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Show to supersede the cLwn from Xevada. Bat no matter 34 to vchat branch WEBXE3DAT ad SATTKDAT, Pn!M thrfryiMsci of the prolific family thia Jones beP.niwai.n Ccmft. by C'karlr TV. Pen roue. Editor. longs, whose name will now, fur the i Basta Manager. first time, be enrolled on the journal " of the United States Senate, it is OG'DEV, UTAH.' assured that the change cannot b SATURDAY, JANUARY 25, 1373. for tha worse.' A conflict will arise from the The Senatorial which exist in Louisiana. Vae Yieti. Pinchbeck, the colored Senator, electHon. Lymaa Trumbull, Senator ed bv the adouiniitratlon veinz of the from Illinois, for nearlj twenty years Legislature hw takeu tinii by the ono of the ablast and purest of Amerforelock and presented his credenican statesmen, aod tlie Baost aecom-I'lihe- tl tial, which were, however, referred In teen has the Senate, jurist to the Coaimitiee having jurisdiction defeated fur A rehearsal over cases in depute. The opposif the important services rendered by tion legislative bodv in that State M r. Trumbull in the hoar of his haf not yet elected their represencountry's tribulations, when the Lrav-- r tative. An exciting issua will be t heart. were despondent and overmade upon the ad in us ion of the sable whelmed with sorrow, Ls not necessagentleman. The Radical party is ry, for hi.i name and career arc famil- not by any meacs united or zealous ' iar to almost every household. The in the fifteenth advocacy of the days when intellectual giants and amendment,' which abolishes all t.r.tJ( r e t -- lwit class tlutmctioa. Arson:; the most diem it Jr to the Senate of the Lnitedl. , and blatant ucelaimcr fur the 0 i ' tates, have passed away. Political abrogation of ' all differencei relating T.sriahs. whose mediocrity in crudi- to previous condition, there is itiil ' tion and inferiority a3 legators, are f a She (DgtUn function. dls-senio- Eelcction. ns -- WEDNESDAY, 22. Correspondence. Foa the Better. The office of the P. Telegraph Ca. is removed to the northern wing cf the depot. Bj this change nt! JitiontI conreuiences hive been prta to the operators and to the patroaa of the company. The room U araple ia its ilimensicns and aeatlj fitted up, anl a .Mr. Giles remarked, it "looked like a business oSce." A. an J IsTEaisTiso. Quite a erowJ of laJies at Z. C. M. I. watching 5Ii;a and Decker'a easy graceful manipnlation of Singer's Fewing Machine, and taking items for home use. They gathered around ber in varions postures, gating eagerly at every movement, anl the arrangement cf erery ingenious inventicm fFt tel to this labor - airing machine. Pereiral, the photographer, should bare been present with the necessary apparatus; a splendid picture would have been the result. to-da- Shootiso. y Marshal Fife to-da- made y 3Iostpkuer, 0.vifrA Co., Jan. i, Idaho, 1873. Editor Jcxctiox: There are few writers amongst ns. or yoa would hear tfiener from this conn-try- . We like t read in the ppers of the welfare of otir friends in other places, and perhaps our friends would like to hear from as some limes. Our citizens had the pleasure of at tending a large aaa very interesting meeting in our school bouse yesterday, (Sunday) where President C C. Rich and Iibops Bodge and Home instruct ed the people. A thorough reform in matters of everyday life was the subject, the neceeity of whieh, they made plain to the dullest comprehension; and from the earnestness they manifested, we are eertain they will use their utmost en deavors to bring it about. It is seldom we Lave more of the spirit than we had in said meeting, and the people seemed to feel right, and I think many will im prove by doing things they ought to have uone before, and leaving oil things they ought to have left off before. In addi-tio- u to the missionaries living here, who were appointed at the General Confer ence, the authorities here appointed some eight or ten more, with