color. ' 7 , ' Goulard, Minister cf the Interior, has informed the committee of thirty that the Government 'contemplates ordering elections to fill, vacancies itrth Absent Mv. rdace the first , ireelt , in to-ta- ' Several tt'ml ' parties , connected ;with iur financial coin pan v lave beeit 1 e, Imported Furniture of all Kinds, jSIAUST STREET, OGDEN. CHAIRS, 'TARI.KS, . I.OUXGKS, WASH STAPHS, 15UKKACS, IlKWSTKADS, iiair JittrnvCN. ' , , niid A smart boy in one. of the public ' schools of Cadiz, Pa. having been reCnpUoardn . , quired to write a composition on some Cabinet Done. huniair the of expanded body, i(tt Wood part as' follows: "The Throat A throat is convenient to have, wepecia!ly for The HigWt Prit (livcji for FLOUR. FIVK 'HUNDRED rcKistcrs and ministers. The ' former SACKS Wanted Immbdiatelv. r f cats corn and crows with if; the latter ' f h" " t" 't w v:it', 'Mi' ,f: dl-3Vlco&Q call before it tics a his'n and parchasiog elsewhere. up." preaches through give uj . Spring , and Ilookate lade to Order. Work and llepuirin iu all llrnuclieu; Turning 1 ': s t m |