instructions to travel and preach in the settlements, which is an excellent thing, as we are often reminded of our duties and encouraged to fulfill them. The winter thus far has been very mild, and we have about eight inches of snow. e read your paper with much interest; that is, when we can get it; there is no certainty about that. Th new mail arrangement is thus far as bad as the old, only we are not disappointed as often, as we have only the promise of once a week instead of twice. I don't know whether we will take any paper next year or not, as we can get the news twice a year in the City, when we visit our brother-in-laat conference time. The good crops of last season have greatly encouraged the people, and I think they will put in a large quantity of grain next Spring. the tank, 22fL high, will, ... girders, 20 inches high, on then! 8 weather being favorable '1 that this part of the work, wS pleted one week frm next Moa jaT , foree pump has Io be used, drhenL small engine.' to pnmp the flowing "aler from the gas tank. Mr. Lmi Jay ba from five to w men employed n the . there are from thirty to ttm&tr fifty raea' ployed on the buildings which are iZ gressing finelr. The plana for the building vised bT Mr. Adolf. The retort ul ' is nearly up to tbe square. Theclilm ney is nearly completed; it is eiht fJ square at the bae, eilending tn high; it is then drawn in to atootsit feet, and gradually tape off to threo feet six inches at the top, the total Lit 0 being sixty feet. The purifying house will be lw0 stories high, all built of brick, a atrong stone basement. The Emexcept of brick is abont up to the square. story The laying of pipes is suspended for the preseut, but abundance of piping i3 oa the ground. I was informed by Mr. T. Ellerreck, genend superintendent of thi works, that three hundred an l fifty tonj of piping havs already been receiveJ some of which is laid and ready to receive and conduct the gas. Ai the works progress you may expect to hear still further, as doubtless your readers feel interest d in the advance and progress of our Kocky Mountain Territory. coapUint before Alderman Brown in re-4i'on to persons discharging fire-arat pigeons alighting on the roofs of houses. Warrants were issued for the arrest of the offending parties. There i an ordinance against the discharge of Ebward Stevessoj. s within the city limits, and the Brighak Citt, Jan. 21, 1873. practise is fraught with great danger. Editor ide The of tame Jcxctios: rabbits people shooting jinseriBg preJa.1Iec aaiflit the rjce Andrew Burt, who looks after counteracted by their serrihty io j tLat Young is and an outrage on the pigeons! It Wn eDfranchueil untler the the comforts asd keeping of the prisonelevated to. seats in party, have ers confined here in jail, was served d amCDdment to the constitution, rights of property and ought to be the higher branch of Conpnw. promptly punished. iy with writs of haltat eorju for 0. 8. ,n a probabIIit7 thc cIectioQ wiU and W. Schoonover, by Patrick, Wright "l'icrmies, tb.orr.rh parched on the referred back to the Coclds'tCome It. Last night the C S. Marshal, isned, of course, by . . people. The ,. The Aim, will be pijnnies still. Judge Hawley. The writs proved inopnext session of the Senate will be two prisoners, ?ehoooTcr and Wright . . erative, as no person or parties were exconfined in Box Elder County jail, awaititt'e men whose aspirations have been f.m great pirt of a . , pressed or implied in lhera to be served ing their trial for cattle stealing, en- on except Sheriff John Burt. ttLo is on " 01 men, and many who have been the to effect their derord Andrew his way to Denver, to obtain evidence of escape. to their merits, may enjoy the rutely A Bear Laker. the character of the said prisoners and recipients of rerewed favors, consid- Burt who was in charge of tLe prisoner! emoluments and pertjuisiUs belongothers in the cattle stealing ease. ' There ering their advanced age and physi- tried to open the cell dor this morning, Oneida Saist are eight indictments framed against Johs, Co., and robes wear thc to their office, ing cal infirmities will not,' probably, in but was unable to turn the key. He S. Wright, and a bench warrant issu0. Idaho, Jan. 17, 1872. which fell gracefully over a Trumed by Justice McKean fohis arrest has thc counte of events, live to the cud communicated with the authorities, the Dear Jcsctio.v: door was fjreed, the prisoners were Here I am, and no doubt you wander long been in the hands of Sheriff Burt. bull, but they will still be confined of their tenu. where Saint John is. I will try and tell Who don't know what the habeas corpus-e- r found safe, but the lock had been tarn ti thc limited sphere beyond which and hii friends are after? It is easy you. with-- It ij aupp.j9el that the pere-bain! John lies three miles west of to predict what will take place if the thoy cannot soar. Got. It. S. Ogles-b- y The Cossack Preparing. habeas corpus scheme having failed Malad city. It was located and named prisoners are brought before him on is the pigmy who haj been elect-- e these two worthies tried to take leg bail, by Pres. L. Snow in 1871, is bow laid new writs. Every man had I etter gath1 to the U. S. Senate as successor What is the meaning of the ar- but they made a botch of it, and will be out in blocks and streets, and Mr. er home his stock and make a grand Charles Duvander, fwho by the way slaughter at once, as there is no safety t Mr. Trumbull. Who is he? A maments preparing for a war footing more closely watched than eter. reads the Jrscrio.x) is the leading man whatever for them under present cirman of inferior capacity and limited in Ilusiia? Does it mean that the here at present. There is over (2,000) cumstances, when 'every effort is made Teatel. Strictly on time came all two thousand acres of attainments, whose sole recommenda-iio- u Czar is determined io carrv into farming by parties to prevent justice from being the trains. At the depot all hare gloomy land with an abundancesplendid of water already duly and fairly administered. It has is that during the war he rethe traditional policy of Peter countenances and dolerous looks, as pas- on the ground, plenty of saw timber aud been their aim from the beginning to ceived a wound which entitled hia to the Great and extend his vast do- sengers are "few and far between." fencing within fiTe to ten miles; good prevent examination into these cases of water power for all kinds of machinery; cattle stealing. A. C the ea.y positio?. of a detailed main, so as include Kgypt and Tur Twenty persons arrived this morning by room fer 50 more families, plenty of the C. P. No important news along the good range for stock; and as the town as an invalid brigadier. A key? The entente cordlale between line is reported. We are informed that lays on the old Bannock road is easy cf liurtinet in the aimy, a marplot in Kngland and France alone prevented preparations are made for a brisk busi access. Any further information c in be HAVE IX MT POSSESSION TUB FOLLOW, the arena of politic?, a speculator in Nicholas from had by applying to Mr. Chas. Duvander in; dMcribatl animal, which if n,.t i:umJ making Constantinople ness during the coming Spring in San on the nl Ukrn aay within ra laja from the preset premises or by letter. cotton stolen from the plantations the capital of Piussia. Thc Sate, will t 4J to tha kifrliMt iwpoitiiLlo bidder Well that will do for Saint John at the at power Francisco and Sacramento. It is sup tb Iristrk--t Stray Pr.aud, Mountain which he desolated, Gov. Oglesby of Great Britain hi at this Gra, We have of mud that travel from present. west the will in plenty here, "rgm.o., at lOorlork t.a; day great- posed ' One red 3 nan, ito.jin. , ir real old STEER. rm little m!i weather; yar spring snow, made his name infamous in the his- er than it was when Russian ery crease in a few days. of feed all over this Malad Val- right car. slit in left ear. old brand on Ift h.o not aggresplenty tory of tho country. He emerged sions were arrested by the alliance of The U. P. arrived at the regular hour ley. I am on my road south, will mail I. 3. BTEEE, itrict PeucdkMi-crfrm obscurity through thc advent- the two foremost nations ef Enrope, last nighL The roal is clear, although this first opportunity. Jan. 1S73. Mauatain Craen, Jaa. 23, 1S7J. . ! much snow has fallen of late between 18, itial aid of military prestige. As but France is now rent with dissenWell here 1 am, the guest of Dr. W. Omaha and Evanston. On this road, II. Anderson at Portage. I arrived last putriSed matter rises to thc surface sion and powerless. also, travel is very light. evening, having a terrible time, not "a of the water, while thc substance re Our dispatches state that the Rns-aia- n The railroad hands hare an easy time getting up stairs," but getting through the mud. Found Doc. HATE IX MT POSSESSIOX THE FOLLOTT. mains at thc bottom, eo has a multigot in from army is largely increased, and just now, and are not very particular seeing Mr. John Nicholjustwho Jne dwecribed animal, wh left if htt elimlftnil rehad an aoout Ukan away within tea days fauni tbe tude of upstarts been foisted upon is mobilized on a war early resumption of trade and ceived a kick from a horse, broakingone date, will footing. Con- travel. U told to the hiyUst reMUS4bIe pramt biddr and bruising him very badly on the at tha DUiri.-- t Stray Pound, the country as leaders and rulers. rib, Osd'n, Jau. 2Mh, . T currently a telegram from London .. 2 at UTS, p.m. r.ruooTic. 11 is on me increase in shoulder and side. The Dr. set the rib Ou bay umre COLT, 2 liOgnn and Oglesby ! Par uolilc fra-fru- informs us that a special aid, little white envoy has town. Horses are coughing and wheel and left him doing as well as could be in forehead, avar tin left yeara lora Toat; no brand viitble. returned to St. Pcten-burg- , and that ing and running at the nose. The in expected. w. k. mr, Weather is still mild and pleasant. ' ,S;tnon Cameron, jw was expectcdj, ail t niatrirt to be valids in Penndkeeprr. of the froze a uone misunderit last ought stable; kept apprehensions night. I shall mail this Ugdeu City, TVaUr Co, Jaa. IS, 1S73. bad is Senator from Pennsylvaand is treatment to and work cruel start for policy tohere, Brigham City standing between Kussia and Eng- them while sick. morrow. Send me some specimen copies nia. A more unscrupulous politician land of the J csctios as I am going to return maybe allayed. The assertions doe not live in Ihc United Stated made Work. The JuvtniU Excellest bere next week, and then commence ADMINISTRATORS' arc of little by diplomatists canvass of 18th the this subis for structor, full thorough of valu inst., up valley Strang hopes werq f entertained that consequence, as words are . used to ' able articles, worthy the perusal pf old senbers. Had no time this trip. No NOTICE. who is in thc noon conceal Thoiuas A. Scott, more but a club and you wishing and large the intimere thoughts, and young. , Sunday schools should pat of life, would have been elected in mation that a plenty or success. ambassador ronize.it. and no family should be with. special Iam &.&.,' t LL PERSONS KNOWING THEMSELVES the place of thc present incumbent was out it. Only 2 per annum. Published iuJebu-- 1 to the rotate of the lata WH. F. X ItsroRTKB. secretly sent to thc Court of St. at Deteret Xtw$ office, Salt Lake. . SaX'RIST, of Uunjr, or who hub! acnmnti who; head is whitened with the James is of alarming significance. ayaiiutt aid tut, are brrby notified t appl Salt Lake Citt, iuuuediatuly (or ettleiuant to the undersigned. snows of eighty years. But thc own--, rETTT. look Take a V. at Dr. L. There is every indication that EnJan. 20, 1373. MOK0XI gECRIST, Ocde Editor Junction: or of a bank with "an immense capishow Anderson's window. arNicely CUAUUa PAKKElt, Adminutratoi . gland will visit any eucroachment Sib: the inclement sea Considering ranged. Fine appearance. tal, and a number of cjal mines, of son of the year, with its upon the possessions of tho Sultan of accompanying Itooper, Jan. 20, 1ST3, I was not a little surprised to fered inducements more potent than storms, Whose A Caxakt. flew Canary bird Turkoy or the Khedive of Egypt. see tne advanced state of our gas works. into Walker Ero's. store cjuld 'oe brought to hear by the Kail-roi- Tho inference to be drawn from Whose While the bird! visiting them on Saturday evening . I formed an acquaintance with Mr. Chaa. ring, f ; r great preparations now being made BEAtTirru Lewis has some splendid II. Lunday, superintendent of the con John Nyo, of Nevada, has been destruction of the gasometer. The con Tim is to give notice to all persons, by the Emperor of Russia is, that be ea tb Wth day of jewelry in his show cases. Go ard look tractors of the job are Marshal & 18TJ, tbe feated. We think thc country has intends Co., nndertigned iacuted their Xwomhrr, to extend his dominion over at them. aix aereral prorai-or- y . St. of Louis, and the Mo., notes parable to Am B. Himrl.ton or ressou for congratulation in the appointment Five of the raid nota are im Lk am of Asia, and thus circumvent the terri by this reliable company of Mr. Lunday erder. Ave "OtheUVa E.xgagkd hood red dollar of the senatorial buffoon from occupation's to the superintend job is a sufficient oa thoufaad dollar.eath. and una ia the anm of tory of tho Mohamcdan sovereign. gone' or rather let us. say he has for- guarantee of his ability. Mr. Lunday All pron are berbT cantiona.1 the eat which he so unworthily ocr tkaainx aay of tk aaid note, a they were 4 saken it. Mr. J. W. Carter has ergtged is from Missouri, and has lately Children lor Melsain'a aad delivered without consideration, aaj cupied. Wc suppose that Mr; Sje CaixtiMl Ctor Oit Cry a similar job there with nJ Cn'til Vermifuge Hoot to teach the District School at .North s. from n by fate reprntaUoa wereeblained Ix.ti. Thrj r drliciou mrJirioo and ,r. and other at c4 fraud. will now he foothed by an appoint-m;- raiitc-Ogdeu. We wish him much success. liarmli-w-. frit- lb ctuU. For by The gasometer is built of heavv ahaet RICnARD MARTIN, Z. to omo minion in ; South C. it. 1. uJ all JruajUti. Rtb. Lots of it in liquid form, gena-in- iron, rivetted up to the souare. and Briehva Oty, Jia lSia, ROB RUT MAS1IM. e4t Com rM 1st. r. Farmers coming inta in the center of at Driver k Ntllis', the City Drug stands on a king-poAmerica, the tomb t which, disarm the tank. is It 68ft. in diameter, gas town snaHs dily eompia'mti that the Store, " v;' pointed politicians are consigned. by 20ft. deep.' 18 rafters are attached NOTICE, feed which, Uey bring inta town for 1 1 is and bolted successor, Mr. Jones, advocates Weather.- - Clouding ap again, with to the top of the king-pos- t, their hones, while hitched to the post a, 1LECTI0X OF TRtTSTXIS TOZ THE to the body of the gasometer at equal Tna tha nme political craed as that of his is threats of a storm, Draw it mild Mr. divisions. SCHOOL DISTRICT will b keld ia A portion of the used by cowa running at large. City is al ew Sebael Ilea la enia DUtriet an MONtop the Weather time we the have Clerk, rivetted good oa. DAY Whet ready predecessor, Very likely the iaflu, officers sbeuld look t the enforcement completed, it Tinf, Feb.ard, 1SS. had duriagthe at few All Ui taanayar in taid tHetrirt art invited to unfits u will weigh 2$ tons. Six irn columns of the President used. his been of the e ty orJiaance on tliis mVject, enj i. w.TBBNIB, fer severt treatment! will stand arona.4 aad abets the Uvtl ef 4a4, .tc ; fire-arm- i bn u to-- w 1 comja new-clas- s ! 1 ex-ecuti- at com-mandu- ESTRAYNOTICE. I . ESTRAY NOTICE. ( I . . -- ? to-da- y. d , . ; NOTICE. oc eie-ot- ed sue-ces- nt t - ! ui e, st , ds , -- l.lwia. , - ; ? Secretary, |